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      • CD-ROM 개발이후 10년

        이규천,Lee, Gyu-Cheon 한국데이터베이스진흥원 1995 디지털콘텐츠 Vol.5 No.-

        소개된지 10년이라는 짧은 기간 동안, CD-ROM은 정보산업계에 커다란 변화를 몰고 왔다. 예를 들면, CD-ROM은 많은 회사에서 온라인검색을 대체하게 했다. CD-ROM은 이제 막 이룩하려는 단계이며, 미래가 어떨지 예측하기는 어렵다. CD-ROM하드웨어 및 소프트웨어 소비시장의 성장으로, 모든 전문 어플리케이션분야에서도 가격 하락, 첨예한 경쟁, 사양 및 기능의 다양화라는 충격을 줄 것이다. 소비시장의 성장은 전문이용자들에게도 좋은 뉴스가 될 것이다.

      • 농촌지역 활성화와 일자리 창출을 위한 사회적기업 육성방안 연구(2/2차연도)

        이규천(Gyu-Cheon Lee),오내원(Nae-Won Oh),마상진(Sang-Jin Ma),김광선(Kwang-Sun Kim),김창호(Chang-Ho Kim) 한국농촌경제연구원 2011 한국농촌경제연구원 기본연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        This is the second year report of the two-year collaborative research entitled ‘A study on alternatives promoting social enterprises for re-vitalizing rural areas and creating jobs in rural areas. This study consists of four sub-research subjects.’ Government has implemented various policies for promoting vitalization of rural areas. However, rural areas have collapsed due to the decrease of population, economic status, and the deficit of fundamental social services. Big businesses, which got benefit from opening market, cling to the pursuit of their profit maximization and close eyes on social responsibility. Recently, several departments of government are implementing various community development policies. Interests about the social enterprise as a third alternative have been escalated for making structural retardation of rural areas, community vitalization, and the increase of people"s quality of life better. In particular, social enterprise promotion policy of the Ministry of Employment and Labor(MOEL) focused on job creation added “the type of community contribution” to it"s policy purposes. According to this addition, social enterprises will contribute to the development of rural communities. However, similar policies have been propelled by several Ministries such as the promotion of village corporation, community business, and farming and fishing community corporation resulted in the problems of efficiency, complexity, and moral hazard of latent policy beneficiaries. The purposes of this study are to depict the problems of the promotion policy of social enterprise, to find out policy amendment directions, and to suggest alternatives promoting social enterprises in rural areas. We tried to establish typology of social enterprises based on theoretical base and to find out proper support alternatives based on various rural social enterprises. We also tried to suggest a proper intermediary support organization for rural social enterprises. In addition, we tried to set up business models for rural social enterprises based on business items. We found out several problems which are needed to be amended in order to promote social enterprise in rural areas. Included are as follows: MOEL"s monopolistic certification system, inefficiency resulted from overlapping similar policies, ignorance of social economic conditions, the shortage of the diversity of supports, the ignorance of spacial distribution, the unsystematic intermediary support organizations, diffused implementation system, and the lower policy capacity of local governments. We suggested several alternatives to amend the policy system. Included are fostering project localization, applying different and various policy approaches to rural social enterprises, admitting general use of the name of ‘social enterprise’, preparing the second stage support system, differentiating supports from the business types and locations of social enterprises, depicting more social purposes, strengthening security and function of intermediary organizations and the establishment of their legal foundation, and establishing independent institution for social enterprise, and so on. We also develop some alternatives for developing social enterprises in rural areas. Included are as follows: national and regional networking and connecting regional resources, affirmative market for social enterprises, establishment of special investment funds for rural social enterprises, the expansion of partnership between general businesses and social enterprises, the establishment of advertising system, and the establishment of supporting system for education, consulting, and technology development. These alternatives are focused on the development of social enterprises in rural areas.

      • KCI등재
      • 농촌지역 사회적기업의 발전을 위한 지원 및 제도 개선 방안

        이규천(Lee, Gyu-Cheon),김창호(Chang-Ho Kim) 한국농촌경제연구원 2011 한국농촌경제연구원 기본연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        이 연구는 농촌지역 활성화와 일자리 창출을 위한 사회적기업 육성방안연구의 세부과제로 추진되었다. 이 연구의 목적은 농촌지역 사회적기업의 육성 정책과 제도의 문제를 찾아내고 이의 개선방안을 제시하면서, 동시에 적극적인 육성방안을 모색하는 것이다. 시장개방으로 활력을 잃어가고 있는 농촌지역사회의 활성화를 위해 정부는 많은 정책들을 시행해왔다. 그중에서 고용노동부가 주도적으로 일자리 창출을 목적으로 시작한 사회적기업 육성 정책이 많은 관심과 정책적 지원 속에 양적으로 증가하고 있으며, 지방자치단체도 지역형 예비사회적 기업을 육성하기 위한 노력을 하고 있다. 사회적기업 중 농촌지역 사회적 기업은 도시지역 사회적기업과 여러 환경적 요인으로 차별화가 필요한데 이에 대한 특별한 대응은 없었다. 다행히 고용노동부가 일자리 창출에 초점을 둔 사회적기업 육성정책을 추진하면서 사회적 목적에 ‘지역사회 공헌’을 추가함으로써 제도적으로 농촌지역개발에 대한 사회적기업의 기여 가능성을 높였다. 그러나 아직도 여러 부처에서 고용노동부가 배타적으로 추진하고 있는 사회적기업 육성정책과 유사한 정책들(행정안전부의 마을기업, 농림수산식품부의 농어촌 공동체회사, 지식경제부의 커뮤니티 비즈니스, 보건복지부의 지역자활센터)을 추진하면서 국가 전체적 입장에서 중복 지원 등 비효율적일 가능성이 높다는 점, 다양한 정책에 따른 추진체제의 다기화와 복잡성, 다양한 정책적 수혜를 받으려고 하는 잠재적 사회적기업가의 도덕적 해이, 도시와 농촌을 구별하지 않는 무차별적인 정책 적용 등 문제점에서 출발하여 제도개선 방안을 제시했다. 구체적으로 사회적기업 육성정책과 제도적 측면에서 나타나는 문제점으로 고용노동부의 사회적기업 육성정책 독점, 여러 부처의 유사정책 중복성에서 오는 비효율성, 사회적경제 토대의 등한시, 지원방식의 다양성 부족, 사회적기업의 공간적 분포 등한시, 사회적 공헌에 대한 객관적 판단기준미비, 중간지원조직 시스템 불비, 추진체계의 다기화와 복잡성, 지방자치단체의 정책 추진 역량 부족, 중간지원조직의 현장성 부족을 지적했다. 이에 대한 제도개선 방안으로 경제공동체 육성과 사업체계의 국지화, 사회적경제의 지역적 구축, 농촌지역 사회적기업에 대한 차별적 정책과 정책의 다양성, 제2단계 지원방안 마련, ‘사회적기업’ 명칭 사용의 범용화, 유사한 사회적기업 육성정책을 통해 육성된 기업들의 사회적기업화 촉진, 인건비 차등지원 및 업종과 성장단계에 따른 지원의 차별화, 농촌지역 사회적 기업의 유형별 지역 특화 및 업종 전문화, 다양한 사회적 목적 발굴 및 사업화 방안 및 맞춤형 지원 방안 강구, 중간지원조직의 조직 안정성 및 기능강화 방안 마련, 중간지원조직 운영의 법적 근거 마련 및 농촌지역 사회적기업 전담 중간지원조직 육성, 지방자치단체의 통합운영 시스템 구축 및 체계화, 사회적기업 정책 전담 독립기관 설치, 사회적기업 진흥원 전문성 제고를 제시했다. 이러한 제도적인 개선 방안 외에, 농촌지역 사회적기업을 효율적으로 육성하기 위해 필요한 전국적·지역적 네트워크 및 지역자원 연계, 보호시장설정 지원, 자본시장 조성, 일반기업과 사회적기업 파트너십 확대 방안, 홍보시스템 구축 및 홍보활동 지원, 교육, 컨설팅 서비스, 기술개발 연구에 대한 지원 방안을 제시했다. This is the second year report of the two-year collaborative research entitled A study on alternatives promoting social enterprises for re-vitalizing rural areas and creating jobs in rural areas. This study consists of four sub-research subjects and this is the fourth subject above mentioned. Government has implemented various policies for promoting vitalization of rural areas. However, rural areas have collapsed due to the decrease of rural population and economic status, and the deficit of fundamental social services. Big businesses, which got benefit from opening market, cling to the pursuit of their profit maximization and close eyes on social responsibility. Recently, several departments of government are implementing various community development policies. Interests about the social enterprise as a third alternative have been escalated for the betterment of structural retardation of rural areas, community vitalization, and the increase of people’s quality of life. In particular, social enterprise promotion policy of the Ministry of Employment and Labor(MOEL) focused on job creation added “the type of community contribution” to it’s policy purpose. According to this addition, social enterprise will contribute to the development of rural community. However, similar policies propelled by several Ministries such as the promotion of village corporation, community business, and farming and fishing community corporation resulted in the problems of efficiency, complexity, and moral hazard of latent beneficiaries. The purposes of this study are to depict the problems of the promotion policy of social enterprise, to find out policy amendment directions, and to suggest alternatives promoting social enterprise in rural areas. We found out several problems which are needed to be amended in order to promote social enterprise in rural areas. Included are as follows: MOEL’s monopolistic certification system, inefficiency resulted from overlapping similar policies, ignorance of social economic conditions, the shortage of the diversity of supports, the ignorance of spacial distribution, the unsystematic intermediary support organizations, diffused implementation system, and the lower policy capacity of local governments. We suggested several alternatives to amend the policy system. Included are fostering project localization, applying different and various policy approaches to rural social enterprises, admitting general use of the name of ‘social enterprise’, preparing the second stage support system, differentiating supports from the business types and locations of social enterprises, depicting more social purposes, strengthening security and function of intermediary organizations and the establishment of their legal foundation, and establishing independent institution for social enterprise. We also develop some alternatives for developing social enterprises in rural areas. Included are as follows: national and regional networking and combing regional resources, affirmative market for social enterprises, establishment of special investment funds for rural social enterprises, the expansion of partnership between general businesses and social enterprises, the establishment of advertising system, and the establishment of supporting system for education, consulting, and technology development. These alternatives are focused on the development of social enterprises in rural areas.

      • 농촌 문화산업의 실태와 육성 방안

        김광선(Kwang-Sun Kim),이규천(Gyu-Cheon Lee),홍준표(Jun-Pyo Hong) 한국농촌경제연구원 2011 한국농촌경제연구원 기본연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        Endogenous development strategy is becoming more important in vitalizing declining rural areas. The key point of endogenous development strategy is to establish localized production systems in which goods and services are produced based on mobilization of local intrinsic resources. In the 2000s, a variety of policies to exploit local intrinsic resources and vitalize rural areas have been implemented based on endogenous development strategy. Still, most of such policies had limitations in planning and implementing related policy programs because of the lack of integrated perspective on industrial systems or industrial policies. Under such a situation, this study tries to conceptualize exploitation and industrialization of local intrinsic resources in rural areas as rural cultural industries. And this study includes analyses of the conditions and characteristics of rural cultural industries, and policy directions to promote the industries as well. To conceptualize and categorize rural cultural industries, we reviewed a variety of previous studies on industrialization of local intrinsic resources in rural areas. We carried out a survey targeting 139 rural areas (Sis and Guns) to investigate the conditions and characteristics of the industries. We also investigated the systematic traits of the industries such as production systems through in-depth interviews with related public officials and business CEOs. In addition, we conducted an in-depth case study on a local area to analyze industrial structures, local conditions, industrial policy directions of rural cultural industries from a territorial perspective. Lastly, we reviewed critically the existing laws and policies related with supporting rural cultural industries to suggest policy recommendations. In this study, we defined rural cultural industries as production systems in which cultural heritages in rural areas are commercialized for the pursuit of profits. We also suggested that rural cultural industries are composed of 5 sub-sectors: local and traditional food industry, traditional crafts industry, traditional art festival and performance, rural tourism based on cultural remains, and agri-tourism. Even though rural cultural industries have a relatively small national market size, they are of great importance to local economic growth of each rural area. In 2010, 12,503 firms were belonged to rural cultural industries hiring 117,672 people. Their total sales amount is presumed to be about 1,700 billion won in the same year. Rural cultural industries have positive socioeconomic effects on rural areas. First, the industries offer niche markets for rural entrepreneurs. Second, the industries help to establish sustainable local economic systems. Third, the industries promote industrial development in rural areas by backward and forward linkages among sub-sectors. And lastly, the industries enhance the quality of lives of rural residents. In this study, we suggested some policy directions to promote rural cultural industries. First, enactment of relevant laws is sought after and policy programs must be planned to promote the industries. Second, cooperative networks need to be established among main related authorities in local governments, as well as in the central government. Third, to increase productivity of the firms in the industries, central and local governments should help to modernize production facilities and cultivate talented persons. Fourth, the buying public must be expanded by promoting consumers" understanding of the value of rural cultural industries and their goods and services. Lastly, for the development of rural cultural industries, local governments and their residents must exploit their own cultural attractions and resources.

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