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        자산분위별 가계부채 상환불능위험도 추정 연구

        박윤태 대한부동산학회 2018 大韓不動産學會誌 Vol.36 No.1

        최근 가계부채 규모는 통화정책 완화, 주택시장의 호황, 가구소득 부진으로 인하여 급속도로 증가하였다. 이에 가계부채는 경기변동에 따라 가구의 재무건전성을 변화시키기 때문에 부채상환능력에 대한 검토는 국가적 당면과제로 나타났다. 본 연구는 가계부채 위험을 해결하기 위해 가구생애주기를 고려하여 가계부채 상환불능위험도 추정모형을 제시하고, 회귀모형을 사용하여 소득 및 자산분위에 따른 가계부채 상환불능위험도를 추정하였다. 이에 본 연구는 가구의 부채상환능력을 고려하여 가계부채 관리대책을 위한 정책적 함의를 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 분석결과, 연령 20-30대 2인 가구와 연령 60대 이상 1인 가구는 자산 5분위에서 가계부채 상환불능위험도가 높았다. 또한 거주주택마련 대출비율, 전월세보증금마련 대출비율, 생활비마련 대출비율은 자산 1⋅2분위에서 가계부채 상환불능위험도가 높았다. 따라서 사회적 취약계층의 주거안정을 위하여 공공임대주택을 활용한 주거비 부담 완화와 가계재무구조를 고려한 주택금융상품 개발을 통해 가계부실이 발생하지 않도록 차등적인 금융지원을 해야 한다. Recently, the size of household debt has increased rapidly, due to the relax monetary policy, boom of housing market and slump of household income. Debt repayment capability of households has emerged national urgent problems. because the household debt has changed the financial stability according to economic fluctuations. This study presents the model for estimating debt repayment capability considering the life cycle to solve risk of household debt that was serious qualitatively. The analysis method estimates risk of repayment incapability of households using the regression model by asset quintile. Therefore, Purpose of research suggests implication for risk management of household debt based on estimation results. Age 20-30s & 2 household members, age 60s more & 1 household member have a high risk of the debt repayment incapability of households in the fifth quintile of asset. Loan ratio for housing, loan ratio for residence deposits, loan ratio for living expense have a high risk of the debt repayment incapability in the first, second quintile of asset. Therefore, the management policy of household debt should decrease burden of housing expense, utilizing public rental housing for social vulnerable class. They need financial aids through development of housing financial instrument differently considered the financial structure of household to prevent household default.

      • KCI등재

        가구 연령별 가계부채 상환위험요인에 관한 연구

        박윤태,노정현 대한부동산학회 2017 大韓不動産學會誌 Vol.35 No.2

        Recently, The household debt has sharply risen by the government policy that consistently declinedinterest rate and relieved loan regulation. The repayment risk of household debt has affected financialstability of household. The possibility of repayment risk has suggested the important problems by theeconomic fluctuations. This research compared determinants of repayment risk in household debt by agegroups based on 2016 Household Financial Welfare Research that was investigated by the bank of Korea, incooperation with the Financial Supervisory Service and Statistics Korea. This study proposed politicalimplication for Establishment of Household debt management policy. This research results as follows. The20-40s age group is more likely to decide high repayment risk, have higher non-worker, credit and cardloan. They were instability situation economically. because they was low accumulated income and realestate asset. The 50s age group is more likely to decide high repayment risk, have higher real estatemortgage loan. Because owner arranged funds utilizing mortgage loan to buy another real estates. The 60sage is likely to decide repayment risk, have higher overdue principal and interest. Because the earnedincome was decreased and disappeared by economical retirement. 최근 국내 가계부채는 지속적인 금리 인하와 대출 규제 완화 등 정부 정책으로 인하여급속도로 상승하고 있다. 이에 가계부채 상환위험은 가구의 재무건전성에 많은 영향을미치고 있으며, 경기변동에 따른 위험 가능성을 중요한 문제로 제시하고 있다. 본 연구는한국은행·금융감독원·통계청에서 공동으로 조사한 2016년 가계금융복지조사를 활용하여 가구 연령별 가계부채 상환위험요인에 대해서 종합비교하고, 가계부채 관리정책 수립에 대한 정책적 시사점을 제시하였다. 연구결과는 청장년층(20-40대)이 비 근로자 일수록 상환위험이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이는 소득 및 누적 자산이 적기 때문에 경제적으로 불안정한 재무 상황이 반영된 것으로 분석된다. 중년층(50대)은 부동산 담보대출이 높을수록 상환위험이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이는 부동산을 소유한 중년층이 또 다른 부동산을 구입하기 위하여 자금 마련 방안으로 담보대출을 활용하기 때문이다. 노년층(60대)은 경제적 은퇴로 인하여 근로 소득이 감소하기 때문에 원리금 연체가 증가할수록 상환위험이 높은 것으로 분석하였다.

      • KCI등재

        A comparative study on low-purity natural graphite with various metal oxide impurities as an anode active material for lithium ion batteries

        박윤태,이기태 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2018 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.19 No.3

        Low-purity natural graphite, which is used as an anode active material for lithium-ion batteries, contains various impurities. To investigate the effects of these impurities on the lithium ion battery system, various metal oxides such as Fe2O3, Al2O3, andSiO2 were mixed with high-purity natural graphite using a glycine nitrate process (GNP) or hydrothermal method. While thereare no significant changes in the physical or chemical structure due to the addition of metal oxide impurities, theelectrochemical performance was considerably improved. Both Fe2O3- and SiO2-natural graphite composites showed a largerfirst charge capacity and better capacity retention compared to the high-purity natural graphite (NG-R) due to the conversionreaction and formation of the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) film, respectively. Specifically, the 05-Fe sample showed a chargecapacity of 421.8 mAh/g at the first cycle, but a high irreversible capacity of 50.4 mAh/g due to the irreversible conversionreaction. Nevertheless, the 05-Fe sample exhibited a significantly higher capacity retention (95.9%) than NG-R (84.9%).

      • KCI등재

        Effect of annealing on the electrochromic properties of WO3 thin films fabricated by electrophoretic deposition

        박윤태,이기태 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2013 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.14 No.5

        WO3 thin films were fabricated by an electrophoretic deposition (EPD) process. As-deposited WO3 thin films was annealed at 100 o C for 24 hrs to improve the electrochromic properties with better cyclability. While the surface roughness decreased as a result of the annealing process, the film thickness increased. The annealed WO3 thin film showed better performance than the as-deposited film with a coloration efficiency of 41.5 cm2 • C−1 .

      • KCI등재

        저소득층의 주택유형 및 점유형태에 따른 주거만족도 영향요인 연구

        박윤태,원유호,김구회,Park, Yoon-Tae,Won, You-Ho,Kim, Gu-Hoi 한국주거학회 2015 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.26 No.6

        Using the 2013 Korea Housing Survey, this research analyzed factors influencing residential satisfaction of low-income households concerning the economic condition, satisfaction about interior and exterior environments in dwelling, recognition of housing welfare policy. The economic condition showed that if there are less living expenses and more ordinary income, it brought about more positive effects in the ownership of a detached house, row and multi-family house. Most variables about satisfaction with the interior environment in dwelling have a significant influence on a detached house, apartment, row and multi-family house. The following factors played a significant role: accessibility to commercial facilities, neighborhood relationship and natural environment in the satisfaction with the exterior environment in dwelling about most types. Specifically, from an institutional perspective of housing welfare policy, the effect of the housing expenses support and the intention about remodeling were factors influencing residential satisfaction in cheonsei and monthly rent, free of a detached house and free of an apartment. These results will utilize preliminary data to establish housing welfare policy for low-income households.

      • KCI등재

        Electrochemical properties of low-purity natural graphite as an anode active material for lithium-ion batteries

        박윤태,이기태 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2016 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.17 No.1

        The possibility of using low-purity natural graphite as an anode active material for lithium-ion batteries has been investigated. Pristine and modified natural graphites showed different degrees of crystallinity based on XRD and Raman measurements. Whereas the reversible capacities of pristine and modified natural graphites were similar, the latter had better cycleperformance. The dissolution of impurities from the natural graphite into the electrolyte was found to be negligible based onICP-MS analysis.

      • KCI등재

        Electrochemical performance of amorphous carbon coated α-Fe2O3/expanded natural graphite composites as anode active materials for lithium ion batteries

        박윤태,이기태 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2018 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.19 No.4

        An amorphous carbon-coated α-Fe2O3/expanded natural graphite (ENG) composite as an anode active material for lithiumionbatteries was successfully synthesized by a simple hydrothermal method. The ENG anode material used as a matrixshowed better cycling performance but a larger irreversible capacity than pristine NG anode material due to the large amountof solid electrolyte interface film. The reversible capacity of the ENG anode material increased by approximately 26% throughimpregnation of α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles. Nevertheless, the capacity retention significantly decreased from 98.9 to 74.9% after63 cycles due to volume expansion and microstructural change caused by aggregation of Fe and Li2O during the chargedischargeprocess. This degradation of cycling performance was overcome by the surface coating of amorphous carbons. Thereversible capacity of an amorphous carbon-coated α-Fe2O3/ENG composite increased with cycling and reached 576 mAh/gat the 95th cycle and 524 mAh/g at the 350th cycle, showing 99% capacity retention. The favorable cycling performance wasattributed to suppression of nanoparticle aggregation, a fast charge transfer, and lowering of the contact resistance by theconductive amorphous carbon coating.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of low-purity natural graphite as a costeffective anode active material for lithium ion batteries

        박윤태,이기태 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2016 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.17 No.4

        Low-purity natural graphite as an anode active material for lithium ion batteries was studied in order to reduce the cost oflithium ion batteries. The electrochemical performance of low-purity natural graphite was compared to that of high-puritycommercial grade graphite. No significant differences of the morphology or crystal structure were observed in the SEM, XRD,and Raman measurements. Based on the EDX and ICP-AES results, relatively larger amounts of Al and Fe than otherimpurities were found in the low-purity natural graphite powders. Although the LP18-99 sample contained various impurities,it showed good performance in comparison with the NG-R sample.

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