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        시판 소포장 보리쌀의 품위 평가

        배숙현,김홍식,정승근 한국작물학회 2009 한국작물학회지 Vol.54 No.1

        시중에서 수집한 소포장 보리쌀의 외관과 품위를 평가하여 일반 소비자들을 위한 브랜드 보리쌀의 품질 등급 기준을 설정하는데 필요한 정보를 제공하고자 전국의 중대형 슈퍼마켓에서 2007년 6월~ 7월에 수집한 소포장 보리쌀 61점(쌀보리쌀 28점, 찰보리쌀 23점, 재래시장 보리쌀 10점)을 식물자원학과 유전육종학실험실에서 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 브랜드 보리쌀의 포장단위는 200~1,000g 이었는데, 1,000 g 포장된 것이 56.8%였으며, 800 g 포장이 25.4%였는데, 찰보리쌀은 800 g 포장이 많았고, 쌀보리쌀은 200~300g 의 작은 단위로 포장된 것도 있었다. 재래시장 보리쌀의 한 되 평균 중량은 1,159 g이었는데, 762~1,732g 의 범위로 차이가 컸다. 2. 보리쌀의 1,000립중은 평균 20.1±2.51g 이었는데, 쌀보리쌀은 18~28g 였고, 찰보리쌀은 14~26g 이었으며, 쌀보리쌀은 20~22g 이 39.2%이고, 찰보리쌀은 18~20g 이 43.47%로 가장 많았다. 3. 보리쌀의 정립율은 쌀보리쌀이 평균 88.0%였고, 찰보리쌀은 평균 94.3%로 찰보리쌀의 정립율이 더 높았는데, 쌀보리쌀의 정립율이 현저히 낮은 것은 싸라기율이 높기 때문이었다. 재래시장 보리쌀의 정립율은 평균 69.7%로 브랜드 보리쌀에 비해 현저히 낮았다. 4. 브랜드 보리쌀의 용적중은 평균 843g~cdotL1였고, 805~917g~cdotL1의 범위였는데, 가장 높은 것은 쌀보리쌀의 917g~cdotL1였고, 가장 낮은 것은 쌀보리쌀의 805g~cdotL1였으며, 변이계수로 보아 찰보리쌀의 용적중 변이가 더 컸다. 5. 브랜드 보리쌀의 수분함량은 평균 14.75%였는데, 찰보리쌀은 평균 16.2%로 수분함량이 높았고, 쌀보리쌀은 평균 13.75%로 찰보리쌀에 비하여 낮았다. 6. 쌀보리쌀의 길이는 평균 4.61 mm였고, 폭은 평균 3.05 mm였으며, 두께는 평균 2.12 mm였고, 찰보리쌀은 길이가 평균 4.44 mm였고, 폭은 평균 2.89 mm, 두께는 평균 2.06 mm로 쌀보리쌀이 찰보리쌀에 비하여 모두 컸다. 7. 보리쌀의 장폭비는 대부분이 1.4~1.9 의 범위였으며, 장폭비는 쌀보리쌀이 1.51±0.10 , 찰보리쌀이 1.74±0.13 으로 찰보리쌀이 약간 길었으나 최대값과 최소값은 각각 1.31~1.70 과 1.33~1.74 로 차이가 없었다. 보리쌀의 입장과 입폭은 유의한 상관이 있었으나 입후와는 상관이 없었다. 8. 백도는 쌀보리쌀이 34.2±7.34 였고, 찰보리쌀은 27.3±10.21 였으며, 재래시장에서 판매되는 보리쌀은 40±6.12 로 찰보리쌀이 가장 낮고 재래시장의 보리쌀이 가장 높았다. 9. 쌀보리쌀의 가열흡수성은 평균 215.41%였으며, 대부분이 200~220% 였고, 퍼짐성은 평균 379.68%였으며, 주로 350~400% 였다. 찰보리쌀의 가열흡수성 평균은 231%였고, 주로 240~260% 였으며, 퍼짐성은 평균 401%였고, 주로 400~450% 가 많았다. Demand for the high quality barley with fibroid material and functional substances has been increasing in recent although the amount of barley consumption decreased drastically during the last two decades. But the limited information on quality of barley makes consumers hard when they purchase barley for their own consumption. Therefore, 51 brand barley, .i.e., 28 naked barley and 23 waxy barley from supermarkets and 10 polished barley from local markets were collected, and their external quality were analyzed to provide basic information on brand barley. Among 51 brand barley, 56% were 1kg package and 25% were 800 g package and there was no significant difference (1~pm3.62~;g ) between printed and actual weighs. The weight of 1,000 grains of naked barley and waxy barley ranged 18.6~26.7~;g and 14.6~24.7~;g , respectively. Thousand grain weight of 38% of naked barley ranged 20~22~;g , while that of 43% of waxy barley ranged 18~20~;g . The ratio of normal grains was 88% and 94% for naked barley and waxy barley, respectively, when separated with 1.7 mm sieve. Although 82% of brand barley products were free from foreign substances, in 18% of brand barley products, sands, pieces of cloth and wood, other kinds of grain and insect larvae were found, Average test weight of brand barleys was 843g~cdotL-1 with range of 805~917g~cdotL-1 . Water content was less than 14% in 7.8% of barley products, while it was 14~15% in 62.7% of them. Average whiteness of brand barley was 31.06, while waxy barley had higher whiteness with 27.28 than naked barley with 34.16. Heated water uptake rate of milled naked barley and milled waxy barley were 215.4% and 231.7%, respectively, while expansion rate of milled naked barley and milled waxy barley were 379.7% and 401.6%, respectively. Barley from local markets were as good as brand barley products in 1,000 grain weight, ratio of normal grains, inclusion of foreign substances, test weight, water content, whiteness, water uptake rate, and expansion rate, but they showed higher ratio of foreign substances included.

      • 세 중년남성의 ‘생애전환’에 대한 내러티브 연구: 제2의 인생준비를 하는 아버지의 삶을 중심

        배숙현,서영숙 숙명여자대학교 아동연구소 2019 兒童硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        This study's purpose is to reveal changes experienced by middle-aged men in life transition and to get a deeper understanding of life of fathers who are preparing for their second life. The subjects of this study were purposively sampled from meddle-aged men with more than ten years of employment in a company and different ages of their children. To this end, a narrative method suitable for depicting human experience and the meaning of life was applied. As a result, the aspect of middle-aged fathers' life in life transition was revealed as territorialization: the place of fathers, deterritorialization: the challenge to overcome nervousness, and reterritorialization: the hope for stable life, from Deleuzian devenir. The meaning of life for middle-aged fathers was expressed as desire of living in the present from happy events with their children, and analyzed as driving forces which were adapted endlessly and created in a rapidly changing society. In conclusion, the presence of their inherent power producing a difference that could make changes was revealed by understanding their life. Based on it, providing social supports and services to generate inherent power of middle-aged men will be helpful for improving childcare environments and quality of life. In this study, the life of middle-aged men was deeply understood, troubles and desire reflected from their voices were revealed, and practical implications for their life experience and a way for the follow-up study were suggested. 본 연구는 세 중년남성이 생애전환 과정에서 경험하게 되는 변화를 들어내고 제2의 인생준비로 살아가 는 아버지의 삶을 심층적으로 이해하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 연구대상은 10년 이상 한곳에서 장기 근속한 중년남성으로 자녀 연령대에 차이를 두어 유의표집 하였다. 이를 위해 인간의 경험과 삶의 의미를 조명하 는데 가장 적합한 내러티브 연구방법을 적용하였다. 연구결과, ‘생애전환’기에 마주한 중년 아버지의 양태 는 Deleuze의 차이 생성(devenir)의 방식으로 영토화(territorialization): ‘아버지의 자리가 있어요’, 탈영토화 (deterritorialization): ‘불안해서 도전해요’, 재영토화(reterritorialization): ‘안정된 삶을 살고 싶어요’로 나타났 다. 중년남성에게 ‘삶의 의미’는 자녀와의 행복했던 ‘사건’이 현재를 살아내는 욕망으로 표출되었고 급변하는 사회에서 끝없이 변형되고 창조되는 ‘생성의 힘’으로 분석되었다. 결론적으로 중년 아버지의 삶을 이해함으 로 삶의 차이를 생성하는 힘이 그들 내부에 존재하고 있음이 드러났다. 이를 바탕으로 중년 아버지의 내재 된 힘이 생성되도록 사회적 지원과 서비스를 제공하는 것은 자녀의 양육환경과 삶의 질을 향상시키는 데 도 움이 될 것이다. 본 연구는 중년 아버지의 삶을 심층적으로 이해하고 그들의 목소리가 반추된 문제와 욕구를 드러냈고 그들의 삶의 경험에 대한 실천적 함의와 후속연구를 위한 제언을 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Establishing Rhizomatic Relationships in Daycare Centers: From the Perspective of Conflict Relation during Play Time or Free Choice Activities


        This qualitative study is based on Deleuzian methodology and examines the internal meaning of children's relationships with environments by reviewing conflict styles employed during free choice activities. By reviewing the meaning of “relationship,” “ritornello,” and “becoming,” this study attempts to understand Gilles Deleuze's “rhizomatic relationship” from the perspective of post-humanism. To understand conflict situations and determine the internal meaning of phenomena, participants were selected from a private and a company-run daycare center, using purposeful sampling. Interviews with a director and a teacher were conducted, and children who frequently caused conflicts were observed when they played together. Daily logs from observations and captured video files were also used. Conflicts that occur during free choice activities can be interpreted as “rhizomatic relationships” representative of Deleuze’s “movement variations.” The diversity that is characteristic of post-humanism and transboundary rhizomatic relationships is also needed in daycare centers and can be used to provide emotionally responsive childcare.

      • KCI등재

        시판 소포장 보리쌀의 품위 평가

        정승근,배숙현,김홍식 한국작물학회 2009 한국작물학회지 Vol.54 No.1

        Demand for the high quality barley with fibroid material and functional substances has been increasing in recent although the amount of barley consumption decreased drastically during the last two decades. But the limited information on quality of barley makes consumers hard when they purchase barley for their own consumption. Therefore, 51 brand barley, .i.e., 28 naked barley and 23 waxy barley from supermarkets and 10 polished barley from local markets were collected, and their external quality were analyzed to provide basic information on brand barley. Among 51 brand barley, 56% were 1kg package and 25% were 800 g package and there was no significant difference (1±3.62 g) between printed and actual weighs. The weight of 1,000 grains of naked barley and waxy barley ranged 18.6~26.7 g and 14.6~24.7 g, respectively. Thousand grain weight of 38% of naked barley ranged 20~22 g, while that of 43% of waxy barley ranged 18~20 g. The ratio of normal grains was 88% and 94% for naked barley and waxy barley, respectively, when separated with 1.7 mm sieve. Although 82% of brand barley products were free from foreign substances, in 18% of brand barley products, sands, pieces of cloth and wood, other kinds of grain and insect larvae were found, Average test weight of brand barleys was 843 g・L-1 with range of 805~917 g・L-1. Water content was less than 14% in 7.8% of barley products, while it was 14~15% in 62.7% of them. Average whiteness of brand barley was 31.06, while waxy barley had higher whiteness with 27.28 than naked barley with 34.16. Heated water uptake rate of milled naked barley and milled waxy barley were 215.4% and 231.7%, respectively, while expansion rate of milled naked barley and milled waxy barley were 379.7% and 401.6%, respectively. Barley from local markets were as good as brand barley products in 1,000 grain weight, ratio of normal grains, inclusion of foreign substances, test weight, water content, whiteness, water uptake rate, and expansion rate, but they showed higher ratio of foreign substances included.

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