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        태권도 겨루기 및 겨루기 경기에 대한 연구동향 분석

        양대승(Dae-Seung Yang),곽정현(Jeong-Hyeon Kwak) 세계태권도문화학회 2022 세계태권도문화학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        This study analyzed the research trends of competition and competition through text mining analysis on Taekwondo competition and competition, which grew into an official Olympic event, and concluded using text mining for the purpose of research. First, research related to Taekwondo competition and competition began in 1969 and continues to this day, and more than 10 studies have been published since the 2000s. In addition, early research has been conducted in various ways, including next, secretary, attack technology, and player-related research, especially terms that have not been used well recently. Second, as a result of frequency analysis through text mining analysis related to competition and competition, Taekwondo, competition, impact, performance, analysis, relationship, sports, university, and TF-IDF weight analysis showed players, competition, performance, analysis, relationship, sports, university, and taekwondo. The N-gram analysis on competition and competition showed that Taekwondo and athletes, Taekwondo and competition, Korea and sports, performance and impact, sports and sports research, universities and taekwondo, recognition and performance, performance relations, high school and Taekwondo, and leaders.

      • 21세기 디지털환경에 있어서의 TV방송영상물 보호와 자유로운 접근 간의 이익균형

        양대승(Daeseung YANG) 세창출판사 2011 창작과 권리 Vol.- No.64

        The illegal downloading of television program is undergoing a heavy exponential development because of the popularity enjoyed by the television series. At first glance, the question presents no singularity enough to be distinguished from downloading music or movies. Audiovisual works are protected, the rights holders could legitimately sue Internet infringement. But, it is not certain that this is the best way. The damage suffered by the claimants is indeed much more difficult to characterize than in other areas. It may even happen that some TV programs are gaining popularity due to publicity about the download. The best way to fight effectively against this practice would in fact review the methods of distributing programs to adapt to the digital world. For example, consider the case of music market. If we look at the figures provided by the recording industry, we soon realize that the drop record sales would gradually be offset by the continuing success of purchasing music on-line platforms legal downloads. The development of peer-to-peer has forced the majors to rethink methods of distributing their works in order to adapt to digital world. It could also be true for audiovisual works: faced with pressure, producers and broadcasters have no alternative but to invent the television of the twenty-first century.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        프랑스에서의 상표패러디 문제에 관한 연구

        양대승(Yang Dae-Seung) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2008 圓光法學 Vol.24 No.3

        Parody is a defense to trademark infringement. The defense is that there is no likelihood of confusion because the parody will not be taken seriously. While it must initially bring to mind the original, it must be clever enough to be clear that it is not the original nor connected with the original, but is a parody, a humorous take-off on the original. In France, a trademark parody defence does succeed in certain cases on the grounds that consumers may not be confused with the original. Although parody is accepted as freedom of expression, it is not considered to override the trademark owner's rights, if the parody is used for purely commercial purposes. Commercial use of another's trademark is in all cases considered as an infringement and fair use defence is most unlikely to prevail. Even where a defendant uses another's trademark in a humorous way to promote his own products and services, it is not a permitted trademark parody use. Commercial use of another's trademark in the Internet context is similarly considered an infringement. However, in cases of editorial parody, where a trademark is utilised for the purposes of satirising even a popular and well-known trademark, there are chances of defence of fair use prevailing, despite claims of source confusion or dilution of the trademark. For a long time, logo parody on websites could not be envisaged by French courts. Trade marks were considered as "absolute" rights that no one could mock without being liable for infringement. A breach in that strict jurisprudence was first made in the "JeBoycotteDanone.com" appeal decision of 30 April 2003. Displaying a modified version of the famous Danone logo featuring a black stripe as a way to criticize the firm's social policy was deemed to be freedom of speech. Then Greenpeace's communication got under fire for two logo parodies found on its websites: the first one turned the oil company ESSO into E$$O and the second one added a human skull shadow and a dead fish behind Areva's capital A logo. Both cases got different outcomes in appeal. The association got the green light on the Esso parody (CA Paris, 16 November 2005). In Areva however, while the trade mark counterfeiting assertion was rejected, the court considered that the logo parodies denigrated the trade mark (CA Paris 17 November 2006): the association of the mark with morbid symbols would "lead to think that any product or service provided under said marks would be deadly"*, the court said. Such discredit, generalized to all products and services provided by Areva was deemed to go over the limit of "allowed freedom of speech". The court considered that by doing so Greenpeace went over its aim, i.e. struggling against nuclear wastes. A recent decision of the Cour de Cassation issued on 8 April 2008 has censured this part of the decision. The French supreme court ruled that Greenpeace was "acting pursuant to its aim, in a public interest and public health purpose, and by means that were proportionated to this goal" and therefore that Greenpeace had not abused its freedom of speech right.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        프랑스 미식 문화 보호와 지식재산권

        양대승 ( Yang Dae-seung ) 한국프랑스문화학회 2020 프랑스문화연구 Vol.47 No.1

        Le repas gastronomique des Français a été inscrit en 2010 sur la Liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité de l’UNESCO. Il existe donc une certaine tendance à la reconnaissance de l’art culinaire. Actuellement, les recettes de cuisine ne cependant bénéficient d’aucune protection juridique spécifique sauf cas vraiment spécifiques. Mis à part un secret bien gardé, qui pourrait notamment s’appliquer dans le cadre d’un transfert de savoir-faire, il est aujourd’hui difficile de protéger efficacement une recette. Pour rappel, la protection par le droit d’auteur ou le dessin permet, sous certaines conditions, de protéger l’aspect esthétique des créations culinaires, mais la portée de la protection est vraiment limitée et ne permet pas de revendiquer une protection sur la recette elle-même ou sur le goût associé. Une telle solution a été récemment confirmée par la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne(CJUE), qui a indiqué que ne pouvant être définie comme une œuvre, une saveur ne peut être protégée en vertu du droit d’auteur (CJUE, C-310/17, 13 novembre 2018, Levola Hengelo BV). La France, patrie des plus grands Chefs de Cuisine, sera cependant précurseur en la matière dans un très proche avenir. En effet, une proposition de loi relative à la protection des recettes et des créations culinaires a été présentée à l’Assemblée nationale française le 30 avril dernier. La proposition de loi française en question suggère d ‘un nouveau régime de protection. Ce droit sui generis, développé pour répondre à un besoin spécifique du métier de la restauration, trouvera sa place au carrefour de la propriété industrielle et du droit d’auteur.

      • KCI등재

        대학생들의 교양 체육 참여동기와 여가만족 및 여가지속 의도와의 구조방정식 모형 검증

        양대승(Dae Seung Yang) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2011 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.35 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the structural equation model with motivation to participation in cultural physical education, leisure satisfaction and intention to continue leisure of university studentss. To do this, 452 university students who participated in Seoul, Gyeonggi area were collected by convenience sampling which is a non-probability sampling method, and by using SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 19.0 the frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis, structure model analysis were performed. The conclusions is obtained as follows(:) First, it was appeared that the intrinsic motivation of university students participated in cultural physical education had a positive effect on leisure satisfaction. Second, it was appeared that the extrinsic motivation of university students participated in cultural physical education had not affect leisure satisfaction. Third, it was appeared that the intrinsic motivation of university students participated in cultural physical education had a positive effect on intention to keep leisure. Fourth, it was appeared that the extrinsic motivation of university students participated in cultural physical education had not affect intention to keep leisure. Fifth, it was appeared that the leisure satisfaction of university students participated in cultural physical education had a positive effect on intention to keep leisure.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 업무표장의 식별력과 유사 여부 판단에 관한 고찰 -업무표장 관련 분쟁 사례를 중심으로-

        양대승 ( Dae Seung Yang ) 한남대학교 과학기술법연구원 2014 과학기술법연구 Vol.20 No.2

        최근 지식재산권 전반에 대한 인식제고와 더불어 국가 또는 지방자치단체 및 공공기관이나 공익법인 등의 비영리기관들도 자신의 미션과 업무를 상징적으로 표시한 표장을 브랜드화하여 업무를 홍보하고 기관의 신뢰도 및 공신력을 제고하고자 노력하고 있다. 이러한 비영리기관의 브랜드화 사업의 선두에는 업무표장이라는 것이 있는데, 업무표장이라 함은 영리를 목적으로 하지 아니하는 업무를 영위하는 자가 그 업무를 표상하기 위하여 사용하는 표장을 말한다(상표법 제2조제1항제5호). 비영리기관의 업무표장 브랜화에 대한 관심은 2007년 이후 꾸준히 유지되고 있는데, 2007년부터 2013년까지 업무표장 출원건수는 매년 육칠백여건에 달하고 있다. 물론 아직까지도 업무표장에 대한 이해부족으로 상표 및 서비스표로 출원해야 할 표장을 업무표장으로 출원하는 경우도 있으며, 그 반대의 경우도 있다. 이와 같은 점에서 볼 때 업무표장에 대한 지속적인 인식제고 노력이 필요하다고 보여지지만, 이와 함께 업무표장 관련 분쟁 대응 및 해결을 위한 검토가 필요하다고 할 것이다. 특히 업무표장 관련 분쟁시, 다른 일반상표나 서비스표의 경우처럼 식별력 유무를 판단할 것인지의 문제 및 표장 및 지정업무간 유사판단을 어떻게 할 것인지가 그 쟁점사항이라고 할 수 있다. 결국 비영리업무를 표상하는 업무표장의 특성을 고려하여 다른 일반상표나 서비스표와 비교하여 조금은 다른 시각에서 이러한 문제들을 검토해야 한다고 보여진다. 첫째 업무표장의 등록요건인 식별력 유무판단과 관련하여, 비영리업무를 영위하는 사단·재단법인 등은 그 업무를 표상하기 위하여 업무표장을 사용하는 특성상 출원 업무표장은 업무의 성질을 직접적으로 표시하는 기술적 표장에 해당할 여지가 많다. 하지만 우리 상표법 제2조 제3항은 몇가지 특별규정을 제외하고는 대부분 상표에 관한 규정을 업무표장에도 그대로 적용한다고 규정하고 있기 때문에, 판례도 이에 따르고 있다. 하지만 비영리업무를 영위하는 자가 그 업무를 표상하기 위해 사용하는 표장이 업무표장이라고 한다면, 그 업무를 직접적으로 표현하는 업무표장의 식별력은 다소 완화하여 해석해야 한다고 생각한다. 물론 식별력 유무를 판단함에 있어 식별력 없는 부분들이 결합하여 전체적으로 볼 때 새로운 관념을 가지는 것으로 보아 식별력을 인정할 수도 있고, 아니면 본질적인 식별력은 일반상표와 동일하게 해석하되 사용에 의한 식별력을 판단함에 있어 다소 완화된 수요자의 인식정도를 요구하는 것으로 해결할 수 있겠지만 다른 일반상표와의 형평성에 어긋낫다는 점에서 볼 때 바람직한 해결책은 아니라고 보여진다. 둘째 업무표장은 지정대상이 무형의 업무라는 점에서 유형의 상품을 지정대상으로 하는 상표보다는 용역을 제공하는 서비스표와의 분쟁가능성이 높다. 그렇다면 업무표장과 서비스표간의 유사판단은 어떠한 기준에 의해서 판단해야 하는 것일까라는 물음을 가질 수 밖에 없다. 특히 표장의 유사판단은 일반상표의 경우와 유사하다고 하지만, 지정서비스업과 지정업무간 유사판단의 경우에는 지정대상의 특성상 유사여부를 판단하기 어려운 경우가 많다. 즉 업무표장의 지정업무는 비영리업무인 반면 서비스표의 서비스업은 영리를 목적으로 하므로 서로 관련이 있다고 하여도 유사하지 아니한 것으로 보아야 하는가 아니면 설령 영리 유무의 차이는 존재하나 지정서비스업과 지정업무간에 밀접한 관계가 존재하는 경우에는 유사하다고 보아야 할 것인지가 쟁점사항이라고 할 수 있다. 이에 관하여 우리 판례는 상표법 제2조 제3항의 법리에 따라 지정업무와 지정서비스업간 유사여부는 제공되는 업무와 서비스의 성질이나 내용, 제공 수단, 제공 장소, 그 제공자 및 상대방의 범위 등 제반사정을 종합적으로 고려하여 당해 업무와 서비스업에 동일 또는 유사한 표장을 사용할 경우 그 업무와 오인·혼동을 일으킬 우려가 있는지의 여부를 기준으로 하여 판단하여야 한다고 한다. 하지만 서비스표와 업무표장은 영리 유무의 차이가 존재하기 때문에 제공되는 업무와 서비스의 성질이나 내용이 다른 것으로서 출처의 오인·혼동의 우려가 없다고 볼 수도 있을 것이다. 사견으로는 만일 업무표장의 지정업무와 서비스표의 지정서비스업이 유사하다고 한다면, 업무표장의 지정업무는 애초부터 영리적 부대업무에 해당하는 것으로 보아 업무표장이 아닌 서비스표의 지정서비스업으로 출원되어야 함에도 불구하고 업무표장으로 잘못 등록된 것이라고 생각한다. 이러한 점에서 볼 때 영리나 영업을 기본바탕에 두고 출발한 상표법제도상에서 비영리를 목적으로 하는 업무표장을 보호하는 것이 타당한지에 대한 재검토가 필요하다고 생각된다. With awareness-raising of intellectual property rights, nonprofit corporations, such as national or local governments and public authorities or institutions, are trying to improve their reliability and credibility through branding and marketing a mark represented by his work or business. At the forefront of the this branding marks project of nonprofit corporations, there is a business affairs mark which is a specific type of mark in Korea protected through the registration under the Trademark Act. “Business affairs mark” means a mark used by a person engaged in nonprofit business for the purpose of indicating his business affairs (Art. 2 (1) 5 of the Trademark Act). Any person who conducts a nonprofit business in the Republic of Korea is entitled to register a business affairs mark (Art. 4 of the Trademark Act). In particular, nonprofit organizations have consistently interested in the business affairs mark since 2007, the annual number of applications from 2007 to 2013 have got about six or seven hundred. However, dispute cases increase as applications increases. Such as trademarks and service marks, business affairs marks can be protected through the registration under the Trademark Act. Not all identifying business affairs marks are entitled to legal protection. Only certain business affairs marks having a distinctiveness are entitled to legal protection. Rather than goods or services, business affairs marks identify activities for which it is registered. The source identified by a business affairs mark is a a person engaged in nonprofit business. In general, nonprofit organizations file an application for business affairs mark registration with a specimen mark consisted of geographical names and names of an organization or institution that describe something about the business affairs or activities. In such circumstances, this application for business affairs mark registration will be rejected. But such rejection may be occurred by wrong understanding of basic concept of business affairs marks. Doesn`t it suffice to say that business affairs mark is a mark used for the purpose of indicating his business affairs. Nevertheless, our judicial precedent is showing that the business affairs mark have to identify the source according to the article 2 (3) of the Trademark Act. In other words, it is necessary to distinguish one’s nonprofit activities from those of others, despite the nonprofit nature. Furthermore, identical or similar determination has been at the center of a dispute. As is the case of the trademark, a business affairs mark gives rise to proprietary and exclusive rights in relation to the activities for which it is registered, and use by any other person of any mark identical or similar to a registered business affairs mark in relation to any activities identical or similar to the above activities is deemed an infringement. When the activities carried out by the alleged infringer with those of the business affairs mark owner, infringement usually will be found if the marks are sufficiently similar that confusion can be expected. But if the activities are totally unrelated, there can be no infringement because confusion is unlikely. However, the most difficult thing is how we should measure the similarity between services and business affairs or activities. In particular, there is high probability of dispute between business affairs mark and service mark rather than trademark, because both business affairs marks and service marks have immaterial objects. But the difference is business affairs marks have the need to designate one or more nonprofit business affairs or activities, and service marks have the need to designate one or more profit-making business services. For the proximity of the activities in use and function, our judicial precedent is showing that the public will mistakenly assume business affairs and services may be extremely close, in spite of nonprofit natural differences. But it seems likely to me that business affairs and services they are totally different from each other accordingistence of the commerciality. Because the trademark law system is based on profitability, while business affairs marks is based on nonprofit object. Therefore we should reconsider from all angles the issue regarding protection of business affairs marks under the Trademark law system.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        태권도 겨루기 지도자-선수의 상호작용과 경기력의 관계에서 스포츠 자신감의 매개효과

        양대승(Yang, Dae-Seung) 한국체육과학회 2015 한국체육과학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the perception of Taekwondo Kyorugi athletes regarding coach-athlete interaction, sport confidence and whether sport confidence played a positive role in coach-athlete interaction and performance. Three hundred one Taekwondo Kyorugi athletes who have registered as a Taekwondo Kyorugi athlete in K.T.A. in 2014 participated in this study. SPSS 21.0 program and Amos 21.0 program were used for data analysis. Data was analyzed by descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation model analysis. The study found as followings: 1) Interaction between Taekwondo Kyorugi coach and athletes influenced sport confidence. 2) Interaction between Taekwondo Kyorugi coach and athlete influenced the athletes’ performance. 3) Sport confidence of Taekwondo Kyorugi athletes influenced their performance. 4) Sport confidence of Taekwondo Kyorugi athletes played a partial mediating role in relationship between coach-athlete interaction and performance. The results of this study demonstrated that interaction between Taekwondo Kyorugi coach and athletes had a direct and positive impact on the athletes’ sport confidence and performance. Especially, sport confidence not only influenced the athletes’ sport confidence and performance, but also played mediating role in coach-athlete interaction and performance which enhance the athletes’ performance.

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