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      • KCI등재

        중국에서의 근현대사 인식과 역사 교과서 서술 : ‘革命’에서 ‘現代化’와 ‘民族’으로

        윤세병(Yoon, Se-byong) 호서사학회 2014 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.69

        중국에 사회주의 정권이 수립된 이후 마르크스주의 역사학은 정권의 이데올로기로서 역사학 연구의 주요 방법론이 되었다. 공산당 주도 하의 사회주의 혁명의 정당성을 입증하기 위하여 중국 근현대사에서 계급투쟁과 사회주의 혁명이 강조되었다. 이러한 연구 경향은 역사 교과서 서술에도 반영되어 근현대사에서 태평천국 운동, 의화단운동 등을 혁명노선으로 강조하였다. 반면에 개혁 운동이었던 양무운동이나 변법운동 그리고 공산당과 대결을 벌였던 국민당은 개량 혹은 반동으로 묘사되었다. 문화대혁명이 끝나고 개혁 ․ 개방이 실시되면서 중국 근현대사를 이해하는 방식에 변화가 오고 역사 교과서의 서술 역시 변하였다. 역사 발전의 원동력을 계급투쟁이 아닌 생산력을 중시하는 견해가 주류를 이루면서 혁명사나 계급투쟁사의 관점이 퇴조하기 시작하였다. 그리고 중국 근현대사를 현대화 과정의 역사로 해석하는 견해가 등장하였다. 개량 혹은 반동 노선으로 규정되었던 양무운동이나 변법운동 등이 중시되고, 태평천국운동이나 의화단 운동은 비중이 약화되었다. 특히 교과서에서 태평천국운동과 의화단 운동은 독립된 단원이 아닌 각각 제2차 아편전쟁과 8국 연합군의 중국 침략이라는 단원 속의 일부 내용 요소로 다루어지고 있다. 이는 민족사라는 틀에서 역사 서술이 이루어진다는 점을 보여주는데, 이러한 경향은 국민당에 대한 서술 변화에서도 읽을 수 있다. 항일전쟁 시기에 소극적인 존재로 묘사하던 국민당을 긍정적으로 서술한다는 점이다. 즉, 중국 공산당 주도의 항일전쟁이 아닌 국민당과 공산당이 함께한 민족운동사로서 항일전쟁을 그리고 있다. 결국 민족사는 현대화의 입장과 함께 중국 근현대사 서술에서 중요한 흐름으로 자리하고 있다. 이는 현재의 중국 정부가 지향하는 ‘현대화’와 국민 통합 이데올로기로서의 ‘민족’을 역사 교과서를 통해 부각시키고 있는 것이다. Since People’s Republic of China(PRC) has been established in 1949, historical materialism was the central method for the study of history among scholars. The class struggle and revolution, especially peasant movement and the socialist revolution. This influenced on the narrative of history textbooks. But as the Cultural Revolution ended, trends of study on Chinese modern history have shifted and the narrative in history textbooks of China have been changed accordingly. The modern history has been regarded as important part in the long historical context of China. The perspective on the modern history is directly connected to the recognition and policy of Chinese government. Focused on Taipingtianguo movement (太平天國運動), people movement, Yanwu movement(洋務運動), reform movement, and Anti-Japan war, the aspect of change in narratives was discussed. There was a shift from the conservative interpretation based on the Marxism before the reform and opening-up policy to the new interpretation focused on modernization. This has led to the change of narrative in the history textbooks. The Anti-Japan war was depicted as the triumph of Gongchandang(共産黨), Chinese Communist Party, but later the war has described as Chinese people’s resistence including Guomindang(國民黨), Chinese Nationalist Party. The perspective has changed from the history of class struggle and revolution by communist to the national identity, aiming at national unity between China and Taiwan.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 역사과 교육과정의 현황 -2011 · 2017 과정표준을 중심으로-

        윤세병 ( Yoon Se-byong ) 역사교육학회 2017 역사교육논집 Vol.65 No.-

        This article was aimed at analyzing the History and History & Society curriculum standard of the middle school in 2011 and the History curriculum standard of the high school in 2017. History curriculum standard of middle school in 2011 consists of the contents of Chinese history and world history. It emphasizes story telling for the student of middle school to deal with history who is not acquainted with the study of history. So, the history textbook applied the curriculum standard are made as like story book which students are able to read it easily. The characteristic of the curriculum standard is deleting unit, giving publisher freedom and flexibility in composing contents of the text book. Without the policy of the history textbook controlled by the country published in 2017, there would be more characterful history textbook. History & Society curriculum standard of middle school in 2011 is made for the subject, a sort of social study integrated into the history. It recommends the teaching and learning method which does not require to memorize historical fact passively, but to make inquiry for student to do history. It emphasizes integrated history of Chinese history and world history, and more emphasizes Chinese history. History curriculum standard of high school in 2017 emphasizes of the student’s key competency which is the flow all over the world, especially in the developed countries. The key competencies of history in China is composed of five elements, that is the materialist view of history, the concept of time and space, study of historical resource, the interpretation of the history, the understanding of the country. It has necessary course and selective course. The necessary course is Chinese & World History for the first grade students. The selective course have dual course inside. Selection one has three modules, that is political history, socioeconomic history and cultural history. Selection two has two modules. One is the basic for the study of history, the other is the study of historical resources.

      • KCI등재

        변화하는 중국, 변화하는 세계사 교육 -초중과 고중의 교과서를 중심으로-

        윤세병 ( Yoon Se-byong ) 한국서양사학회 2016 西洋史論 Vol.0 No.131

        2000년대 들어와 중국에서는 교육개혁의 일환으로 새로운 과정표준이 등장하였고 역사교과서에서 큰 변화가 일어났다. 학생들이 역사 학습에 흥미를 가질 수 있도 록 내용 요소를 줄이고 내러티브의 요소를 강화하였으며, 학생들이 다양한 탐구 활동을 통해 역사적 사고력을 신장할 수 있도록 교과서 지면을 구성하였다. 초중 단계에서 주로 흥미와 서사적 요소를 강조하였다면, 고중 단계에서는 보다 체계화 한 역사 지식에 중점을 두면서 초중과 고중 간의 계열화를 꾀하고 있다. 또한 교과서의 다양화는 중국 역사교육에서 나타난 커다란 변화의 하나이다. 전국 단위의 다양한 교과서와 함께 지방 수준의 교과서가 북경과 상해에서 발행되는 것도 특기할 만한 점이다. 출판사별, 지역별 다양한 교과서가 사용되고 있다. 내용 구성에 있어서 중국사와 세계사의 이분법을 지양하고 중국사와 세계사를 통합한 방식의 구성도 변화하는 중국의 역사교과서가 보여주는 주요한 특징의 하나이다. 전통적인 방식의 초중 『역사』를 제외하면 초중 『역사와 사회』와 고중 『역사』모두 연대기를 기반으로 한 통사 체제에서 벗어난 구성방식을 취하고 있다. 그리고 초중 『역사와 사회』는 역사뿐만 아니라 지리 등의 인근 사회 교과의 내용을 통합적으로 구성하고 있으며, 고중 『역사』는 정치사, 사회경제사, 문화사의 주제 사로 초중에서 배운 통사의 내용을 심화시키고 있다. With the advent of the 21<sup>st </sup> century, the new curriculum standard and textbook for history were made in China. The textbook has reduced content to be able to place more emphasis on the form of the narrative, inducing students` interest in history. The new version has included inquiry learning for the purpose of improving historical thinking. Elements of interest and descriptions are stressed in the middle school textbook. On the other hand, organized theoretical knowledge is emphasized in the high school textbook. This allows for sequential learning between middle school and high school. The 21<sup>st</sup> century had brought the publication of many types of history textbooks which is one of the changes in the history education of China. Many sorts of nationwide textbooks are being used, and some provinces, for example Beijing and Shanghai, are publishing their own textbooks. History textbooks are published by several kinds of publication companies located in many provinces. The method of content construction aims for the integration of Chinese history and world history instead of a dichotomy between them. The integration principle is applied to the middle school textbook History & Society and the high school textbook History. The former is a mixture of history, geography and neighboring social studies. The latter is composed of thematic histories which are political history, socioeconomic history and cultural history, deepening the content covered in middle school.

      • KCI등재

        ‘학습부담 경감’으로 포장된 역사교육의 퇴행

        윤세병(Yoon, Se-Byong) 역사비평사 2015 역사비평 Vol.- No.113

        There are many changes in the 2015 history curriculum, and the decrease of study charge was expected by the researchers who developed the curriculum. They explained that the reduction of World history content in high-school history had originated from incorporation of global history in the 2007 curriculum, insisting that it would be better to study the history of East Asia, India, West Asia and Europe as an alternative. But the problems of teaching World history involve of many complicated factors, not just global history. The 2015 curriculum would prevent students from understanding the co-relation of regions by studying the history of each region. By excluding Africa and Southeast Asia, world history is dominated by Euro-centrism and Sinocentrism. As World history in middle-school involves the study of China, Japan and Europe only, it would be worse than that of high-school history. In the case of East Asian history, there is an integration of units, but it is difficult to expect a decrease of study charge. In the process of developing the history curriculum, an open mind is needed, but this does not appear to be the case. The retrogression of democracy and history education have happened at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        21세기 중국의 세계사 교육

        尹世炳(Yoon, Se-Byong) 역사교육연구회 2013 역사교육 Vol.126 No.-

        China has carried out educational reform on a large scale since 2001, introducing new curriculum, The Curriculum Standard(kecheng biaozhun). With the change of curriculum, textbooks contain new viewpoints of world history, the theory of history from modernization and globalization which are the important study method of world history among the Chinese scholars after 1980’s. The view of history from modernization is that the history of human societies has been going for modernization through many different courses in the point of production development. The view of history from globalization is that the history of human society has been centered around the development of production aided by exchange and trade. After 1500, with the advent of history on a global scale, humans were striving for modernization. The view of history from modernization and globalization emphasize production power and modernization in common, which are the ideology aimed by China’s government. Besides new views, one of the outstanding characteristics in China’s education of world history is to combine Chinese history and world history in various forms. These combination reveal that China constructed a glorious civilization, contributing the development of other region in pre-modern age, and has endeavored for modernization with the flow of world in modern age. That is the expression of China-centered thinking and orientation for modernization. So, we can ensure that Desiring for Great Power(daguomeng) is uncovered in China’s education of world history.

      • KCI등재

        구 유고슬라비아연방 지역의 역사대화

        윤세병 ( Yoon Se-byong ) 역사교육학회 2018 역사교육논집 Vol.67 No.-

        The region of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(SFRY) was located in Balkan peninsula which has many multi-cultural nations. SFRY has been divided into 7 nations, that is Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia. In the process of dissolution of the federation, there were severe conflict among the federation members. The historical dialogue among the nations involved in the region of SFRY has been propelled to avoid breaking conflicts out repeatedly in Balkan area after bloody conflicts. With the help of Euroclio, or the European Association of History Educators, history teachers associations of 7 nations participated in the dialogue. Two books, or Ordinary People in an Extraordinary Country, Everyday Life in Bosnia&Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia 1945-1990 and Once Upon a Time, We Lived Together was born as a result of the dialogue. The historical dialogue for these books met many obstacles from the starting point because there were hostile among the members of the project originated from historical experience. Some even said “I can’t understand why I work with them” It was the expression of prolonged sentiment between antagonistic nations. But more and more meeting mad them more friendly in the process of the dialogue. At last two books could be published. Of course some themes are so controversial and sensitive that they could not be selected as the contents of these books. The contents of the books are made of the thematic style. Each theme contains controversial history for the access of multiperspectivity. So there are many resources which reveal the opposite viewpoints about an event. The essence of the dialogue is improving the multiperspectivity on history. The dialogue of Balkan peninsula would be good example for Korean peninsula in the mood of peace and unification recently.

      • KCI등재

        경계를 넘어서는 지역사 교육의 모색

        윤세병 ( Yoon Se-byong ) 역사교육학회 2020 역사교육논집 Vol.75 No.-

        It is natural that we should the concern for the education of the local history because school of living and studying is located within the local community. The study and education of local history was developed with abundance since 1990s. The education of the local history is emphasized in the context of criticism on the education of nationalistic history which was controled by the Ministry of Education for a long time, and would be more prompted if localized curriculum could be introduced instead of national curriculum. I emphasized not the immutable local identity but the opened local identity for constructing flexible identity. So recommended connecting local-country-legion-global in multiperspectivity, dealing not only his or her local but other local community, dealing with sensitive and local history and cooperating with teachers of other subjects. The widening horizon of the education of the local history needs the development of curriculum for the local history and the construct of internet platform for the study of the local history as well as cooperation with local researcher including NGO. The education of the local history is civic education in terms of the awareness and the practice about the problem of the local community.

      • KCI등재

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