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        토양중 [ 14C ] Carbofuran 의 분해 및 비추출성 잔류분의 특성

        이영득(Young Deuk Lee),박창규(Chang Kyu Park) 한국응용생명화학회 1995 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.38 No.3

        A study was undertaken to compare degradation patterns of carbofuran in soils between submerged and upland moisture conditions. [3-^(14)C]Carbofuran was treated in each soils at the rate of 1.0 ㎎/㎏ (87.8 kBq ^(14)C/50 g soil) and the time-course analysis for distribution of radioactivity and degradation products were conducted. Differences in the pathway and rate of carbofuran degradation in soils were observed between submerged and upland moisture conditions, major degradation being hydrolysis at 7-C position and oxidation at 3-C position, respectively. Carbofuran showed less persistence in soils of higher moisture contents. A significant portion, 24∼39% of the total radioactivity, resided in soils as nonextractable residues at 60 days after treatment. The nonextractable radioactivity was mainly located in soil organic matter, fulvic acid, humic acid and humin fractions. Gel filtration chromatography confirmed the incorporation of carbofuran and its degradation products into the organic matter.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Carbosulfan , Furathiocarb 및 Benfuracarb 처리토양중 Carbofuran 방출특성

        이영득,최주현 ( Young Deuk Lee,Ju Hyeon Choi ) 한국환경농학회 1995 한국환경농학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        Three aminothio derivatives of carbofuran including carbosulfan, furathiocarb and benfuracarb were subjected to the degradation study in soils to investigate how fast and efficiently carbofuran would be evolved from them. Carbofuran was rapidly released from the derivatives in soils as the carbamoyl nitrogen-sulfur bond cleaved. Their degradation rates in soils, with half-lives of 23∼68 hours, were largely affected by structures of aminothio moieties and soil moisture conditions. Conversion rates into carbofuran ranged from 64 to 84% in soils on the basis of parent compounds 5 days after treatment. Application of aminothio derivatives led to less drastic increase in the carbofuran level in soils than when carbofuran was applied as such, and hence this might result in lower side effects in situ.

      • KCI등재

        고성능 액체크로마토그래피와 질량분석법을 이용한 농산물 중 Phenothrin 및 Silafuofen의 정밀 잔류분석법 개발

        이영득(Young Deuk Lee),오재호(Jae Ho Oh),장상원(Sang Won Jang) 한국농약과학회 2011 농약과학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        A high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method was developed to determine residues of phenothrin and silafluofen, known as synthetic pyrethroids, in agricultural commodities. Insecticide residues were extracted with acetone from representative samples of four crops which comprised rice, apple, pepper and cabbage. The extract was purified serially by liquid-liquid partition and Florisil column chromatography. For rice and pepper samples, acetonitrileln-hexane partition was additionally adopted to remove nonpolar interferences. Reversed phase HPLC using an octadecylsilyl column was successfully applied to separate two phenothrin isomers and silafluofen from sample co-extractives. Intact parent compounds were sensitively detected by ultraviolet absorption at 226 nm. Recovery experiment at the quantitation limit validated that the proposed method could apparently determine phenothrin and silafluofen residues at 0.02 and 0.01 mg/kg, respectively. Mean recoveries of phenothrin and silafluofen from four crop samples fortified at three levels in triplicate were in the range of 82.4~109.8% and 83.7~109.8%, respectively. Relative standard deviations of the analytical method were all less than 10%, irrespective of crop types and spiking levels. A selected-ion monitoring (SIM) LC/mass spectrometry (MS) with electrospray ionization was provided to confirm the suspected residue of phenothrin, even though no sufficient ionization of silafluofen was obtained. Both phenothrin and silafluofen could be successfully confirmed by gas chromatography/MS SIM with electron impact at 70 eV. The proposed method is sensitive, repeatable and rapid enough to apply to officially routine inspection of agricultural products.

      • KCI등재

        소형수도재배구중(小型水稻栽培區中) Carbofuran 의 흡수(吸收) 이행(移行) 및 잔류특성(殘留特性)

        이영득,박형만,박영선,박창규,Lee, Young-Deuk,Park, Hyung-Man,Park, Young-Sun,Park, Chang-Kyu 한국환경농학회 1987 한국환경농학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        수도재배환경중(水稻栽培環境中) carbofuran의 흡수(吸收), 이행(移行) 및 잔류양상(殘留樣相)을 구명(究明)하기 위하여 소형수도재배구(小型水稻栽培區)를 이용(利用), carbofuran 입제(粒劑)를 2수준(水準)으로 살포(撒布)하고 시기별(時期別)로 수질(水質), 수도체(水稻體),토양(土壤) 및 수확물중(收穫物中) 잔류수준(殘留水準)을 조사(調査)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 수면살포(水面撒布)한 carbofuran 입제(粒劑)는 빠른 속도(速度)로 용출(溶出)되어 수질중(水質中) carbofuran 농도(濃度)는 처리(處理) 1일이내(日以內)에 최고치(最高値)에도 달하였다. 용출(溶出)된 carbofuran은 수도체(水稻體)로 흡수(吸收), 이행(移行)되어 처리(處理) 1∼3일(日) 후(後)에 최고치(最高値)에 도달하였으며 그 이후(以後) 완만한 감소(減少) 경향(傾向)을 보였다. 수질중(水質中) carbofuran의 반감기(半減期)는 4일(日)이었고 토양중(土壤中)에서의 반감기(半減期)는 처리수준(處理水準)에 따라 8∼12일(日)이었다. 수확물중(收穫物中) carbofuran 잔류량(殘留量)은 현미(玄米)의 경우 0.01∼0.02ppm이었으며 볏짚에서는 0.37∼0.07ppm의 범위(範圍)였다. A study has been conducted to investigate the behavior of carbofuran in a miniature paddy agrosystem simulated for paddy field. Carbofuran applied onto the paddy water was rapidly absorbed and translocated into rice plants. Carbofuran concentration in rice plant reached its maximum level between 1 to 3 days after treatment and gradually decreased thereafter. Half life of carbofuran concentration in paddy water was 4 days in both application rates of 0.12 and 0.24Kg a.i./10a. Carbofuran residue in paddy soil was gradually dissipated with the half life of 8 and 12 days in 0.12 and 0.24㎏ a.i./l0a respectively. Range of carbofuran residue in brown rice and rice straw harvested from the paddy agrosystem was 0.01∼0.02 ppm and 0.37∼0.57 ppm irrespective of the two application rates respectively.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Al6060S-T6 알루미늄 합금의 크래쉬 박스 적용에 관한 연구

        이영득(Young-Deuk Lee),남기우(Ki-Woo Nam),박상현(Sang-Hyun Park),박한주(Han-Ju Park) 대한기계학회 2021 大韓機械學會論文集A Vol.45 No.3

        본 연구는 기존 소재인 Al6082S-T6을 상대적으로 강도가 낮은 Al6060S-T6으로 대체 가능성을 연구하였다. 인장특성은 크래쉬 박스에서 인장 시편을 만들어 평가하였다. 압축시험은 크래쉬 박스로 평가하였으며, 압축 및 충돌시험은 크래쉬 박스가 조립 된 범퍼 빔으로 평가하였다. Al6082S-T6 크래쉬 박스의 압축시험, 크래쉬 박스가 조립된 범퍼 빔의 압축 및 충돌시험의 특성은 Al6060S-T6보다 높았으나, 충격 에너지 흡수효율이 낮았다. Al6060S-T6 크래쉬 박스의 손상 범위가 Al6082S-T6보다 작으며 충돌성능이 우수한 것으로 판단된다. This study examined the feasibility of replacing Al6082S-T6, which features high rigidity, with Al6060S-T6, which features relatively low rigidity, for the crash box in automobiles. Tensile properties of these alloys were evaluated using crash box specimens, by means of compression and crash tests; compression tests were conducted on the crash boxes, whereas crash tests were conducted using a bumper equipped with a crash box. Results of the compression and crash tests indicate that the crash box composed of Al6082S-T6 showed better performance than that composed of Al6060S-T6, although the impact energy absorption efficiency of the former was lower. Furthermore, the damage to the Al6060S-T6 crash box was less than that to the Al6082S-T6 crash box, indicating the superior collision performance of the former.

      • 식품의약품안전처 SESSION : 농산물 중 비극성 살응애제의 잔류분석법

        이영득 ( Young Deuk Lee ),조범석 ( Beom Seok Cho ) 한국환경농학회 2013 한국환경농학회 학술대회집 Vol.2013 No.-

        대표 농산물을 대상으로 bromopropylate, chlorfenapyr, etoxazole, pyrimidifen, spirodiclofen 등 비극성 살응애제 5종에 대한 공정 잔류분석법을 개발하고자 하였다. 통합적으로 분석용 시료를 조 제하되 각 성분들은 개별적으로 정밀 정량함으로써 분석의 효율성을 높임과 동시에 잔류허용기준 의 위반 여부를 명확히 판별할 수 있는 개별 분석법을 확립하였다. 적용 농산물 군의 대표 농산물 로서 현미, 사과, 감귤, 고추, 배추의 5종을 선정하였으며 각 함수 시료로부터 대상 성분들을 acetonitrile로 동시에 추출하였다. 추출물을 흡인 여과한 후 농축 과정 없이 다량의 식염수로 희석 한 후 직접 비극성 용매로 분배 추출하였으며 유지 함유 시료는 n-hexane-acetonitrile 분배법을 추 가하여 비극성 방해물질을 제거하였다. 분배 추출액은 Florisil column chromatography로 최종 정 제하여 기기분석에 공시하였다. Bromopropylate, chlorfenapyr, pyrimidifen 및 spirodiclofen은 GLC/ECD, etoxazole 및 pyrimidifen은 GLC/NPD와 HPLC/UVD를 적용하여 최적 기기분석 조건을 설정하였다. 확립된 시료 조제 및 기기분석법의 결과 무처리 농산물 시료 중 간섭물질은 관찰되지 않았다. 분석법 검증실험의 결과, 잔류분석기준인 정량한계 0.05 mg/kg 이하 및 허용기준의 1/2과 회수율 70∼120% 이내를 충분히 만족하였으며 분석오차는 대상 농약과 농산물 시료에 상관없이 10% 이내였다. 시료 중에서 검출된 잔류분에 대한 정성적 신뢰성을 확보하기 위하여 추가의 크로 마토그래피법과 질량분석기을 이용한 재확인법을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        토양과 대두중 Haloxyfop-R 및 Haloxyfop-R-methyl의 기체크로마토그래피를 이용한 잔류분석

        이영득 ( Young Deuk Lee ) 한국환경농학회 1997 한국환경농학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        An analytical method was developed to determine residues of haloxyfop-R and its methyl ester in soils and soybeans using gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) with electron capture detector (ECD). Soil or soybean sample was acidified and extracted with acetone. The extract was then subjected to ion-associated partition to individually separate haloxyfop-R and the neutral methyl ester. One phase containing haloxyfop-R was methylated with BF₃/methanol, partitioned to n-hexane and analyzed by GLC/ECD. The other phase containing the methyl ester was further purified by Florisil column chromatography prior to GLC determination. No cross contamination was found between two phases containing each of the acid and methyl ester, thus two compounds can be separately determined as the identical haloxyfop-R-methyl. Overall recoveries of haloxyfop-R from fortified samples averaged 88.2±3.9% (n=12) and 88.3±4.0% (n=6) for soils and soybeans respectively, and those of haloxyfop-R-methyl showed mean values of 89.2±4.0% (n=12) and 85.6±5.6% (n=6). Detection limits of both haloxyfop-R and its methyl esterwere 0.005㎎/㎏ and 0.01㎎/㎏ for soil and soybean samples respectively.

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