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      • 한民族의 形成과 얼에 대한 硏究

        朴政學 강원대학교 대학원 2009 국내박사

        RANK : 247647

        It is clear that the national history of Korea is not the history of nation of Korea, but of its ethnos. On this view, the first step to learn Korean national history is to learn what the Korean ethnos is, which has been the main character to form national history. From the western perspective, the ethnos is extinguished or is doomed to be extinguished in the near future. However, it becomes even more important that when the boundaries defining countries fade out, the identity of the ethnos becomes the principal element of a global village. The national text book of Korean history does not fully meet the expectation, given that the government designated text book of national history explains its ground purpose that “it cultivates the identity of our ethnos in order to nurture the ability as Korean citizen living in 21st century.” The reason is that the text book does not provide the clear elaboration of the formation of the ethnos. This study reviews previous relevant studies on the concept of ‘ethnos’ of which meaning varies by contexts, the meaning of the name of the ethnos, the times and geographical range and tribe of its formation, and the ethos('얼') of Korean driving force of the ethnos. Furthermore, This study suggests the desirable way to supplement the national history text books for elementary, junior-high, and high schools on the basis of profound analysis of those text books. The instrumentalist insisted that the concept of the nation(ethnos) was invented as a tool to justify modern nation as market economy developed. However, the author claims that this concept is not applicable to Korean history and not accepted by the Korean emotion because the concept is rooted imperialism of the western countries. Considering that, this study understands ‘an ethnos’ as Gyeorae(‘겨레’) defined by a blood society and an ethnic tradition by making reference to the concept of ‘ethnic nation’ from mixed symbolic theory This study suggests that Korean ethnos be named ‘Han('한')’ and Han be presented as the official name of Korean ethnos. The rationales behind this are that; firstly, Han has been used even before the invention of Chinese characters such as 朝鮮, 倍達, and 韓 describing Korean ethnos. Secondly, Han carries various meanings including bright, the heaven, one(1), great and the center. Thirdly, the Han ethnos played main role in founding Dangun-choseon, the very first ancient dynasty of Korea. For this reason, the author suggests that the English name of Korea should be ‘Republic of Great Han’, because Han is a proper noun. This paper requests that the text book contain the ancient birth myth of nation as another form of history before the formation of the ethnos which shows the prototype of Korean ethos('얼'), also that the stages of the societal development be clarified to elaborate in the text book. On the process to figure out the formation time of the ethnos, the author reviewed literatures regarding the Bronze Age, not only the era of the greatest invention in the human history but also of the large scale conquering wars. This literature reviews resulted in providing critical evidences to advance the formation time dated in the text book(B.C.20-15) by at least 5-10 centuries. On the basis of this analysis, the times when Han ethnos was created is dated back to the era of Chiwoo emperor, almost 300-400 years before Dangun was founded. It is that Han ethnos included several ethnic groups of the whole Korean peninsula, the northern province of Manchuria, and up to Beijing-Tianjin when it was formed. This study suggests to consider Dongyi group(東夷族) as a part of Han ethnos, who were from the east shore of China including Shandong(山東) peninsula. Following this, it was found that Kija-choseon and Wiman-choseon were nothing but subject states located an outlying district of Dangun-choseon on the contrary to the conventional view dominating the text book that those countries were the successors of Dangun-choseon. Therefore, this study insists that the text book be corrected. For the last, it is desirable to name the ethos of Han ethnos as Hanism by defining it as ‘the mind to pursuit the harmony to be a united one’. In order to back up this ethos, the author found its prototype from Korean mith of the creation of the world, reviewed its applications, developments, and transformations according to the times and locations in Korean history, from the examples of Pungryudo, the humanitarian ideal, Hwarangdo, Palgwan festival, the sacrifice for heaven, democratic idea of Korean type, the Koreanization of foreign religion. On the top of that Hanism still presents itself in the traditional life culture of the modern Korean society. The author was thinking that Hanism can be the clue to smooth conflicts and oppositions within the human society and that Han ethnos can be the key player to support the mutual prosperity of Human being. All in all, hereby the author suggests to re-write the national history text book based on Hanism and the humanitarian ideal which are the key elements of the identity of Han ethnos. 국사를 우리나라가 아닌 우리 민족이 걸어온 발자취라는 데는 이의가 없다. 그렇다면 국사의 주체인 ‘한민족’이 누구인가를 바르게 아는 것이 국사이해의 출발점이 된다. 그리고 세계화시대에 민족은 없거나 없어져야 할 존재라는 서구식의 주장도 있지만, 오히려 국경은 없어져도 종족공동체로서의 민족은 지구촌의 기본 구성요소가 된다는 인식이 더욱 유력하다. 그런 가운데서 ‘민족의 정체성을 함양시켜 21세기를 살아가는 능력을 기르는 데 그 목적’을 두고 제작된 현 국정 국사교과서의 내용을 살펴보면, 국사의 출발점인 민족의 형성과 관련된 내용이 부족하고 혼란스럽게 서술되어 있어 이런 목적을 달성할 수 있을지 의문시 될 정도로 문제점이 많았다. 그래서 서구 용어의 번역어로서 현재 다양한 의미로 쓰이는 ‘민족’의 개념으로부터 민족 이름의 의미, 형성 시기와 범위, 민족을 형성하게 한 겨레 얼 등 분야별로 학자들의 주장을 검토하고, 이를 바탕으로 현 초ㆍ중ㆍ고 국사 관련 국정교과서 내용의 문제점을 분석하여 보완방향을 제시했다. 먼저 ‘민족’이라는 용어가 ‘근대 자본주의의 발전과 함께 근대국가의 도구로 만들어졌다’는 서구 근대론자들의 주장은 제국주의적 사고의 잔재인 서구 중심논리일 뿐 우리의 역사적 상황과 국민정서에는 맞지 않는다. 따라서 원초론내지 복합상징론의 ‘종족민족(ethnic nation)’ 개념을 참고하고 우리 민족의 정서를 고려하여, 민족을 ‘혈연과 민족전통’을 중시하는 ‘겨레’와 같은 개념으로 이해했다. 우리 민족의 이름이 ‘한민족’임을 확인하고 그렇게 서술할 것을 제의했다. 朝鮮이나 倍達, 韓 등의 한자로 기록되기 전부터 쓰이던 우리말 이름이 ‘한’이었고, 그 말 속에는 ‘밝다’ㆍ‘하늘’ㆍ‘하나’ㆍ‘크다’ㆍ‘가운데’ 등의 다양한 뜻이 있으며, 그들이 단군조선을 건국한 주체였음을 확인했기 때문이다. 따라서 우리나라의 영문국호도 ‘Republic of Great Han’이라고 부를 것을 제의했다. 민족 형성 이전의 역사 속에 겨레 얼의 원형이 담긴 민족 신화와 전설을 포함하고, 사회발전단계를 정립하여 그 역사도 좀 더 구체적으로 기술해야 할 필요성을 제기했다. 이어 인류역사에서 가장 위대한 발명이라는 청동기를 사용하는 대규모 정복전쟁 과정을 통해 민족이 형성되는 시기를 밝히는 과정에서 청동기 시대 편년에 대해 검토한 결과, 현 교과서의 서기전 20-15세기보다 최소한 5-8세기 더 올려 잡을 수 있는 자료들을 확인했다. 그리고 이를 바탕으로 단군조선이 건국되기 300-400년 전 치우천왕 시대에 한민족이 형성되어 단군조선을 거치며 결속이 강화되었다는 가설을 제기했다. 이때의 한민족의 범위는 한반도 전역과 만주북부 및 중국의 永定河까지를 포함하는 지역에 거주하던 종족으로 구성되었을 것이며, 산동반도를 포함하는 중국 동쪽해안 지역의 동이족 포함 여부도 검토할 것을 제의했다. 또한 현 교과서의 고조선이라는 용어도 바꾸고, 단군조선의 법통을 이은 것으로 기술되어 있는 기자조선과 위만조선은 단군조선의 서쪽 변방에 있었던 侯國들에 불과함을 밝히고, 교과서도 바로잡아 서술할 것을 요청했다. 끝으로 민족사에서 가장 중요한 민족의 정신-겨레 얼에 대해서는 단군사화와 민족 창세신화 및 天符經으로부터 원형을 찾아내고, 풍류도와 민주사상, 외래 사상의 한국화 등 역사 전개 속에서 그 적용ㆍ발전ㆍ변화 되는 과정을 살펴보았으며, 현재의 전통생활문화에서 그 실재를 확인하여, 그것이 ‘큰 하나로의 조화’를 추구하는 정신임을 밝히고, ‘한사상’이라고 불렀다. ‘한사상’은 화합과 조화를 추구하는 정신이므로 인류사회가 당면한 대립과 갈등의 문제를 해결하는 희망이 될 수 있을 것으로 보고, 그 정신을 생활화해온 우리 민족이 인류공영에 기여할 것으로 판단했다. 그리하여, 그런 방향으로 국정교과서를 보완하고, 나아가 우리나라 역사의 주체이자 민족 정체성의 핵심인 겨레 얼을 중심으로 국사체계를 재구성할 것을 제의한다.

      • 항공기 지상 조업 인력 스케줄링에 관한 연구

        박정학 서울산업대학교 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        항공사의 경우 지상조업부문에 있어서 항공기의 운항계획에 따라 시간대별 인력소요가 가변적이고 이로 인해 인건비의 상승 및 적정 배치에 있어 많은 어려움이 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 항공기 지상조업부문에 최적의 인력계획을 수립하는데 있다. 즉, 인적자원의 소요 판단 및 배분 시 인력 투입에 따른 비용의 최소화를 목적함수로 하는 IP 모텔을 설정하고, 경영상의 제약 조건 및 노동시간 제약 조건을 고려하여 최적의 인력계획을 수립하고자 한다. 본 연구에서 실행된 수식모형의 방법론은 다음과 같다. 항공기의 경우 5분 기준으로 인력 수요가 발생하나 출근인원은 30분단위로 발생하므로 출근인원 기준으로 항공기의 5분 단위 인력 수요를 변환하여 하루 17시간 동안 발생하는 수요에 대해 3가지 속성, 정상근무자와 반휴근무자 출근시간대, 정상근무자 출근 시간대와 반휴근무자 연장근무 시간대 그리고 정상근무자의 연장근무 시간대로 나누어서 각 시간대의 출근 인원 속성과 30분 단위 인력 수요를 고려했고, 인력 구성의 경우에 있어서는 고기능자의 다기능화를 고려하여 인력 구성을 5가지로 나누어서 문제를 풀었다. 민감도 분석의 경우는 입력 자료 즉, 일일 평균 시간대별 인력 수요의 값에 대한 변동을 고려해 인력 수요의 변동폭을 +10%,-10%를 적용했다. 또한 현행 인력 계획에 대한 Rostering이 특별한 원칙 없고 인력 계획에 대한 scheduling 결과 값도 최적이 아님을 감안하여 최적해 공식과 Rostering 원칙을 설정해서 문제를 해결했다. 본 논문에서 제시된 공식은 김포공항 및 인천공항의 여타 지상 조업 인력 문제에 적용이 가능할 것이고 변형근로제 운영에 있어서 일부 방법론-시간대별 인력 변동-을 변경하여 적용하면 가능할 것이다. The manpower scheduling problem for airport ground handling services heavily depends on airline fleet planning. But it is very difficult to make right manpower schedules since demands of labor are highly fluctuating and cost of labor are very complex. The purpose of this thesis is to construct an optimal manpower scheduling and rostering model for a given time period. This study is considering more practical constraints such as business strategies and labor ability. In this study, Each worker is grouped as F.M, M.S, D.B, D.S, & I.M according to their job skill levels, and the worker in each group may have " full-time duty ", " part-time duty " and " over-time duty". The work load per every 30 minutes are derived from the given airline fleet planning data and the multi-job-skill conditions are also considered. For the practical purpose, the constraints for the ratio of full time worker vs. part time workers are appended. The objective function of the model is to minimize the labor cost given the above constraints. In the workers' welfare aspect, the rostering model is also derived The results show that approximately 7% of labor can be reduced, consequently, this model can be efficiently applied to scheduling the airport ground handling services.

      • 水中聽音器 應用을 위한 PZT/Epoxy 1-3 複合體의 製造 및 特性 硏究

        박정학 東亞大學校 大學院 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this study, composite with 1-3 connectivity pattern was prepared with PZT 501A and Epoxy for hydrophone applications, the dielectric and piezoelectric properties and poling conditions of PZT were investigated. The results are as follows: 1) In D-E curve, remnant polarization was slightly increased with increasing applied electric field. 2) Experimental results for relative permitivities of composite were in good agreement with calculated values, and increased with PZT volume percent. 3) The figure of merit(FOM) was 2700(10^(-15) ㎡/N) for 20 volume percent of PZT fillers.

      • 明細書 및 圖面의 補正과 그 制限에 관한 硏究

        박정학 충남대학교 대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This paper addresses the recent legislation for the Korean patent law concerning amendments to the specification and drawings and restrictions thereon. This paper is to study the amendment system in view of protecting a third party's rights and of securing fairness, reviewing the foreign countries' practice in this area. The specification and drawings specify and disclose an invention, serve as the subject of an examination in the course of patent prosecution, and function as a type of a deed or technical documents after a patent issues thereon. Therefore, those documents have to be well-prepared for at the time of filing of an application for a patent and it is preferable for them to be perfect without further amendments or corrections thereto. It is difficult, however, to describe perfectly on a document, at the beginning, an invention which is a technological idea. In addition, it is difficult to draft a specification, particularly patent claims, properly under the first-to-file system. Occasionally, it is necessary to make an amendment to the specification of a pending application for a patent. In such a case, if no amendments were allowed at all, the protection of applicants' rights would be diminished and it could be contrary to the purpose of the patent law to protect and encourage invention. Therefore, the patent law allows amendments to the specification and drawings to some extent during the examination period and corrections thereto through the trial for correction to come degree even after a patent has been issued. However, there must be come restrictions on amendments and corrections to the specification and drawings since once an amendment has been made to the specification and drawings the amended application is to be considered to be filed at the time the initial application was filed. Therefore, if there is no limitation on the manner and scope of amendments, then new matters which are not included in the original application might be added, which is contrary to the first-to-file system and might function against third parties' interest. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to pursue the operation of the patent system in equilibrium of force between the protection of applicants' rights and procurement of third parties' fairness, be studying the new amendment system which focuses on the prohibition of a new matter. * A thesis submitted to the committee of Graduate School, Chungnam National University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Law conferred in February 2002.

      • Fe(III)와 Xylenol orange의 反應에 對한 分光光度法的 硏究

        박정학 慶北大學校 敎育大學院 1977 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The reaction between iron(III) and Xylenol Orange (XO or H_6A) has been investigated spectrophotometrically. It has been established that iron (III) and XO form two complexes with compositions iron (III): XO=2:1 and 1:1. The 2:1 complex is stable in acidic or alkaline media containing excess of iron (III)), and 1:1 complex is stable in slightly acidic medium containing excess of XO. The absorption maxima are at 590nm(2:1) and 500nm (1:1), the molar absorptivities being 3,18±.04×10⁴and 1.32±.03×10⁴respectively. The stability constants of two complexes studied by varying pH are logβ_21= 18.69±0.08, logβ_212=42.08±0.09, logβ_11=4.27±0.04 and logβ_115=34.47±0.07

      • 통합 e-SCM 시스템구축방안 연구 : 수산물 e-Marketplace 통합화를 중심으로

        박정학 홍익대학교 정보대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        인터넷 등의 통신 매체를 통한 판매 확대와 고객의 인식 변화, 유통 구조의 체인·대형화 등을 통하여 전자상거래를 통한 수산물 판매가 보다 현실화되었다. 특히, 전자상거래는 시간과 공간을 초월한 가상공간(Cyber Space)에서 이루어지기 때문에 재고·유통비용 등 거래비용을 획기적으로 절감시키고, 전 세계를 대상으로 24시간 영업이 가능한 새로운 시장으로 자리잡아 가고 있다. 현재 수산물 전자상거래를 실시하고 있는 전문 쇼핑몰중에 완도수협 (www.wandosh.co.kr), 노량진인터넷수산시장(www.noryangjin.com), 수협중앙회에서 운영중인 수산물 유통정보 사이트(www.infofishnet.co.kr) 등을 대표적으로 들 수 있으며 이들 쇼핑몰을 제외한 대부분의 쇼핑몰들은 수산물 쇼핑몰로서의 제 기능을 발휘하지 못하고 있다. 또한, 정부나 수산물 관련 기업들이 수산물 전자상거래의 활성화를 위한 방향이나 전략수립을 명확히 제시하지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 SCM현황, 수산물 전자상거래시장의 실태와 문제점을 파악하고 그에 대한 대안을 기술적 측면에서 제시하였다. 기술적 측면에서는 전자상거래 업체들이 SCM 도입시 대두되는 문제점인 기업 내부의 SCM이 대개 기업 외부의 SCM과 연계성이 부족한 점, 제조업체들은 그들의 원재료 공급자 등에 대하여 물품 주문서를 즉시 수집할 수 있는 효율적인 방법을 가지고 있지 않다는 점, 다수의 공장설비와 원재료에 대한 공급업체를 가진 많은 기업들은 전체 공장에서 요구하는 원재료의 전체 규모 파악이 어려워지게 된 점 및 자사 제품에 대한 생산, 보관, 유통 등의 활동이 전세계적으로 이루어지고 있으나, 보관단계에서의 제품 흐름에 대한 가시성이 확보된 회사는 거의 없다는 점들로서 SCM 적용에 어려움을 겪고 있고 그 해결 방안을 찾는 과정에서 실질적으로 많은 비용이 투자되어야 한다는 문제점들이 발생한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 다음과 같은 대안을 제시하였다. 첫째, Target Archie Search 기법을 활용, 개별적인 Supply Chain들을 통합(Integration)하여 e-SCM(Electronic-Supply Chain Management) 시스템을 구축하였다. 이는 서로 다른 체계 구조와 시스템으로 개발, 운영되고 있는 이질적인 수산물 e-Marketplace들의 Supply Chain을 대규모 투자비용 없이 통합하는 것이 목표이며, 통합을 위하여 표준화된 XML(eXensible Markup Language), DTD(Document Type Definition)를 활용하였다. 둘째, e-SCM 시스템내의 고객 정보(위치정보, 품질정보, 배송정보) 제공 서비스를 통하여 수산물 전자상거래의 가시성(Visibility) 및 속도(Velocity)를 확보하였다. 즉, 수산물의 주문에서부터 고객에게 전달될 때까지의 배송정보, 위치정보, 품질정보를 제공함으로서 제품 흐름에 대한 가시성을 확보한다는 것이다. 셋째, 통합된 e-SCM 기반의 수산물 e-Marketplace 구축을 통한 수산물 전자상거래의 가치(Value) 확보 및 활성화 방안을 제시하였다. 수산물 판매시 생길 수 있는 환불, 파손, 반품에 대한 철저한 품질 평가를 적용함으로서 고객에 대한 신뢰와 인지도를 높이고 그에 따라 가치(Value)도 높아진다는 것이다. The marine products trade through e-commerce is becoming more realistic upon the expansion of sales through communications media such as Internet, renewed customers mind, and the chain & enlarged distribution system. In particular, as the e-commerce trade occurs in a cyber space surpassing the time and space, the advantages of e-commerce trade such as revolutionary reduction of trade cost such as inventory and distribution costs, and 24 hour operation toward the entire world are establishing the e-commerce as the new market place. The specialty shopping malls presently operating marine products e-commerce trade include Wando NFFC (www.wandosh.co.kr), Noryangjin Internet marine products market (www.noryangjin.com), and information site for marine products distribution under the operation of NFFC (www.infofishnet.co.kr). However, the other shopping malls than these 3 are not displaying their full functions as the marine products shopping malls. Also, neither the government nor the marine products related enterprises are able to present a concrete orientation or strategic plan for popularization of marine products e-commerce trade. Upon this, the thesis identifies the reality and problems of e-commerce marine products markets and SCM current status, and presents the alternative plans in terms of technical aspect. In terms of technical aspect, SCM introduction bears such problems as: the most internal SCM within the enterprises are lack in connectivity with the external SCM, the manufacturers are not equipped with the efficient means to promptly collect the product orders from the raw material suppliers, many enterprises having the suppliers for too many plant facilities and raw materials are hardly capable of identifying the entire volume of raw materials required in every plant, and despite such activities of manufacturing, storage, and distribution for the corporate products are made globally, an enterprise with secured visibility of product flow in storage phase is hardly found. Enterprises are suffering from the said problems in adopting SCM, and subsequently must bear another problem of too much investment cost for seeking the solutions. Upon this, the thesis presents the alternatives as below. Firstly, by utilizing the Target Archie Search technique, individual Supply Chains were integrated and e-SCM (Electronic-Supply Chain Management) was established based on them. The purpose of e-SCM is to integrate different supply chains of marine products e-Marketplace developed and operated in different systematic structures and systems without investing too much cost. The standardized XML(eXensible Markup Language) and DTD(Document Type Definition) were adopted in the said integration. Secondly, the visibility and velocity of the marine products e-commerce trade were secured through customer information service (location, quality and delivery information) within e-SCM system. In other words, the visibility of the product flow can be secured by providing the delivery information, location information and product information from the marine products order to their final delivery to the customers. Thirdly, the thesis presents plants for value securement and popularization of e-commerce marine products market through establishment of marine products e-Marketplace based on the integrated e-SCM system. By applying a strict quality assessment on refund, damage, and return which are likely to happen at the time of marine products sales, the trust and recognition from the customers are enhanced and subsequently the value increases.

      • 超音波 트랜스듀서용 3-3形 複合壓電體의 製作 및 特性에 관한 硏究

        박정학 東亞大學校 大學院 1995 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        In this paper, the piezoceramics PZT powders were prepared by molten-salt synthesis method. The porous PZT ceramics used as a filler to prepare the 3-3 type composite was fabricated from the mixtures of PZT ceramics and PVA sphere, and the PZT- polymer 3-3 type composite were made from these porous PZT ceramics and matrix Epoxy resin (Eccogel series). The experimental results are as follows; 1. Porous PZT ceramics The relative permittivity of porous PZT(1,100~880) was smaller than that of solid PZT ceramics (2 ,100), and the dissipation factors were about 0.02 to 0.03, and the elastic compliance of porous PZT(S_(33)^(D): 13. 3~26. 7, S_(33)^(E) : 20.5-39. 0×10^(-12)㎡/N) was larger than that of single phase PZT ceramics (S_(33)^(D): 12, S_(33)^(E) : 8×10^(-12)㎡/N). The piezoelectric coefficient d_(33) of porous PZT (334 ~ 350×10^(-12) C/N) remains almost constant as PZT volume fraction increases and was comparable with that of single phase PZT ceramics (364×10^(-12) C/N). The figure of merit (d_(h)·g_(h)) evaluating the sensitivity for ultrasonic transducer applications was improved significantly(11~70 times) in comparision with that of single phase PZT ceramics (100×10^(-15)㎡/N). The thickness mode coupling factor k, was shown 0.5-0.6 comparable with single phase PZT ceramics (k_(t),=0.7). The mechanical quality factor of porous PZT specimens was smaller than 10, and thus these porous PZT ceramics are believed as a good candidate for broad band transducer applications. The longitudinal velocity was shown 2,420~2,760 (m/s), which was samller than that of single phase PZT ceramics(about 4, 600 m/s). The acoustic impedance of porous PZT(be1ow 20Mrayl) was smaller than that of single phase PZT ceramics(31 Mrayl), and thus it could be more effective for ultrasonic transducer applications. The fall time of pulse-echo response of porous PZT-maded transducer was shorten to that of solid PZT-maded transducer. Therefore, a good transmitting and receiving properties could be obtained. 2. PZT-polymer 3-3 type composite The relative permittivity was shown 1,100-860 smaller than that of solid PZT ceramics(2,100) , and the dissipation factors of composite specimens were about 0.02 to 0.03. The elastic compliance (S_(33)^(D): 13.9-24.9, S_(33)^(E) : 21.0-32.4×10^(-12)㎡/N) was larger than that of single phase PZT ceramics (S_(33)^(D): 12, S_(33)^(E) : 8×10^(-12)㎡/N) and more effective in damping and resistance with mechanical shock. The piezoelectric coefficient d33 of composite(285 ~ 328×10^(-12) C/N) was comparable with that of single phase PZT ceramics (364×10^(-12) C/N). The figure of merit (d_(h)·g_(h)) used to be evaluated the sensitivity for ultrasonic transducer applications were improved significantly(l4-78 times) compared to that of single phase PZT ceramics (100×10^(-15)㎡/N). The thickness mode coupling factor k_(t) of composite specimens was shown 0. 5-0. 6 comparable with single phase PZT ceramics (k_(t)=0.7), and the mechanical quality factor was smaller than 10, and thus these specimens are believed as a good candidates for broad band transducer applications. The longitudinal velocity was shown 2, 420-2, 780 (m/s) samller than that of single phase PZT ceramics(about 4,600 m/s). And the acoustic impedance was smaller than that of single phase PZT ceramics, and thus could be more effective for ultrasonic transducer applications. The fall time of pulse-echo response of composite-maded transducer was shorten to that of solid PZT-maded transducer. Therefore, a good transmitting and receiving properties could be obtained. From above results, the porous PZT ceramics and PZT-polymer 3-3 type composite would be an excellent candidate for ultrasonic transducer applications. Furthermore, it is considered that the ultrasonic sensor system included electronic circuits should be made further studying for level and distance measurement applications.

      • 檀君에 관한 歷史學관련자와 일반인의 認識 比較 硏究

        박정학 강원대학교 대학원 1996 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of the study was to compare the perception of history-mania and the general public concerning TANGUN and TANGUN's influence upon korean history. The study attempted to answer the following question; 1. What are the differences in the perception of history-mania and the general public concerning beginning history as part of TANGUN's position? 2. What are the differences in the perception of history-mania and the general public concerning crisis of the race(korean) as part of TANGUN's position? 3. What are the differences in the perception of history-mania and the general public concerning perception of recent people as part of TANGUN's position? 4. What are the differences in the perception of history-mania and the general public concerning rearrangement of korean history as part of TANGUN's position? 5. What are the differences in the perception of history-mania and the general public concerning problem connected with TANGUN's position? In the study, history-mania included the participator in history circle and student with history part in unversity. The two questionnaires were pilot-tested and consisted of five parts. The questionnaires assigned to the general area 4 items, to beginning history as part of TANGUN's position 11 items, to crisis of the race(korean) as part of TANGUN's position 10 items, to perception of recent people as part of TANGUNs' position 15 items, to problem connected with TANGUN's position 15 items. One questionnaire was developed for history-mania, and another the general public. They were distibuted to the history-mania in all korean history circle (This circle differ textbook with the beginning history from the textbook of high school), and to the general public of selected. A total of 96 history-mania and 133 the general public participated in the study. The data were analyzed by means of the SPSS computer program and t-test scores. The data support the following conclusing: 1. History-mania and the general public do not differ significantly in the perception beginning history as part of TANGUN's position. But, they differ Yes/No question items. History-mania think TANGUN is a Historical figure(68.8"-u). The general public think is a myth(45.1%). 2. History-mania and the general public differ significantly in text item- TANGUN is a title name, WANGGUM is a proper noun 3. History-mania know knowledge of TANGUN in book and lecture(47.2%). The general public know knowledge of TANGUN only school text book(77.9%). I think that lecture on school must been taught student knowledge known history-mania. 4. History-mania and the general public differ significantly in their perception of rearrangement of korean history and perception of recent people of crisis of the race. 5. To my astonishment, two group know National GAECHUNJUL Day is foundation of a nation with R.O.K. 6. History-mania do not read even one not-textbook.(43.8%). 7. The general public answer that korean historical period is TANGUN-J0SUN(67.2%), But History-mania answer SAMHAN(25%) BAEDALGUK(22.9%),TANGUN-J0SUN(47.9%). Therefore, history-mania think historical fact in area an individual knowledge.

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