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      • KCI등재

        게임상황하에서 Capacity Pooling 효과에 관한 연구

        남윤진(Yoon-Jin Nam),윤봉규(Bong-kyoo Yoon) 대한산업공학회 2012 산업공학 Vol.25 No.4

        Since pooling is a popular scheme in many areas to attain operational excellence, many researchers investigated the performance of pooling systems. However, rare research could be found on pooling with game situation which has much applicability to real world phenomenon. We analyze the performance of noncooperative pooling system with two servers having different sharing capacity. We investigate the sensitivity of the advantage of capacity pooling on the variation of system parameters, including sharing capacity numbers, pooling probability, pooling strategy and traffic intensity. As a result, we suggest an efficient control policy which facilitate the performance of pooling in a game situation.

      • KCI등재후보

        데이터마이닝을 이용한 공군 무기정비병의 조기 숙달을 위한 배속방안 연구

        강규영,윤봉규,Kang, Kew-Young,Yoon, Bong-Kyoo 한국국방경영분석학회 2011 한국국방경영분석학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        Recently, the military service period has been shortened continuously. Meanwhile, more skilled airmen are needed as the complexity of weapon systems increase. This phenomenon could lead to a disastrous result such as deteriorating the level of the readiness and the fighting power. We suggest a method to improve recruit's maintenance capability rapidly by assigning airmen to jobs appropriate to their characteristics using Datamining methods (K-menas and CART). We focus on the assigning method for air force's air-munition maintenance airmen since they are requested more skilled than other airmen. Grouping airmen with k-means method and devising classification rule with CART algorithm, we found that airmen's proficiency arrival period could be shortened by 1.79 months when they are assigned in the suggested way.

      • KCI등재후보

        흡수 마코프 체인을 활용한 적정 M/F 재고 수준에 관한 연구

        김용,윤봉규,Kim, Yong,Yoon, Bong-Kyoo 한국국방경영분석학회 2008 한국국방경영분석학회지 Vol.34 No.2

        군은 신뢰도(Reliability)나 가용도(Availability)가 다른 어떤 조직보다 중요한 조진이다. 최근에는 시스템 준비태세(System Readiness)를 강조하며, 무기체계의 성능뿐 아니라 가용도를 중요한 성과 목표로 정의하고 있어 이런 경향은 심화되고 있다. 이런 맥락에서, 군의 중요한 설비나 장비들은 신뢰도(Reliability)와 가용도(Availability) 제고를 위해 만약의 경우를 대비하는 여유 장비를 운용하고 있다. 이를 정비대충장비(M/F Maintenance Float, 이하 M/F) 라고 한다. 군의 정비대충장비는 매년 장비의 수량과 가동률을 적용하여 소요량을 산출하고 있으나, 기존의 방법은 고장특성과 정비부대의 정비능력에 대한 고려가 미흡하여, M/F 도입에 따른 효과인 신뢰도와 가용성 제고를 원래 의도된 목표만큼 달성하지 못하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 대기행렬이론과 흡수 마코프체인을 활용하여, M/F 재고 수준 결정을 위한 분석 모형을 제시하고, 그 결과를 활용하여 역습부대역할을 수행하는 OO부대에서 운용되고 있는 K-1 전차의 운영유지 대풍장비의 최적 수량을 산출했다. 본 연구는기존 연구에 비해 이해가 용이한 (Tractable) 방법론을 활용하면서도 M/F 수준과 관련된 의사결정을 정교하게 묘사할 수 있는 모형을 제시했다는 점에서 의의가 있다. The military is an organization where reliability and availability take much more importance than in any other organization. And, in line with a recent trend of putting emphasis on 'system readiness', not only functions but also availability of a weapon system has become one of achievement targets. In this regard, the military keeps spares for important facility and equipment, which is called as Maintenance Float (M/F), in order to enhance reliability and availability in case of an unforeseen event. The military has calculated yearly M/F requirements based on the number of equipment and utilization rate. However, this method of calculation has failed to meet the intended targets of reliability and availability due to lack of consideration on the characteristics of equipment malfunctions and maintenance unit's capability. In this research, we present an analysis model that can be used to determine an optimal M/F inventory level based on queuing and absorbed Markov chain theories. And, we applied the new analysis model to come out with an optimal volume of K-1 tank M/F for the OO division, which serves as counterattack military unit. In our view, this research is valuable because, while using more tractable methodology compared to previous research, we present a new analysis model that can describe decision making process on M/F level more satisfactorily.

      • KCI등재

        흡수 마코프체인을 활용한 함정 근접무기체계 효과성 분석

        김성우,윤봉규,Kim, Seong-Woo,Yoon, Bong-Kyoo 한국군사과학기술학회 2014 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.17 No.6

        Since the technology of anti-ship missiles has advanced rapidly, defending battleships from the threat of anti-ship missiles is a crucial factor for the survival of warships. In this paper, we analyze the performance of an anti-ship missile defense system whose name is Close-In-Weapon-System. We show the survival probability of a warship equipped with the Close-In-Weapon-System as the number of anti-ship missiles attacking the warship varies. Because of the complex and dynamic operational characteristics surrounding the Close-In-Weapon-System such as speed of missiles, different range of an individual weapon in the weapon system, and the continuous change of the kill probability of the missiles corresponding to the distance of missiles from ships, few work has been done for the performance of Close-In-Weapon-System. We present a model to incorporate all the dynamic characteristics of the system using absorbing Markov Chain. With our results, we expect commanders of warships equipped with Close-In-Weapon-System to be provided with more helpful information on how to deal with the anti-ship missiles.

      • KCI등재

        항공기 운용 특성을 고려한 적정 운용 대수 산정 기준 연구

        손영수,김성우,윤봉규,Son, Young-Su,Kim, Seong-Woo,Yoon, Bong-Kyoo 한국군사과학기술학회 2014 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        In this paper, we consider a method to access the number of aircraft requirement which is a strategic variable in national security. This problem becomes more important considering the F-X and KF-X project in ROKAF. Traditionally, ATO(Air Tasking Order) and fighting power index have been used to evaluate the number of aircrafts required in ROKAF. However, those methods considers static aspect of aircraft requirement. This paper deals with a model to accommodate dynamic feature of aircraft requirement using absorbing Markov chain. In conclusion, we suggest a dynamic model to evaluate the number of aircrafts required with key decision variables such as destroying rate, failure rate and repair rate.

      • KCI등재

        무선인지기능 무전기의 적정 재고수준 산정 모형에 관한 연구

        김영묵,최경환,윤봉규,Kim, Young-Mook,Choi, Kyung-Hwan,Yoon, Bong-Kyoo 한국군사과학기술학회 2012 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        Cognitive Radio(CR) is the technology that allocates the frequency by using dynamic spectrum access. We proposed a model to calculate the optimal level of the cognitive radiotelegraph, where secondary users opportunistically share the spectrum with primary users through the spectrum sensing. When secondary user with cognitive radio detects the arrival of a primary user in its current channel, the secondary user moves to the idle channel or be placed in the virtual queue. We assume that the primary users have finite buffers and the population of secondary users is finite. Using a two-dimensional Makov model with preemptive priority queueing, we could derive the blocking and waiting probability as well as the optimal level of cognitive radiotelegraph under a various range of parameter circumstances.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대기행렬모형을 활용한 육군 박격포중대 운용방안연구

        고성혁(Seong-Hyuk Ko),윤봉규(Bong-Kyoo Yoon) 한국경영과학회 2020 經營 科學 Vol.37 No.1

        It is challenging to respond to multiple fire requests during military operations. Many studies have attempted to tackle this problem as an optimization problem for fire time scheduling that minimizes the firing time. Meanwhile, infantry mortars in the battle have many unexpected targets than scheduled targets due to short fire range. Besides, there are various limitations for mortar positions that provide enough firing space as a large portion of the Korean peninsula is mountainous. In this study, the operation of mortar company was analyzed through a priority queuing model to provide an efficient structure of the company that minimizes fire response time considering geological characteristics of operations encountered by the Korea Army. A simulation model was also given to apply our model to the real situation as well as verify the analytic model.

      • KCI등재

        다단계 정비시스템의 장비 예비품 재고수준 결정모형

        유일 ( Il You ),윤봉규 ( Bong Kyoo Yoon ) 한국로지스틱스학회 2011 로지스틱스연구 Vol.19 No.1

        장비의 예비품은 군의 전쟁 승리에 매우 중요한 역할을 하지만 일종의 재고이므로 지나친 예비품 보유는 비용을 증가시키는 측면이 있다. 이런 이유로 적정 예비품수 판단문제는 군에서 매우 중요한 문제로 취급되어 왔으며 많은 관련 연구가 이루어져 왔다. 지금까지의 연구는 고장 간격과 수리시간을 지수분포로 가정하여 만든 모형을 바탕으로 문제를 해결했다. 따라서 고장이나 수리시간이 지수분포를 따르지 않는 경우에는 기존의 모형으로는 의미있는 의사결정 정보를 제공하기 어려웠다. 한편, Neuts(1981)에 의해 소개된 단계형 분포(Phase-type Distribution)는 여러 단계에 걸쳐 일어나는 확률적 현상을 묘사하는데 적합한 분포다. 그러나 단계형 분포는 모형화 및 분석의 난이도를 증가시키는 단점이 있다. 본 연구는 고장 및 수리시간이 지수분포를 따르지 않는 정비시스템을 단계형 분포로 모형화하여 적정 예비품 수준을 결정할 수 있는 방법을 제시했다. 이를 통해 신뢰도 높은 의사결정 정보를 제공할 수 있는 방안을 제시했다. 이 과정에서 단계형 분포를 사용함으로써 야기되는 분석의 난이도를 줄일 수 있는 방법론을 제시했다. 또한, 본 연구의 결과를 단계형 고장 및 수리가 일어나는 실제 고장 및 정비과정에 적용하여 단계형 분포를 적용한 모형의 현실적 의의를 살펴봤다. Military Maintenance Repair Depot has spares called Maintenance Float (M/F) in order to increase the readiness of the weapon system while trying to keep the acquistion and holding cost of the M/F at reasonable level. In this context, previous research on the optimal spare level decision has been performed based on the exponential failure/service assumption, which has limitation to describe the real world failure/service process. Neuts (1981) suggested phase-type distribution to solve the shortfalls of the exponential distribution. Although the phase-type distribution provides more accurate model to describe failure/service processes, it increased the complexity of models comparing to those with exponential distribution. In order to tackle the problem, we suggested quite simple method to analyze the stochastic model based on phase-type distribution. With this method, we analyzed the optimal M/F level with phase-type failure/service process and feedback. We also applied the method to real world case and suggested insightful results.

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