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      • 敎會成長에 있어서 敎會指導者의 特性에 관한 硏究 : 목회자ㆍ신학생ㆍ평신도의 인식을 중심으로

        이재종 淸州大學校 行政大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Jesus drew near and said to them, "I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples : baptize them in the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will you always. to the end of the age. (MATTHEW 28 : 18 - 20) But when the Holy Spirt comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (ACTS 1 : 8) Protestant church has about 2000 years of history, and it has grown continuously. To spread out the gospel to the end of the world, God wants his people to do that instead of doing it by himself. Especially God wants pastors to discharge that mission. It goes without saying that pasters affect the growth of churches. So this research focused on the relatedness of the pastor's, characteristic to church's growth through the questionnaire to pastor, the theological students, and the believers. Research findings are as follows: First, Church should growth continuously. Pastor's leadership is very important for the growth of church on his duty. Second, We should keep in mind that church's growth is in favor of God's will. Third, A powerful leaders their unique characteristics. Those selected through reviewing literature are the passion for gospel, the ministry.s vision, the spiritual authority of ministry, the ministry.s philosophy, the driving forces, serve to people, theological training, the participation in a social Problems, empowerment. Fourth, The whole world is changing rapidly. Leaders of churches in changing world should keep pace with the world. Finaly, Results of research analyses show the lexical importance of those characteristics. Top three of higher ranked ones are the passion for gospel, the ministry's vision, and the spiritual authority of ministry. Findings in this research are worthy of being paid attention for the growth of chuech.

      • 濟州道産 碎石 粗骨材를 使用한 高强度 콘크리트에서 圓柱供試體의 크기 效果에 關한 實驗的 硏究

        이재종 제주대학교 산업대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Recently and globally, there have been trends to use high-strength concrete in reinforced concrete structures. The application of high-strength concrete has several advantages to reduce the design cross section, increase the strength of structures, and reduce the demolished concrete. However, due to the different properties of aggregates from Cheju-Do and poorly accumulated data regarding high strength concrete. its utilization has big obstacles. Also, the strength of concrete depends on the Size and shape ratio of cylindrical specimen compared with the standard cylindrical specimen, and we need the correction factors to convert into the design strength. However, due to the poor domestic researches on this field, we adopt the foreign data. Accordingly, in this study we consider the high strength concrete and the influences on the size and shape ratio of cylindrical specimen, and we obtained the followings (1) We observed the aggregate failure at the compression, split tension, and flexural tests. This phenomenon resulted from the weak strength of aggregates, and appeared more definitely at the high strength concrete, (2) As the shape ratio on the concrete specimen with the same size decreased, the compressive strength of concrete was reduced. This result is contrary to the existing results. This also resulted from the weak strength of coarse aggregates. And the specimens with small size does not nearly have been influenced on the shape ratio. We obtained the similar results on the split test. (3) Comparing the normal strength concrete with the large difference of compressive strength according to the shape ratio. We can conclude that in the case of high strength concrete, the correction factor to convert into the design strength may be revised. (4) The objective of utilization of admixture in high strength concrete is to maintain the proper workerability. However, we conclude from this study that the admixture is desirable to inject on the construction site for maintaining the workability.

      • 교회발전을 위한 목회자의 leadership 특성

        이재종 충북대학교 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Jesus drew near and said to them, "I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples : baptize them in the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will you always. to the end of the age. (MATTHEW 28: 18 - 20) But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (ACTS 1 : 8) Protestant church has about 2000 years of history, and it has grown continuously. To spread out the gospel to the end of the world, God wants his people to do that instead of doing it by himself. Especially God wants pastors to discharge that mission. It goes without saying that pasters affect the growth of churches. So this research focused on the relatedness of the pastor's, characteristic to church's growth through the questionnaire to pastor, the theological students, and the believers. Research findings are as follows: First, Church should growth continuously. Pastor's leadership is very important for the growth of church on his duty. Second, We should keep in mind that church's growth is in favor of God's will. Third, A powerful leaders their unique characteristics. Those selected through reviewing literature are the passion for gospel, the ministry's vision, the spiritual authority of ministry, the ministry's philosophy, the driving forces, serve to people, theological training, the participation in a social Problems, empowerment. Fourth, The whole world is changing rapidly. Leaders of churches in changing world should keep pace with the world. Finally, Results of research analyses show the lexical importance of those characteristics. Top three of higher ranked ones are the passion for gospel, the ministry's vision, and the spiritual authority of ministry. Findings in this research are worthy of being paid attention for the growth of church.

      • Robert Frost詩의 비극적 요소와 그 배경

        이재종 檀國大學校 大學院 1986 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Robert Frost는 낭만 시인들과는 달리 자연에의 몰입이나 자연예찬을 노래하기보다는 그 자연을 배경으로 살아가고 있는 인간과, 자연에 대항하여 끊임없이 투쟁하는 인간의 모습을 그린다. 그의 시에는 인간의 두 가지 상반되는 측면 중에서 특히 인생의 어두운 면이 많이 다루어지고 있다. 연간 상호간의 교류에서 느끼게되는 고독과 고립, 자연 속에서 살아가면서 겪게되는 불안과 공포, 이 모든 것들이 Frost시의 소재이며 그의 관심사이다. Frost는 모든 사물에 대해 이중적인 이미지를 가지고 있는 데 이는 그가 어려서부터 자라온 환경, 상반되는 부모의 성격, 어머니의 이원적인 교육 등에서 비롯하였음을 알 수 있다. Frost의 시에는 인생의 비극적인 면과 낙관적인 면, 그리고 인간에게 우호적인 자연과 불안 공포의 대상인 자연이 동시에 비친다. 그러나 그에게서 밝은 면보다는 어두운 면을 더 많이 찾아 볼 수 있으며 이것은 누구보다도 아픔을 더 많이 체험했던 그의 생애의 비극적인 요소들과 깊은 관련이 있는 것이다. 아버지의 심한 술주정, 잦은 이사, 일정치 않은 직업, 가족들의 잇단 죽음, 불안했던 시대, 냉혹한 자연 환경 등이 Frost시의 비극적 요소에 직접 혹은 간접으로 영향을 미쳤던 것이다. Frost는 슬픔과 비극을 이겨나가기 위해서는 끊임없는 투쟁과 용기와 지혜로 맞서야 함을 터득하였고, 결코 희망을 버리지 않고 조용히 물러서서 마음을 침잠시켜서 진일보할 수 있는 슬기를 배웠던 것이다. 인간의 유한한 능력으로 어쩔 수 없는 경우일지라도 좌절하지 말고 겸허히 숙명으로 받아들이는 과제를 보여 주고 있다. Frost는 인간을 둘러싸고 있는 암흑과 절망에 깊은 관심을 가지고 있으며 복잡한 인간 내면의 침울과 우울한 감각을 면밀히 파헤친 예술가이며, 이러한 암흑의 요소들을 이겨내고 살아남기 위해서 인간은 지혜와 용기와 투쟁으로 맞서야 한다는 강인한 의지를 보여준 인간이기도 하다. Robert Frost is respected by all the American people as a national poet or a public poet. In spite of the fact that he wrote a large number of poems with the natural background of the beautiful New England, we can't quite agree that we possibly look upon him as a nature poet. The casual reader of Frost's poetry is likely to think of Frost as a nature poet in the tradition of Wordsworth. It is underiable to admit that nature is his subject, but to Frost it is never an impulse from a vernal wood. His best poetry is largely concerned with the drama of man in nature. He does not write about nature itself; he uses nature as his scene. Though he writes about a forest or a wildflower, his real subject is in humanity; the life of man in nature, human relationship, relationship to natural phenomena, God's relationship to man, etc. Forst had a double image of everything; and he was not sure whether it would be better to laugh or cry over his predicament, whether all experience should be viewed as pure comedy or pure tragedy. He said, "In order to know where we are, we must know opposites." The double vision to Frost was influenced by his mother's instruction. His mother made the stories illustrate moral truths which also involved pairs of opposites - evil and good, chaos and order, darkness and light - until Frost developed a habit of thinking in terms of paired images. Throughout his life, he was inclined to build his thinking and even his poetry around these pairs. The duality of vision can be found in many poems of Frost's. Even in Frost's most cheerful nature sketches there is always a bittersweet quality. His flowers, trees, and animals a r e all described with affection, yet none of the nature poems is free from hints of possible danger; under the placid surface there is always the unseen presence of something hostile. We can say that the tragic elements in Frost's poetry derives from the gloomy experience through his life. His troubled father, repeatedly applied harsh forms of discipline - without success. Whiskey seemed to turn his father into a dangerously brutal man, who often went into a rage and smashed furniture if his wife so much as implied her disappointments and protests. During the first few months of his life Frost's mother had more than once snatch young Frost from his cradle and carried him into the street, and then into a neighbor's home for fear that his father's drunken violence might otherwise cause the death of child and mother. Frost's mother always trying to shield Robbie and his sister Jeanie from hurts, concealed her own apprehensions and did her best to make circumstances seem brighter than they were. His mother had so much love to spare that she nearly smothered her children with it. From the first, as baby, Frost was nurished on fear; he drank it with the mother's milk. Frequent house-movings caused him to be uneasy. His father was a tramp, and Frost seems to have been inherited that trait of his father's. He also worked at a variety of occupations throughout his life. The personal life of Robert Frost was filled with great and frequent tragedies. His father died of tuberculosis at age of thirty-four; his mother of cancer at fifty-six; he lost his infant son Elliott in 1900, and his infant daughter Elinor-Bettina soon after ; his sister Jeanie became insane shortly after World War I; his beloved daughter Marjorie died young of septicemia. fever in 1934; his wife died of an unexpected heart attack in March 1938, his son Carol committed suicide in ,the fall of 1940; and his daughter Irma lost her mind and was institutionalized in 1947. In addition to these strong billows of calamity which rolled over Frost's family for decades, the poet himself suffered from much illness. And for many years the family endured poverty. These personal afflictions together with Frost's reading, observations of life, and reflections on the general human condition throughout history, provided the basis for the poet's tragic vision of man's life on earth. He always accepted the personal tragedies of poverty, disease, failure, public unrecognition and death with quiet dignity and stoical courage. Frost particularly disliked the Marxist theory that the violent destruction of existing capitalist society was a necessary and constructive act that would lead to greater good in the future. He also disliked the Soviet Russian type of "democracy". He also criticized the New Deal farm policy. He welcomed the age of science but he was worried about the rapid advancement of science. He thought the age of the world he lived in was particularly bad. He thought that it was the age of war, the age of loneliness, the age of failure in intrafamilial communication, the age of isolation or the age of distrust. The climate of New England was also his tragic element. Heavy snow, severe cold, storm, rock, sterile land ... are the elements of fear. Frost's view is that man lives in a world of flux and paradox-in which opposing truths at various times obtain; and man must judge which, how much, and when. Man's inability to exist in the chaos of constant changes makes conflict inevitable. He needs purpose beyond drifting. Therefore he must struggle - decide on worthy goals, take the risks, and fight against opposing forces; he must even learn to live between opposing and destructive forces by trying to keep them in balance. Frost sees that the limited human being must be a courageous antagonist matching his skill against forces that would destroy him. Part of his skill must be his ability to assess his capacities. Forst has shown that man's adaptibility is essential for survival. Born with man's limitations, man's survival is often a matter of outwitting the opposition. Man learns to discern the rough zones of limitation and progressed toward his goals, but by a zigzag course, a "crooked straightness." Strategic retreat, not escape is necessary for a clarification of life. Acceptances are necessary sometimes, but for survival man should fight against the tragic elements with wisdom, courage, and incessant effort. If possible man should conquer the hostility of nature, even in case of impossibility, but man also should accept the fatefulness. He should not resign and desert hope. Frost employed the star symbol to communicate the ideals of living in which he believed ... Frost sees in the stars the suggestion of the light of reason and common sense. But the stars also call for endurance and commitment. In his mind the stars are habitually associated with ideals of astrological influence and an almost Platonic conception of the truth, the good, and the beautiful seen as a unity. Through Frost's poetry we see his artistic genius, who can read human inner mind, and we also learn t h e wise attitude toward the survival in this world prevalent with tragic elements.

      • 아프라 벤의 『유랑자』에 재현된 몸

        이재종 경북대학교 대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The Body Represented in Aphra Behn‘s The Rover Aphra Behn(1640-1689) was the first English woman playwright. She wrote remarkable series of 17 dramatic works, and 16 of them were played on the Restoration stage. Since writing was defined as the male privilege at that time, she demanded the right to participate equally with men in literary production. Behn was also the first English feminist writer conscious politically and sexually of the potentially subversive character of a woman’s act. In The Rover(1677), Behn describes the love and marriage, her criticism of the oppressive restrictions placed on women, the power and independence of women, and the sexual equality between women and men. She demonstrates her resistance to the prejudicial and conventional concept of womanliness in a patriarchal society. The purpose of this thesis is, by considering the body as a core agenda, to examine in what level categories the human body presents, and to deal with the issues of (i) the male and female body, (ii) the masculinity and femininity, and (iii) the identity, which are represented in The Rover. The advent of postmodernism has been accelerated the rise of the ‘embodiment’ concept since 1990, in which the body stands out as an important way of expressing each individual’s identity and value. Behn provides a clue for the basic cognition and understanding of human beings through the experiential body represented in The Rover. At the beginning of the play, the men of The Rover are disembodied rational beings, whose bodies embody their superior masculine experiences and desires. They desire to show the dignity of their social class, trying to reinforce the patriarchal system and to exercise their powers to women. In comparison with the value of womanliness, that of manliness seems to be derived from the patriarchal/ideological power structure. Behn protests about the masculine power by representing the body confined in the concept of manliness, and further criticizes the limitations of it. The female body in The Rover shows two attributes. The first attribute is for the female body subject to the discipline and temperance of the patriarchal society. This type of body is formed on the basis of masculine viewpoint as a passive and lack-of-freedom one. The second is for the female body to break the convention of patriarchal system and invent itself subjectively. After restoring the subjectivity, the female body no longer stays within the male-oriented thought. This body expresses for itself, and ensures its identity by unifying the mind and the body. Behn subverts gender roles by applying transvestism technique. The women of The Rover proceed to find themselves liberated from the oppressive structure under the reason-oriented thought.

      • 일학습병행제 학습근로자가 경험하는 어려움과 대처방안에 대한 탐색 : 고졸 초기경력자를 중심으로

        이재종 한국기술교육대학교 테크노인력개발전문대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 일학습병행제에 참여하는 학습근로자 중, 고졸 초기경력자가 경험한 어려움 및 대처방안에 대해 살펴보기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 이를 위해 예비조사와 본조사를 진행하였다. 예비조사는 본조사에서 활용 될 문항을 개발하기 위하여 사전 3명의 면접자를 모집하였고, 1:1 면접을 통해 진행하였다. 본조사는 CQR-M 방법으로 진행하였으며, 설문에 참여 한 32명의 자료를 분석하였다. 자료분석은 합의팀을 구성하여 진행하였고 총 4차례의 합의과정을 진행하였다. 연구의 주요 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일학습병행제에 참여 하게된 이유에 대한 답변은, 총 6개 영역과 10개의 범주가 도출되었다. 영역의 내용은, ‘1) 대학에 대한 기대, 2) 개인의 발전, 3) 제도에 대한 기대, 4) 개인의 역량 향상, 5) 경제적 지원, 6) 사회적 인식’으로 제시되 었다. 이 중 상위 4개의 범주는, ‘일과 학습을 병행할 수 있는 장점 (24.29%)’, ‘전공학업에 대한 관심과 기대(21.43%)’, ‘4년제 학사학위 취득(15.71%)’, ‘직무능력의 향상(11.43%)’의 순으로 업무와 학업을 병 행하는 것에 대한 기대가 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 일학습병행제를 참여하면서 경험한 어려움에 대한 답변은, 총 6개 영역과 15개의 범주가 도출되었다. 영역의 내용은, ‘1) 학업의 어려움, 2) 일과 학업의 병행에서 오는 어려움, 3) 업무의 어려움, 4) 사내의 부정적 인식, 5) 어려움 없음’으로 제시되었다. 이 중 상위 4개의 범주는, ‘업 무 학업으로 / 절대적인 시간 부족(19.44%)’, ‘업무로 인한 학업에 지장 (12.50%)’, ‘제도적 어려움(12.50%)’, ‘사내에서의 시선 및 눈치 (12.50%)’으로 나타나 한정된 시간 내에서 일과 학업을 병행하기 어렵다 는 비율이 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 일학습병행제에 참여하면서 경험한 어려운 상황에서 어떻게 대처 하였는지에 대한 답변은, 총 4개의 영역과 10개의 범주가 도출되었다. 영 역의 내용은, ‘1) 개인의 능력껏 노력하여 해결, 2) 개인요인과 환경요인 간의 타협, 3) 힘든상황에도 인내하면서 버텨나감, 4) 스스로 체념하고 단 념함’으로 제시되었다. 이 중 상위 4개의 범주는, ‘시간관리(20.75%)’, ‘도구 및 주변인 활용(16.98%)’, ‘대처하지 않음(16.98%)’, ‘공부에 몰입(9.43%)’으로 나타나 스스로 시간을 효율적으로 관리하여 대처하겠 다는 비율이 높게 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과의 시사점으로 학습근로자들이 일학습병행제에 참여한 이유는 업무와 학업을 동시에 할 수 있다는 장점에 지원하게 되었다는 점 이다. 그러나 이들은 업무와 학업을 수행할 수 있는 절대적인 시간의 부 족함으로 인해 어려움을 겪고 있었으며, 이를 대처하기 위해 스스로 시간 을 효율적으로 관리하고 있음을 나타내고 있었다. 본 연구를 통해 일학습 병행제의 제도를 총괄하는 정책입안 담당자는 학습근로자가 능률적으로 업무와 학업을 병행할 수 있도록 권익보호를 위한 제도개선을 할 필요가 있다. 또한 기업현장교사는 학습근로자가 소정근로시간을 넘어 근무를 하 지 않도록 감독하고, OJT/Off-JT 교육훈련을 효과적으로 병행할 수 있도 록 관리해야할 것이다. The purpose of this study was to examine the difficulties experienced by the early of high school graduates and how to cope with them among the apprenticeship workers participating in the apprenticeship system. For this purpose, preliminary and main investigation was carried out. The preliminary investigation was conducted through a 1:1 interview with three interviewers in advance in order to develop the questions to be used in the main investigation. The main investigation was conducted using the CQR-M method and the data of 32 people who participated in the main investigation were analyzed. Data analysis was carried out by forming a consensual team and conducting a total of four agreements. The main results of the study are summarized as follows: First, the answer about the reason of participated in the apprenticeship system was to derive a total of 6 domains and 10 categories. The contents of the section was presented as '1) expectations for college, 2) personal development, 3) expectations for the apprenticeship system, 4) personal capacity improvement, 5) economic support, 6) social recognition’. Among the top four categories, ‘expectations for combining working and learning (24.29%)’, ‘interests and expectations about the field of major (21.43%)’, ‘getting a bachelor's degree (15.71%)’, and ‘an improvement in job skills (11.43%)’. Second, the answers about the difficulties experienced in participating in categories. The contents of the section was presented as '1) difficulty of studying, 2) difficulty of parallel between work and study, 3) difficulty of working, 4) negative recognition within the company, 5) have no difficulty’ Among the top four categories, ‘an absolutely lack of time, due to work/education (19.44%)’, ‘causing inconvenience for academic performance on account of the working (12.50%)’ and 'systematic difficulty (12.50%)' and 'in-house visibility and awareness (12.50%)', indicating that it was difficult to combine work and study within a limited amount of time. Third, the answer about how to they handled difficult situations experienced while participating in the apprenticeship system was derived from a total of 4 domains and 10 categories. The contents of the section was presented as ‘1) solving the problem at the best of the individual's ability’, ‘2) compromising between personal and environmental factors’, ‘3) persevering in spite of difficult situations’, ‘4) giving up on one's own’ The top four categories, 'time management (2.75%)’, 'using tools and people around them (16.98%)', 'not dealing (16.98%)’, and 'attention to study (9.43%)', showed of high rates of self-managing and coping. The research results suggest that the reason why the apprenticeship workers participated in the apprenticeship system is that they could the benefits of being able to work and study at the same time. However, they was suffering from an absolutely lack of time to do his work and study, indicating that he was effectively managing his time to cope with it. Through this research, a policy-making officer for the apprenticeship system needs to improve the system to protect the rights and interests of apprenticeship workers so that they can efficiently work and study at the same time, and the workplace trainers in apprenticeship will manage and supervise OJT/Off-JT training effectively.

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