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      • J.J.Rousseau에 있어서 自然과 自由의 槪念 : 幼兒敎育論의 哲學的 基礎로서

        元蓮喜 진주여자전문대학 1984 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        This study has come to the following conclusion in reevaluating the position and its fundamental concept of the early childhood educational philosophy of Rousseau. 1) Liberal educational characterized by the infant educational philosophy of Rousseau is creating the distorted member of the society ; it is not concluding the natural preservation, as humanbeings as the nature itself is, but a free man of the citizenship, as observed from the whole system of thought, is persistent and herein natural liberty can be restored. Accordingly, education of naturalism shall be understood for wholly, systematic natural education unified of nature and liberty. 2 ) The education of naturalism is artificial, that means, the points of preserving the character of the nature from the distorted society or civilization is methodologically a negative education ; but furthermore, paradoxically, a positive education shall be observed, as seen from the demention of continuing the natural person in the society of citizen, by achieving the common goodness with the common self.

      • KCI등재

        융모성 질환 74예 - 10년간 연구

        원연희(YH Won),윤영숙(YS Yoon),전영실(YS Chun),김종일(JI Kim),강신명(SM Kang) 대한산부인과학회 1980 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.23 No.6

        1. 분만 총수 18,244명중 포상기태는 52예, 즉 0.28%, 1:351분만 이었고 융모암은 22에, 즉 0.12%, 1:829분만이었다. 본 병원에 내원한 임부총수에 비하면 포상기태가 632임신중 1예, 융모암은 1133임신중 1예이었다. 2. 포상기태 52명은 모두 양성이었고 융모암환자 22명중 비전이가 6명 (27.3%), 전이가 16명 (72.7%)이었다. 3. 전이된 융모암은 폐전이가 11예(68.7%), 질전이 4예(25%)가 가장 많았고 그 이외에 외음부 2예(12.5%), 위장계 2예(12.5%)이었고 뇌 간장등에 전이된 환자도 각각 1예 있었다. 4. 융모암 22예의 선행원인은 유산후에 속발된 것이 11명, 즉 50%로서 제일 많았고 그중 2명의 자연유산을 제외한 거의 대부분이 (9명) 인공유산후에 속발된 것이었다. 이들 인공유산은 대부분이 일반 비전문의에 의하여 실시되었음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 포상기태에서 속발 된 것이 5명 (22.7%), 만삭분만후에 4명(18.2%), 자궁외 난관임신후에 1명 그리고 원인불명으로 발생된 것이 1명 있었다. 5. 포상기태의 임상증후는 경한 질출혈이 대부분이었고 (82.7%), 임신오조증 (32.7%) 및 하복부 불편감 (32.7%), 그외 혈압상승 (19.2%)등이었다. 6. 포상기태 제거 직후 methotrexate의 예방적 사용은 대부분 임신을 더 원하는 20명에 시도하였다. 그 중 2명만이 6∼8년간 사후관찰결과 아무런 악성변화 없이 그후 정상임신 하였음을 확인 하였고 그외 18명은 사후관찰이 불가능하였다. 그 반면 예방적으로 methotexate를 시도하지 않은 17명군에서도 사후관찰은 불가능하여 알 수 없었다. 7. 사망: 융모암 입원 22명중 전이된 환자 16명에 있어서 그중 3명만이 병원내에서 사망하였고 나머지 환자는 역시 예후 관찰이 불가능 하였다. 포상기태 52명중 사후관찰된 생존환자는 2명에 불과하였다. 8. 본 경험에 비추어 인공 유산후에 보이는 완고한 출혈은 물론, 자연유산 배출후 출혈이 경하거나 또는 없다고 하여도 반드시 시험적 소파술을 시행하여 태반 조직 잔류 유무를 확인하는 것이 융모질환 예방상 대단히 중요하다고 본다. Trophoblastic disease is relatively common in Asian area including Korea and the best prognosis may be expected by early recognition as well as proper treatment. In this study will be discussed 74 cases of trophoblastic disease ncluding 52 cases of mole and 22 of choriocarcinoma during a ten year period lasting 1967 to 1976 at Ewha Womans University Hospital, Seoul, Korea. The incidence of trophoblastic disease was certainly high, the Hydatidiform mole occurred one case per 632 pregnancies or 1:351 deliveries(0.28%) and choriocarcinoma occurred one case per 1133 pregnancies or 1:829 deliveries(0.12%) In the type of proceeding pregnancy in choriocarcinoma, the abortion was most frequent antecetent cause as high as 50% (11 cases) and 5 cases (22.7%) occured after tubal pregnancy and one case noticed as being of unknown origin. In classifying the trophoblastic disease, 52 cases of Hydatidiform mole were found to be all benign. Of 22 cases of choriocarcionoma, there showed 16cases (72.7%) of metastatic variety and 6 cases(27.3%) of nonmetastatic variety. Among the metastatic choriocarcinoma of 16 cases, 11 cases or two third of them(68.7%) revealed metastasis to the lung, 4 cases (25%) to th ecerix, 2 cases (12.5%) to the vagina, 2 cases (12.5%) to the gastrointestinal tract and 2 cases to the brain and liver respectively. The clinical picture of mole revealed that the vaginal spotting was most common symptom (83%) and toxemic or hypertensive sign appeared in 19% of the patients. The uterine size was bigger than the corresponding gestational age in 44%, the remainder was either compatible (25%) or smaller (30%) The prophylactic methotrexate chemotherapy was tried to 20 patients who particularly want to have more pregnancy. However, it was hard to obtain the follow-up results in the majority cases except 2 cases of them had consequent normal term pregnancy without any malignant changes. Of the total of 22 patients with choriocarcinoma, 3 patients with metastatic choriocarcinoma were ead during the hospitalization, and the remainder was unknown. It is appeared to be very important to confirm or excludethe possible retaining placental tissue in the uterus by repeat curettage in the prevention of the trophoblastic disease.

      • KCI등재

        사학 : 일본 사료해석을 통한 울릉도,독도 연구 -기봉행소(崎奉行所), 대마번(對馬藩)에서의 안용복의 진술을 중심으로-

        원연희 ( Yeon Heui Weon ) 온지학회 2013 溫知論叢 Vol.0 No.37

        안용복은 1693년 울릉도에서 어렵을 하다 일본인을 만나 충돌이 있었다. 일본인들은 자신들이 울릉도에서 독점적인 어렵을 하여야 했다. 하지만 그곳에서 어렵을 하고 있었던 조선인을 자주 만나자, 어획량이 줄어든 것을 불안해하였다. 그래서 그들은 조선인이 울릉도에서 어렵을 다시는 하지 못하도록 돗토리 번주가 조치를 취해주기를 원하여서, 안용복 일행 중에서 안용복과 다른 한 명을 납치하였다. 이렇게 시작되는 안용복의 납치사건은 그 후 朝·日 양국의 울릉도·독도에 관한 영토 문제로까지 번지게 되어 ‘竹島一件’으로 마무리되었다. 최근 한·일간 독도에 관한 영토문제가 주목받으면서 안용복의 사건은 더욱 중요해지고 있는 가운데, 일본은 1693년 안용복이 납치되었을 때, 나가사키 봉행소와 쓰시마번에서의 진술이 위증이었다고 주장하고 있다. 그래서 이 글에서는 에도시대 쓰시마번사가 쓴 『竹島紀事』에 있는 안용복의 진술을 통해 그의 울릉도와 독도에 관한 인식을 살펴보았다. 『竹島紀事』와 조선의 사료 등을 통해 살펴본 결과, 안용복은 일본인과 울릉도에서 만나기 이전에도 동해의 항로를 잘 알고 있었다. 동해에 있는 울릉도와 독도에 대한 인식은 6세기 우산국 때부터 시작되어 고려에서 조선의 안용복에게로 이어지고 있었다. 또한, 그의 나가사키 봉행소의 진술에서는 울릉도의 방향을 말하지 않았지만, 쓰시마번의 진술에서는 방향을 동쪽이라고 했다. 이 사실은 울릉도에 대해 잘 알고 있었을 뿐만 아니라, 위증하지도 않았다는 증거이다. 따라서 울릉도에서 어렵을 하였던 안용복이 독도를 인식하지 못했다고 하는 기존의 견해는 타당하지 못하다. 안용복은 울릉도와 독도의 존재를 인식하며 어렵을 하였던 것이 틀림없다. In 1693, An Yong-Bok, who was fishing and hunting in Ulleungdo, had a conflict with Japanese. The Japanese wanted to fish exclusively around the island. But meeting frequently people from Joseon who was fishing there, they were anxious due to decreased fish catch. Thus, wanting Tottori feudal domain to take action to the people not to fish, they kidnapped Mr. An Yong-Bok and one of his company. This abduction grew into territorial dispute of Ulleungdo and Dokdo between Korea and Japan and ended in ``One Takeshima Dipute``. The dispute being the issue recently, the abduction has been being very important. Meanwhile, Japan asserts that An`s statement at Nagasaki magistraite`s office and Tsushima feudal domain in 1693 (when he was kidnapped) is perjury. So this paper examines the An`s awareness of Ulleungdo and Dokdo, through his statement in 「Takeshima Report」 written by Tsushima feudal retainer in the Edo era. The result of reviewing 「Takeshima Report」 and historical records of Joseon tells us that An Yong-Bok had already known the course of the East sea well before he met Japanese at Ulleungdo. The awareness of Ulleungdo and Dokdo in the East sea arose from Woosanguk in 6th century and have continued to Goryeo and An`s awareness. Futhermore, his statement at Nagasaki magistraite`s office doesn`t refers to the direction of Ulleungdo, but his another statement at Tsushima feudal domain tells us that the direction is east. This proves that An Yong-Bok was well-known about Ulleungdo and he didn`t commit the perjury.

      • 논문(論文) : 안용복(安龍福)의 제 1차 도일(渡日)에 관한 연구 (오키국(隱岐國),돗토리번(鳥取藩)을 중심으로)

        원연희 ( Yeon Heui Weon ) 강원대학교 사학회 2011 江原史學 Vol.0 No.25

        안용복의 1차 도일은 조선의 쇄환정책을 모르는 일본인이 울릉도를 무인도라고 착각하고, 그곳에서 독점적인 어업권을 계속 확보하기 위해, 증거로서 안용복일행을 인질로 잡아간 사건이었다. 이렇게 납치된 이후의 일본에서의 행적에 대해 살펴보자. 4월에 오키국의 후쿠우라에 도착하여, 번소에서 안용복과 그를 납치한 오오야 가문의 사공들은 취조를 받았고, 번소는 안용복 등을 직접 심문했다. 오키국에서 요나고로 이동되어서는 에도의 지시를 기다린다. 오키국에서 요나고로 이송된 안용복 일행의 조사 내용은 에도에 있는 돗토리 번주에게 보고가 되고, 이것은 다시 막부에게 보고된다. 막부에서 조선인을 나가사키로 이송하여 귀국시키라는 지시가 내려진 후, 돗토리번은 돗토리 城下로 안용복일행을 오게 한다. 그리고 그곳의 공회소에서 머물다 돗토리번 측은 이들을 호위하여 나가사키로 보내게 된다는 것이다. 이러한 일정에 대해서는 다른 사료를 갖고 더 연구해 볼 사안이지만, 사료『控帳』을 가지고 오키국과 요나고, 돗토리 城下로 가는 과정을 검토해 본 결과, 안용복은 납치되었다고 확인되었고, 에도에 갔다고 하는 기록은 보이지 않는다. The incident of Ahn Yongbok``s first visit to Japan as a hostage was enforced by Japanese for securing the exclusive fishing rights in Ulleungdo, misunderstanding that the island was uninhabited. Their traces in Japan were as follows; after arriving at Hukuura of Okiguk in April, the officials at Bunso strictly questioned Ahn Yongbok and the fishermen of the Ooya family who had taken him to Japan. After being transferred to Yonago from Okiguk, they stayed in custody waiting for an order from Edo government. Their inquiry report was sent to Tottori Bunju in Edo, also delivered to Makbu. By the order from Makbu to return him to Nagasaki, Tottori Bun transfered Ahn Yongbok and the fishermen to Tottori. Being prisoned in the community hall of Tottori for a while, they were sent under convoy to Nagasaki. As reviewed above, no record was found in the study of 『A memo(HikaeChou)』, that Ahn Yongbok and others were sent to Edo. Any details of the inquiry report were not included in this document. This subject shall be examined with other materials in a separate study. Ahn Yongbok``s trace in Nagasaki and Thusima, in his first visit to Japan, shall also be covered in another study.

      • KCI등재

        난소임신 1예

        원연희(YH Won),최진주(JJ Choi),김석희(SH Kim),유한기(HK Yoo) 대한산부인과학회 1980 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.23 No.11

        본 보고의 난소임신 1예는 원발성 난포내 난소임신으로 확인되었고 아울러 난소임신에 관한 문헌적 고찰을 하였다. Ovarian pregnancy is comparatively rare in ectopic pregnancy. A case of ovarian pregnancy which we have experienced is reported and literature are briefly reviewed.

      • 중추신경 흥분제가 barbiturates의 수면효과에 미치는 영향

        강숙경,강원숙,원연희,이상열 이화여자대학교 의과대학 1972 梨花醫學誌 Vol.- No.4

        The present sudies describe the effects of analeptics(caffeine, amphetamine, pent-lenetetrazol)on the duration of barbiturates were determined in rats. Sleeping time of babiturates was determined by the time elapsing between loss and return of the righting reflexes. All drugs were injected intraperitoneally. Preliminary experiments indicated that at a dose of 40 ㎎/㎏ either of the two barbiturates produced loss of the righting reflexes without death. This dose was selected for subsequent studies. Results are following: 1. Pretreatment of caffeine, amphetamine and pentylenetetrazol shortened significantly the sleeping time of thiopental sodium but the effects of pentobarbital sodium on sleeping were different according to the does of pretreated drugs(caffeine, amphetamine and pentylentetrazol). 2. The sleeping time of pentylentetrazol and thiopental sodium was most prominently shortened by the dose of caffeine 15 ㎎/㎏ in rats. 3. There was a tendency that the more dose of amphetamine was increased the shorter the duration of sleeping time became. 4. Pretreated group by 2 ㎎/㎏ pentylentetrazol didn't make significant change on the sleeping effect.

      • KCI등재

        임신성 당뇨병 ( Gestational Diabetes ) 과 임신시 및 산후 경구 당부하검사 ( Oral Glucose Tolerance Test )

        윤영숙(YS Yoon),원연희(YH Won),우복희(BH Woo),강신명(SM Kang) 대한산부인과학회 1977 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.20 No.12

        Gestational diabetes is one of the most important medical complications in pergnancy however still is not widely recognized and even tend to overlooked. Clinical observations were accomplished on 181 cases of suspected gestational diabetes admitted to ewha Womans University Hospital for past 5 years duration from Jan. 1. 1972 to Feb. 28. 1977. In this paper, the clinical significance of oral glucose tolerance test during pregnancy and postpartumm indications of oral glucose tolerance test, early detection of the gestational diabetes, maternal and fetal complications, and perinatal loss, and its prevension were discussed. 1. The incidence of gestational diabetes in 1.1% out of 8381 cases of deliveries or 1 per 91 deliveries overt diabetes was 1 case encountered inthis series. 2. The best criteria of abnormal oral glucose tolerance test is comcidered to be 2 hours value of blood glocose level (140mg% in folinwoo) and 40 or more of different value of blood glocose level between fasting and 2 hours test. 3. Glucose tolerance tests were really indicated for detection of gestational diabetes particularly in cases of large r fetus or hydramnios suspected incurrent pregnancy sith or without urine sugar positive, gravidas with past history of diabetes etc. 4. Glucose tolerance test should be done any time whenever it is indicated or suspected best preferably before 37 weeks of pregnancy, or postpartum 3rd or 4th day if it was not available during the pregnancy. 5. Gravidas with abnormal value of glucose tolerance test revealed a rather high incidence or approximately 5-6 5 of maternal complications (wound infection etc.), 9.6% of severe neonatal jaundice and 2% of acute respiratory distress in neomatal side too. 6. Glucose tolerance tests were needed in 50% of the suspicious diabetic cases even in the cases of negative urine sugar test. 7. Perinatal loss in the gravidas with abnormal glucowd tolerance was 5.3% or 2 fold that of normal control group. Still birth rate was especially high in case of delivered later than 37 weeks of gestation with abnormal glucose tolerance test level, therefore approximately 60% of unnecessary intrauterine fetal deaths could be prevented it gestational diabetes is recognized early by performing adequate glucose tolerance tests and profer time delivery or management.

      • 중추신경 흥분제가 barbiturates의 수면효과에 미치는 영향

        강숙경,강원숙,이상열,원연희 이화여자대학교 의학회 1972 梨花醫學會誌 Vol.- No.4

        The present sudies describe the effects of analeptics(caffeine, amphetamine, pent-lenetetrazol)on the duration of barbiturates were determined in rats. Sleeping time of babiturates was determined by the time elapsing between loss and return of the righting reflexes. All drugs were injected intraperitoneally. Preliminary experiments indicated that at a dose of 40 ㎎/㎏ either of the two barbiturates produced loss of the righting reflexes without death. This dose was selected for subsequent studies. Results are following: 1. Pretreatment of caffeine, amphetamine and pentylenetetrazol shortened significantly the sleeping time of thiopental sodium but the effects of pentobarbital sodium on sleeping were different according to the does of pretreated drugs(caffeine, amphetamine and pentylentetrazol). 2. The sleeping time of pentylentetrazol and thiopental sodium was most prominently shortened by the dose of caffeine 15 ㎎/㎏ in rats. 3. There was a tendency that the more dose of amphetamine was increased the shorter the duration of sleeping time became. 4. Pretreated group by 2 ㎎/㎏ pentylentetrazol didn't make significant change on the sleeping effect

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