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논문 / TiCN 및 TiN / TiCN 박막의 구조와 피로거동
백창현(C . H . Baeg),홍주화(J . W . Hong),위명용(M . Y . Wey),강희재(H . J . Kang) 한국열처리공학회 2000 열처리공학회지 Vol.13 No.5
Microstructure, mechanical and fatigue behaviors of TiCN and TiN/TiCN thin films, deposited on quenched and tempered STD61 tool steel, were investigated by using XRD, XPS, hardness, adhesion and fatigue tests. The TiCN thin film is grown along the (100), (111) orientation, whereas the TiN/TiCN thin film is grown along the (111) orientation. The preferred orientation of TiN/TiCN thin film strongly depends on the TiN buffer layer whose orientation is (111), as is well-known. The TiN/TiCN thin film showed the higher adhesion compared with TiCN single layer because the TiN buffer layer, having good toughness, reduces the effects of the lower hardness of substrate. In the high cycle tension-tension fatigue test, the fatigue life of the TiCN and the TiN/TiCN coated steel increased approximately two to four times and five to nine times respectively compared with uncoated specimens. The TiN buffer layer in multilayer thin films plays an important role in reducing residual stress and fatigue crack initiation, and then in restraining the fatigue propagation.
백창현(C. H. Baeg),박용근(Y. G. Park),위명용(M. Y. Wey) 대한금속재료학회 ( 구 대한금속학회 ) 2002 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.40 No.9
Microstructure and mechanical properties of TiAlN thin films, deposited on quenched and tempered STD61 tool steel by Arc Ion Plating, were studied using XRD, XPS, hardness, adhesion and wear tester. From the results of XPS analysis, chemical binding energy of Ti, Al and N was proportional to Al contents. The TiAlN film was grown with the (200) orientation. As the Al content in the thin film increased, the hardness increased and the grain refined, but the adhesion of thin film decreased because of the increase of compression stress due to excess of limit Al content. The wear resistance of TiAlN film increased with increasing of Al contents. But, when the Al contents exceed, the thin film did not tolerate the continuous wear load and then the fracture occured because of the high internal stress of the thin film.
논문 / RF Plasma 법으로 증착된 TiCN 박막의 구조 및 기계적 거동에 관한 연구
백창현(C . H . Baeg),박상렬(S . Y . Park),홍주화(J . W . Hong),위명용(M . Y . Wey),강희재(H . J . Kang) 한국열처리공학회 2000 열처리공학회지 Vol.13 No.2
The structure and mechanical properties of TiN and TiCN thin films deposited on STD61 steel substrates by the RF-sputtering methods has been studied by using XPS, XRD, micro-hardness tester, scratch tester, and wear-resistance tester. XPS results showed that the TiCN thin film formed with chemical bonding state. The TiN thin films grew with (111) orientation having the lowest strain energy by compressive stress, whereas the TiCN thin films grew with both (111) and (200) orientation, but (200) orientation having the lowest surface energy becomes dominant as carbon contents increase. The pre-etching treatment of substrate did not affect on the preferred orientation of thin films, but it played an important role in improving mechanical properties of thin films such as the hardness, adhesion and wear-resistance. Especially, the TiCN thin films showed the superior wear resistances due to high hardness and low friction coefficient compared with TiN thin films.
백창현,홍주화,위명용,김기영,이동복 대한금속재료학회 2003 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.41 No.8
The oxidation behavior of TiN, TiCN and CrN coatings sputtered on a steel substrate was investigated at 850℃ in air. Both TiN and TiCN oxidized to Tio₂ while CrN oxidzed to Cr₂O₃. The oxidation resistance decreased in the order of CrN, TiN and TiCN. During oxidation, the outward diffusion of substrate elements such as Fe, Si occurred to a certain degree. The enrichment of substrate element of Cr at the oxide scale and the depletion of nitrogen at the lower part of the unoxidized CrN coating were observed.