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      • KCI우수등재

        운동생리학 : 다양한 강도의 저항운동이 testosterone, growth hormone, IGF-1, cortisol 반응에 미치는 영향

        유재현(JaeHyunYoo),김성수(SungSooKim),김명기(MyungKiKim),윤성진(SungJinYoon),김은경(EunKyungKim),이은경(EunKyungLee),최희남(HeeNamChoi),윤진환(JinHwanYoon),지용석(YongSukJee) 한국체육학회 2004 한국체육학회지 Vol.43 No.3

        Resistance exercise has been one of the major potent stimulus to the neuromuscular system Based on the specific program design resistance training has been reported to enhance shingle power, or local muscular endurance. However, the scientific basis of the exercise intensity has not been enough to manifest about several hormone(e.g. anabolic, catabolic or appetite hormone). So the purpose of this study was to define that the responses of anabolic, catabolic and appetite hormone after resistance exercise of high level intensity(HI), moderate level intensity(MI), and low level intensity(Ll).The subjects for this study were 9 men (Age=25.4±3.56yts; height=175.6±4.46㎝; weight=71.6±8.97kg) who didn’t have history of cardiopulmonary diseases and medical problem.They performed the circuit resistance training using HI(10reps at 80% of one-repetition maximum(1R14, bran rest), MI(13reps at 6O% of 1RM, Min rest), and LI(20reps; at 4O% of 1RM, 1min not) protocols with 3 sets. Approximately, total exercise volume was 39,000J on all of the exercise protocols. Hormonal concentration was measured at three different tints: pm, past and Naivety thirty minutes of the exercise.For the data, all of the measurements -tire represented by mean and standard deviation using SP% statistical package(version 10.0). The statistics techniques for data analysis were two-way repeated ANOVA to determine the differences between each intensity and each time. One-way ANOVA was used to the specific analysis of exercise intensity. The 5% level of significance was used as the critical level for acceptance of hypotheses of the study.

      • KCI우수등재

        스포츠생리학 : 인슐리 비외존형 집단에서 운동중 최대산소섭취량과 최대산소섭취량 감소요인과의 상관관계

        김영일(YoungIlKIm),김남익(NamIKKim),김상훈(SangHoonKim),유재현(JaeHyunYoo) 한국체육학회 2000 한국체육학회지 Vol.39 No.4

        본 연구는 40-57세 사이의 중년의 인슐린비의존형 환자 기명을 대상으로 남성집단(n=46)과 여성집단(n=25)으로 구분하고 트레드밀 운동부하검사를 실시하여 심폐기능(ResHR, RestBP, Peak VO2, Peak M VO2)및 혈청지질 (TCH, HDL, LDL, TG, Glucose)을 측정하였다. 현재까지 인슐린비의존형에 대한 연구를 보면 운동능력 즉, 운동중 최대산소섭취량을 독립적으로 저하시킬 수 있는 위험인자를 통계적으로 분석하여 다룬 연구는 거의 없다.따라서, 본 연구는 인슐린비의존형 집단에서 운동능력 즉, 최대산소섭취량(Peak VO2)과 최대산소섭취량 감소 요인과의 관련성을 조사하여 통계적 수치로 나타내, 운동처방시 기초자료로 제시하려는데 목적이 있다. 결과는 다음과 같다.1. 두 집단 간의 %BF는 유의한(p<0.01) 차이를 나타냈으나, BMI는 서로 유의한 차이가 없었다.2. 인슐린비의존형집단(N=71)의 혈청지질 중 TCH와 TG가 임상적 위험수치(TCH: 100-220mg/㎗, TG: 44-166mg/㎗)보다 높음을 나타냈고, 두 집단 비교시 TCH는 남자보다 여자에서 유의하게(p<0.01) 높음을 나타냈다.3. 두 집단 간의 심폐기능에서는 여자집단에 비하여 남자집단에서 Peak M VO2와 Peak VO2, Exercise time 유의하게(p0.05, p<0.01) 높음을 나타냈다.4. 두 집단의 당뇨기간, 고혈압 기간 흡연기간은 유의한 차를 나타내지 못했다.5. 인슐린비의존형집단(N=71) 에서 최대산소섭취량과 최대산소섭취량 감소요인의 상관관계에서는 운동시간 (r=0.828), 흡연습관(r=-0.652), 체지방률, -0.535), 나이(r=-0.375), 당뇨기간(r=-0.333), 이완기혈압(r=-0.317)이 유의하게(p0.01) 나타났으며, TCH(r=―0.280) 와 LDL (r= -0.239)도 유의한(p<0.05) 값을 나타냈다.이상의 결과를 종합해 보면, 인슐린비의존형에서 최대산소소비량의 감소에 영향을 주는 위험인자는 상관관계를 통해 알 수 있으며, 특히 흡연기간과 당뇨기간은 인슐린비의존형 집단에서 운동처방시 최대산소섭취량 감소에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 중요한 요인으로 사료된다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation of peakVO2 and peakVO2 decrease factors during exercise in NIDDM groupThe subjects consisted 71 non-insulin dependent subjects who was aged 40-57 years were cheaked by medical process and exercise stress testing. Subjects were divided into 2 groups: male group(fasting glucose level>110[mg /㎗, n=46) and female group(fasting glucose level>110[mg/㎗], n=25). Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of independent t-test.Pervious studies have demonstrated that NIDDM group have a reduced exercise capacity compared with age-matched normal subject, the factors for this decrease in exercise capacity are still unclear, thus, this study examined potential correlates of exercise capacity such as age, diabetes duration, metabolic control and duration of hypertension, smoking habits.Results of this study were as follows.1. Between the male and female groups %BF and BMI were showed significantly(p<0.05, p<0.01) difference, but weight was not.2. TCH and peakRPP, peak VO2, Exercise Time were showed significantly(p0.05, p<0.01) difference, but Glucose and TG, HDL, LDL, RestSBP, RestDBP were not significantly difference between the two groups.3. Duration of NIDDM was significantly(p<0.05/ p0.01) higher in male than female group, but duration of hypertension, duration of smoking were not significantly difference between the two groups.4. Correlation coefficient with peakVO2 have significant(p<0.01), (p<0.05): Exercise time(r=0.828), Age(r= - 0.375), %Body Fat(r= - 0.535), Duration of NIDDM(r= - 0.333), Duration of smoking(r=- 0.652), TCH(r= - 0.280), LDL(r=-0.239).Conclusionally, It appears that Age, %Body Fat, duration of smoking, duration of NIDDM, particularly in NIDDM group, may be important in improving exercise capacity (peak VO2) and potentially improving the increased cardiovascular mortality associated with an impaired exercise capacity.

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