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      • KCI등재

        상호작용식 모형을 적용한 초급단계 받아쓰기 실험 연구 -하향식처리를 중심으로-

        박교 한국중국언어학회 2013 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.49

        聽力理解不是聽話者對外界語音刺激簡單接收的被動過程, 而是對自己所聽到的話語進行解碼信息、重構語義、儲存記憶、匹配邏輯等一系列的複雜過程, 卽聽話者主動參與的過程。按照第二語言習得順序硏究, 第二語言學習者首先要努力提高聽力能力, 幷通過聽力水平的提高能促進口語能力的發展。筆者認爲, 聽寫是提高聽力能力的有效敎學手段, 卽聽力理解能力、基礎語法知識及其應用、社會知識、邏輯推理能力、標點符號知識和書寫能力等等, 能準確反映一個人的總體語言水平. 同時, 聽寫是有效的測試手段, 因此, 筆者爲了驗證用不同方式進行聽力敎學如何影嚮學習者的聽力能力, 進行了兩次聽寫實驗.本硏究受試是某大學一年級漢語專業學生, 共61人(實驗組30人, 對照組31人), 實驗爲期16週, 每週進行一次50分鐘的聽寫練習, 要求兩組被試將所聽短文復原.實驗採用了全文聽寫, 要求受試完整記錄所聽到的內容, 然後給受試足구的時間根據記錄進行信息重組. 在此重要的是, 針對實驗組, 筆者在開始聽寫前先激活學習者大腦中的相關圖式, 卽採用自上而下的方法, 將使新輸入的信息與大腦已知信息或背景知識聯係起來, 幷引導學習者根據標題或主題詞語産生聯想, 對卽將聽到的相關情節進行豫測.實驗的評分項目主要有4種, 分別爲生詞評分、詞語豫測評分、句型評分和總字數評分、T檢驗結果顯示, 實驗組在詞語豫測和總字數上的成績都顯著大於對照組, 證實了採用自上而下的方法進行聽寫訓練, 有助於提高學習者的聽力水平

      • RPS 제도 도입에 따른 탄소 배출 감소 효과에 관한 연구

        박교신(Kyo-Shin Park),안기주(Ki-Ju Ahn),설소영(So-Yeong Seol),최중인(Jung-In Choi),홍준희(Jun-Hee Hong) 대한전기학회 2010 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2010 No.7

        교토의정서가 끝나는 2012년 이후부터 개발도상국으로 제외됐던 한국도 의무적으로 온실가스를 감축해야 할 것으로 보인다. 이에 정부는 2020년까지 BAU대비 30%감축이라는 구체적인 절감 목표를 발표하였다. 이러한 온실가스의 주요 배출원은 에너지산업부문이다. 에너지산업부문 중에 전력을 생산하는 과정에서 석탄이나 석유, LNG같은 화석연료가 사용되고 이 과정에서 많은 양의 온실가스가 배출되고 있다. 신재생에너지는 온실가스가 배출되지 않는 발전원이다. 정부에서 2012년도부터 RPS(Renewable Portfolio Standard)의 도입을 추진하고 잇는데 본 연구에서는 RPS 제도를 도입할 경우에 탄소배출 감소효과를 2006 IPCC 가이드라인을 통해 분석하였다.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 초급단계 학습자를 위한 형태소 교육 실험 연구

        박교 중국어문학회 2011 中國語文學誌 Vol.37 No.-

        一直以來,語素敎學在詞彙敎學中的重要性尙未充分地被重視,導致學習者不知道詞中每個語素都有自己的獨立意義,更不知道能從語素的結合中推導出新詞的意義,卽知其然而不知其所以然。因此,學習者對詞彙學習採取整體認知的方法,機械地홀륜嘆棗地記下來,使得學習難度大大增加。我們知道漢語詞中的語素義與詞彙義關係非常密切,若能掌握常用語素的意義和構詞法,對學習漢語詞必將有極大的促進作用,在短期內可以迅速擴大詞彙量,能解決詞語難的問題。爲表明此一觀点,筆者進行了相關實驗。結果表明,實行語素敎學的實驗班其水平明顯高於對照班, 檢驗了語素敎學的有效性。因此,敎師須在課堂上强調漢語詞的特點,조住核心語素來進行適度擴展,鼓勵學習者進行猜測推斷,這將提高學習者的詞彙水平是大有裨益的。

      • KCI등재

        중국어 고급단계 학습자의 존재표현 사용현황 연구 ― ‘NP1+V/착(着)/료(了)+NP2’구조를 중심으로

        박교 한국중국언어학회 2017 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.73

        存現句是指表示事物存在、出現、消失的句式。 存現句的基本結構爲“NP1+VP+NP2”, NP1是由表示處所的方位名詞或方位短語、時間名詞或時間名詞短語構成, VP是由“V+着/了”構成, NP2是某處所裏存在、出現、消失的人或事物, 若V是不及物動詞, NP2是動作的發出者, V是及物動詞, NP2是動作的對象。 本文爲了考察高級階段韓國學習者的存現表達方式進行了實驗。 實驗對象分爲兩個組, 實驗組的韓國受試是韓漢飜譯專業的硏究生10人以及達到新HSK6級以上水平的成人學習者10人, 共20人, 對照組是中國受試20人。 通過文件調査方式, 共收集了1200例語料, 對習得過程中出現的偏誤類型及成因進行分析, 進而提出與之相關的敎學策略和技巧。 實驗結果表明, 中國受試表達存在義時普遍使用存現句式, 而韓國受試主要選擇“V在NP”結構, 至於存現句式往往採取回避策略。 按照所出現偏誤的性質, 大致可分爲以下幾種: 第一, 誤加介詞。 存現句的主語不需要介詞的介引, 不過韓國受試受母語的影響, 習慣性地在句首處所詞前誤加介詞“在”。 第二, V是不及物動詞時, 把存在主體錯放在動詞前, V是及物動詞時, 誤加動詞的施事。 第三, 存在主體一般是無定名詞。 無定性表示名詞短語的指稱在特定的語境中, 聽話人的心裏沒有具體的所指, 但說話人的心裏有特定的指稱對象。 存現句中賓語是傳遞信息的主要部分, 視爲未知信息, 因此具體而不確指的人或事物, 不過韓國受試完全沒有意識到存現賓語的無定性, 敎師對此須格外注意。 Existential sentence refers to the basic structure of existence, and out of the sentence. The existential sentence is “NP1+VP+NP2”, NP1 is composed of said premises range noun or phrase, noun or time range time noun phrases, VP is composed of “V+着/了+NP2”, which is a person or thing in the somewhere there disappear, if verb is an intransitive verb, NP2 is the doer of the action, verb is a transitive verb, NP2 is the object of action. In order to study the advanced stage of Korean learners presentive expression experiments were carried out. The experimental subjects were divided into two groups, the experimental group of Korean subjects are: students in Graduate School of translation 10 people, reach the HSK6 level of the adult learners of 10 people, a total of 20 people, the control group is 20 Chinese people. Through the document survey, collected a total of 1200 cases of corpus, appeared in the process of learning the error type and the causes are analyzed, and then put forward the related teaching strategies and skills. The experimental results show that the Chinese subjects expressed meaning when the widespread use of existential sentences, while Korean subjects mainly choose “V在NP” structure, the existential sentences often take evasive strategies according to the nature of the error. There, can be roughly divided into the following categories: first, mistaking the existential preposition. The subject of sentence does not need to introduce Korean prepositions, but by the influence of mother tongue, habitually in the sentence first place word before the error with the preposition “在”. Second, “V” is an intransitive verb, the subject is misplaced in before the verb, “V” is a transitive verb, error plus verb the agent. Third, there is the main general indefinite noun. No qualitative representation of noun phrases referring in a specific context, the hearer's heart, there is no specific meaning, but the speaker's heart has a specific reference object. The object stored in sentences is the main part of the transmission of information And as the unknown information, so specific and unspecified person or thing, but no qualitative Korean subjects did not realize the existential object, teachers should pay special attention to this.

      • KCI등재

        ‘在NVL’구조, ‘V在NL’구조 의미에 대한 小考

        朴敎里(Park, Gyo-ree) 중국어문학연구회 2020 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.125

        The ‘在NLV’ structure is an adverb phrase. The structural meaning of a place adverb has a function of forming a boundary and limiting by forming a place area in front of a verb predicate. The direct performer of the given action must come by conveying the meaning of the place where the direct action is performed. The ‘V在NL’ structure is the result bore syntax. The place noun follows the predicate, and the bore ‘在’ is placed after the predicate, conveying the meaning that the object affected by the action, the subject of the action, and the tool exist as a result of performing the action. The"在NLV" structure and the"V在NL" structure form a close relationship and function to enrich language life. Therefore, educators and learners must try to accurately understand the function and semantic information of the two structures and use them accurately. First, when educating and learning the two structures, especially in the early learning stage, the basic frame, adverb structure and the function of the result bore structure, should be classified first, and the method of understanding and deriving the related meanings should precede. Second, actively utilize the Korean conversion sentence. For learners of a second language, the mother tongue is the most natural and important medium for understanding a second language. Particularly, as the level of proficiency is low, interference due to the reason for the mother tongue exists, but if used properly, it becomes a good tool for discriminating between the two structures. This paper is not to say that it is not desirable to proceed from the angle of verb predicates when researching and educating the structure of"在NLV"and"V在NL", but because the approach focused on verb predicates has certain limitations, The starting point was described with the intention that an understanding of the structure should precede. We verified the fact that the overall structural meaning is greater than the sum of each constituent component, and we hope that studies related to structural semantic analysis of other structures will be further promoted.

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