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      • KCI등재

        단독자로서의 제인 에어

        오정화 ( Jung Hwa Oh ) 한국근대영미소설학회 2014 근대 영미소설 Vol.21 No.3

        As contemporaries, Søren Kierkegaard and Charlotte Bronte never met, but they shared a similar Christian theology, facing and diagnosing problems of their time. Kierkegaard developed his core concepts of existentialism through the “single individual.” Fear and Trembling deals with faith, focusing on the story of Abraham`s willingness to obey God`s orders to sacrifice Isaac. When Abraham gave up his son, he became a knight of faith, performing a teleological suspension of ethical and absolute duty to God. The leap of faith as the single individual is related to three stages of existence: the aesthetic, the ethical, and the religious. The religious is further divided into Religiousness A (the ethical-religious) and Religiousness B (the paradoxical-religious). The latter is considered the highest state, rendering belief in the irrationality and absurdity of Christian doctrines. The single individual is required to go outside to love the neighbor, for this love is crucial for both the self-relationship and the God-relationship. In the Victorian age, women were not recognized as individual human beings. Though spiritual equality of both men and women is a basic Christian doctrine, the ideology of separate spheres was accepted as a universal truth even in the church. Evangelicalism asserted an individual relationship and direct communication with God, but required women to practice this through men (ministers or husbands). Against this background, Bronte developed Jane Eyre as the single individual through the three stages of existence. The leaps of faith are excellently depicted when Jane is challenged to overcome both Rochester`s and St. John`s temptation. In both cases, Jane`s attempts to stay true to herself are crucial because the individual is higher than the universal as Kierkegaard claims. As soon as she stands in absolute relation to the absolute, she goes to Rochester and practices the love for the neighbor. Sharing a similar theology, Kierkegaard`s existentialist vision of the single individual and Bronte`s feminist vision of women meet in the fictional portrayal of Jane Eyre.

      • KCI등재후보

        지하철역사내 범죄불안감과 환경계획에 관한 연구

        오정화(Jung Hwa Oh),하미경(Mi Kyoung Ha) 한국셉테드학회 2016 한국셉테드학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        본 연구는 지하철역사 공간의 범죄불안감 감소에 필요한 환경계획요소를 범죄예방(CPTED) 항목에 기초하여 도출하고자 범죄불안감을 조사하였으며 현장조사 및 설문조사를 통한 현황파악 방법으로 진행되었다. 서울시내 2개의 환승노선이 지나는 1-9호선 지하철역 중 노후 지하철역과 최신 지하철역을 유동인구 기준으로 4곳 선정하였다. 지하철역사내 공간을 외부연결출입구, 승강장진입계단 및 환승통로, 화장실, 매표실, 승강장으로 공간을 나누고 이용자를 대상으로 범죄불안감이 높은 환경계획요소를 조사하였다. 본 연구는 다음과 같은 결론을 내릴 수 있다. 첫째, 지하철역사내 범죄불안감이 높은 장소는 ‘화장실’, ‘환승통로’, ‘승강장’ 순으로 나타난다. 둘째, 지하철역사내 범죄불안감이 가장 높은 환경계획요소는 외부연결출입구의 CCTV설치 수량 부족, 승강장진입계단 및 환승통로의 사각지대, 화장실의 자연감시 부족, 매표실과 승강장의 주변사람과 밀착이다. 셋째, 환경설계를 통한 범죄예방(CPTED)의 5가지 원리 중 외부연결출입구에서는 접근통제, 승강장진입계단 및 환승통로와 화장실에서는 자연감시, 매표실과 승강장에서는 영역강화 부분의 보완이 필요하다. 넷째, 노후화 된 지하철역의 환경계획요소에서 불안감이 상대적으로 높다. 그러나 신설역사가 범죄예방차원에서 설계되어졌다고 보기 어려웠으며 CPTED 차원에서 지하철역사 계획이 검토될 필요가 있다고 본다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the environmental planning factors needed to reduce crime anxiety in subway station based on crime prevention through environmental design(CPTED) and was conducted as a method to grasp the current situation through field survey and questionnaire. Four stations were selected for the old subway station and the newest subway station in the 1-9 subway stations passing through the two transfer lines in Seoul. This study can make the following conclusions. First, places with high anxiety about crime in the subway station are listed as ‘toilet’, ‘transit passage’, ‘platform’. Second, the environmental planning factor with the highest level of insecurity in the subway station is the lack of CCTV installation at the entrance of the external connection, the blind spot of the entrance of stairway and transit passage, the lack of natural surveillance of the toilet, the contact with the people around the ticket office and platform. Third, it is necessary to support the area strengthening in the access control, the entrance to the landing stage, the transit passage, the natural surveillance in the toilet, and the box office and the platform in the external connecting door by applying the five principles of CPTED. Fourth, the anxiety is relatively high in the old subway station. However, it is difficult to say that the newest subway station has been designed to prevent crime and it is necessary to review the subway plan and design in terms of CPTED.

      • KCI등재

        로체스터 부인의 자서전: 『제인 에어』

        오정화 ( Jung Hwa Oh ) 근대영미소설학회 2000 근대 영미소설 Vol.7 No.2

        Jane Eyre An Autobiography is written by Mrs. Rochester, the first-person narrator who writes retrospeclively after everything she records happened She seems a happy contented domestic woman, but the fact that she starts to write her life full of passion which consisted of both desire and rage implies that she speaks double. She describes her development from a rebellious and naughty child to a mature and respectable woman, but her motives for autobiographical writing are duplicitous and contradictory. Mrs. Rochester Writes her own life though it means to make herself to be spoken of in the public. As a wife who is married ten years, being given the "divine" duty to keep her domestic sphere from the public, she dares to textualize her own experiences including her thought and emotion. She begins to speak to a mass audience through writing at Ferndean, pouring out what is in her to get released from being "the angel in the house," as she began to speak at Gateshead to reveal falsity of the domestic ideology of the Reeds. She knows that, though she rejected St. John`s proposal to be his "angel in the house," she has become not much different from it in Mr. Rochester`s house; and her married life is not a part of the busy world full of life and movement she has longed for. Charlotte Bronte`s naming the novel as Jane Eyre` An Autobiography indicates that Jane, now Mrs. Rochester, wants not to exorcise but to resurrect the young rebellious and subversive Jane Eyre and to make a defiant public discourse out of her private life.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 영국 기독교와 여성작가의 관계에 대한 재고

        오정화(Oh Jung-Hwa) 한국여성학회 2002 한국여성학 Vol.18 No.2

        이 논문은 19세기 영국의 기독교가 여성 작가의 글쓰기를 억압하는 기제로 작용하였다는 단순하고 환원적인 여성주의 비평의 문제점을 지적하고, 19세기 영국 기독교가 여성작가들과 갖는 양면적이고 다층적인 관계를 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 먼저 19세기 영국의 복음주의의 내용을 고찰하였으며, 이것이 영국 여성의 삶에 끼친 영향을 분석하였다. “분리 영역”과 “가정성 예찬”이 여성에게 미친 영향의 이중적 의미에 주목하였으며, 하나님과의 직접적인 관계를 중시한 것이 여성작가들에게 지닌 의의를 살펴보았고, 이 세상에서의 일을 중시하는 사고가 글쓰는 재능을 부여받은 여성 작가들에게 글쓰기를 거룩한 임무로 삼게 하였음을 고찰하였다. 또한 19세기 영국의 기독교가 여성작가들에게 계급 중심적이고 가부장적인 영국 사회를 신랄하게 비판하고 새로운 비전을 제시하는 글을 과감히 쓸 수 있도록 하는 데 기여하였음을 엘리자베스 개스컬의 『매리 바튼』과 샬롯 브론테의 『제인 에어』 분석을 통해 예증하였다. Many feminists have reductively denounced Christianity for oppressing women's desire to write, but in actuality women writers have had a complex and ambivalent relationship with Christianity. Christianity had a great revival in the nineteenth-century through the evangelical movement, and in turn affected every aspect of the English. The most powerful concepts which influenced women's lives were the "separate spheres" and the "cult of domesticity." These concepts have been considered only as having subjugated women; however, they also endowed women with subversive potentiality by giving them moral authority. Evangelism emphasized direct relationship with God and individual understanding of the Bible, so women writers were able to have boldness to interpret God's will and criticize patriarchal interpretations of it. Evangelism laid stress on vocation, and women with the ability to write believed that their gift was given by God and their vocation was to use it. Elizabeth Gaskell and Charlotte Bronte illustrate how their Christianity gave them the power to speak against their patriarchal and class-conscious society. When Gaskell wrote her first novel Mary Barton, she had various anxieties of female authorship. In spite of those anxieties, however, she wrote the industrial novel, a male genre, which covers politics, economy, history and theology. Her boldness in starting her career as a writer with such a book came from her faith that her ability of writing was God's gift and her ministry was to use it for the weak and poor against economic and sexual exploitation. Bronte also had various anxieties when she wrote Jane Eyre after her first poetical work suffered failure and her first novel Professor was rejected by a publisher. However, she spoke against patriarchal Britain through Jane like the prophet Micaiah against Ahab. Though her subversive criticism was accused of being anti-Christian, she spoke against dominant ideology and social practices of patriarchal culture, basing on her own discernment between the creed of Christ and patriarchal appropriation of it. As is shown in these women writers, Christianity not only suppressed women writers' voice but also provided it with revolutionary potentiality by giving it spiritual authority in nineteenth-century England.

      • KCI등재

        여성으로서의 에마의 갈등과 제인 오스틴

        오정화 ( Jung Hwa Oh ) 근대영미소설학회 1995 근대 영미소설 Vol.2 No.1

        Jane Austen creates Emma Woodhouse as a woman in conflicts conflicts of a gifted and lmaginative woman divided between her own creative aspirations and the frustrations arising from social and personal limitations are presented with fullness in the life of Emma. The village of Highbury, a microcosm of provincial nineteenth-century English society, illustrates the limitations imposed on the creative and aspiring woman Confined within Highbury society, Emma tries to transcend her shackled situation through a perverse form of expression she attempts to create fictions out of the persons around her. Creating a heroine out of Harnet, Emma attempts to "write" or "rewrite" a romance with marriage plots through matching her successively with Mr. Elton and Frank Churchill. Emma`s fancy about an entanglement between Jane and Mr. Dixon is Emma-the-author`s second fiction. The impasse Emma faces after her failure as a novelist figure shows her insoluble dilemma` she can be intelligent, imaginative and active, but only destructively, or else she can be humble, discreet and ignorant. To read Emma as a novel of education, In which Emma, a flawed heroine in conflicts, is educated to be a good wife by Hero-guardian, Mr. Knightley, is problematic, however, because (1)Jane Austen portrays Mr Knightley, the "perfect" hero, not without irony, (2)what Emma learns in the course of the novel is not linear but dialectic, (3)"the perfect happiness" of Emma`s marriage is undercut by Austen`s subtle irony and droll tone, and (4)Austen expresses the artifice of novelistic discourse through the narrator`s comment.

      • KCI등재
      • SCIEKCI등재

        Streptococcus sp . 로부터 Streptococcal nuclease 의 분리 정제

        오정화(Jung Hwa Oh),고영환(Young Hwan Ko),송경빈(Kyung Bin Song) 한국응용생명화학회 1994 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.37 No.5

        Streptococcal nuclease was completely purified by stepwise CM-Sepharose column chromatography from crude extracts isolated from Streptococcus sp. The active enzyme fraction was eluted with the buffer containing 0.2 M NaCl. The purified enzyme showed a homogeneity on SDS PAGE and had a molecular weight of 35,000 daltons. The optimum pH and temperature for the enzyme were 9.0 and 50℃, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        조지 엘리엇의 종교와 미학: 『애덤 비드』를 중심으로

        오정화 ( Jung Hwa Oh ) 한국근대영미소설학회 2013 근대 영미소설 Vol.20 No.3

        Being well established as a leading intellectual in the circle of radical thinkers, George Eliot began to write novels to deliver her philosophy and ethics within the context of real-life situation at the age of thirty-seven. Her philosophy and ethics are intimately related with her religion, and she continues to expound and engage with Christian belief and texts from her first novel, Adam Bede, to the last, Daniel Deronda. "Evangelical Teaching: Dr Cumming" shows her criticism of the lack of Divine love in "dogmatic Christianity," and "Silly Novels by Lady Novelists" criticizes the lack of verisimilitude in those novels, particularly in the "oracular species" in which authors attempted to elucidate their religious and ethical ideas. In Adam Bede Eliot shows her vision of an ideal novelist through Dinah Morris, Methodist woman preacher. Dinah preaching on the Green brings up the image of a writer giving moral message that one should grow out of egoism and have sympathy for others. However, as an ideal of the novelist, Dinah as minister is more important than Dinah as preacher. She comes to Hetty in prison when she is sentenced to death, and feels with her and weeps with her. Her sympathy and love give Hetty voice, which pours out her misery for the first time. So far Hetty`s story has been told by the male narrator, who is judgmental of her narcissism and indifferent to her sufferings. Now Hetty`s voice reveals how vulnerable and helpless she has been in the materialist, class-oriented, male-centered community of Loamshire. Dinah`s divine love and sympathy are what the Dutch painters in Chapter 17 had for vulgar citizen, and what Eliot needs for her realism to extend from the external world to the inward life of individuals. Eliot`s religion and aesthetics meet in Dinah Morris.

      • KCI등재

        “여성과 문학 수업의 핵심 텍스트로 「제인 에어」 가르치기

        오정화(Jung-Hwa Oh) 한국영미문학교육학회 2007 영미문학교육 Vol.11 No.1

          “Women and Literature” course studies in what ways works of women writers transform women"s experience and reorganize culture from women"s point of view, reading five British and American female writers--Charlotte Bront?, Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson, Susan Glaspell, and Doris Lessing. Teaching Charlotte Bront?"s Jane Eyre as the key text of the course enables students not only to consider various problems women face in patriarchal society but also to learn various kinds of feminist approaches to the work. For it is not only a representative work in the tradition of women"s literature but also the work on which various kinds of feminist criticism have developed their approaches.<BR>  Teaching Jane Eyre consists of ten important themes: women and speaking/writing; child Jane as a "rebel slave"; female relationship; "Anybody may blame me who likes"; women, work and governesses; Bertha Mason; critiques of postcolonial feminism; Charlotte Bront? and Christianity; mutilating Rochester; and Jane Eyre as an autobiography. I suggest and discuss these themes not to limit the range of themes to be discussed in the class but as seeds with which students can develop their own analyses and enlarge ideas. Students are encouraged to read the texts as "resisting readers" against "universal" reading, and as women readers having similar experiences with women writers. But they are also encouraged to understand that there is no essential feminist reading of the texts by learning to compare and contrast different feminist approaches.

      • 한의 치료로 호전된 전신경화증 환자의 삼차신경통 치험 1례

        오정화(Jeong-Hwa Oh),윤화정(Hwa-Jung Yoon) 턱관절균형의학회 2023 턱관절균형의학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        Objectives: The purpose of this study is to report the effect of Korean medicine on trigeminal neuralgia in a patient with systemic sclerosis. Methods: We treated a 49-year-old male patient who has systemic sclerosis and trigeminal neuralgia by Korean medicine. He was treated from October 29th, 2022 to November 12th, 2022. The treatment applied was herbal medicine, acupuncture, pharmacopuncture. The evaluation was conducted by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Results: After 14 days of treatment, the symptoms were alleviated. Facial pain and dullness of taste improved. VAS of discomfort was decreased from 10 to 2. Conclusions: These results showed that Korean medicine may have an effect on reducing symptoms of systemic sclerosis and trigeminal neuralgia.

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