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      • KCI등재

        Tantraloka에서 직관(pratibha)과 수습(bhavana)의 문제

        손경록 ( Son Kyung Rok ),정승석 ( Jung Seung Suk ) 인도철학회 2017 印度哲學 Vol.0 No.50

        Abhinavagupta(975-1025 CE)는 탄트라뿐만 아니라 인도 철학과 종교, 문학과 미학 등의 다양한 분야에서 많은 중요한 저서를 남긴 학자이다. 그는 특히 Tantraloka에서 다양하고 복잡한 탄트라 이론과 수행을 통합하고 재해석하여 비이원론(Advaita) 샤이바 탄트라인 Trika 전통을 체계화했다. 본론은 Tantraloka에서 재인식과 Krama(차제)의 이론과 수행을 어떻게 Trika 체계로 통합하는지 직관(pratibha)과 수습(bhavana)이라는 인식 방법론의 측면에서 고찰한다. Trika 체계에서 인정하는 최상의 인식 수단은 직관과 수습이다. 직관은 단계적 수행으로 설명되지 않는 가장 직접적이며 즉각적인 돈오(頓悟)의 인식이다. 직관은 단계적 상승인 차제(krama)로 설명되지 않는 비차제 (akrama)의 무방편(anupaya)으로, 어떠한 입문 절차와 수행 단계가 필요 없는 의식 본연의 인식 능력으로 속성상 가장 직접적이며 종합적이다. 직관은 이처럼 의식적 사고에 의한 것이 아닌 즉각적인 무의식적 인식임에 비해, 수습은 시간과 노력이 필요한 단계적 동일화의 인식 수행이다. 수습은 인식 능력을 배양하는 가장 대표적인 샥타 방편이다. 그런데 Abhinavagupta는 직관과 수습의 우선순위에 관해서는 양자를 동등한 것으로 인정하지만, Maliniivijayottaratantra에 비해서 전체 문맥상 수습보다 직관을 상대적으로 강조한 측면이 있다. 그의 이러한 입장은 재인식과 Krama 체계의 영향을 받은 것으로 볼 수 있다. 재인식 체계에 따르면, 자아는 이미 내재하고 있으므로 수행으로 얻을 수 있는 대상이 아니다. 그러므로 Abhinavagupta가 직관을 강조한 것은 항상성(nitya)과 편재성(vyapti)을 가진 최상의 자아를 인정한다는 의미이다. 이러한 측면에서 그의 Trika 체계 역시 자아론(Atmavada)의 맥락에서 이해되어야 한다. 그는 재인식의 철학적 구도 안에 다양한 탄트라 수행들을 재편한 Trika 체계를 확장했으며, 직관과 수습 역시 그 일면을 보여 주는 것으로 이해된다. Abhinavagupta(975-1025 CE) is a seminal figure who wrote many important books in Tantrism, philosophy, literature and aestheticism. In his magnum opus, the Tantraloka, he reinterpreted and synthesized various and complex theories and practices of Tantra and organized the Trika system of nondualistic Shaiva Tantrism. This article focuses on intuition( pratibha) and gradual identification(bhavana) in terms of epistemological methodology and demonstrates how Abhinavagupta in the Tantraloka integrated the Pratyabhijna(Re-cognition) school and the theory and practice of the Krama into the system of the Trika. The Trika system considers both intuition and gradual identification as the highest level of approach to the truth. Intuition, the most direct means in attaining the highest knowledge of the Self, is the natural capacity, whereas the gradual identification develops gradually and takes time and energy to obtain discernment(viveka) or analytic reasoning(tarka) which corrects vitiated views(vikalpas). While ostensibly putting both intuition and gradual identification on the same level, Abhinavagupta seems to emphasize the role of intuition more than gradual identification. He elaborates in describing intuition as the unsurpassable( Anuttara) and non-means(anupaya). His interpretation of intuition and gradual identification can be seen the impact of the Re-cognition and the Krama system. According to the Pratyabhijna(Re-cognition), the Self, which is innate, cannot be approached by gradual practices, so Abhinavagupta in recognition of the eternity(nitya) and pervasiveness( vyapti) of the Self underscores the importance of intuition. In this light his Trika system can be understood in the context of Atman theory. Abhinavagupta synthesized various Tantras and broadened the Trika system in the theoretical structure of the Pratyabhijna(re-cognition). This article`s discussion of intuition and gradual identification also reveals his Pratyabhijna perspective.

      • KCI등재

        고전요가의 ‘śabda’(말)에 대한 관점 __Yogabhāṣya를 중심으로__

        손경록 ( Son Kyung Rok ) 인도철학회 2021 印度哲學 Vol.- No.62

        일찍이 고대인도 종교·철학 학파들은 언어에 대한 높은 수준의 논의를 전개하였다. 언어에 대한 논의는 비단 문법학파(Vaiyākāraṇa)에만 국한된 것이 아니었다. Yogasūtra에서 시작된 고전요가체계에서도 ‘소리’(śabda)와 ‘의미’(artha)의 본질에 관한 언어학적 사유가 발견된다. 여기에서 언어는 주로 음성언어인 ‘말’을 일컫는다. 말은 소리와 의미로 이루어져 있으며, 화자(話者)의 인식은 ‘소리’라는 매체를 통해서 청자(聽者)에게 전달된다. 소리로 전달되는 말의 의미는 인식을 담고 있다. 고전요가체계에서 말을 중요시하는 이유도 바로 말과 인식, 특히 말과 삼매(samādhi)의 연관성에 있다. Yogasūtra에 따르면, 삼매는 말로 표현 가능한 대상에 대한 분별로부터 시작된다. 본고에서는 Yogasūtra와 이에 대한 최초의 주석으로 알려진 Bhāṣya를 중심으로 고전요가 초기의 말에 대한 관점을 살펴보려고 한다. 특히 Bhāṣya의 언어와 관련된 주석은 후대의 주석들과는 조금 다르다는 점에서 의미가 있으며, 아직까지 많이 알려져 있지 않다. 본고에서는 가장 권위 있는 최초의 주석을 중심으로 수트라의 저자인 Patañjali의 언어에 대한 관점에 대해서 파악하려고 한다. 이와 같은 고찰은 고전요가 초기의 언어관에 주안점을 두고 있지만, 다른 학파들과의 언어관 비교연구에도 도움이 될 수 있을 것이다. In the Classical Yoga system, the role of words is considered to be important in relation of cognition as a starting point of meditation (vitarka samādhi), where language and cognition partially begin to coincide. Words are made up of sounds and meanings. Considering these two aspects of speech, I made this research based on the two sides of phonetics and semantics. The Sanskrit word śabda means sounds, words as well as verbal testimony. Sounds can be classified as a genus (jāti), as it has universality and the particulars. Words as a kind of sounds, it also has this characteristic of sounds, which makes differences between the sounds and its meaning (cognition) in ordinary speech. But in the case of coincidence of conception between a speaker and the listener(s), it can be a verbal testimony, being recognized as one of valid proofs. And the Classical Yoga acknowledges three phases of phonetic units called syllable sounds (dhvani), word sounds (nāda) and sentence sounds (śabda). It is the meaning that is conveyed through these media of sounds, sounds are converted into meanings through grammatical analysis. It is one of the characteristics of Yoga system that the sentence meaning (śabdārtha) is relatively emphasized as an indivisible semantic units. However, the underlying matters, such as the motives of the speaker are only mentioned to be superimposed on the Consciousness (Puruṣa). But the terms of ‘the motives’ itself is important in that this conception links the material aspects of sounds and the Consciousness. And this causal relation overcomes the limits of the Dualism. In addition, the Yoga system also acknowledges both the word’s capacity and the variable factor of the long time-accumulated practices as the creative sources of words. According to YBh, the meaning of a sound is primarily established by the inherent powers of sounds itself, and the meaning is revealed [re]established by the actual practices by its users. This eclectic stance is explicitly supported by Mādhava’s expositions in regards of the denotation and connotation of words, and also by Vācaspati Miśra and Vijñāna Bhikṣu’s later commentaries. In brief, the Yoga system’s perspectives of the conventionalism centered on the naturalism on the relationship between sound and meaning can be more easily understood in the context of their own peculiar relative eternalism (śāśvatavāda), which allows for changes.

      • KCI등재

        광주지역 영산강 내 식물플랑크톤의 계절적 변동과 남조류 독소합성유전자의 계통발생학적 특성

        김하람,조광운,손경록,장동,서광엽,김연희,Haram Kim,Gwangwoon Cho,Gyeongrok Son,Dong, Jang,Gwangyeob Seo,Yunhee Kim 한국환경과학회 2023 한국환경과학회지 Vol.32 No.5

        Cyanobacteria have been used as pollution indicator species in freshwater ecosystems, and identifying their fluctuations can be an important part about management of surface waters globally. Cyanotoxins produced by cyanobacteria are directly or indirectly a threat to human and environmental health. In order to confirm the potential risk of these cyanotoxins, the fluctuations of phytoplankton and phylogenetic analysis of cyanotoxin synthetase genes were conducted at each point in the Yeongsan River water system in Gwangju from November 2021 to October 2022. Diatoms which grow well in winter were dominant at 99.4 ~ 99.5%, and diatoms and green algae were dominant from the spring to autumn when the water temperature rises. Stephanodiscus spp. were dominant at 92.7 to 97.5 % at all sites in the winter, and Aulacoseira spp., which grow in warm water temperatures, were dominant in summer and autumn. Microcystis aeruginosa was dominant at 25.2% in summer only at site 5. mcyB and anaC have been detected as cyanotoxin synthetase genes. The phylogenetic tree of anaC could be divided into two groups (Group 1 & Group 2). Group 1 contained Aphanizomenon sp. and Cuspidothrix issatschenkoi. It is combined with Aphanizomenon sp. and Cuspidothrix issatschenkoi, which are known to produce cyanotoxins.

      • KCI등재

        다변량 통계분석을 활용한 제4수원지 수질특성 평가

        서희정,강인숙,은 양,손경록,정원삼,김성준 한국환경분석학회 2019 환경분석과 독성보건 Vol.22 No.3

        In this study, multivariate statistical analysis was applied to analyze the trend of water quality and water quality in the Fourth reservoir over the last 10 years. Correlation analysis between water quality variables showed that, the correlation coefficient between COD and TOC, which is an indirect indicator of organic matter, showed a high correlation of 0.608, while water temperature showed a positive correlation with pH of 0.515 and a negative correlation with DO of -0.716. Principal component and factor analyses showed that the four major components were extracted from the total water quality and contributed 72.9% of the total variance. When analyzed for cyanobacteria occurrence, three major components were extracted and contributed 67.2% of the total variance. Factor loadings analysis of water quality variables on the factors identified the first factors as COD and TOC. Water quality of the Fourth reservoir was found to be influenced by seasonal effects such as rainfall and organic matter, in addition to the effects of phytoplankton proliferation and nutrient influx.

      • KCI등재

        광주지역 영산강의 NBOD 발생에 대한 암모니아성 질소 및 미생물 영향 연구

        장동,김연희,조광운,손경록,김하람,강유미,이승기,배석진,황순홍 대한상하수도학회 2022 상하수도학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        The present study was performed to investigate the effects of NH3-N and nitrifying microorganisms on the increased BOD of downstream of the Yeongsan river in Gwangju. Water samples were collected periodically from the 13 sampling sites of rivers from April to October 2021 to monitor water qualities. In addition, the trends of nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand (NBOD) and microbial clusters were analyzed by adding different NH3-N concentrations to the water samples. The monitoring results showed that NH3-N concentration in the Yeongsan river was 22 times increased after the inflow of discharged water from the Gwangju 1st public sewage treatment plant (G-1-PSTP). Increased NH3-N elevated NBOD levels through the nitrification process in the river, consequently, it would attribute to the increase of BOD in the Yeongsan river. Meanwhile, there was no proportional relation between NBOD and NH3-N concentrations. However, there was a significant difference in NBOD occurrence by sampling sites. Specifically, when 5 mg/L NH3-N was added, NBOD of the river sample showed 2-4 times higher values after the inflow of discharged water from G-1-PSTP. Therefore, it could be thought other factors such as microorganisms influence the elevated NBOD levels. Through next-generation sequencing analysis, nitrifying microorganisms such as Nitrosomonas, Nitroga, and Nitrospira (Genus) were detected in rivers samples, especially, the proportion of them was the highest in river samples after the inflow of discharged water from G-1-PSTP. These results indicated the effects of nitrifying microorganisms and NH3-N concentrations as important limiting factors on the increased NBOD levels in the rivers. Taken together, comprehensive strategies are needed not only to reduce the NH3-N concentration of discharged water but also to control discharged nitrifying microorganisms to effectively reduce the NBOD levels in the downstream of the Yeongsan river where discharged water from G-1-PSTP flows.

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