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        서울 M 고등학교 학생들의 구강보건교육에 대한 성취도 및 유효도

        신경희,진보형,윤미선,Shin, Kyoung-Hee,Jin, Bo-Hyoung,Yoon, Mi-Sun 한국치위생학회 2011 한국치위생학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Objectives : The Purpose of this study is to apply an oral health education program to the high school students, to analyze their oral health knowledge and changes of behaviors, and to examine oral health education for effective, thus using all of those results as the basic data for developing materials on their oral health education. Methods : The study was conducted on the freshmen and women of M high student in Seoul City. They were in total 85 student, consisting of 77 of male student(90.6%) and 8 of female student(9.4%). Knowledge survey contained 38 questions including such as dental common knowledge, dental caries, and periodontal disease, while behaviors survey did 24 questions including such as tooth-brushing, brush selection and management, and prevention of oral disease. Results : First, oral health education had brought to improve oral health knowledge for high school students. Second, even with the improvement of oral health behaviors through the education, there was not statistically significant on behaviors such as the regular checkups and the usage of dental floss. And third, the students in general were satisfied with the oral health education. Conclusions : First, the oral health education being conducted in kindergarten and elementary school should be continued or expanded into the adolescence. Second, the oral health education should be focused efficiently on the learning objective demanding for a change of behavior through the repeated education, for which the education that is right for the high school students should be done. And third, for the effective oral health education in high school, the media that could cause interests should be developed.

      • KCI등재

        이상(李箱)의 시(詩)에 나타난 수학적 표현과 의미

        신경희,Shin, Kyunghee 한국수학사학회 2016 Journal for history of mathematics Vol.29 No.2

        Lee Sang, one of the representative poets of Korean Modern Poetry, wrote poems which present the existentialistic modernism in the 1920s, the chaotic era of Korean history. The characteristics of his works have been shown by various points of view. This paper especially explored the meaning and feature of mathematical expressions by numbers, symbols and other signs of mathematics in Lee's poems. His poems are composed by scientific and abstract rules in mathematics which are expressed as mathematical symbols. The paper focuses on analyzing seven poems which maximizes mathematical expressions among his poetry. This kind of work would be the one of ways to figure out the features of mathematics through literature.

      • KCI등재

        Harriot(1560-1621) 의 대수기호와 방정식의 근

        신경희,Shin, Kyung-Hee 한국수학사학회 2012 Journal for history of mathematics Vol.25 No.1

        16세기 후반과 17세기 전반에 활동했던 영국의 과학자이자 수학자인 Thomas Harriot은 대수기호를 독창적으로 만들어 사용하였고 일부는 오늘날에도 사용하고 있다. 또한 방정식에서 음수근 뿐만 아니라 복소수근도 받아들였는데 그의 이러한 관점은 당시로는 혁신적이었으며 나아가 방정식의 형태의 일반화에도 진일보한 모습을 보여주었다. 사후 유작 외에는 생전에 수학 저서가 한 권도 없는 탓에 Harriot 개인이나 그가 이루어 놓은 수학이 수학적 성취에 비하여 수학사나 수학교육에서 그에 대하여 소홀히 다루어진 감이 있다. 이 논문에서는 동시대 유명한 수학자였던 비에타와 데카르트의 대수기호와 방정식론을 비교함으로써 Harriot이 이루어놓은 수학을 알리고자 한다. Thomas Harriot(1560-1621) introduced a simplified notation for algebra. His fundamental research on the theory of equations was far ahead of that time. He invented certain symbols which are used today. Harriot treated all answers to solve equations equally whether positive or negative, real or imaginary. He did outstanding work on the solution of equations, recognizing negative roots and complex roots in a way that makes his solutions look like a present day solution. Since he published no mathematical work in his lifetime, his achievements were not recognized in mathematical history and mathematics education. In this paper, by comparing his works with Viete and Descartes those are mathematicians in the same age, I show his achievements in mathematics.

      • KCI등재후보

        개혁 미분 방정식 수업에 기반한 학습자의 고유치 고유벡터 개념 발생 및 이해

        신경희,Shin Kyunghee 한국수학사학회 2004 Journal for history of mathematics Vol.17 No.4

        18세기 오일러와 베르누이에 의해 최초로 등장했던 고유치의 개념 발생의 장은 탄성을 가진 물체의 변위에 관련된 미분 방정식의 풀이 해법 문제였다. 역사 발생적 원리에 따라 용수철에 매달린 물체의 변위 문제를 모델로 개혁 미분 방정식 수업에 기반한 학습자의 고유치 고유벡터의 효과적인 개념 발생의 가능성을 논한다. 소그룹 토의 학습으로 진행된 교수 학습 모델의 실제 적용 과정과 방법, 효과적인 인지변화에 대한 교수학적 요인과 학생들의 수학에 대한 정의적 태도의 변화를 진술한다. In this paper, we discuss students' conceptual development of eigen value and eigen vector in differential equation course based on reformed differential equation using the mathematical model of mass spring according to historico-generic principle. Moreover, in setting of small group interactive learning, we investigate the students' development of mathematical attitude.

      • KCI등재

        여고생의 브랜드 교복 착용실태 조사 및 브랜드교복 제품치수 비교분석에 관한 연구

        신경희 ( Kyoung Hee Shin ),서추연 ( Chu Yeon Suh ) 대한가정학회 2011 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.49 No.10

        The purpose of this study is to research the difference between the size suggested by brand uniforms and the size suitable for high school girls. We compared and analyzed the size system of brand uniforms after researching the wearing conditions of uniforms of 4 brands (A, B, C, D) in order to establish a size system of brand uniforms that fits different body types of teenagers. First, we conduct research on the actual condition of brand uniforms worn by high school girls, and investigate unsatisfactory factors and problems. Second, we actually measure the uniform size of each brand and analyze measurement differences between each brand. Our results show each brand uniform has different size specifications and the importance of appropriate size specification is greater as students select uniform based on design and brand awareness rather than body size. Compared with the average body size the skirt and especially the blouse is much smaller with no extra room compared with standard size 85 blouses and size 71 skirts. Therefore, the adjustment of size specification is needed in brand school uniforms. However, a larger scale investigation is needed as this study was conducted with a limited sample size.

      • 통합의학을 위한 통합생리학으로서의 심리신경면역학

        신경희(Kyung-Hee SHIN) 한국정신과학학회 2013 한국정신과학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2013 No.10

        심리신경면역학(PNI)은 통합의학을 위한 통합생리학으로서, 생물의학과 보완대체의학의 협력을 위한 과학적 기반으로 주목된다. PNI는 신경계, 내분비계, 면역계 등 인체의 여러 생리적 계통들이 통합적으로 작용하는 방식을 규명하는 것을 넘어, 몸과 마음의 관계를 생리학적으로 설명하고, 나아가 사회적 관계, 문화적 환경, 생활양식 등이 개체의 건강과 질병에 미치는 영향까지 설명할 수 있는 이론으로 기여할 것으로 기대된다. 본 연구는 스트레스 연구를 중심으로 형성된 PNI의 주요 개념과 성과들을 보완대체의학을 대표하는 한의학의 치유 원리 및 철학과 비교 고찰함으로써, 통합의학의 생리학적 기초로서의 PNI의 가능성과 한계를 검토하고, 향후의 연구 과제들과 학문적 방향성을 제시하였다. Psychoneuroimmunolgy(PNI) is considered as the integral physiology, the scientific basis for integrative medicine. PNI has not only elucidated how body systems including nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system work as a whole, but it explains the connection between mind and body. Furthermore PNI is expected to serve as the theoretical basis for understanding the mechanism of factors such as social environment, culture, life-style influencing our health and disease. The aim of this study is to review the major achievements of PNI researches to find its significance and limits as it establishes the physiological ground of integrative medicine, by comparing the concepts, principles, and philosophy of PNI with those of Chinese Medicine. Also this study is to suggest some research areas and direction for further studies.

      • RISS 인기논문 KCI등재

        중년의 우울증 감소에 독서치료가 미치는 영향

        신경희(Shin, Kyoung Hee) 한국독서치료학회 2021 독서치료연구 Vol.13 No.2

        자살이 다시 증가하고 있다. 특히나 코로나시대에 문제되고 있는 것이 중년의 자살이다. 자살은 대부분 우울증을 겪고 있는 사람들에게 발생할 비율이 높아 자살을 예방하기 위해서는 우울증치료에 관심을 가져야 한다. 자살사고 중 우울증 환자의 비율이 높고, 자살시도는 일반인의 4배가 되는 등 중년 우울증이 심각해지고 자살로 연결되고 있다는 보고들이 나오면서 중년의 우울증에 관심이 모아지고 있다. 그렇다면 자살과 밀접한 관계가 있는 우울증을 치료하는 효과적인 방법은 없을까? 우울증을 효과적으로 관리하는 방법은 없을까? 영국에 독서를 통한 책 처방의 효과가 입증되며 세계의 관심이 집중되었고 인지행동 독서치료프로그램이 중년여성의 우울감 감소에 효과가 있다는 연구도 있었다. 따라서 중년을 대상으로 독서치료는 우울증과 심리불안 대체치료로 주목받고 있기에 중년의 우울증 치료에 효과가 있을지에 대해 독서치료의 효과를 확인하고자 하였다. 경기도 소도시에 사는 중년남녀 5명을 대상으로 매주 1회 90분씩 총10회 독서치료프로그램을 진행하였다. ‘중년들의 우울증 감소에 영향을 미칠 것인가’ 하는 효과성을 살펴보기 위해서였다. 우울증과 관련이 있는 자아존중감과 불안감도 함께 살펴보았다. 효과성을 알아보기 위해 척도지 사전, 사후검사와 프로그램을 진행하면서 나누었던 내용을 중심으로 확인하였다. 프로그램 진행결과 독서치료가 중년들의 우울증감소에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 자아존중감과 불안감에도 영향을 미쳤다. 프로그램에 참석한 횟수와 우울증 변화량은 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났는데 꾸준히 참석한 내담자가 더 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 중년들이 독서치료프로그램에 참여하면 우울증과 자존감, 불안감이 대체로 참여회수에 관련하여 효과가 있었다. 10회기 내에서 효과를 높이기 위해 결석횟수를 줄이고 더 많은 참여할 수 있도록 독려할 필요가 있다. Suicide is on the rise again. In particular, middle-aged suicide is a problem that is becoming a problem in the Corona era. Suicide has a high incidence in most people suffering from depression, so in order to prevent suicide, attention should be paid to treatment of depression. Depression in middle-aged people is attracting attention as reports of depression in middle-aged people becoming serious and leading to suicide, such as a high proportion of depressed patients among suicide thoughts and four times as many suicide attempts as the general population. So, is there an effective way to treat depression, which is closely related to suicide? Is there an effective way to manage depression? The effect of prescribing books through reading was proven in the UK, and the world s attention was focused. There was also a study showing that the cognitive behavioral bibliotherapy program is effective in reducing depression in middle-aged women. Therefore, since reading therapy for middle-aged people is attracting attention as an alternative treatment for depression and psychological anxiety, the purpose of this study was to confirm the effectiveness of bibliotherapy for the treatment of depression in middle-aged people. A total of 10 Bibliotherapy programs were conducted once a week for 90 minutes for 5 middle-aged men and women living in small towns in Gyeonggi-do. It was to examine the effectiveness of ‘whether it will affect the reduction of depression in middle-aged people’. Self-esteem and anxiety related to depression were also examined. In order to examine the effectiveness, the pre-test and post-tests of the scale paper and the contents shared during the program were checked. As a result of the program, it was found that bibliotherapy had an effect on the reduction of depression in middle-aged people. It also affects self-esteem and anxiety. There was a relationship between the number of participants in the program and the amount of change in depression. When middle-aged people participated in the bibliotherapy program, depression, self-esteem, and anxiety were generally effective in relation to the number of participation. In order to increase the effectiveness within the 10th session, it is necessary to reduce the number of absences and encourage more participation.

      • KCI등재

        ABA 처리를 통한 '홍이슬' 포도의 착색향상 및 적정 수확기 설정

        신경희(Kyoung-Hee Shin),박희승(Hee-Seung Park) 한국원예학회 2012 원예과학기술지 Vol.30 No.3

        This study was carried out to improve the fruit color through ABA treatment and to determine the optimum harvest time for producing high quality fruits in 'Hongisul' grapes. Spraying of 1000 ㎎·ℓ-¹ exogenous ABA at early verasion (70 days after full bloom, DAFB) brought increase of endogenous ABA and soluble solid contents and enhanced fruit coloration. So, it was possible to harvest ABA treated fruits from 85 days after full bloom (15 days after treatment) by accelerated anthocyanin content which increased continuously until 110 DAFB. An increase of soluble solid and decrease of total acidity appeared steadily with the onset of berry ripening. After 100 DAFB, soluble solid content and total acidity did not change significantly, but the berry firmness was suddenly decreased. Consequently, it was suggested that ABA treated fruits need to be harvested at about 100 DAFB because of their short period of marketing by over ripening. On the contrary, harvesting of untreated fruit was totally impossible at 85 DAFB because of their poor berry coloration. But it was possible to harvest them at 100 DAFB based on the soluble solid/acidity ratio, whereas the berry coloration was progressed poorly. On the other hand, the fruits harvested at 110 DAFB showed acceptable berry coloration but their berry firmness was dropped significantly coincide with overripening. Therefore, it was needed to develop an altered production system for improving coloration at around 100 DAFB in 'Hongisul' grapes. 본 연구는 ABA 처리를 통해 '홍이슬' 포도의 착색을 증진시키고자 하였으며 고품질 과실을 생산할 수 있는 적정 수확 시기를 밝히고자 하였다. 변색 초기에 1000㎎·ℓ-¹ 의 외생 ABA 처리는 내생 ABA와 당함량 증가를 가져왔으며 착색증진에 효과가 있는 것으로 조사되었다. ABA 처리 시 착색이 촉진되어 처리 후 15일인 만개 후 85일부터는 수확이 가능한 정도까지 착색되었으며 이후에도 계속적으로 안토시아닌 함량이 증가하였다. 과립성숙에 따른 가용성고형물의 증가와 산의 감소도 꾸준히 진행되었다. 만개 후 100일 이후에는 당도가 높고 산도는 낮은 수준으로 변화가 없으나 경도가 급격히 감소하였다. 따라서 지연 수확 시 과숙의 위험이 있어 과실의 상품성을 높이기 위해서는 만개 후 100일을 전후하여 수확하는 것이 바람직할 것으로 생각된다. 반면 무처리구의 경우에는 착색이 불량하여 만개 후 85일에는 수확이 불가능 하였다. 만개 후 100일에도 당산비를 기준으로 한 수확은 가능하였으나 여전히 착색이 불량하였다. 착색을 기준으로는 만개 후 110일에서야 수확이 가능하였으나 과숙과 동시에 경도가 현저하게 낮았다. 따라서 무처리구의 경우 만개 후 100일을 기준으로 착색을 증진시키는 방법이 요구되었다.

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