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        임학선 호흡표기법 실용화 방안

        박지선 ( Park¸ Jee-seon ),임학선 ( Lim¸ Hak-sun ) 한국무용연구학회 2021 한국무용연구 Vol.39 No.1

        본 연구는 ‘임학선 호흡표기법’의 실용화 방안으로, 호흡표기법의 창안자와 공동연구를 통해 ‘호흡 움직임 분석틀’을 제시하여 춤현장의 실증적 연구방법을 세우고자 했다. 임학선 호흡표기법은 태극의 움직임을 형상한 ‘점ㆍ선ㆍ원’의 구조적 원리에 따라 내적 흐름을 중시하는 한국춤에 특성화된 무용기록법이다. 이 표기법은 들숨ㆍ날숨ㆍ멈춤의 기호학적 호흡표기로 호흡의 장단ㆍ대소ㆍ강약을 구분하여 무용의 3요소인 시간ㆍ공간ㆍ힘을 분석할 수 있었다. 또한 호흡표기로 리듬의 변화에 따른 호흡 패턴을 분석하여 움직임에 대한 이해도를 높여, 춤동작 재현에 정확성을 기할 수 있다는 것을 확인했다. ‘호흡 움직임 분석틀’은 임학선 호흡표기법을 실용화한 구조적 체계로 호흡과 움직임을 동시에 기록하여 움직임 구조와 원리를 규명하는데 용이했다. 이 분석틀은 한국춤의 내적ㆍ외적 구조분석을 통해 움직임 기능과 예술적 표현을 향상시키고, 춤의 철학적 접근과 미학적 분석을 통해 한국춤의 역사와 전통의 맥을 이어나갈 수 있는 방법론임을 확인했다. 본 연구가 실제적인 무용예술의 이론적 체계를 세워 춤 현장과 교육, 무용학의 과학적이고 체계적인 발전에 도움이 되기를 바란다. This study is a practical use plan for ‘Lim Hak Sun Breathing Notation’ and aims to establish an empirical research method of dance science by presenting a ‘Respiratory Motion Analysis Framework’ through joint research with the creator of breathing notation. Lim Hak Sun Breathing Notation is a dance record method specialized in Korean dance that emphasizes inner flow according to the structural principles of ’points, lines, and circles‘ that shape the movement of Taegeuk. This notation was able to analyze time, space, and energy, which are three elements of dance, by distinguishing the long&short, large&small, strong&weak of breathing through the semiotic respiration of inhalation, exhalation, and stopping. I also analyzed the rhythm breathing pattern and confirmed that it can be accurate in reproducing dance movements. The ‘Respiratory Motion Analysis Framework’ is a structural system that utilizes Lim Hak-seon's breathing notation. Through internal and external structural analysis of Korean dance, this analysis framework was confirmed to be a methodology to improve movement function and artistic expression, and to continue the history and tradition of Korean dance through philosophical and aesthetic analysis. It is hoped that this study will help the scientific and systematic development of dance studies by establishing a theoretical system of practical dance art.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        춤 표기법에 관한 연구 Ⅰ : 호흡 표기법을 중심으로

        임학선 한국무용연구회 1999 한국무용연구 Vol.17 No.-

        This paper is a study on Dance Notation. In this study, a mark rule is named as "Line Notation" rule which is graphical mark using points, lines and circles. This rule is based on the principle of Taegeuksun structure which is basic frame of Korea dance. Korea dance is characterized by repetition structure which is composed of 'point-line-circle’ and finally returns to one point (point-line-drcle-point). Breath rule of Korea dance is also based on this repetition structure, and so represented by 'inhaling-exhaling-stop breathing’ connected by point-line-circle. Rule of breath marie can represent technical breath of creative dance as well as korean traditional dance. This mark can be used easily for the simplicity feature. It is expected that this marie can help many studies examining closely the substance of dance because of more scientifically understandable feature about the dance structure and its internal steam.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        문묘석전 일무의 위치 연구

        임학선 한국무용연구회 2009 한국무용연구 Vol.27 No.2

        Ilmu, a Confucius ritual dance, is the dance performed in the Seokjeondaeje of Munmyo. It is originated from the ancient China, and closely related to myths. The myth as an important part in the history of mankind had been transmitted by words, and thanks to the record of myths in scriptures, today we can have some knowledge of the dance style of the ancient times. The dances originated from the age of myths include <Unmum(雲門)> of the Emperor, <Hamji(咸池)>, of the king Yo, <Daeso(大韶)>of the king Sun, <Daeha(大夏)> of the king Woo, <Daeho(大濩)>of the king Tang, and <Daemu(大武)> of the king Mu; these six types of dances are called Yookdaedaemu (六代大舞),and these dances are those performed at the rituals dedicated to Chunjiin (the heaven, earth, and human) in the ancient China. This study is concerned with the location of Ilmu originated from Yookdaedaemu (六代大舞). Determined by the ideology of Chunjiin samje and that of yin yang, the location of Ilmu is the garden of Myojeong between dansang (堂上) and dangha (堂下), representing the idea that human business is in between the heaven and earth(天地). When placing munmu and mumu, the former was placed in the east, while the latter the west, as mun was regarded as superior to mu, as the east was regarded as superior to the west. Being the space where dance is played, the location of Ilmu is intimately associated with the movements of dance. As the movements of dance and its meaning can vary according to the space where dance is played, the location of dancer had been highly regarded since long time ago. It had been recognized that the location of Ilmu and all movements of dancer are contingent on the principle of the movement of cosmos so that special meanings were attached to them. Therefore, a basic study into the prototype of the location of Ilmu from which the history of dance stems is substantially significant and meaningful. 일무는 유교제례무로 문묘 석전대제에서 추는 춤이다. 그 유래는 고대 중국으로부터 비롯되며 신화와 밀접한 관계를 지닌다. 인류의 역사에서 중요한 부분을 차지하는 신화는 구전으로 전해지고 그 구전이 경전의 기록으로 남겨지는 `신화의 경전화`로 인해 오늘날 우리는 그 옛날 신화시대의 춤을 살필 수 있다. 신화시대로부터 비롯되는 춤은 황제의 <운문>, 요임금의 <함지>, 순임금의 <대소>, 우왕의 <대하>, 탕왕의 <대호>, 무왕의 <대무>로 이 여섯 종류의 춤을 육대대무라 부른다. 이 육대대무는 고대 중국에서 천지인에게 제사할 때 각각 추어졌던 춤이다. 본 연구는 육대대무로부터 유래되는 일무의 위치에 관한 연구이다. 일무의 위치는 천지인삼재 사상과 음양 사상에 의해 정해지게 되는데, 그 자리는 당상과 당하 사이 묘정의 뜰로 천지 사이에 인사가 존재함을 의미하는 곳이다. 이 위치에 문무와 무무를 배치하게 된다. 문무와 무무를 배치할 때는 문을 무보다 위로 여기고 동을 서보다 위로 여겨 문무를 동쪽에 배치하고 무무를 서쪽에 각각 배치하는 것이 예로부터 전해지는 전통이다. 일무의 위치는 춤을 추는 공간으로 춤사위와 밀접한 관계를 지닌다. 춤을 추는 공간에 따라 춤사위와 그 의미가 달라질 수 있기 때문에 예로부터 춤추는 위치를 매우 중요시 하였다. 이와 같은 일무의 위치와 춤사위는 모두 우주의 움직임 원리와 이치에 따라 그 자리가 정해지고 몸동작이 만들어진 것으로 특별한 의미가 부여되어 있어 일무 위치의 원형을 찾아서, 그 위치를 바로 하는 것은 매우 의미 있는 일이라 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        화성재인청류의 춤 특성 연구 : 이동안을 중심으로

        임학선 한국무용연구회 2001 한국무용연구 Vol.19 No.-

        This study was attempted to recognize importance of the Hwaseong Performers Group's dance that forms the mainstream of the Gyeonggi dance with an expectation of finding out a large stem, which has developed Korean dance by tracing back to the past. The Hwaseong Performers Group is a home of the cultural heritage that has rooted our traditional culture deeply. The property of the Hwaseong Performers Group's dance that is shown on the basis of character research into Lee Dong-ahn(1906-1995, the Significant Intangible Asset No 79 as a foot masque artist) - who had solely kept the dance of Kim In-ho of a master in the group - is it forms the key of the Gyeonggi dance as it has been developed centered on the Hwaseong Performers Group, which has kept a great stream of Korean dance. As a dance the nearest to the original among the traditional Gyeonggi dances, the Hwaseong Performers Group's dance has legitimacy and is a representative male dance of Korea with fixed rules and dignity, contrary to that most of the Korean dances have developed into female dance. In addition, it has a dramatic dance structure based on the background tales. Giving a great meaning to this study that the researcher could more approach the dance history, the researcher emphasizes the necessity of continuous research to define the history of Korean dance, again.

      • KCI등재

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