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      • 독창적 광고비주얼의 효과 : 제품기대 불일치성과 표현 독특성

        우석봉 고려대학교 2005 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        본 연구는 광고비주얼에 대한 제품기대 불일치성과 표현 독특성을 통해 독창적인 광고비주얼이 광고효과에 미치는 영향을 규명하고자 하였다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 2가지 연구를 수행하였다. 연구 1은 광고비주얼에 대한 제품기대 불일치성과 표현 독특성의 차이를 생리학적 반응 수준에서 밝힘으로서 이들 변인이 연구변인으로서 가치가 있는지 확인하고 독창적 비주얼에 대한 인지적 광고효과 측정 결과를 보완하고자 함이었다. 이를 위해 신경생리학적 접근인 fMRI를 이용하였다. 연구1의 결과, 제품기대 불일치성과 표현 독특성은 상이한 신경기제를 통해 광고효과에 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 확인하였다. 제품기대 불일치 비주얼은 주로 의미기억의 인출과 의미추론과 같은 인지화동을 야기하며 표현이 독특한 비주얼은 정서반응을 야기하였다. 연구 2는 제품기대 불일치성과 표현 독특성이 광고효과에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 검증하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 각 변인의 수준을 고, 저로 조작하고 2 X 2 요인설계에 의한 실험법을 적용하였으며 연구 1에서 관찰 된 결과를 토대로 광고 관심도, 광고 정교화, 광고 이해용이성, 광고에 대한 감정반응, 그리고 광고태도의 5가지 광고효과 변인을 종속변인으로 도입 하였다. 연구 결과, 제품기대 불일치성은 광고에 대한 관심을 높이고 광고에 대한 정교화를 유도하는 측면에서 효과적이며 표현 독특성은 광고에 대한 이해, 긍정적인 감정반응의 인출, 그리고 긍정적인 광고태도 형성에서 효과적임을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구는 표현 독특성을 도입하여 독창적 비주얼의 효과를 보다 구체적으로 규명하였을 뿐만 아니라 신경생리학적 접근을 통해 효과의 기제를 밝힘으로서 독창적 광고비주얼 연구를 위한 이론적 기여와 함께 광고제작자를 위한 실무적 기여를 할 수 있을 것이다.

      • 호텔從事員의 組織市民行動과 先行要因 및 職務成果간의 關係에 관한 硏究

        우석봉 慶星大學校 大學院 2000 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        In recent, hotel businesses are faced to new challenges and need to get competitive advantage in a rapidly changing environment. Under these circumstances, hotel managers have to concern employees' morale because hotel success is closely tied with employees' role and is influenced by hotel employees for the improvement of organizational effectiveness. Role behavior of hotel employees is divided into two parts such as in-job and extra-job behavior. Many studies which related with in-job behavior had done until 1990, after that, extra-job behavior research has been studied. However, research for organizational citizenship behavior is not studied sufficiently, and simple research has been conducted between organizational citizenship behavior and job performance. Therefore, three objectives were suggested for this study as following: First, this study made research model and hypotheses after comprehensive literature review for organizational citizenship behavior. Second, this study conducted the relationship among the precedence factors, organization citizenship behavior and job performance focus on hotel employees. Third, this study summarized result for organizational citizenship behavior focus on hotel employees and identified the phenomenon of Korean hotel business. For these research objectives, literature review and survey research conducted. Survey questionnaire was sent to the 7 five-star hotel which is located in Pusan and it was collected. The total number of survey questionnaire was 475. And data was analyzed for testing hypotheses with LISREL package to identify the relationship among job related variables such as work value, self efficacy, personal variables demographic factors and job performance. ◁그림 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) Research Model Nineteen hypotheses were accepted for this study and drew inclusive model. Major findings are proposed as following: First, work value and self efficacy as job related personal traits were influenced on preceding variables for this model, and the higher work value and self efficacy of the test result showed the more job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Second, in case of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, these were significant relationship to organizational citizenship behavior as altruism, conscientiousness, courtesy, civic virtue, sportsmanship. These variables were influenced on the latter variables. As the influence of precedent factors to organizational citizenship behavior, job satisfaction and organizational committment were a similarity on direct and indirect effect to altruism, conscientiousness, courtesy and civic virtue, sportsmanship. Third, altruism, conscientiousness, courtesy, civic virtue, sportsmanship as precedent factors of organizational citizenship behavior were positive relationship to job performance. The higher organizational citizenship behavior was influenced on the better job performance through testing hypotheses. In addition, job satisfaction and organizational commitment as mediating variables were related with the organizational citizenship behavior components and work value as job related variables and self efficacy as personal variables. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment of hotel employees were directly influenced to organizational citizenship behavior, and these were indirect influence to job performance. Test result indicated that organizational citizenship behavior was not only affected directly to job performance but also affected indirectly job satisfaction. Organizational commitment mediated to the effect for job performance. As comprehensive model for this study, work value and self efficacy had positive influenced on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment had positive influenced on organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational citizenship behavior had positive influenced on job performance. And then work value and self efficacy was mediated to organizational citizenship behavior through job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment were mediated to job performance through organizational citizenship behavior. From the result, this study drew comprehensive model as a appropriate one. The survey result showed that work value has to enlarge and stimulate self efficacy for leading employees if top manager want to organizational citizenship behavior through organizational commitment. And particularly clear, orientation for personnel management has to proposed to all employees and practical implementation has to suggest as following. Altruism, conscientiousness, courtesy, civic virtue, and sportsmanship were positive influenced on job performance, and these results suggested that hotel employee's appraisement was settled according to these results in near future. Hotel industry was severely depended on personnel service. Employees' citizenship behavior was maintained for its organization, and was important factor for hotel growth and increasing profits after manage these factors positively. Hotel manager has to build framework for employee's motivation and leadership development. For recruiting new employees in hotel business there are necessity for hotel manager to develop items according to organizational citizenship behavior, and seek to support employees for helping customer voluntarily. As the limitation, this study was confined only 7 hotels in pusan so that it was not applicable to entire hotel industry. The perception of hotel employees was only obtained for the measurement of organizational citizenship behavior and job performance. Therefore, there are necessity for all national survey and item development of job performance through personnel appraisement in future study. ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) table. A Summary of Results

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