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        특집2 : 결혼이주민들의 생활세계 ; 결혼이민여성의 인권행위에 관한 탐색적 연구

        이정향 ( Jung Hyang Lee ) 한국민족연구원 2013 민족연구 Vol.0 No.53

        Marriage migrant women brought into the Korean society since the early 1990s have been the focus of the discussion on a multicultural society. It is highly likely that marriage migrants are vulnerable to human rights violations such as domestic violence, financial difficulty, and discrimination in the community. In addition, they are more likely to be subject to conflicts in the family and difficulties of children`s education due to the cultural difference. Multicultural Family Support Act was enacted for the purpose of their adjustment to our society and social integration, however, it is pointed out that the Act fails to fully protect their human rights. In the eye of marriage migrant women the discrimination still remains in our society. A fact finding survey on the human rights acts showed that 46.2%, 238 out of 510 participants experienced discrimination. Although most of the discrimination by the state was corrected, the discrimination in daily life can not be solved only by the political ideology of multiculturalism in light of the limit of law and people`s prejudice against marriage migrant women. Human rights acts are defined as the acts that a person, the subject of rights with personality, demands fair treatment and protests against the discrimination in the face of unfair treatment and discrimination. Focused on the human rights acts of marriage migrant women, this study aims to examine the meaning and value of their human rights acts and explore the clue for the correction of the discrimination through the comparative analysis of groups with and without human rights acts against the discrimination.

      • KCI등재후보

        일본의 이민법제와 외국인정책의 동향

        이정향(Lee, Jung-hyang),손영기(Son, Young-gi) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2014 인문사회과학연구 Vol.15 No.1

        각 국가는 그 나라가 처한 국내외 환경에 따라 다양한 이민정책을 펼치고 있지만, 해외 우수인재의 적극 유치, 경제적 목적의 불법이주 차단, 사회통합정책을 강화하는 방향으로 공통된 패턴을 보이고 있다. 그러나 일본은 국가차원의 통합법제가 없고 지방정부에 의해 다문화공생이라는 정책이 추진되며, 조례가 제정된 지자체도 등장하고 있다 이는 일본의 이민환경의 특수성에 기인한다. 오늘날의 국제정세나 이민의 보편화 현상 등 일본사회 내에서도 이민관련 기본법제정이나 다문화 공생기본법 제정에 대한 요구의 목소리가 있지만, 개정 출입국관리법에서는 오히려 불법이주의 차단을 강화하고 체류외국인의 관리가 강화되었다. 일본의 외국인 정책은 과거 제국주의 시절 식민지로부터 유입된 올드커머의 체류관리, 부족한 노동력 해소책으로 유입된 남미출신 일본인 교포 등 뉴커머에 대한 입국관리, 그들에 대한 사후관리로서 뉴커머의 체류관리로 정책중심이 바뀌었다. 일본정부는 일관되게 "미숙련외국인 근로자의 입국ㆍ취업 불허"원칙을 고수하였으나, 89년 법률의 개정으로 일본 노동시장이 부분적으로 개방되었고 이는 혈연이라는 근거와 연수를 통한 국제공헌이라는 명분에 기초한 것이었다. 뉴커머의 유입에 따른 외국인의 구성변화로 좀 더 체계적인 체류관리가 필요하게 되어 2009년 출입국 관리법을 대폭 개정하였다 개정법은 체류카드의 교부, 체류기간의 연장, 재입국허가 간주제도의 도입, 외국인등록제도 폐지를 골자로 하고 있다 또한 포인트 제도에 의한 고도인재의 유치 등 수용대상이나 규모가 매우 한정적이지만 일본에 외국인의 정착이 예정된 시도를 하고 있다. 1989년 출입국관리법에서 신설된 정주자와는 달리 가족이나 혈통을 근거로 하지 않고 정주가 가능하다는 점에서 획기적이라고 할 수 있다. While each country adopts a variety of immigration policies under its domestic and overseas circumstances, it shows a common pattern to actively attract global talents, block illegal immigration for economic reasons, and reinforce social integration policy. However, Japan doesn't have a unified legal system at a national level and local governments, some of which enact an ordinance, carπ out multi-cultural coexistence policy, resulting from specific immigration environments in Japan. Although the need for the legislation of basic laws on immigration or multi-cultural coexistence is recognized, a revised immigration control law has tightened controls on illegal immigration and foreigners staying in Japan. Policies for foreigners are focused on residency management system of old comers from colonies during the Imperial past and that of new comers from South America brought into Japan as a solution to labor shortages. Despite the Japanese government's consistent disapproval of unskilled workers' entry and employment, a law revision in 1989, on the justification of contributions to the international community through training and blood relationship, made Japanese labor market open. More organized residency management system was needed because the influx of new comers led to a change in the demographics of foreigners. An immigration control law was revised in 2009 and has been enforced since July in 2012. The gist of the revised law is an issue of a residency card, an extension of stay, an introduction of reentry permit system, and the abolition of foreigner registration system. The government is trying to help foreigners settle in Japan, albeit very limited in terms of acceptable targets and size. It is innovative in that foreigners can stay not based on family or blood ties unlike previous settlers since 1989. Under current international, economic situations, a wide range of foreigners settle down in Japan. They are entitled to stay in Japanese soil by the legal system of the country on nationality, family register, or immigration control. Social integration for the peaceful coexistence with foreigners is possible when the legal system and state-run immigration policies efficiently work.

      • Characteristics of Vietnamese Marriage Migration and the Legal Provisions of Korean Society

        Lee Jung Hyang(이정향) 대구가톨릭대학교 다문화연구소 2013 다문화와 인간 Vol.1 No.2

        Marriage-migrant women are not temporary sojourners, so their impact on local communities is great. As such, they are important subjects of local study. In the Daegu-Gyeongbuk region, Vietnamese marriage-migrant women are in the highest proportion. According to a survey of Vietnamese marriage migrant women in the Daegu-Gyeongbook region, characteristics of Vietnamese marriage migrants are as follows: ① Strikingly high proportion of marriages are brokered by marriage agencies. ② They have resided in Korea for a short period of time. ③ Marriage migration is at the stage of settlement or early stage of adaptation. So, people are struggling to adapt to Korean society. ④ They have weak social networking in Korea. ⑤ There is a high proportion of the Vietnam marriage migration in the Gyeongsang (our local) area. To legally protect marriage-migrant women, Legislation on the Management of Marriage Brokerage and The Framework Act on the Treatment of Foreigners Residing in Korea were established in 2007, Legislation of Support for Multi-cultural Families Act in 2008. Nationality Act was revised to protect marriage-migrant women as family members, and as members of the community throughout the whole marriage process. The act permits the acquisition of nationality by a simple naturalization process and conditional dual citizenship. In addition, alternative policies are required to solve problems Vietnamese marriage-migrant women face in their daily lives. Given the low employment rate caused by low educational attainment and poor language skills, they urgently need political support like an institutional strategy for intensive and effective Korean language education before migration to Korea.

      • KCI등재

        <특집> 한국사회 이주민의 생활세계 : 다문화사회에서의 인종차별 -일본의 [외국인] 차별사건을 중심으로-

        이정향 ( Jung Hyang Lee ) 한국민족연구원 2015 민족연구 Vol.0 No.62

        Today, dubbed as the era of migration or moving world, the borders of nation-states have been blurred by the sharp increase of migration in the Asia-Pacific region and this is also the case in Korea, a racially homogeneous country. As noted by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on racism, Mutuma Ruteere, who visited Korea last year, our government has enacted a wide-ranging anti-discrimination law, thereby building on the progress made in addressing the issue of discrimination at the institutional level. However, awareness-raising of foreigners or migrants is not done in a short time, in the meantime, they are vulnerable to racial discrimination at the individual level. There was an incident of racism in Busan in September 2011. A naturalized marriage migrant woman from Uzbekistan was refused access to a sauna, but this case did not receive a complaint from a victim. Unlike the Korean case, in 1999, when foreigners living in Japan were refused access to a public bath, they filed a suit against the public bath and Otaru city for racial discrimination. This case was settled in January 2005 by the Supreme Court ruling. Japan has an experience of colonial rule, causing more diverse migration from foreigners compared to Korea. Although there are regional differences between foreigners staying in Japan and the regionally specific multicultural policy is enacted by the local government, anti-discrimination legislation at the national level has yet to be adopted. The issue of private acts of racism, that is, racial discrimination has never been addressed in a South Korean court, while discrimination cases were raised by foreigners or naturalized citizens in Japan, leading to compensation for damages. The compensation for damages or judicial precedents is based on the convention on the elimination of racial discrimination, signed by Japan as well as Korea. This study aims to examine the interpretation of the law applied to the settlement of disputes or legal relief against discrimination in a multicultural society by explaining the case of a refusal of access to a public bath in Otaru and discussing points of judicial precedents.

      • KCI등재

        결혼이주여성의 사회자본에 관한 연구

        김영경(Yeong Kyeong Kim),이정향(Jung Hyang Lee) 한국지역지리학회 2014 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        본 연구는 필리핀 출신 결혼이주여성의 사회자본 특성을 근린지구 수준에서 설명하고자 한다. 연구의 주 대상은 한국의 대도시와 중소도시, 촌락 등에 거주하는 필리핀 출신 결혼이주여성들이며 그들이 주로 참여하는 근린공동 체- 학교, 성당공동체-에서 생산되는 사회자본에 대한 인식을 측정하여 개인적 특성과 공동체의 특성(결속력, 동질성 등)에 따른 사회자본의 특성에 대해 파악하였다. 연구 결과 학교공동체와 성당공동체에서 이주자의 개인적 특성 가운데 이주사회에서의 거주기간과 사회자본 간 관련성에서 차이를 보이고 있는데, 성당공동체는 거주기간과 사회자본 ‘관계’요소 간 정(+)적인 유의미한 결과가 도출되어 이주 후 기간이 증가할수록 성당공동체에서의 관계가 향상되는 것으로 나타났으며 학교공동체에서는 거주기간과 사회자본 ‘신뢰’요소가 부(-)적인 관계를 보이고 있어 거주기간이 길수록 신뢰가 오히려 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 동질 성과 결속력, 사회자본의 양에서도 성당공동체가 우위를 점하고 있으며 특히 사회자본 ‘관계’는 공동체의 동질성과 더 밀접하며 ‘규범’은 공동체의 결속력과 밀접하다는 결과를 보이고 있다. 두 공동체에서 모두 의사결정과 가치추구 공유 및 규칙 준수 등의 ‘규범’ 요소가 구성원 간의 ‘관계’요소와 유사하며, 만족도와 정서적 도움 및 제도에 대한 구성원들 의 ‘신뢰’가 개인문제를 토론하고 참여하는 ‘정치’와 근접한다는 공통된 경향이 나타나고 있다. 연구과정에서 주목되는 것은, 초국가적 행태가 발생하는 회로로서의 성당공동체의 상징성으로, 성당공동체는 필리핀 결혼이주여성들의 고유한 집단적 문화와 개인적 욕구가 사회자본의 생산과 맞물리는 영역으로 확인되었다. 이는 필리 핀 결혼이주여성들의 공동체와 사회자본의 특성에서 이주자로서의 개인적 특성과 함께 필리핀 결혼이주여성이 집단적으로 보유하는 family reunion 등의 사회·문화적 특질이 주는 영향 또한 간과할 수 없음을 잘 보여주고 있다. 이러한부분은 민족적 정체성을 바탕으로 한 공동체성과 사회자본이 우리 사회와의 상호문화성을 공유하고 실천할 수 있는주요 통로가 될 수도 있다는 점에서 의미 있으며 나아가 ‘민족 단위의 공동체와 그 사회자본 연구’는 향후 더 다양한 공동체를 대상으로 다층의 공간 스케일로 확장, 연구되어야 할 필요가 있다. This study is to explain social capital characteristics of Filipino immigrant women at the level of neighborhood. This research targeted Filipino immigrant women in the metropolis, small town and rural area in Korea to find out the relevance of individual property and characteristics of the community and social capital of neighboring communities- school community, cathedral community, etc- through measurement of the participants`` recognition. This study reveals that differences exist in the relationship between length of residence and social capital in the school community and the catholic church community. There is a significant positive relationship between length of residence and political factors in the catholic church community, thereby having a better relationship with longerperiod of stay, while length of residence and confidence show a negative trend in the school community, leading to less confidence. The catholic church community holds a dominant position in homogeneity, cohesion, and the amount of social capital. According to the findings, social capital ‘relation’ is more closely related to homogeneityof the community, ‘norms’ to cohesion. ‘Relation and norms’ and ‘confidence and politics’ factors are recognized similarly in both communities, thus resulting in the recognition that decision making within the community, the share of value, and observance of social norms approximate a friendly relationship among members, and satisfaction level, emotional support, and confidence among members approach politics that members can talk about their personal matters. It is noted in the research process that the symbolism of the cathedral community as a transnational circuit behavior occurs where collective culture and personal desires of Filipino immigrant women were combined with production of social capital. Filipino immigrant women``s awareness of community and social capital appearing in the cathedral community show that not only residence, along with the cultural identity of Filipino immigrant women, but also collective social and cultural characteristics, such as ‘family reunion’ can not be overlooked. In particular, at this time when discussion and debate on the interculturalism over multiculturalism is heating up, communal spirit and social capital based on the ethnic identity are important in that they can be a crucial path to the cross-cultural interaction with our society, therefore, a study on the social capital of the ethnic community needs to be encouraged and extended to more diverse communities, to the space of the multilayered scale.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        증례보고 : 승모판 부전 환자에서 간정맥으로 이탈된 폐동맥 카테터

        전덕희 ( Duk Hee Chun ),정금희 ( Kum Hee Chung ),이종연 ( Jong Yun Lee ),송지은 ( Ji Eun Song ),김준영 ( Jun Young Kim ),이정향 ( Jung Hyang Lee ),박정현 ( Chung Hyun Park ) 대한마취과학회 2009 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.57 No.5

        A 47-year-old woman was scheduled for mitral valvoplasty. Before induction of anesthesia, a pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) was placed via right internal jugular vein. Central venous pressure or right atrial pressure was traced until about 60 cm of PAC insertion and right ventricular pressure curve appeared without arrhythmias. We withdrew and advanced the catheter several times, but pressure tracing showed the same pattern. And we could not obtain the pulmonary artery pressure. We decided to leave the PAC in the right ventricle. No ventricular arrhythmia was detected. Postoperative chest x-ray revealed that PAC traveled through inferior vena cava and looped in the hepatic vein with the tip of the catheter in the right ventricle. Under fluoroscopic guidance, PAC was inserted to the pulmonary artery. No sign of hepatic vein obstruction was detected. (Korean J Anesthesiol 2009;57:633∼6)

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