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      • KCI등재

        독일공법상의 인근주민보호

        박효근(Hyo Keun Park) 중앙법학회 2007 中央法學 Vol.9 No.3

        Die meisten novellierten Bauordnungen enthalten sog. "vereinfachte Genehmigungsverfahren". Gemeinsam ist diesen Verfahren, daβ der Prufungsumfang der Genehmigungsbe horden eingesehrankt. Ausgenommen ist im wesentlichen das gesamte "technisehe" Baurecht. Zu priifen sind regelmaβig das Bauplanungsrecht, Kemmaterien des Bauordnungsrechts z.B. die Einhaltung des Abstandsflachenrechts, die Erfullung der Abstandsflachenrechts die Erfullung der Stellplatzpflicht nnd die sonstigen offentlichnechlichen Rechtsvorschriften. Eine Sonderstellung kommt der Rheinland-Pfalzisehen Bauordnung zu, da dart nach § 65 RhPfBauO auch die Einhaltung der Abstandsflaehen nieht zu prufen ist. Auwerndungsbereich der vereinfachten Genehmigungsverfahre ist in allen Landesbauordnungen im wesentlichen deckungsgleich. Erfaβt warden bestimmte Wolhnauvorhabe, die nicht bereits ohnehin genehmigungsfrei sind, landwirtschaftliehe Betriebsgebaude und eingesehossige, sonstige Gebaude. Um das Ziel ````Beschleunigtes Bauen" zu fordern, statuieren die B auordnungen Fristen, innerhalb derer die Genelunigungsbehorden uber den Antrag zu entseheiden haben. Einige Bauordnungen bestimmen, daβ bei Nichteinhaltung dieser Fristen die beantragte Genehmigung als erteilt gilt. Hier ist das Rechtsinstitut der ````fiktiven Baugenehmigung" eingefuhrt worden. 1m vereinfaehten Genehmig ungsverfahren wird - wie im "herkommlichen" Verfahren eine Baugenehrnigung erteilt. Ein Nachbarwiderspruch entfaltet nach § 80 I V wGO regelmaβig aufschiebende Wirkung. 1m Fall der gesetzhehen Anordnung des Sofortvollzngs (z.B. nach § 10 II Ba uGBMβnG) oder einer gesonderten Vollziehungsanordnung kommt vorlaufiger Rechtsschutz des Nachbarn nach § 80a i.V. mit § 80 V V wGO in Betracht. lnsoweit b estehen also zunachst keine Besonderheiten. Da die Ge nehmigung im vereinfachten Verfahren jedoch nur bezuglich der Materien eine feststellende Wirkung besitzt, die P rufgegenstand sind, kann ein Widerspruch des Nachbarn nur erfolgreich sein, wenn dieser die Verletzung gerade derartiger (nachbarschutzender) Normen rugt. Sieht sich der Nachbar nur hinsichtlich solcher Bestimmungen in seinen Rechten beruhrt, die im vereinfachten Genehmigungsverfahren aus der Prufung ausgeklammert sind, so ist sein Widersprueh bzw. Antrag auf vorlaufigen Rechtsschutz nach § 80a i.V. mit § 80 V VwGO nicht nur unbegriindet, sondem unzulassig. Aus dem Vorstehenden ergibt sich fur den Nachbarrechtsschutz folgende Konsequenz: Wird (nur) eine Verletzung solcher Bestimm ungen ge1tend gemacht die nicht Prufgegenstand im vereinfachten Genehmigungsverfahren sind, so bleibt dem Nachbam nur die oben hinsichtlich der genehmigungsfreien Verfahren dargestellte Vorgehensweise: Er kann die Bauaufsichtsbehorde zum Einschreiten bzw. zum Erlaβ einer Stillegungs- oder Abbruchverfugung auffordern. Lehnt die Behorde ein Eingreifen ab, so ist nach Durchfuhrung eines Widerspruchsverfahrens die Erhebung einer Verpflich tungsklage zulassig . Einstweiliger Rechtsschutz kann nur uber § 123 VwG0 erreicht werden. Hinsichtlich der Frage, unter welchen Voraussetzungen der Nachbar einen Rechtsanspruch auf Einschreiten besi zt und welche Entscheidungsmaβstabe im Verfahren nach § 123 VwGO gelten, kann auf die oben gemachten A usfuhrungen zum Freistellungsverfahren verwiesen werden. Der Nachbarrechtsschutz im "vereinfachten" Genehmigungsverfahren kann also moglicherweise besonders komphziert sein. Es kommt namlich eine Verdoppelung bzw. Zweigleisigkeit der (offentlichrechtlichen) Rechtsbehe1fe in Betracht: Fuhlt sich ein Nachbar sowohl bezuglich der im vereinfach ten Verfahren zu prufenden Vorschriften als auch bezuglich der ausgeklammerten Vorschrifte nin seinen Rechten verletzt so kann(muβ) der Nachbar einerseits Widersprueh einlegen; andererseits kommt (hinsichthch der Verstoβe gegen ausgeklammerte Vorschriften) ein Antrag bei der Bauaufsichtsbehorde und wenn dieser keinen Erfolg hat, ein - zusatzlicher - Widerspruch wegen Nicht- Einschreitens in B

      • KCI등재

        토지보상금공탁의 성질과 행정소송가능성

        박효근(Park Hyo Keun) 한국토지공법학회 2006 土地公法硏究 Vol.30 No.-

        If we examine the deposit system, we can find out some problems. Some of the most pressing of these are as follows. First, Character of deposit system. Considering deposit system in public law and in private law are two different things. But deposit system consists of three party. It has three relations. First Relations between the debtor and the creditor. Second Relation between creditor and Authorized office and the Third Relation between the debtor and the Authorized office. Considering the first relations it would get dealt with through private law. But considering other two relations, it is necessary for the public to be involved. The purpose of the deposit systems are for the expiration of the debtor and satisfation of credit. Therefore although Public law and Private law were intended to work as two separate system, the nature of the deposit system makes it necessary for the two together.   Second, Relation of deposit system.   Because of the special characteristics, an authorized office must become involved and plays vital role in this relationship. The role of the Authorized office is to ensure all legal requiremens are met while still satisfying the needs of the creditor.   Third, Collateral.   The limitation of the collaterals are mentioned in the law. However, we would be wiser not to limit the scope of collateral materials. Under this debilitation, collateral can be divided into visible collateral and invisible collateral, and the scope of invisible collateral is limitless.   Fourth, Deposit system argument.   How is it possible to have deposits issues dealt with in civil litigations?   Until now these cases have been tying up the appellate courts. But recently there have been attempts made to move these litigations to civil courts. In Germany, the thir option has been added to the above mentioned; administrative litigation. If we in Korea truly wish to maximize the advantages of the deposit program, we need to add this alternative to our existing option.   The characteristics of modern society is the need to make everything complicated as is the economy. The deposit system has become correspondingly more complicated. In J메무 there has been a movement to make society aware of and receptive to a new system based on a taking into account the complication of modern society. For the benefit of both the creditors working in the economic system and society as a whole, I hope we can correct and renew the deposit system.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        행정개입청구권의 요건으로서의 재량수축에 관한 비교법적 고찰

        박효근 ( Hyo Keun Park ) 한국법정책학회 2012 법과 정책연구 Vol.12 No.1

        독일행정법원법 제42조 제2항에 의하면, 원고가 행정행위의 거부나 부작위로 인해 자기의 권리가 침해당했다고 주장하는 경우 의무이행소송의 제기가 허용된다. 따라서 위법건축물의 인근주민이 행정청의 규제권한발동을 訴求하는 경우엔 당해 인근주민이 행정행위의 위법한 거부나 부작위에 의해 권리침해를 받았을 것이 먼저 요구되는데, 그와 같은 권리는 일반적으로 공익보호뿐 아니라 당해 인근주민의 이익까지도 보호하는 규범에서 발생하는 것으로 해석되고 있으며, 인근주민이 행정청의 규제권한발동을 구하는 권리, 즉 행정개입청구권을 갖게 되는 것도 일반적으로 인정되고 있다. 이와 같이 독일에서 위법건축물의 인근주민이 행정청의 규제권한발동을 소구하고자 하는 경우, 당해 건축물의 인인보호규범(隣人保護規範)에 대한 위반여부뿐 아니라 규제권한의 발동여부에 대한 행정청의 재량수축으로 인해 행정개입청구권이 성립되는지 여부도 인인보호상 중요한 의의를 갖는다. 인인보호규범은 건축허가를 요하는 건축계획이든 이것을 요하지 않는 것이든 똑같이 타당하다는 점을 전제로 한다면 이와 같은 차이를 정당화하는 것은 곤란하다. 이런 이유로, 건축허가를 요하지 않는 건축계획이 인인보호규범에 위반되는 경우에 원칙적으로 재량이 수축한다는 입장을 취할 경우에는 한걸음 더 나아가 건축허가를 요하는데도 불구하고 무허가로 실시되어진 건축계획이 인인보호규범에 위반될 경우에도 동일하게 해석하지 않는다면 이는 일관성을 결여하게 되는 것이다. 이와 같이 해석할 경우에도 당해 인인보호규범이 적용되지 않는 경우에는 예외적으로 재량은 수축하지 않는다고 보는 것이 실제적으로 타당한 결론이라고 생각된다. 일본의 경우, 행정청의 규제권한의 발동을 구하는 의무이행소송에서는 ``중대한 손해``의 요건이 원고의 구제상 커다란 의미를 갖는 것으로 보이며 이와 같은 요건을 법정(法定)하는 일이 적절한 것인가에 대해서는 향후 검토가 요망된다. 우리의 경우에는 독일의 의무이행소송이 추구하는 효과가 그대로 실현될 수 있는지 여부를 곰곰이 검토해 보아야 한다. 현행의 제도상으로 행정개입에 관한 완전한 의미의 즉, 확고한 법적 청구권을 관철하기란 원칙적으로 곤란하고, 오히려 이른바 행정개입에 관한 무하자재량행사청구권을 관철하는데 그친다하겠다. Nach dem Artikel 42 Absatz 2 der deutschen Verwaltungsgerichtsordnung ist die Verpflichtungsklage beim Klager zulassig, der in seinen Rechten durch den Verwaltungsakt oder seine Ablehnung oder Unterlassung verletzt wurde. Aus dieser gesetzlichen Regelung setzt eine Rechtsverletzung durch den Verwaltungsakt oder seine Ablehnung oder Unterlassung voraus, wenn Nachbar von rechtswidrigem Gebaude auf eine Verwaltungshandeln der zustandigen Verwaltungsbehorde anprechen will. Um diese Anspruchtsrecht vom Nachbar anzunehmen, soll die Rechtsnorm auch sowohl das offentliche Interesse als auch das privatliche Interesse von Betroffenen dienen. wenn Nachbar gegen ein rechtswidriges Gebaude auf eine Verwaltungshandeln der zustandigen Verwaltungsbehorde anprechen will, ist es daher in Deutschland sehr wichtig, im folgenden zwei Fragen zu prufen: erstens, ob ein betroffenes Gebaude gegen Nachbarschutznorm widrig ist, zweitens, ob eine Rechtsnorm aus einer Ermessensreduzierung vorliegt, die die Verwaltung zu einem bestimmten Verhalten verpflichtet. Eine Nachbarschutznorm gilt gleich fur eine genehmigungspflichtige und genehmigungsfreie Bebaung. Trotzdem, einige Meinungen behaupten es, daß seine Rechtsverletzte durch die ungenehmigtige Bebaung ausnahmsweise kein Anspruchtsrecht hatte, wenn schwere Schaden als eine besondere Voraussetzung nicht erfullt wird. Selbstandlich genugt es also nicht, daß die Bebauung rechtswidrig ist. Es ist vielmehr erforderlich, daß die Bebauung gegen eine Rechtsnorm verstoßt und daß die Bebauung gegen eine Rechtsnorm, die gerade fur ihn nachbarschutzenden Charakter hat. Wenn diese Voraussetzungen sowohl bei der genehmigungspflichtige Bebaung als auch bei der genehmigungsfreie Bebaung erfullt werden, hat seine Rechtsverletzte gerade einen Anspruch auf das Einschreiten des Verwaltungshandelns. Beide sind aber auch durch eine Ermessensreduzierung begrundet. Daher sind einige Meinungen danach unakzeptabel, daß seine Rechtsverletzte durch die ungenehmigtige Bebaung ausnahmsweise kein Anspruchtsrecht haben konnte. Nur wenn bei genehmigungsfreie Beauung seine Rechtsverletzte kein Anspruch auf das Einschreiten des Verwaltungshandeln hat, bedeutet es, daß das Ermessen noch nicht reduziert werden. In Japan ist auch schwere Schaden vorausgesetzt, um das Anspruch auf das Einschreiten des Verwaltungshandeln zulassig zu sein. Aber es ist umstritten, ob diese Voraussetzung gesetzlich geregelt werden muß. In Korea soll es berucksigtigen, ob eine gezielte Wirkung in Bezug auf deutsche Verpflichtungsklage verwirklich sein konnte. Grundsatzlich soll es nicht angenommen werden. Aber es kann im Wege von fehlerfreien Ermessensausubung durchgesetzt werden.

      • KCI등재

        주민소송제도의 현황 및 향후 과제

        박효근(Park, Hyo-Keun) 한양법학회 2012 漢陽法學 Vol.23 No.4

        Resident’s suits are the judicial system which prevent and redress corruption by residents who raise lawsuits about illegal fiscal action of the local government to stop such a corruptive action, including cancellation and the return of unjust gains, such as the return of the waste budget by inducing sound local fiscal management. Resident’s suits system is being doubted its effectiveness for the residents audit transposition, complicated procedures and long period of lawsuits, the burden of litigation costs, the inability plaintiff’s burden of proof due to the administrative information not be disclosed, but having a great meaning by the introduction of Resident’s suits system for residents to claim the corrective action to wrongful administration without the direct damages or violation of rights to themselves. Even though there are many parts of its contents to be reformed in Resident’s suits system, but given that the social criticism that budget is wasted very seriously due to the lax administration of the municipalities, it is expected to improve fairness, democracy and the transparency of the local administration and to make a significant contribution to ensure the substantial suffrage of residents. The legal, institutional problems which the resident’s suits system carries, such as partial application limited to the result of the resident’s audit claims, limited claims requirements of the resident’s suits, the conversion of burden of proof, engrossment of administrative information should be redeemed in the future according to the purpose of introducing(for instance, Expansion of the object of the resident’s suits system, introducing of Provisional disposition) so that the residents can conjugate the system easily and the senses of the resident’s participation should be heightened.

      • KCI등재후보

        식품에서 Non Dioxin-Like PCBs와 Indicator PCBs 분석

        박효근 ( Hyo Keun Park ),류지정 ( Ji Jeoung Ryu ),안승희 ( Seung Hee Ahn ),장윤석 ( Yoon Seok Chang ),백옥진 ( Ock Jin Paek ),김미혜 ( Mee Hye Kim ),서정주 ( Jung Ju Seo ) 한국환경분석학회 2011 환경분석과 독성보건 Vol.14 No.4

        Occurrence of non-dioxin like PCBs (62 congeners) and indicator PCBs (7 congeners) were thoroughly investigated by analyzing a total of 210 food samples collected from 5 major cities in Korea. For the validation of the test method, extraction efficiency and cleanup patterns of multi-column for various food samples have been tested. In food, the highest mean contamination level was observed in fish and fish derived products followed by eggs, milk and its products, and meat and its products. Most congeners of non dioxin-like PCBs were detected in food and T4CB and P5CB were the majors among them. In case of fish and shellfish, the indicator PCBs #138, #153 and #101, #118) were main congeners. Simple regression analysis between non-dioxin like PCBs (62 PCBs) and indicator PCBs showed strong correlation. The ratios of indicator PCBs (7 congeners) to non-dioxin like PCBs (62 PCBs) in each food groups were 29%-42% and the sum of the 7 indicator PCBs was on average close to two times higher than the sum of the non-dioxin like PCBs (62 PCBs) in animal origin food.

      • KCI등재

        공동학술대회 발표논문 : 일본의 건강기능식품법제의 체계 및 분석

        박효근 ( Hyo Keun Park ) 한국법정책학회 2009 법과 정책연구 Vol.9 No.1

        "Health function food system" is, to diversify the diet of today`s distribution of food, intended to provide appropriate information to be able to choose food according to the worrying situation in the diet of consumers 4 March 2004 as the inception of the system. "Health functional food", "functional food nutrition" and "food for specified health use" will be classified as one of the two. If a specific health food contains ingredients with health claims affect the physiological function of the body, "tone of the stomach," is food that can be expected to show a specific health purpose. Like this, "Health Applications" to view the examination on the scientific evidence regarding safety and effectiveness of health and specific features indicating the physiological function of individual to receive the permission of the Minister of Health is required (Health Promotion Act, Article 26). Health Promotion Act, Article 32 of the two, for those used as food sales, and promoting the health effect is to prohibit the display of false type. Some of what is being sold as food, have been found to have false or misleading view to improve retention of health effects that are not necessarily demonstrate the tendency to eat the recommended long-term sustainable and more. Being sold under a variety of foods, by their own choice of people to the appropriate food intake to health status, their diet is very important. The Report of the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council, "the show about food with health claims" was "to provide correct information to the public to choose their own place in the consultation considered necessary to secure and enhance the agency advisory staff".

      • KCI등재

        「재난 및 안전관리 기본법」상 재난관리체계에 관한 법정책적 개선방안

        박효근 ( Hyo Keun Park ) 한국법정책학회 2015 법과 정책연구 Vol.15 No.4

        최근 기후변화, 도시화 등에 따라 현대사회에서 자연재해를 포함한 재난의 양상은 점점 대형화되고 복잡·다양해지고 있다. 이와 같은 대형·복합재난 발생 시 다수 기관의 협력은 더욱 더 중요해질 것이다. 대형화되고 복합적인 재난상황하에서 「재난 및 안전관리 기본법」은 재난에 효과적으로 대응하고 안전문화를 진흥하기 위하여 개정되었으며, 국민안전처가 재난과 관련하여서는 각 부처를 총괄·조정할 수 있도록 재난안전 총괄·조정기능을 강화하는 제도적 장치를 마련한 것이다. 즉, 「재난 및 안전관리 기본법」은 재난관련 기본법으로서 국민이 재난으로부터 안 전한 사회에서 생활할 수 있도록 각종 재난으로부터 국토를 보존하고 국민의 생명·신체 및 재산을 보호하기 위하여 재난 및 안전관리체제를 확립하고, 재난의 예 방·대비·대응·복구와 안전문화활동, 그 밖에 재난 및 안전관리에 필요한 사항을 규정하고 있으며, 모든 국민과 국가·지방자치단체가 국민의 생명 및 신체의 안전과 재산보호에 관련된 행위를 할 때에는 안전을 우선적으로 고려하도록 하였다. 하지만 현대사회에서 정부차원만의 재난관리만으로는 신속하고 효과적인 위기대응업무를 수행할 수 없기 때문에, 이러한 목표를 원활하게 달성하기 위해서는 범 정부적이고 민관협력관계와 같은 상호협조체제가 무엇보다 절실하며, 정부부처간, 개인, 기업간의 안전문화진흥노력이 필수적으로 요청된다. 또한 정부는 재난 이 발생한 경우 민관협력관계, 교육과 홍보, 재난커뮤니케이션의 활성화, 그리고 상호협조적 네트워크를 강화함과 동시에, 중앙과 지방정부 및 시민간의 적절한 자원관리와 인력배치를 통하여 효과적인 위기관리방안을 확보할 수 있는 방안을 강구해야 한다. 또한 지방자치단체 차원에서도 재난대응능력을 제고시키기 위하여 재난사태선포와 관련하여 지방자치단체 장의 권한 및 역할을 강화하고 주민 등과의 협력체제 구축과 지방자치단체 상호간의 협력을 강화하는 내용의 법제가 정비되어야 한다. 재난관리평가단계에서도 평가결과뿐만 아니라 평가계획수립부터 결과의 발표단계까지의 종합적인 재난관리 평가체계 구축이 필요하며, 재난관리평가 대상기관 및 평가그룹의 확대가 강하게 요구된다. According to recent climate change and urbanization etc., the face of disaster including natural disaster in modern society is getting larger and more diversified and complex. Under the large and complex disaster situations, the「Disaster & Safety Management Fundamental Law」was amended to handle more effectively with disaster and to promote a safety culture. So the Ministry of Public Safety and Security is to be the control tower responsible for overall, coordination functions related to disaster. In other words, the「Disaster & Safety Management Fundamental Law」is a fundamental law related to disaster and prescribes the conservation of territory from all sorts of disaster in order that the nation can live in safe society from disaster and establish the disasrer & safety management system to protect the life, body and properties, and prescribes prevention, preparance, respondence and restoration of disaster and safety culture activities in addition to the necessary matters to disaster & safety management and let all nation, the state and local government preferentially consider safety in performing activaties related to the safety of nation’s lives and conseration of properties. And the legislation has to be modified to strengthern the authorities and roles of a local government head related to declaration of the state of disaster at the local government level to heighten the abilities of respondence to disaster and also construct the cooperation system with residents and mutual cooperation with local governments. And also at the state of evaluation, it is very important not only evaluation results but also all process from establish the plan of evaluation to the announcement of result. More than anything else, it is indispensable to construct comprehensive evaluation system and to enlarge the organization of evaluation object and group of disaster management. However, disaster management of only government level can not accomplish swiftly and efficiently the crises respondence in modern society, so pan-government and multilateral efforts such as Public-private partnership and promoting a safety culture are essential including partnership among government, individual and corperation in order to accomplish smoothly these goals. Also, the government should seek to ensure effective risk management through adequate resources management and laber deployment among central-local government and civil in case of disaster situation by strengthening public-private partnerships, education and public relationships, activation of disaster communication and collaborative network.

      • KCI등재

        의무이행소송 도입을 위한 법정책적 과제 - 독일에서의 논의를 참고로 하여 -

        박효근 ( Hyo-keun Park ) 한국법정책학회 2016 법과 정책연구 Vol.16 No.4

        2013년 법무부「행정소송법」개정안에 포함된 의무이행소송은 신속하고 실질적인 국민의 권리구제에 기여를 할 것으로 기대되는데, 그 구체적 내용과 관련 해서는 많은 논란과 비판이 제기되고 있다. 의무이행소송과 관련된 제도들의 실효적 운영을 위해서는 일찍부터 의무이행소송제도를 도입한 독일의 학설과 판례를 검토할 때 몇 가지 보완점이 제시되는데, 먼저 심리의 대상과 범위에 관하여는 행정처분에 한정하지 말고 사실행위와 행정입법도 그 대상에 포함시켜야 할것이며, 불이익 처분을 받은 상대방이 불이익 처분의 효과를 제한하는 부관을 부가하는 의무이행소송을 허용하고, 신청에 대한 거부 또는 부작위를 전제로 한의무이행소송 뿐만 아니라 신청절차를 거치지 않은 처분에 대한 의무이행소송의 가능성도 열어 줌으로써 그 범위를 확대할 필요가 있다. 의무이행소송에서의 위법성판단의 기준시점에 관해서는 처분시와 판결시가 대립하고 있으나, 의무이행소송의 소송물은 행정처분 발급의 거부 또는 부작위의 위법성이 아니라 신청된 행위를 발급해야 하는 행정청의 의무에 대한 원고의 청구권이라고 볼 수 있으므로 원칙적으로 이행소송의 일반이론에 따라 판결시의 법령 및 사실상태가 기준이 되어야 하며, 화해권고결정과 관련해서는 분쟁의 당사자 간 자율적·종국적 해결이라는 장점에도 불구하고 법원의 편의만을 중시한 지나친 화해권고결정의 남용으로 인해 당사자의 재판청구권을 침해하지 않도록 신중하게 운영되어야 할 것이다. 또한 현행법에 따라 거부처분에 대한 취소소송을 제기하더라도 법원의 확정판 결시까지 거부처분의 집행을 정지하는 것만으로 신청인에 대한 보호가 이루어지는 것은 아니며, 부작위위법확인소송의 경우에도 효력 또는 집행을 정지할 대상이 없어 집행정지와 같은 가구제제도는 그 의미가 없다. 따라서 가처분제도에 의해 법원의 판단에 따라 당사자의 신청에 따른 처분을 하여야 할 의무를 행정청에 부과함으로써 국민의 실질적 권리구제를 도모할 수 있다. 그러나 행정소송의 빈도가 다른 나라보다 높은 우리나라에서 가처분제도의 남용이나 그에 따른 법집행의 곤란을 방지하기 위해서는 그 요건을 엄격하게 설정해야 하며, 법원이 사실상 행정청을 갈음하여 행정을 대행하거나 본안소송 절차를 압도하는 결과를 초래하는 것은 인정할 수 없다. 이러한 의무이행소송 및 이와 관련한 여러 제도를 도입할 경우에는 법치주의와 국민의 권리구제라는 목표를 달성하기 위하여 권력분립원칙에 대한 침해나 행정청의 선결권에 대한 침해가 되지 않도록 바람직한 보완책을 모색해 나가야 할 것이다. The mandatory performance litigation contained in the amendments to the Administrative Litigation Act of the Ministry of Justice in 2013 are expected to contribute to the rapid and substantive relief of the rights of the people, and there is a lot of controversy and criticism about the concrete contents. For the effective operation of the systems related to the mandatory performance litigation, there are some deficiencies when examining the German doctrines and judicial precedents that introduced the mandatory performance litigation system early on. First of all, the object and scope of trial should not be limited to administrative measures but also include facts acts and administrative legislation. And should allow the other party who has been disadvantaged to file an obligation to add an additional clauses to limit the effect of the disadvantageous measures. Also it is necessary to enlarge the scope of trial by opening not only the mandatory performance litigation based on a refusal or omission of the application. There is a conflict between the time of measure and the time of judgment in regard to the base point of judging illegality in the compulsory performance lawsuit. Despite there is a conflict between the time of measure and the time of judgment in regard to the base point of judging illegality in the mandatory performance litigation, in principle, the statutes and facts states at the time of judgment must be the basis according to the general theory of the general implementation litigation because the object of trial of the mandatory performance litigation is not the rejection of issue of the administrative measures or illegality of omission but the right of claim of plaintiffs to the duty of the administrative agency to issue the requested action. Regarding the settlement recommendation decision, it should be carefully managed so as not to infringe the right of the parties to the trial on account of the abuse of the excessive settlement recommendation decision focusing on the convenience of the court in despite of the advantages of autonomous and end-to-end settlement among the parties to the dispute. Finally, even if an action for nullity is filed against the measure of refusal persuant to the current law, the applicant will not be protected simply by suspending the execution of the measure of refusal until the court`s final judgment. In the case of litigation for affirmation of illegality of omission, a preliminary remedy system such as suspension of execution is not meaningful because there is no object to suspend the enforcement or enforcement. Therefore, if there is a need to maintain the position continuously until the outcome of the lawsuit, the court may, in accordance with the judgment of the court by preliminary injunction system, impose an obligation on the administrative office to measure pursuant to the application of the party for the promoting substantial relief of rights of the people. But, in order to prevent the abuse of the preliminary injunction and the difficulty of law enforcement accordingly, the requirements must be strictly set.

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