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      • KCI등재

        The Emergence and Convergence of Christian Identities: An East Asian Reflection on the Bible, Minjung, and Identities

        박노훈 한국민중신학회 2011 Madang: Journal of Contextual Theology Vol.0 No.16

        While economy is a word about a ‘household’ (oikos), it provides a description of a norm—a ‘norm’ (nomos) whereby self and other live in both a just and sustainable way. The representation of self and other, however, has derived little attention from Western discourses, while the overrepresentation of insufficiency has been common. Meanwhile, the process of economy has become a site of great contention, a place where political and cultural gravity becomes condensed and incarnate—and so does the human subjectivity in its interrelated symbolic, political, and economic constructs. The process has not only legitimated scarcity, but also has assigned human subjects, namely the self and other(s), their given place and purpose. If the contemporary construct of globalization in which everyone is so interrelated and interconnected can be a cultural context, does the biblical text also help us to confront the power that entraps human agency and creates scarcity today just as it did in the past? Is there an economics of life, a theology of “self” and “other” in the Bible that can move people today beyond clinging to wealth and possessions? This essay combines insights from the stories of the grassroots minjung as well as the story of those in the Bible who share a common life or even those who hold goods in common—that is, a group who lives together and makes a living together.

      • KCI등재후보

        성경번역의 난제에 관한 해석학적 고찰 –신약성경을 중심으로

        박노훈 한국대학선교학회 2012 대학과 선교 Vol.23 No.-

        According to David Bosch, the Christian faith “never exists except as translated into a culture.” This sort of process can also apply to Bible translation. Because there is never a onetoone word correspondence between two languages, any translation process involves the process of inculturation. Indeed, Bible translation is an intercultural communication, whereby messengers and translators,or authors and readers, can share information and knowledge and develop faith and conviction, through generations. In due process,Bible translation as an interpretive task engages in analytical and hermeneutical choices of the given texts. For this reason, the process of translation becomes a site of contention, where cultural gravity becomes condensed and incarnate and so does the meaning of the text in its interrelated symbolic constructs. This essay combines insights from the studies of Bible translation and the views of the translative conundrums of a source text as making itself comprehensible to its target audiences through generations.

      • KCI등재

        연세 학원의 기독교적 토대 연구 – 박대선 총장의 리더쉽을 중심으로-

        박노훈 한국실천신학회 2014 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.42

        ‘진리’와 ‘자유’의 정신을 건학이념으로 삼는 연세대학교의 학풍은 초기 기독교 선 교사들과 기독교회가 함께 기울인 노력의 산물이다. 그들 가운데 1964년 9월부터 1975년 4월까지 약 11년간 연세대학교의 4·5·6대 총장을 지낸, 박대선 목사는 연세대 학교의 제2창학기(1957-2011)를 대표하는 인물이다. 초기 연세학원의 교육목표는 기독 교 정신의 토대 위에 겨레와 인류, 옛 것과 새 것, 동양과 서양, 자신과 타인의 조화 에 있음을 분명히 하였다. 이 목표는 곧 기독교적 사명을 위한 것에 다름 아니었다. 박대선은 이 같은 학원의 정체성을 신앙의 토대 위에 더욱 성숙시켜 나갔다. 이 논문 은 목사요, 교육가요, 행정가로서 기독교대학의 역할과 위상을 재정립한 박대선 총장 의 행적에 초점을 맞추어, 연세학원의 고유한 학풍과 기독교 정신의 토대를 발견하고 자 한다. 연세의 창학기 ‘동서 고근의 화충’의 정신은, 박대선을 통해 타자성의 수용과 발전 그리고 이종 연합과 상호 연대라는 포용성으로 발전해 갔으며, 그 전통은 오늘 날 학문간 ‘융복합’과 ‘세방화’의 흐름 속에 계승되었다. This essay attempts to investigate Yonsei University's Christian foundation and campus mission within the tenure of president Daesun Park from September, 1964 through April, 1975. Yonsei University was founded by Christian missionaries in 1885 and has been since supported by the churches in and out of Korea. President Daesun Park in particular represents the second foundation period of the university in history (1957-2011). The time he was appointed as the president of Yonsei, the campus was facing socio-political turmoils. As the president of Yonsei, however, he maneuvered all the confusion and difficulties the university had to go through and rebuilt the university's Christian scholarly traditions. Apparently, during his tenure as the president which was extended for three terms, Yonsei was able to enhance the spirit of Christianity. As such, Yonsei had equipped itself with the proper governance and education system. This essay explores Rev. Dr. Daesun Park's life trajectory on Yonsei campus and presents a path that Christian colleges may have to take in order to convey Christian mission to the next generations.

      • KCI등재

        설교의 상황화에 따른 성서의 역할유형 연구 - 다니엘 파트의 설교를 위한 본문연구를 중심으로 -

        박노훈 한국실천신학회 2014 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.41

        성서는 오늘 우리를 위한 말씀이다. 다양한 필요와 문제를 안고 살아가는 오늘 우리를 위해 성서는 다양한 역할을 수행하는데, 이는 ‘말씀’과 ‘삶’이 여러 방식으로 서로 관계를 맺기 때문이다. 오늘 우리가 성서를 해석하려 할 때, 성서는 오늘의 우리를 해석하는 양방향의 해석학적 순환이 일어나는 것은 말씀과 삶이 맺는 상호성과 다양성을 드러낸다. 본 논문은 신약성서를 중심으로 설교의 상황화(contextualization)에 의한 성서의 다양한 역할유형들을 살펴보고, 각각의 역할에 따른 고유한 해석학적 의미를 고찰한다. 이를 위해 다니엘 파트(Daniel Patte)의 성서의 의미층위 연구가 주요 사례로서 다루어질 것이다. The Bible is never read in a vacuum, insofar as it affects believers in their own contexts as a ‘Word of God’ to live by. Indeed, scriptural interpretation has powerful effects on people and their lives in certain ways. Hence, preachers have to make explicit at the out set their own context and bring to critical understanding their own perspectives. Indeed, in order to prepare themselves to preach about a text, conscientious preachers might strive to read the biblical text as Scripture in order to discern the most helpful teaching, the Word of God. They carefully read the biblical text in order to formulate its teaching into a meaningful sermon that will bring their congregations into dialogue with the text about certain theological issues. This essay attempts to investigate the roles of Scripture embedded in the preacher’s homilies. For this purpose, this essay discusses the Sermon on the Mount, investigating its diverging hermeneutical premises in light of Daniel Patte’s scriptural interpretation for the homily.

      • KCI등재

        Reciprocity Revisited: An Exploration of the Parable of the Unjust Manager in Luke 16:1-91

        박노훈 한국민중신학회 2014 Madang: Journal of Contextual Theology Vol.0 No.21

        Today the process of neoliberal economy has become a site of greatcontention, since it has not only legitimated scarcity, but also has assignedhuman subjects to a given place and purpose. It would seem, however, thatthe biblical text helps us to confront the power that entraps human agencyand creates scarcity as such. This essay explores the Parable of the UnjustManager in Luke 16:1-9, which presents Luke’s overarching vision ofeconomy, attributed to the‘eternal homes’(16:9) and ascribed to thecolonial subjects in the Empire. In the Parable, the“dishonest”managerserves as a“broker”or as an“outlaw”between the landowner and thetenants. His remarkable move invites the readers today to become aware oftheir own myth and construct of economy. This essay combines insightsfrom cultural economics and biblical studies of reciprocity.

      • KCI등재후보

        Who’s In? Who’s Out? : Searching for Discipleship in the Lukan Narratives of Fictive Kinship

        박노훈 한국대학선교학회 2014 대학과 선교 Vol.26 No.-

        One way of gaining access to what Luke wishes to deliver to his addressee,is to look at how Luke’s interest is presented in his work, ‘an orderlyaccount’ (1:3). Thus, it is significant that the reader follows the literary constructby which Luke seeks to display ‘the truth’ in his narrative (1:4). In thisregard, it draws attention that Luke presents the consecutive parables inchapter 15 which convey the discourse of kinship. The narrative as such revealsLukan discipleship, which is amplified through the reconfiguration ofkinship and its application to the community. In the Gospel of Luke, kinshipboundary extends to the outcasts, marginalized, and gentiles. The disciplesare now called to respond to Jesus who reinstates the kinship for the peopleof God (14:26-33). This essay examines the kinship narratives in Luke to seehow Luke erects a symbolic universe of family as a sacred canopy for hiscommunity.

      • KCI등재

        Re-envisioning Christian Mission between the Two Koreas Beyond the Construct of Self and Other

        박노훈 한국민중신학회 2013 Madang: Journal of Contextual Theology Vol.0 No.19

        From the time when a ceasefire between the two Koreas was declared without an ensuing peace accord, the war on the Korean Peninsula has been prolonged both physically and psychologically for more than fifty years. Recently, the tension between North and South Korea has even more escalated, as Pyongyang threatened to shut down the Kaesong Industrial Park run jointly by the two countries. In the presence of drastic social,economic, cultural formations and discourses, it is now imperative to re-envision Christian mission between the two Koreas that promotes the life and life-together beyond the strife and division. Peace and harmony must be restored, and communion and community reinstated. For this reason, in order to re-envision Christian mission between the two Koreas, this essay attempts to revisit a mission text beyond the current construct of selfand other. While retelling the mission narratives in the present, this essay reconstructs an alternative understanding of mission, especially between the two Koreas. By way of foregrounding the life of people living in the two Koreas, this essay evaluates as well as analyzes how a view of the mission text in the Bible and in the Gospel of Mark in particular relates to a specific geopolitical context in the Korean Peninsula. The critical reflections as such will allow us open to constant questioning and re-visioning how the mission remains, yet to be unfolded between and beyond the Korea(s).

      • KCI등재후보

        When the Prayer Becomes Politics: Revisiting the Lord’s Prayer in Our Present World

        박노훈 한국대학선교학회 2013 대학과 선교 Vol.24 No.-

        It is generally acknowledged that Matthew’s form of the Lord’s Prayer is liturgical and was most likely used by the community in its worship gatherings. However, given the Prayer’s petitions for the relief from hunger, hostility, and oppression, it would seem that Matthew also connects his attention to the desperate needs of the people of God living under the reality of the empire. Matthew’s state of being oppressed at the hands of Roman occupiers must have served as the impetus to initiate the dialogue in the form of prayer. In this regard,the reality of empire becomes a crucial context in which to understand the hermeneutics of the Prayer. When the colonial system appears as a hostile environment, Matthew forms the vision of a new world and its establishment beyond the imperial reign. Many critics have argued that colonialism never really ended but instead has survived in culturally and politically different forms. The representation of empire as such is being denounced in the Lord’s Prayer. This essay analyzes how the Lord’s Prayer stands with regard to the people of God and evaluates the implications of imperialism, both for the ancient communities and contemporary reading communities.

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