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      • KCI등재

        TiO2/UV-A 시스템을 이용한 Cu(2)-EDTA의 광촉매 산화반응에서 TiO2 재사용 및 회수

        이승목 ( Seung Mok Lee ) 한국물환경학회 2005 한국물환경학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        TiO₂-catalyst suspensions work efficiently in Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) for wastewater treatment. Nevertheless, once photocatalysis is completed, separation of the catalyst from solution becomes the main problem. The PCO of Cu(Ⅱ)-EDTA was studied to determine the reusability of the titanium dioxide catalyst. Aqueous solutions of 10^(-4)M Cu(Ⅱ)-EDTA were treated using illuminated TiO₂ particles at pH 6 in a circulating reactor. TiO₂ was reused in PCO system for treatment or Cu(Ⅱ)-EDTA comparing two procedures: reuse of water and TiO₂ and reuse of the entire suspension after PCO of Cu(Ⅱ)-EDTA. The results are as follows; (ⅰ) Photocatalytic efficiency worsens with successive runs when catalyst and water are reused without separation and filtration, whereas, when TiO₂ is separated from water, the reused TiO₂ is not deactivated. (ⅱ) The TiO₂ mean recovery (%) with reused TiO₂ was 86.4%(1.73g/L). Although the mean initial degradation rate of Cu(Ⅱ)-EDTA and Cu(Ⅱ) was lower than that using fresh TiO₂, there was no significant change in the rate during the course of the three-trial experiment. It is suggested that Cu(Ⅱ)-EDTA could be effectively treated using an recycling procedure of PCO and catalyst recovery. (ⅲ) However, without TiO₂ separation, the loss of efficiency of the PCO in the use of water and TiO₂ due to Cu(Ⅱ), DOC remained from previous degradation and Cu(Ⅱ)-EDTA added to the same suspension was observed after 2 trials, and resulted in the inhibition of the Cu(Ⅱ)-EDTA, Cu(Ⅱ) and DOC destruction.

      • KCI등재

        불어동사의 상 ( Aspect verbal )에 관한 고찰 1 - 어휘상 ( Aspect lexical ) 에 대하여 -

        이승목 ( Seung Mok Lee ) 한국불어불문학회 1995 불어불문학연구 Vol.31 No.2

        La notion d`aspect verbal implique une diversite´ de points de vue si importante que nous avons essaye´ dans un premier temps d`aborder brie`vement l`apparition du concept d`aspect et sa constitution. En ce qui concerne l`aspect verbal du franc¿ais, il peut e^tre divise´ en deux parties : l`aspect lexical et l`aspect grammatical formel, parce que ces deux notions n`appartiennent pas exactement a` la me^me cate´gorie. Dans un second temps, nous avons rappele´ une notion importante, celle d`<Aktionsart> en allemend, qui devrait permettre de mieux cerner la notion d`aspect et qui concerne l`aspect lexical. L`aspect lexical appartient a` la cate´gorie lexico-se´mantique telle que nous la de´finissons : une cate´gorie lexico-se´mantique qui est intimement lie´e au verbe lui-me^me et qui peut-e^tre oriente´e par le contexte. Par contre, l`autre aspect verbal appartient a` la cate´gorie grammaticale et formelle (nous l`e´tudierons dans un article a` venir dont le titre sera Etude sur l`aspect verbal du franc¿ais (II)-en ce qui concerne l`aspect grammatical-. Ces deux cate´gories distinctes ne tracent pas deux lignes paralle`les, mais se comple`tent l`une et l`autre. Enfin, nous avons distingue´ quelques composants de l`aspect lexical. Il s`agit de sept composants essentiels entre autres : momentane´, duratif, inchoatif, terminatif, ite´ratif, conclusif et non-conclusif. Mais nous indiquons que l`on pourrait en avoir beaucoup plus selon la nuance se´mantique du verbe. En tout cas, ce que nous voulons insister dans cet article est de bien distinguer les deux cate´gories particulie`res et de ne pas les confondre lors de l`e´tude de l`aspect verbal.

      • KCI등재

        불어동사의 상 ( Aspect verbal )에 관한 고찰2 -문법-형태상 ( Aspect grammatico-formel)에 대하여-

        이승목 ( Seung Mok Lee ) 한국불어불문학회 1996 불어불문학연구 Vol.32 No.2

        Cet article a pour objectif d`e´tudier le syste`me aspectuel du franc¿ ais. Nous entendons par aspect tout ce qui est implique´ pour de signer la manie`re dont se de´roule le proce`s. Il existe donc, selon notre de ´finition d`aspect, deux cate´gories distinctes pour l`aspect verbal dans la langue franc¿aise. Notre ta^che est d`e´tudier ces deux diffe´rents aspects verbaux. Pour accomplir cette ta^che, nous avons divise´ notre travail en deux grandes parties. Dans la premie`re partie qui avait de´ja` e´te´ publie´e au nume´ro pre´ce´dent de cette revue, nous avions parle ´ de l`aspect lexical du franc¿ais qui se manifeste par le caracte`re lexico-se´mantique des verbes. Dans le cadre de cet article, nous avons voulu parler d`un autre type de l`aspect verbal. Il s`agit de l`aspect grammatico-formel qui se manifeste par sa re´gularite´ formelle dans le temps du passe´. Dans un premier temps, nous avons essaye´ de savoir ce qu`est Aspect perfectif/ Aspfect imperfectif, et puis leur grammaticalite´. L`aspect perfectif est une forme qui exprime le proce`s globalement, du de´but jusqu`au point final du proce`s, a` savoir le proce`s dont le de ´but, le milieu et la fin sont marque´s implicitement dans ce proce`s. L`aspect imperfectif est une forme qui exprime le proce`s se trouvant entre juste apre`s le de´but et juste avant la fin sans mettre l`accent sur le point initial et final du proce`s, a` savoir le proce`s dont le de´but et la fin ne sont pas marque´s ni explicitement, ni implicitement dans ce proce`s. L`aspect perfectif en franc¿ais est marque´ par une forme temporelle qui est le passe´ compose´ (ou le passe´ simple), tandis que l`aspect imperfectif est marque´ par la forme `-ait`, l`imparfait. Dans un second temps, nous avons travaille´ sur l`intention du locuteur concernant l`aspect verbal. C`est le locuteur qui, selon son intention, choisit tel ou tel aspect. Si le locuteur veut exprimer que le proce`s comprend le but, il faut qu`il emploie l`aspect perfectif, a` savoir la forme du passe´ compose´. Mais s`il veut exprimer que le proce`s ne comprend pas le but, il faut qu`il emploie l`aspect imperfectif, a` savoir la forme de l`imparfait. En guise de conclusion de ces deux articles conse´cutifs, nous voulons insister sur le fait qu`il est donc ne´cessaire, lors de l`e´tude du syste`me aspectuel du franc¿ais, de ne pas confondre les deux cate´ gories distinctes : aspect lexical et aspect grammatico-formel.

      • KCI등재

        계층적 푸리에 상관을 이용한 스테레오 매칭

        이승목(Seung-Mok Lee),임재권(Jae-Kwon Eem) 한국정보기술학회 2015 한국정보기술학회논문지 Vol.13 No.12

        In this paper, we propose a stereo matching algorithm using hierarchical Fourier correlations for stereo correspondence problem. Proposed algorithm shows a range-reduced DFT of divided real-valued data sequence, a correlation of these DFTs, and a block correlation image. For a dense stereo matching, the correlation volume space can be calculated using block correlations and matching costs of block matching together. The disparity map is also obtained by using WTA(winner-take-all) algorithm and SMF(selective mode filter). Performance of the proposed method is evaluated by RMS(root mean squared) error and BP(percentage of bad matching pixels) based on GT(ground truth) data. Experiments are conducted on several stereo images and show a kind of complementary relation between matching costs of block matching and the Fourier correlations. The proposed method could be implemented for real-time stereo system using FFT.

      • KCI등재

        크기의 차이가 큰 영상 간의 순환 교차상관의 연산방법

        이승목(Seung-Mok Lee),임재권(Jae-Kwon Eem) 한국정보기술학회 2013 한국정보기술학회논문지 Vol.11 No.10

        In this paper, we propose a computational method of circular cross correlation for images with large difference of size. In case of expressing a 2D representation for each pixel value of the image with extending Fourier series, the 2D representation of zero-padded image have a positive sign tendency because the image consists of positive pixel values. Using this tendency, proposed method presents a fast computation for circular cross correlation. Recently, larger size images are handled by the demands for high quality images and fast algorithms are required necessarily for these images. And many researchers studied in the MARS (multimedia archive retrieval system) and video-on-demand. Proposed method could be used to find matched images among those images. Experiments are carried out for various images and we show the computational results and its corresponding differences.

      • KCI등재

        계층적 푸리에 상관과 신뢰 전파를 이용한 스테레오 매칭

        이승목(Seung-Mok Lee),임재권(Jae-Kwon Eem) 한국정보기술학회 2016 한국정보기술학회논문지 Vol.14 No.3

        For the dense stereo correspondence problem, we propose an algorithm using hierarchical Fourier correlations as a complementary parameter. Proposed hierarchical Fourier correlations are calculated by using range-reduced DFTs(discrete Fourier transforms) and these normalized cross-correlations. In MRF(Markov random field) model as energy-minimization problem, the normalized correlation is added to a part of the term of data cost in energy function. Then a better disparity map is obtained using energy minimization by BP(belief propagation). The performances are evaluated by RMS(root mean squared) error and percentage of bad matching pixels based on given GT(ground truth) data. Our experiments is implemented for stereo images and shows advantages of newly added term with the number of iterations. For real-time stereo systems, the proposed method can be implemented using FFT algorithm.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        계층적 푸리에 상관과 적응적 영역 가중치를 이용한 스테레오 매칭

        이승목(Seung-Mok Lee),임재권(Jae-Kwon Eem) 한국정보기술학회 2016 한국정보기술학회논문지 Vol.14 No.4

        For obtaining a dense disparity map of stereo matching, we propose an algorithm using hierarchical Fourier correlations and ASW(adaptive support-weight). The hierarchical Fourier correlations are obtained using cross-correlation of range-reduced DFTs(discrete Fourier transforms) in hierarchical layers. The ASW technique is used as a robust local matching method for computing matching costs with intensities of the stereo images. Evaluations are performed on the disparity map obtained using the cost volume and WTA(winner-take-all) algorithm. The performances are calculated dependent on window size of the ASW method. Experiments for performance evaluation are also conducted on the disparity refinement using a small size median filter.

      • KCI등재

        3D 프린터 플랫폼을 이용한 G 코드 기반 드립 방식의 2중 온수 가열기를 가진 커피 드립 머신 구현

        이승목(Seung-Mok Lee),최운하(Un-Ha Choi),김영형(Young-Hyung Kim),김상희(Sang-Hee Kim),임재권(Jae-Kwon Eem) 한국정보기술학회 2016 한국정보기술학회논문지 Vol.14 No.12

        This paper shows an implementation of coffee drip-machine as a practical purpose of 3D printing technique. Recently 3D printing techniques have improved and developed continuously and it can be one of the important techniques of the development of commercial products. Brew coffee is a cup of coffee dropped by a trained barista who has the coffee brewing skills and the knowledge of the drip brew. For the drip brew of the barista in coffee-services, our machine is implemented to a part of drip-methods using 3D printing techniques. The G-code based drip methods are implemented by 3D printer platform, and hot-water is supplied by an instant heating module and a temperature controller. Our implementation shows a way of practical implementation of 3D printing technique and also proposes drip-methods for a variety of drip-coffee products.

      • KCI등재

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