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      • KCI등재

        기획논문 : 남명학 연구성과의 회고와 전망(4)-교육연구

        송준식 ( Jun Sik Song ) 경상대학교 남명학연구소 2012 남명학연구 Vol.35 No.-

        록 체계가 시대 순이 아니고 시기를 확인할 수 있는 자료가 부족하지만, 부분적으로라도 정리할 필요가 있다. 남명의 삶은 크게 네 번의 전환기가 있었고, 그때마다 뚜렷한 인식의 전환이 이루어져 왔다. 적어도 이러한 4시기로의 분류만이라도 가능하다면, 현재 소강상태에 있는 남명문학의 연구는 한층 발전된 단 계로 나아갈 수 있을 것이다. This article is written for making clear the trend and deciding on the direction of Nammyong Studies as far as cleaning up the research achievement of Nammyong Studies in educational parts to the present day. In this article, Nammyong Studies includes Cho Sik(1501-1572), his pen name "Nammyong", and the researches for the School of Nammyong, the group of his followers. The research of Nammyong Studies in educational parts was started from 1947, but the authentic research started from since 1990. The researches until 2,000 have concentrated on almost all the general educational thought, and that was slanted in favor of Cho Sik. Since 2000, the research on the educational part of the Nammyong Studies has showed the diversified trends. After that time, the existing researchers expanded the area of research with a new method. The researchers of various majors involved in the research on the educational part of the Nammyong Studies. And the direction of research on Cho Sik was changed from the research on some famous men to the focus of the School of Nammyong. This change seems to be positively reflected in the research methods or research works. The future researches are as follows. First, researches to find out the identity the School of Nammyong in history through the multidirectional research about the education Cho Sik and the School of Nammyong as well as the research about the succession of the School of Nammyong are needed. Second, a research to find out how the effects of Cho Sik and the School of Nammyong are applied to the countryside community and in consequence, how they have devoted to the change and development of the countryside community is needed. Third, a research to formulate the phases of Cho Sik and the School of Nammyong in educational history through the comparative research about a scholar to be compared with Cho Sik is needed. Fourth, through the introduction of theory and research method of modern western education to the research of Cho Sik and the School of Nammyong continuously, we can find out the theoretical problems and its limitations in the research of Nammyong Studies and should go forward to overcome them. In fields of education, the research of Cho Sik and the School of Nammyong will be meaningful when it provided clues to solve the current educational problems and the future direction of educational development on the basis of the study about the historical facts of the past.

      • KCI등재

        한말 경남지역 근대교육의 보급과 확산

        송준식(Song, Jun-Sik) 한국교육사상연구회 2013 敎育思想硏究 Vol.27 No.3

        을사늑약 이전에는 진주, 창원, 밀양, 김해, 동래 등에 공립소학교가 설립되었지만 제대로 운영되지 못하였다. 이 시기에는 진주, 김해, 밀양, 거창, 기장 등 일부지역에서만 사립학교가 설립되었다. 공립학교가 지역민의 호응을 받지 못한 것에 비해 사립학교에 대한 지역민의 반응은 좋았다. 학교설립과 운영에는 그 지역의 지방관, 지역유지, 심지어 일본인의 도움을 받지만 재정확보의 어려움으로 운영이 활성화 되지 못하였다. 이들 학교들은 설립 후 공립학교로 전환되었다. 또한, 이 시기에는 직접적인 일본의 영향이 점점 확대되고 있었다. 을사늑약 이후에는 수 많은 학교가 설립되는데 이들 대부분은 사립학교였다. 이전 일부 지역에 편재되었던 사립학교가 경남 전 지역에 걸쳐 설립되었다. 초기에는 통감부는 사립학교 설립을 억제하지 않았다. 그러나 고종이 폐위되고 군대가 해산되는 등 위기 상황을 극복하려는 자강론(自强論)에 힘입어 수많은 사립학교들이 설립되었다. 이에 통감부는 이를 통제할 명분과 제도를 찾아 사립학교령 등을 공포하고 사립학교를 통제하였다. 일제의 동화정책과 시대의 조류는 교육의 성향을 친일로 변모시켰다. 학교에서는 일본어가 중요 과목으로 자리 잡게 되었고 야학이나 강습소에서도 일본어 교육이 활발하게 이루어 졌다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the aspects of the dissemination and the spread of Korean modern education by inquiring into cases about the establishment and the administration of schools in Kyeongnam Province during the period of Korean Empire. Through this study we could confirm the aspects that the modern education carried out in the national dimension disseminated and spreaded into local unit. Before the Ulsa Treat (Protectorate Treaty between Korea and Japan concluded in 1905), though the public primary schools were established in Jinju, Changwon, Milyang, Gimhae, Dograe etc., they did not administrate properly. This situation showed the strong aspect of ethnic resistance to the modern education forced by the Japanese Empire. In this period, the private schools were established only in Jinju, Gimhae, Milyang, Geochang, Gijang etc., The private schools were well-received comparing to the public schools bad-received by the local residents. There were many cases that local government officer of the province played a leading role in the establishment of school, but the schools established already were administrated by the active assistance of the local government officer. Although the schools received the financial assistance of the local worthies including even Japanese worthies, the administration of school could not activate by the difficulty of finance guarantee. Most of these schools were inverted into public schools after establishment. Also, the influence of Japan was expanded directly in this period. For example, there were various types such as school establishment by Japanese, school administration by Japanese teachers, invitation of Japanese teachers, the sponsorship of school administration by Japanese residents in local area etc. And Japanese language became the important subject in school, also Japanese education had flourished by establishment of night school etc. After the Ulsa Treat many of schools were established, most of them were private schools. The private schools established and maldistributed before were all over the Kyeongnam area. In the early years when private schools established, the Residency-General did not restrict the establishment of private school because the schools would be helpful in the expectation of pro-Japanese and the appeasement of anti-Japanese tendency. By the way, many of the private schools were established by the self-wealth & self-strength movement to overcome the crisis situation such as the dethronement of King Gojong and the dispersion of Chosun dynasty army. So, Residency-General searched the justification and the system to control these situation, also proclaimed the private school statute and restricted the private schools. By these measures, most of dissemination aspect of modern education appeared as pro-Japanese tendency rather than anti-Japanese tendency.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 진주지역 청년 단체의 교육운동

        송준식(Song Jun sik) 한국교육사상연구회 2014 敎育思想硏究 Vol.28 No.3

        본 연구는 1920년대 진주지역 사회에 지대한 영향을 끼친 청년단체가 벌인 교육운동을 조사ㆍ정리하여 그 양태와 성격을 밝히는 것이 목적이다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 본 연구는 먼저 1920년대 진주지역에서 형성되어 소멸하였던 된 각 청년단체를 정리하고, 다음으로 이들 단체의 교육운동을 야학이나 강습회를 통한 교육운동, 강연회 및 토론회를 통한 사회교육 운동, 유치원 교육운동 등으로 나누어 살피며, 마지막으로 진주지역 청년 단체의 교육운동의 성격을 고찰하였다. 진주지역 청년단체는 유치원 교육운동, 강연회 및 토론회를 통한 사회교육 운동에는 적극성을 보이지만 당시 다른 지역에서 유행하던 청년단체 중심의 야학운동이나 사립학교의 설립ㆍ운영 등에는 적극적으로 개입하고 있지 않았다. 이것은 진주지역은 3ㆍ1운동을 전후로 경남의 다른 지역에 비하여 다양한 형태의 야학과 강습회 등의 교육운동이 활발히 진행되었고, 사립일신학교 개설문제와 경남도청 이전 문제 등 일련의 시민운동에 청년운동가 개인은 어떤 형태로든지 참여하고 있기 때문에 청년단체가 중심이 된 교육운동은 적극적으로 진행되지 않은 것으로 보인다. The purpose of this study is to assess the nature and clarify aspects of the youth organizations' Education Movement which have had effects on Jinju's regional society over time. First of all, this study has been collected and conducted in relation to the youth organization, which had been formed and established in Jinju back in 1920s. Second, this study has categorized the education movement via night school and seminars. The youth movement brought about an educational enlightenment over time due to added lectures and debates. Finally, this study brings into consideration, the characteristics of Jinju's youth organizations' and education movements. Youth movements in Jinju had been developed and established due to the influence of the March 1st Movement (The Manse Demonstrations). These youth movements came into effect due to Japan's occupation of the Korean peninsula. These movements helped to strengthen the Korean national character and encouraged independent thinking free of Japanese control. Even though there were many struggles following the creation of the newly formed youth movements, it has had tremendous positive effects on the regional changes and development in relation to the Jinju area. Jinju's youth organizations, were active in the 1920's, in relation to specific areas of education such as infant education, the enlightenment movement, lectures and debates. They had also established libraries, but were not very involved in the formation of night or private schools at that time due to Jinju having established these schools already in the past. This research and study shows, that compared to other regions in Korea, Jinju had shown some active influence on various types of educational movements in Gyeongnam Province. This influence especcially extends to night schools and lectures brought about after the March 1st movement due to Jinju creating some of the night schools in Gyeongnam province. Furthermore, this study will show the diversity and influence that Jinju's youth movements have had as a whole on education and how some of the movements' individuals had been involved in civic movements.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 김해지역 청년단체의 교육활동

        송준식(Song, Jun-sik) 한국교육사상연구회 2017 敎育思想硏究 Vol.31 No.4

        본 연구는 1920년대 김해지역 사회에 많은 영향을 끼친 청년단체가 벌인 교육활동을 조사·정리하여 그 양태와 성격을 밝히는 것이 목적이다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 본 연구는 먼저 1920년대 김해지역에서 형성되어 소멸하였던 각 청년단체를 정리하고, 그 다음으로 이들 단체의 교육활동을 사립학교 유지 운영, 야학 운영을 통한 교육 확산 운동, 강연회·토론회·강습회 활동을 통한 사회교육운동 등으로 나누어 살피며, 마지막으로, 김해지역 청년단체의 교육운동의 성격을 고찰하였다. 김해지역 청년단체는 사립학교 유지 운영, 야학 운영을 통한 교육 확산 운동, 강연회·토론회·강습회 활동을 통한 사회교육운동에는 적극성을 보이지만 당시 지역에서 인근 지역에서 유행하던 청년단체 중심의 유치원의 설립운영 등에는 적극적으로 개입하지 않았다. The purpose of this study is to arrange after making thorough investigation and to show the aspect and nature of the education movement conducted by the youth organizations, which have had a lot of influence on Gimhae society in the 1920s. To accomplish these purposes, first of all, the author of this study arranged the documents in relation to the youth organizations which had been formed and became extinct in Gimhae in 1920s. Second, the author investigated after categorizing the education movement of these organizations into the private school establishing movement, the education spreading movement through the night schools and the studios, the social education movement through the lectures and the debating society. Finally, the author considered the nature of education movement conducted by the youth organizations in Gimhae region carefully. As a result, the youth organizations in Gimhae region took the initiative on the private school establishing movement, the education spreading movement through the night schools and the studios, and the social education movement through the lectures and the debating society, but they were not involved in the establishment and administration of kindergarten etc., which led by the youth organizations in Gimhae region at that time.

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