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        A Study on the Excavator Cockpit Usability Analysis Method Using Virtual Human Simulation

        박찬송,최인욱 한국인더스트리얼디자인학회 2022 산업디자인학연구 Vol.16 No.4

        Background The layout of operating devices based on scientific principles improves usability by reducing the time & effort required to operate and lowers the stress & human errors experienced in repetitive work, which has a great impact on the safety of operators. Therefore, this study intends to present a new usability analysis method using a more effective and efficient virtual human required in the process of developing a 30-ton excavator cockpit layout. Methods After realizing the excavator cockpits of three global manufacturers as 3D models in virtual space, the usability of each product was compared and evaluated by measuring and analyzing the operation distance generated by a virtual human seated in each cockpit performing main operations based on the usage scenario derived via the 4-step analysis process. Results As comparative analysis results of the operating distance for each excavator cockpit main operation, Volvo had the highest operating efficiency in the Excavating. Volvo and Hyundai had the same high operating efficiency in the Driving. The operating efficiency of the Convenience Function was the highest in Volvo. Conclusion The usability analysis method using virtual human simulation is easy to control the experimental environment compared to the physical laboratory and has accurate measurement values. And it is very practical since it can reduce the time and cost of expensive mock-up production and test subject recruitment. This analysis method can be useful in developing cockpits of various construction equipment such as excavators, wheel loaders, and forklifts, which require the operation of complex operating devices and prioritize safety. 연구배경 과학적인 원리에 근거한 조작장치의 배치는 운용에 필요한 시간과 노력을 줄여 사용성을 향상하며 반복 작업에서 경험되는 스트레스 및 인적 오류를 감소시켜 작업자의 안전에 큰 영향을 미친다. 이에 본 연구에서는 30톤급 굴착기 조종실 레이아웃 디자인 개발 과정에서 필요한 보다 효과적이고 효율적인 가상 휴먼을 활용한 새로운 사용성 분석 방법을 제시하고자 한다. 연구방법 글로벌 메이커 3사의 굴착기 조종실을 가상 공간에 3차원으로 구현한 후, 각 조종실에 착석된 가상 휴먼으로 하여금 4단계 분석과정을 통해 도출된 사용 시나리오 기반의 주요 작업을 수행하게 하여 발생되는 조작거리를 정밀히 측정, 분석함으로써 각 제품의 사용성을 비교 평가하였다. 연구결과 굴착기 조종실의 주요 작업 별 조작거리 비교 분석 결과, 굴착 부분에서는 볼보가 가장 조작 효율이 높았으며, 주행 부분은 볼보와 현대가 대등하게 조작 효율이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 편의기능 부분의 조작 효율은 볼보가 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다. 결론 가상 휴먼 시뮬레이션을 이용한 사용성 분석 방법은 물리적 실험실보다 실험 환경의 통제가 용이하며, 실험 측정값이 정확하다. 또한 고가의 목업 제작 및 피험자 모집을 위한 시간과 비용을 절감할 수 있어 매우 실용적이다. 이러한 분석 방법은 복잡한 조작장치의 운용이 요구되며 안전을 우선시하는 굴착기, 휠로더, 지게차와 같은 각종 건설기계의 조종실 개발에도 유용하게 사용될 수 있겠다.

      • KCI등재

        백두산의 “민족 영산”으로의 표상화

        박찬송 ( Chan Seung Park ) 한양대학교 동아시아문화연구소 2013 동아시아 문화연구 Vol.55 No.-

        백두산은 오늘날 흔히 ``민족의 영산``이라고 불리고 있다. 이러한 표현은 언제부터 등장한 것일까. 그리고 한국인들의 백두산에 대한 인식은 어떻게 변해왔을까. 백두산은 고려와 조선시대에는 주로 조선 산천의 조종산이라는 지리적 표상으로서 의미를 갖고 있었다. 이는 조선후기까지 이어졌으며, 조선후기에 백두산은 중국의 곤륜산과 대등한 명산으로서, 조선의 소중화 문화를 상징하는 존재로 받아들여지기도 했다. 또 1712년 백두산정계비를 세워지면서 백두산의 일부가 조선의 영토에 확실히 편입되었기 때문에, 비록 소수이지만 백두산에 관심을 갖고 이곳에 다녀오는 이들도 나타났다. 19세기 후반 들어 함경도의 주민들 가운데 두만강을 건너 간도지역으로 이주하는 이들이 늘어났다. 그리고 이들은 백두산정계비에 나오는 토문강은 두만강과 다른 강으로서 송화강의 한 지류라고 주장하였다. 대한제국 정부도 한때 그와 같은 인식을 갖고 청국과 국경 교섭에 나섰다. 그러나 1712년 정계비를 세울 당시 ``토문강은 두만강과 같다``고 기록한 문서가 발견되면서 정부는 이와 같은 주장을 접을 수밖에 없었다. 그런데 청국과의 국경 분쟁 과정에서 지식인들의 백두산에 대한 관심은 그만큼 높아졌다. 그런 가운데 1908년 신채호가 대한매일신보에 연재한「독사신론」에서 삼국유사의 단군 관련 기사에 나오는 태백산은 묘향산이 아니라 백두산이라고 주장하였다. 이는 안정복의 『동사강목』에 근거한 것이었다. 하지만 그 근거가 확실한 것은 아니었다. 1909년 나철은 단군교(1년 뒤의 대종교)를 세우고 신채호의 설을 이어받아 ``백두산=단군탄강지``론을 강력히 주장하기에 이르렀다. 이러한 주장은 1910년대 대종교들 사이에서 널리 퍼졌고, 1920,30년대에는 동아일보와 조선일보가 이를 더욱 확산시켰다. 두 신문사는 백두산 탐험단을 조직하고, 강연회, 전시회 등 각종 행사를 개최함으로써 ``백두산=단군탄강지``론을 대중들 사이에 크게 확산시켰다. 그리고 이를 권덕규, 최남선 등이 학문적으로 뒷받침하려 노력했다. 그런 가운데 동아일보는 ``백두산은 조선의 영산``이라는 표현을 쓰기도 했는데, 이는 당시 ``富士山은 일본의 영산``이라는 담론으로부터 영향을 받은 것이었다. 이와 같은 과정을 통해 백두산은 이제 지리적 표상보다는 역사적 표상으로서의 의미를 더 갖게 되었다. 해방 이후 남한 사람들은 한동안 백두산을 갈 수 없었다. 그러다가 1980년대 중반 중국을 통해 백두산에 갈 수 있게 되었다. 이후 남한의 언론과 관광업계는 ``백두산=민족의 영산``이라는 담론을 만들어냈다. 물론 이는 ``백두산=민족탄강지``라는 담론을 더 추상화시킨 것이었다. 그리고 여기에 ``백두산=민족 분단과 통일염원의 상징``이라는 이미지가 덧보태어졌다. 또 최근에는 한반도의 모든 산맥이 ``백두대간``으로 연결되어 있다는 주장이 확산되면서 백두산의 지리적 표상으로서의 의미도 다시 강조되고 있다. Mt. Baekdu is commonly called as a “national sacred mountain” today. When did this expression first come out? In addition, how has the people`s awareness of the mountain changed in Korea? In the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty, Mt. Baekdu was meaningful as a geographical symbol as an ancestral mountain of the national nature. And during the late Joseon, the mountain was often regarded as a valuable cultural symbol of Joseon, which is a great mountain equivalent to the Mt. Kunlun in China. Some parts of Mt. Baekdu were decidedly integrated into the territory of Joseon based on the demarcation stone established in 1712. Under the circumstances, there are people who climb Mt. Baekdu, albeit not many, with interests into the mountain. In the late 19th century, more people in Hamgyung-do moved to the Gando area across Tuman River. They argued that Tomun River specified in the demarcation stone of Mt.Baekdu was different from Tuman River and rather a branch of Songhua River. The government of the Great Han Empire once promoted the territorial negotiations with the Qing dynasty from the same perspective of the argument mentioned above. However, as the documents were discovered that recorded “Tomun River equals Tumen River” when establishing the demarcation stone in 1712, the government had to drop the argument. During the process of territorial disputes with the Qing dynasty, however, intellectuals developed more interests in Mt.baekdu. Meanwhile, in Doksasillon (a new guide to reading history) published serially by Shin Chae-ho in Daehan Maeil Shinbo in 1908, Shin argued that Mt. Taebaek in the Dangun-related article in Samguk Yusa (Memorabilia of Three Kingdoms) referred to Mt. Baekdu rather than Mt. Myohyang. This was based on Dongsa Gangmok (a Korean history book) written by Ahn Jeong-bok. However, the ground was still not confirmed. In 1909, Na Chul created the religion of Dangun (religion of Daejong 1 year later) and strongly claimed the theory of “Mt. Baekdu=Birthplace of Dangun” inheriting the theory of Shin Chae-ho. Such argument was widespread in the religion of Daejong in the 1910 and more proliferated by Donga Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo in the 1920s to 30s. The two newspapers organized the expedition of Mt. Baekdu and held various events such as lectures and exhibitions which largely spread the theory of “Mt. Baekdu=Birthplace of Dangun” among the public. The intellectuals such as Kwon Duk-kyu and Choi Nam-sun also made efforts to support the theory in an academic way. Donga Ilbo used the expression of “Mt. Baekdu is the sacred mountain of Joseon”, which was influenced by the discourse of “Mt. Fuji is the sacred mountain of Japan”. Through the process, Mt. Baekdu has gained more significance as a historical symbol rather than a geographical symbol. After liberation, South Koreans had no access to Mt. Baekdu for a while. Then, from the mid 1980s, they were able to go to the mountain via China. Since then, South Korean media and tourism industry created the discourse of “Mt. Baekdu=National Sacred Mountain”. Of course, this was a more abstract version of the discourse of “Mt. Baekdu=National Birthplace”, which was added by the image of “Mt. Baekdu=Symbol of National Division and Wish for Unification”. Moreover, with the spread of the argument that all mountains of the Korean peninsula are linked to the “Baekdu-daegan”, the significance of Mt. Baekdu as a geographical symbol is being reemphasized. Mt. Baekdu is commonly called as a “national sacred mountain” today. When did this expression first come out? In addition, how has the people`s awareness of the mountain changed in Korea? In the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty, Mt. Baekdu was meaningful as a geographical symbol as an ancestral mountain of the national nature. And during the late Joseon, the mountain was often regarded as a valuable cultural symbol of Joseon, which is a great mountain equivalent to the Mt. Kunlun in China. Some parts of Mt. Baekdu were decidedly integrated into the territory of Joseon based on the demarcation stone established in 1712. Under the circumstances, there are people who climb Mt. Baekdu, albeit not many, with interests into the mountain. In the late 19th century, more people in Hamgyung-do moved to the Gando area across Tuman River. They argued that Tomun River specified in the demarcation stone of Mt.Baekdu was different from Tuman River and rather a branch of Songhua River. The government of the Great Han Empire once promoted the territorial negotiations with the Qing dynasty from the same perspective of the argument mentioned above. However, as the documents were discovered that recorded “Tomun River equals Tumen River” when establishing the demarcation stone in 1712, the government had to drop the argument. During the process of territorial disputes with the Qing dynasty, however, intellectuals developed more interests in Mt.baekdu. Meanwhile, in Doksasillon (a new guide to reading history) published serially by Shin Chae-ho in Daehan Maeil Shinbo in 1908, Shin argued that Mt. Taebaek in the Dangun-related article in Samguk Yusa (Memorabilia of Three Kingdoms) referred to Mt. Baekdu rather than Mt. Myohyang. This was based on Dongsa Gangmok (a Korean history book) written by Ahn Jeong-bok. However, the ground was still not confirmed. In 1909, Na Chul created the religion of Dangun (religion of Daejong 1 year later) and strongly claimed the theory of “Mt. Baekdu=Birthplace of Dangun” inheriting the theory of Shin Chae-ho. Such argument was widespread in the religion of Daejong in the 1910 and more proliferated by Donga Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo in the 1920s to 30s. The two newspapers organized the expedition of Mt. Baekdu and held various events such as lectures and exhibitions which largely spread the theory of “Mt. Baekdu=Birthplace of Dangun” among the public. The intellectuals such as Kwon Duk-kyu and Choi Nam-sun also made efforts to support the theory in an academic way. Donga Ilbo used the expression of “Mt. Baekdu is the sacred mountain of Joseon”, which was influenced by the discourse of “Mt. Fuji is the sacred mountain of Japan”. Through the process, Mt. Baekdu has gained more significance as a historical symbol rather than a geographical symbol. After liberation, South Koreans had no access to Mt. Baekdu for a while. Then, from the mid 1980s, they were able to go to the mountain via China. Since then, South Korean media and tourism industry created the discourse of “Mt. Baekdu=National Sacred Mountain”. Of course, this was a more abstract version of the discourse of “Mt. Baekdu=National Birthplace”, which was added by the image of “Mt. Baekdu=Symbol of National Division and Wish for Unification”. Moreover, with the spread of the argument that all mountains of the Korean peninsula are linked to the “Baekdu-daegan”, the significance of Mt. Baekdu as a geographical symbol is being reemphasized.

      • 스페이스 엘리베이터 개발을 위해 적용 가능한 철도기술 제안에 관한 연구

        박찬송(Chan Song Park),장병철(Byung Chul Chang),레온하드 버놀드(Leonhard E. Bernold),이태식(Tai Sik Lee) 한국철도학회 2010 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.7

        Space Elevator introduced in the science fiction titled "The Fountatins of Paradise" by Arthur C. Clarke in 1979 could be attainable for the transportation of human and distribution from earth to space. Space Elevator could reduce shipping expenses and risks of the transportation system. Developing Space Elevator has to need rail technologies for the train and the rail using Carbon nanotube cable, installation of rail appropriated for Earth-orbiting. For this reason, rail technologies for developing Space Elevator will be suggested by this study through the case study.

      • 지속적 수익 확보를 위한 민자철도사업 모델 제안에 관한 연구

        박찬송(Chan Song Park),유재민(Jae Min Yoo),구자경(Ja Kyung Koo),이태식(Tai Sik Lee) 한국철도학회 2009 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.11월

        The railway works in Korea were developed continually after opening the Seoul-Incheon Line in 1899. However, demand of a railway was decreased by opening the Gyeongbu expressway and generalization of automobile. The railway works had been changed due to the spread of metro lines and a development of the bullet train which to make reduce the time to move between regions. The location of railway station buildings has become an important index to decide areas of economic development and a requirement for choice of residence. However, the railway projects have risks more than highway projects because it is based on wrong demanding forecasting and has to accompany a sustainable train service periodically. For this reason, it will be suggested by this study that the PPI model is based on a model for earnings through the development of railway areas and a subsidiary enterprise.

      • KCI등재

        노아 시대의 맥락적 관점에서 방주 형태의 디자인적 재해석

        이중섭,박찬송 기독교학문연구회 2023 신앙과 학문 Vol.28 No.2

        From a human perspective, God's involvement in the world is often referred to as miracles. This can be divided into direct intervention by God and indirect intervention through humans. For example, parting the Red Sea in the Exodus story is a direct intervention, while bringing the Israelite there through Moses is an indirect one. Indirect involvement in the Bible is given through God's commands to chosen humans, which may be difficult but not impossible to carry out because the impossible parts are done through God's direct intervention. In other words, if God commands a human to do something, it is something that can be accomplished by human ability. Currently, the typical form of Noah's Ark that people know is impossible to construct in the historical, technological, and environmental context of the Noah's era around 2300 BC. However, because things that were impossible for Noah, such as gathering animals onto the Ark, were achieved through God's direct intervention, building the Ark may have been difficult, but it could have been within the abilities of Noah's family. From this perspective, a new form of the Ark that could have been constructed in Noah's time is proposed as an alternative, taking into account the historical context of Noah's era and identifying various issues with the typical form of the Ark that people currently have.

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