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      • 외국인 학습자를 위한 높임법 지도방안 연구

        유완이 충북대학교 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        The purpose of this study, in Korean education for a foreign learner, is to consider how honorific expression, which a foreign learner must learn to improve his or her communicative competence, is presented in current Korean textbooks. And it also, based on the study, is to do research a guidance plan for effective education of Korean honorific expression using educational drama from sociolinguistical perspective. For learner's fluent communicative competence which is the ultimate goal of Korean education, proper and efficient honorific expression study of grammar and linguistical knowledge of understanding how it is used within the social context, need to balance each other. The honorific expression in Korean education has been studied to improve learners’ communicative competence, in many methods such as role play, small group activity, lecture conjugating multimedia etc. Using various educational drama in Korean education lets a learner indirectly experience events or situations that are hard to come by directly, with a learner's command of a language improved effectively. This study presents a guidance plan, using role play of effective honorific expression for foreign learners. Setting up honorific expression contained in beginners' Korean textbook as object of the study, honorific expression was analyzed to study a guidance plan improving a learner's accuracy and proper use of language in accordance with its circumstances and purposes. Only how the grammar parts representing honorific expression appears in actual unit constituents is the object of discussion. Based on previous establishments, guidance plan for foreign learners was categorized into three stages ― beginner, intermediate, advanced ― and this honorific expression guidance plan suggests a teaching method, which makes use of educational drama, for effective education from sociolinguistical perspective. If this guidance plan is adapted to actual korean teaching and systematically guided, honorific expression which is thought to be difficult for foreign learners can be learned in easier ways. This study leaves some little want for not comparing and analyzing the differences between before and after adapting this guide plan to real classes for foreign learners. Although researcher suggested a guidance plan using role play, some more guide plans making use of multilateral and various educational drama need to be studied afterwards.

      • 광 버스트 스위칭 망에서 통과 트래픽을 고려한 입력 트래픽 흐름 제어 기법 설계 및 성능 평가

        유완 전북대학교 대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        With the beginning of the new millennium, the explosive growth of Internet users and Internet-related services continues to promote research for constructing high-speed optical systems and networks. Thus, the control of bandwidth in an efficient and scalable way is eventually important to realize such a vision. Optical burst switching (OBS) has been proposed as a new switching paradigm for optical network. Compared with optical circuit switching, it provides efficiency and scalability by statistical multiplexing of bursts. In case of comparing with optical packet switching, it is easier to implement than OPS because of less stringent requirements in processing control signaling and achieving synchronization. OBS networks usually employ one-way reservation by sending a burst control packet (BCP) with a specific offset time, before transmitting each data burst frame (BDF). due to such a property, burst-contentions when multiple bursts contend with the same wavelength for the same output link simultaneously in a switch, are occurred and lead to burst losses, eventually degrading the Quality of Service (QoS). There have been several studies in order to minimize the losses. The nodes in OBS networks should conduct the scheduling of transit traffic and departure traffic(input traffic) simultaneously. The transit traffic has to pass for transmission to its destination node at this node. The departure traffic is generated at each node. Due to the feature of one-way reservation in OBS, the transit traffic and departure traffic unavoidably compete to reserve resource of same output port. This contention leads to data burst losses. If transit traffic which is spent resource passing over several nodes is dropped, the waste rate of network is increased dramatically. Otherwise, if departure traffic is dropped, the waste rate of network isn’t increased. If departure traffic doesn’t be transmitted well to guarantee transmission of transit traffic, the queue size and delay of departure traffic is increased significantly. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the input traffic flow control (ITFC) algorithm considering drop rate of transit traffic and queue size of departure traffic. The proposed ITFC algorithm decides inflow of departure traffic considering drop rate of transit traffic firstly. If queue size of departure traffic excesses predefined value, ITFC algorithm decides proper inflow of departure traffic considering queue size of departure traffic and drop rate of transit traffic simultaneously. We use the OPNET simulator to evaluate the performance of the proposed ITFC algorithm and conventional departure burst shaping algorithm in terms of resource utilization and drop rate. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed ITFC algorithm is more better than existing one.

      • 아시아대학 순위 평가(QSAUR)의 평가지표 영향력 분석 및 국가별 비교

        유완 중앙대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        본 연구는 QS의 아시아대학 순위 평가 2013, 2014, 2015년도 결과를 대상으로 평가지표들이 총점에 미치는 영향력을 분석하고, 주요 국가들의 대학들이 획득한 평가지표와 총점의 평균을 비교하여 현황을 분석하는 것을 연구목적으로 하였다. 각 연도별로 상위 150위권에 진입한 대학들을 분석 대상으로 선정하였고, 일부 평가지표 점수가 기재되지 않은 대학들은 분석에서 제외하였다. 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 계층적 중회귀분석을 시행하였고, 국가별 평균점수를 계산하였다. 분석 대상에 포함된 대학들에서는 일본이 가장 많은 수의 대학을 배출하였고, 중국 대학들의 수가 증가하고 있었다. 평균점수가 높았던 평가지표는 논문 당 피인용 수였고, 국제화 영역 평가지표들의 평균점수는 낮았다. 2013년에서 2015년도 사이에 아시아권 대학들의 졸업생 평판도와 외국인 교원 비율의 평균점수는 증가하고 있었고, 외국인 학생 비율의 평균점수는 감소하고 있었다. 계층적 중회귀분석 결과에서는 학계 평가가 가장 큰 영향력을 발휘하고 있었다. 교원당 학생 수, 교원당 논문 수, 논문당 피인용 수, 졸업생 평판도 순으로 영향력이 있었고, 국제화 관련 네 개 평가지표들의 영향력은 작은 편이었다. 평가지표들의 영향력 순서는 대체로 배정된 가중치 크기순과 일치하였고, 배정된 가중치가 같을 경우에는 표준편차가 큰 평가지표의 영향력이 컸다. 평가지표와 총점의 평균점수로 국가 간 비교를 한 결과, 싱가포르가 아시아권에서 가장 우수한 것으로 나타났다. 그 다음으로 높은 점수를 기록한 지역은 홍콩이었고, 한국의 대학들은 분석대상에 포함 된 12개 대학들 중 중위권에 위치하였다. 좋은 평가 결과를 거둔 나라들은 대학에게 재정을 충분히 지원하고, 영어를 적극적으로 사용하고 있었다. 국가마다 취약한 분야가 상이하여 이에 맞는 발전 전략이 요구되었다. 아시아권 대학들이 QS 아시아대학 순위 평가에서 높은 순위에 오르기 위해서는 학계 평가를 개선하고, 논문 수와 논문의 피인용지수를 늘리며, 국제화에 투자할 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 한국은 대학들의 교원당 논문 수를 늘리고, 세계적으로 저명한 학자를 유치하기 위한 정책이 필요하며, 대학 간 격차를 줄이기 위한 전략이 필요하였다. 이와 동시에 QS 아시아대학 순위 평가의 문제점 개선이 이루어져야 한다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the indicators’ influence on the result of the QS University Rankings: Asia (QSAUR) 2013-2015 and to compare the average scores of the indicators and overall scores that each major countries’ institutions obtained. This study analyzed the top 150 institutions’ results and excluded universities who did not provide some of the indicators’ scores. To achieve the purpose of this study, hierarchical multiple regression was utilized and the mean scores of the indicators and overall scores that each country acquired were calculated. While Japan had the greatest number of universities in the data that this study utilized, the number of Chinese universities was increasing. The indicator that had the highest mean score was citations per paper. The four indicators of the internationalization area had the lowest mean score. Between 2013 and 2015, the mean score of employer reputation and international faculty was rising whereas the mean score of international students was decreasing. As a result of hierarchical multiple regression, the most influential indicator was academic reputation. The following relative order of the importance of indicators was (1) faculty/student ratio, (2) papers per faculty, (3) citations per paper, (4) employer reputation. The impact of the four indicators of internationalization was trivial. The order of the influence of indicators corresponded to its assigned weights. When the indicators had the same assigned weights, the impact of an indicator whose standard deviation was bigger than the other indicator was more significant. The results of the comparison revealed that Singapore was the leading country in Asia. Hong Kong attained the second highest scores. South Korea was in a middle rank among the twelve countries that were analyzed. The countries that obtained favorable results provided enough financial support with the colleges and adopted English as an official language. Having different areas that were weak, each country was required to adopt strategies that were designed to help mitigate areas within them that had a low score. For Asian universities to attain a higher position at the QSAUR, they should invest in resources for improving their academic reputation, increasing the number of papers per faculty and citations per paper, and internationalizing their institutions. South Korea should enhance their institutions’ capacity of research, hire prominent international researchers, and narrow the gap among colleges. At the same time, the QSAUR should refine the methodology of the evaluation.

      • 중국의 농촌 의료보장제도 발전방안에 관한 연구

        류완 동국대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 1551

        There is a gap between the rapidly developing socialist market economy development demand and the people's demand for growth, and the policy on health insurance has increased the cost burden on society as a whole due to the disparity of medical resources allocation, the lack of government funding, inefficiency of management organization and provision of low-level medical services. Because of this, the cost of the entire society has increased, and there is a situation that does not receive the actual benefits of medical care. It is an early goal to improve the social security system of China and improve the standard of living by creating an environment in which people can get rid of the disease and ensuring public health. Moreover, building infrastructure of human capital, society. It is also a very important step in realizing economic sustainable development. This is a common problem not only in China but also around the world. There are two types of medical insurance in China: urban health insurance and rural medical insurance. As the largest agricultural nation in the world, the productivity of farmers is directly related to the development of China's national economy, which accounts for a very large share of the national economy. It is a very important step in realizing economic sustainable development. In this paper, based on the system theory, With the focus on the medical delivery system, will combine the empirical analysis with the normative analysis and conduct research on the Chinese rural health insurance system through field surveys and comparative analysis. In the process of policy evaluation, Roemer(뢰머) system theory evaluation model was used here to introduce the value standard of fairness and efficiency and set the following goals for Chinese rural health care system. The first, will review the current state of rural health insurance system by restoring the history of Chinese rural health insurance system. The second, through the case analysis, we will analyze the actual condition and problems of Chinese rural health insurance system. The third, we reviewed the development plans of the rural health insurance system in China and reviewed how to develop it in the future.

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