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      • KCI등재

        염전된 난소종양을 중심으로

        박효길(HK Park),정순오(SO Chung) 대한산부인과학회 1970 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.13 No.10

        Torsion of the uterine adnexal tumor is an urgent surgical condition that usally occurs in women of reproductive age. Between January 1, 1961 and December 31, 1969, among 8215 obstetric and 4762 gynecologic admission to dept of obst. & Gynec., at Severance Hospital, Yon Sei university there were 35 cases of adnexal tumors with symptoms producing torsion of the pedicle. 8 cases appeared among the obstetric patient(1:1027) and 27 in the gynecologic group(1:176). In the present review of 35 women with surgically proved disease, sudden abdominal pain, a tender pelvic mass and signs of moderate pelvic, peritoneal irritation were the most specific helps to diagnosis. Most patients with twisted uterine adnexa did not have malignancy.

      • KCI등재

        골반위에 관한 임상적 고찰

        박효길(HK Park),문영기(YK Moon),곽현모(HM Kwak) 대한산부인과학회 1974 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.17 No.11

        1) 1965년 1월 1일부터 1972년 10월 31일까지 만 8년간 연세의료원에 입원분만한 골반위의 발생빈도는 총분만예 13,881예 중 590예로 4.26%였다. 2) 골반위의 선진부의 종류는 Frank breech 35.5%, incomplete breech 15.5%, complete breech 5.4%의 순위였다. 3) 골반위의 소인을 조사하여 보면 조산아 104예(17.6%), 태아골반불균형 58예(9.9%), 다태 아 53예(9.0%)의 순으로 대부분을 차지하고 있다. 4) 조기파막의 발생빈도는 181예(30.7%)로 정상위군에 비하여 약 3배나 많았다. 5) 분만시간은 초산부가 평균 11시간 44분, 경산부가 7시간 38분으로써 오히려 정상위군보 다 약간 단축되었으며 특히 deceleration phase에서 비교적 현저한 단축을 볼 수 있었다. 6) 분만방법에 있어서 부분색인이 60.5%로 대부분을 차지하고 있었으며 완전색인은 주로 쌍태아의 제2아에서 시행하였으며 제왕절개의 적응증을 보면 태아골반불균형, 반복제왕절개, 제대탈출 순으로 약 80%를 차지하였고 진통유도는 159예(27.0%)에서 시행하였으며, pitocin induction 56예(9.5%), pitocin augmentation 103예(17.5%)를 시행하였으나 모체나 태아에 이 로 인한 합병증은 없었다. 7) 제왕절개의 빈도는 25%로서 정상위에서의 제왕절개율 8%보다도 현저히 높았고 골반위 로써의 적응증은 전체제와절개의 8.1%로써 제 4위를 나타내고 있다. 8) Zatuchni-Andres prognostic scoring을 적용하여 보았더니 제왕절개를 시행한 군에서는 0-3 score가 73.4%였고 질식분만한 군에서는 42.2%로써 제왕절개군에서 저점수군이 많았다. 9) 주산기 사망에 있어서 수정이 안된 주산기사망율은 13.4%였으나 수정된 주산기사망율은 4.74%였으며 사망원인은 주로 조산아, 제대탈출, 뇌출혈, 호흡부전의 순이었다. Breech presentation is the most frequent abnormal presentation, and the increased fetal mortality and maternal complication associated with breech presentation remains as a major obstetrical problems. The results were as follows : 1) The incidende of breech presentation was 4.26%. 2) Type of breech presentation were Frank breech (35.5%), incomplete breech(15.5%), and complete breech(5.4%). 3) The major predisposing factor of breech presentation were prematurity 104 cases(17.6%), cephalopelvic disproportion 58 cases (9.9%), and multiple pregnancy 53 cases (9.0%). 4) There were 30.7% of early spontaneous rupture of membrane among the antepartum complication which was 3 times higher than the incidence in vertex presentation. 5) The average length of labor in primipara was 11 hrs. 44 min, and 7 hrs. 37 min. in multipara. The duration of labor was shorter than vertex presentation, especially in decelerating phase. 6) Type of delivery was mainly partial breech extraction(60.5%) and total breech extraction was applied to second baby of twin. Pitocin stimulation was tried in 159 cases without maternal complications and perinatal losses. 7) Cesarean section rate was 25% and main indication were cephalopelvic disproportion(55.3%) previous cesarean section (15.3%), and prolapse of cord (12.7%). 8) In applying the Zatuchni-Andros prognostic scoring, 0-3 score shown 73.4% in the group of cesarean section and 42.2% in group of vaginal delivery. 9) Uncorrected perinatal mortality was 13.4%, corrected fetal loss was 4.74%. The leading cause of death was prematurity.

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