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        집단주의 문화의 개인을 위한 기독교 상담 방법론 연구

        반신환(Shin Hwan Pan) 한국기독교학회 2003 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.28 No.-

        Collective culture has yet constituted many Koreans` personality. Six distinctive feature of the collective culture incorporated in their personality, are analyzed. The collective cultural features includes corporative identity, pursuit of homogeneity, separation of emotion from behavior, denial of hatred and pride, pursuit of interpersonal harmony, and pursuit of personal control. Korean social and interpersonal structures have incorporated individualistic culture rapidly since its 1997 foreign currency crisis. The structures turns the significant stressors on the collective-culture-oriented individuals. How can they be helped in Christian counseling? A Christian counseling methodology based on Korean collective culture, is presented as the following. 1. The boundary of counselor-client relationship is necessary to be safeguarded. In order to get a client`s confidence, confidentiality and a counselor`s pursuit of the client`s interest are assured. 2. A client is recommended to express her/his emotions without a hesitation. Because the client with collective culture tends to repress her/his own emotions. 3. Change of a client`s behavior or environment facilitates her/his change of emotion and thought easily. Because the client with collective culture is likely to transform her/his emotion or thought by transforming her/his behavior or environment. 4. Personal consistency is necessary to pursue other than interpersonal harmony. Because the interpersonal harmony is the ideal that cannot be reached in this complex and rapidly changing society. The pursuit of interpersonal harmony is likely to provide a client with tension and frustration. 5. An elucidation of the features of the collective culture and the individualistic culture can provide a client with and insight of her/his mode of thinking, feeling, and behaving. It is a good alternative to a psychological insight.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 중독에 대한 목회상담

        반신환(Shin Hwan Pan) 한국기독교학회 2001 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.21 No.-

        This paper seeks to find guidelines for the internet addicted. First of all, this surveys diagnostic criteria of `the internet addiction disorder.` Second, this surveys the researches on the internet addicted`s patterns to use the internet, their social environment, and their personalities. Their psychological process is suggested to be consisted of three stages such as their needs, their actions and affective experiences, and consequences. Their needs are satisfied by the internet`s inherent nature. In order to help the internet addicted recover from their addiction, the three principles are essential in formulating the guidelines. They include analysis of cultural and political structure of the term `the internet addiction disorder,` deployment of the systematic viewpoint, and acceptance of the addicted`s individual experience. The approach that the principles supports, is Bohler`s female-friendly pastoral care. Its guidelines are explained by the following themes. 1. Recognize the addicted`s experience. It includes listening to them, recognizing and evoking their authorities, and learning how to use the internet. 2. Deploy the systematic point of view. It includes balancing their personal responsibility with their family or friends` influences and making a compromise on how to engage in the internet. 3. Observe and expand their divine images. It includes helping them perceive and express their own experience of the Mystery. 4. Take social structure and culture into account. It includes analyzing generational gaps in the term `the internet addiction disorder,` and name the cultural issues clearly in the local church.

      • KCI등재

        사모에 대한 목회상담

        반신환(Shin Hwan Pan) 한국기독교학회 2000 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.17 No.-

        This paper want to find guidelines for counseling some typical problems experienced by pastor`s wife. This surveys the researches on the stressors and stressful responses in pastor`s wife. As a result, her stressor includes lack of privacy, interpersonal conflicts, and her husband`s job insecurity. Role conflicts and role ambiguities are frequently found in the expectations for her role. They are explained by the patriarchical culture and systems in the church. Her efforts to analyze and confront her problems and to create her support system, are found to be effective. The approach that the survey supports, is Bohler`s female-friendly pastoral care. Its guidelines are explained by the following themes. 1. Listen to her. 2. Expect her inner conflict between care for self and care for others. 3. Expect her hope and resiliency as well as her despair or pain. 4. Balance her personal responsibility with her family or church systems` influences. 5. Take patriarchical social structure and culture into account. 6. Observe and expand her divine images. 7. Recognize and evoke her authority. 8. Consider meeting her family members together as well as meeting her individually. 9. Increase the use of her imagery of herself and others. 10. Be careful not to blame her. 11. Consider the impact on females when education is provided in church. 12. Name sexuality and sexual issues clearly in the local church.

      • KCI등재

        비대면 상담에서 촉진 환경의 조성 방법 - 정신분석적 프레임 (Frame)에 근거해서 -

        반신환 ( Shin Hwan Pan ) 한국대학선교학회 2020 대학과 선교 Vol.46 No.-

        코비드19의 세계적 유행에서 대학의 강의나 선교, 상담에서 비대면 방식을 사용하고 있다. 이것은 온라인 기술의 단순한 적용에 국한되지 않는다. 이 기술은 비대면 상담에서 상담의 양상을 변화를 초래하고 있다. 비대면 상담에서 상담자와 내담자의 신체는 한 공간에 공존하지 않고, 양자의 상호작용은 시각과 청각 자료만으로 구성되기 때문이다. 비대면 상담을 촉진하는 환경의 원리를 찾기 위해, 정신분석의 작업에서 정신분석 상황과 일상 사이에 경계선을 설정하는 정신분석적 프레임의 특징을 분석했다. 이것의 일반적 특징으로 안정성, 촉진성, 그리고 개별성을 확인했다. 이 원리들에 근거해서, 온라인 상담의 과정과 효과를 촉진하는 환경의 조성 방법을 제시했다. 첫째, 비대면 상담의 환경에서 안정성을 위해, 안전하고 조용한 환경, 비밀이 보장되는 환경, 그리고 예측이 가능한 환경을 조성한다. 기술적 안정성은 다중적 의사소통망과 숙련된 기술사용 능력의 확보를 포함한다. 환경적 안정성은 조용하고 방음이 가능하고 평안한 공간과 위기 상황에서 연락망의 구축을 포함한다. 그리고 관계적 안정성은 상담자에 대한 내담자의 적절한 예측가능성을 포함한다. 특히, 내담자의 현실검증력의 유지를 포함한다. 둘째, 촉진성은 내담자의 공간, 자원, 그리고 매체의 공간의 사용과 확대를 통한 의식과 통찰의 확대이다. 이를 위해, 상담자는 내담자가 비대면 회기에서 자기 집이나 공간에서 활동을 할 수 있도록 기구나 재료를 미리 배송해서 제공할 수 있다. 혹은 자기 공간이나 매체에서 할 수 있는 활동을 통해 내담자의 경험을 확장한다. 셋째, 내담자의 개별성을 수용하는 상담자들의 능력을 유지하기 위해 상담자는 자신의 지지환경을 찾고 구성한다. 코비드19는 상담자에게도 불안과 좌절을 초래하는 위협이 될 수 있다. 이것을 예방하고 이것으로부터 회복하도록 돕는 지지환경이다. Under contemporary Covid-19 pandemic, the online technologies are to be incorporated into the counseling. It is not simply their application, but transformation of the mode. In online sessions there are not the counselor’s body and the client’s at the same place. They can communicate with each other only through audible and visual data. To find the principles for the optimal setting in the online counseling, the features constituting the psychoanalytic frame were explored. As a result its three general principles were constructed, including security, facilitation, and individuality. Based on the three principles, some methods were elaborated further. First, to form security. it is necessary to build safe, silent, comfortable, confidential, and anticipatory structures for the client in particular. There are technological security, space security, and relationship security. Technological security includes multiple channels in the communication between the counselor and client and technological mastery for the counselor in particular. Space security includes safe, silent and confidential space and network. Relationship security includes the counselor’s anticipatory behaviors and management. It is also included to maintain the client’s capacity for reality testing. Second, its facilitation allows the client to expand his or her conscious ness and insight through experience. To enhance the experience, the material resources may be prepared and sent to the client by the counselor for the activities at the next session. Or the counselor may make use of the client’s own resources in his or her space to play or work together online. Also his or her frustration and fantasy due to Covid-19 may be explored. Third, a client’s individuality is to be preserved. It may be provided by the counselor’s capacity to accept or contain the client’s subjectivity. Even the counselor may perceive this pandemic as some threat and feel fear, frustration, or solitude. It may be significant for the counselor to find and create a stable and supportive environment.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        소방공무원의 외상 후 스트레스, 대처방식, 해리 경험의 관계

        김봉명,반신환,채정호,Kim, Bong-Mung,Pan, Shin-Hwan,Chae, Jeong-Ho 대한불안의학회 2011 대한불안의학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Objective : This study was performed to analyze the relationship between posttraumatic stress, coping style, and dissociation in Korean firefighters. Methods : Subjects included 193 male and 9 female firefighters in the metropolitan city of Daejeon. Their age ranged from 25 to 57 with an average of 39.17 (SD : 7.572) years. Their posttraumatic stress or traumatic experiences were assessed with the Korean Version of the Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale. Their coping style was categorized with the Korean version of the Ways of Coping Checklist. Their dissociation was assessed with the Korean version of Dissociative Experiences Scale. The data analysis included a correlation analysis and structural equation modeling. The modeling tested the validity of the model that posttraumatic stress had a direct effect on dissociation and coping style had an mediatory effect between stress and dissociation. Results : First, firefighters' posttraumatic stress or traumatic experiences had a direct effect on dissociation, a symptom of a mental disorder. Second, the firefighters employed passive styles to cope with their stress. This is explained that they had been exposed to their traumatic events repeatedly without being able to control it themselves. Third, coping style had no effect on the mediation between posttraumatic stress and dissociation. This is explained in terms of repeated exposure to the traumatic events. Conclusion : Based on the results, it is concluded that Korean firefighters' dissociation was not relieved by their coping effort but associated directly with their traumatic experiences. To decrease their dissociation, it is necessary to reduce the exposure to their traumatic events.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        상담자의 대리외상 후 성장경험에 관한 질적 연구

        조영매(Cho, Young Mae),반신환(Pan, Shin Hwan) 서강대학교 생명문화연구소 2016 생명연구 Vol.42 No.-

        본 연구는 질적 연구로 상담자가 대리외상 후 성장하 는 경험의 과정과 내용을 이해하고 탐색하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 연구참여자는 세월호 사건에 투입되어 세월호 외상생존자를 대상으로 상담을 진행한 총 13명 의 상담자들이다. 자료는 심층면담으로 수집하였고 스 트라우스(Strauss)와 코빈(Corbin)의 근거이론 연구방법 에 따라 분석하여 개방코딩, 축코딩, 선택코딩, 유형분 석, 상황모형 순으로 제시하였다. 개방코딩에서 267개의 개념, 76개의 하위범주, 26개의 범주를 도출하였고 패러다임 모형에 배열하였다. 중심 현상은 ‘침범된 정서’였고 패러다임 모형과 과정 분석을 통해 나타난 내용을 중심으로 ‘상담자의 대리외상 후 성장 경험’의 핵심범주는 『내담자의 상처를 떠안고 성 장으로 가는 자기변환의 과정』 으로 상정하였다. 상담 자의 대리외상 후 성장경험의 유형을 분석한 결과 ‘과 거극복형’, ‘전문역량강화형’, ‘동반성장형’, ‘성찰실존형’ 의 네 가지 유형으로 분류되었다. 연구참여자들이 경험한 현상과 상황조건들이 상호작 용하여 결과에 미치는 영향을 상황모형으로 분석하고 이러한 연구결과를 근거로 연구자는 상담자들이 경험하 는 분노, 상담자의 공감 능력과 경계 설정, 상담자의 지 지체계, 상담자의 애도방식인 자기만의 의례 만들기, 상 담자의 영성에 관한 논의를 제시하였다. 마지막으로 연 구의 한계점을 밝히고 후속연구를 제안하였다. This study is a qualitative research which aims to understand and explore the process and contents of counselor s post-traumatic growth after vicarious trauma. The study conductors are 13 counselors who counseled traumatized Sewol ferry survivors who were involved in Sewol ferry incident, The research data was collected through in-depth interview, and analyzed based on grounded theory research method developed by Strauss and Corbin, and proposed in order of open coding, axial coding, selective coding, type analysis, and situation model. In open coding, 267 concepts, 76 sub categories and 26 categories were deducted and rearranged to paradigm model. The central phenomenon was appeared as violated emotion and the core category of counselor s post-traumatic growth experience after vigorous trauma focusing on the contents from the paradigm model and process analysis was introduced as 『a self-conversion process to growth with the trauma of client』. When analyzing the types of post-traumatic growth experience after counselor s vigorous trauma, there were 4 types such as past-overcoming , professional competence empowerment , accompanied growth , existential relfection . The influence of phenomenon and situation conditions that study participants experienced to result by interaction is analyzed by situation model, and study conductor proposed discussion regarding the anger that counselor experience, empathic ability and boundary set up of counselor, support system of counselor, creating own ritual as coping mechanism, and spirituality of counselor based on study results. Finally, the study revealed the limitations and proposed follow up studies.

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