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      • Communication-Aware Mobility Control in Wireless Mobile Networks

        노희태 연세대학교 대학원 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        As the communication technologies are enhanced, various applications are emerging in wireless networks. Among them, recently, there are much attention on the networked mobile nodes, e.g., a team of mobile robots, unmanned vehicles or scouts, and etc., in wireless mobile networks. According to whether the mobility of nodes can be controlled to improve the communication quality by the network operator or itself, in this thesis, we classify nodes in wireless networks into two classes: nodes with controllable mobility and nodes with uncontrollable mobility. For example, in WLANs, we can decide the position of the access point to improve the qualities of communications between it and users, while we cannot control the positions of users, which want to communicate with the access point. Then, we can call the access point a node with controllable mobility and a user a node with uncontrollable mobility. For another example, in the battlefield scenario, some nodes, which are freely moving in a certain area, may be dedicated to concentrate on only accomplishment of their mission, while the others may be dedicated to assist the communications between nodes so that they can change their positions by adapting to the positions of other nodes to improve the qualities of communications between nodes. Then, we can call the former nodes with uncontrollable mobility and the latter nodes with controllable mobility. In this thesis, we study the problem for mobility control of nodes with controllable mobility with adapting to the positions of nodes with uncontrollable mobility to improve the network performance in wireless mobile networks. In this thesis, we consider three scenarios in wireless mobile networks. In the first scenario, we consider a network that consists of a single relay node with controllable mobility and multiple nodes with uncontrollable mobility. A node with uncontrollable mobility can directly communicate only with the relay node, while communicating with another node with uncontrollable mobility via the relay node. This system model corresponds to the star topology network such as WPANs and WLANs, which consist of a single access point and multiple clients, and the subnetwork in wireless mesh networks that consists of one mesh router and multiple mesh clients that are connected to the mesh router. In this scenario, we study the problem for the optimal placement of the relay node with adapting to the positions of all nodes with uncontrollable mobility. In addition, we find the optimal scheduling of all nodes with uncontrollable mobility to communicate with the relay node. Since we can consider the relay node as a centralized controller, which is in one-hop distance from other nodes, we develop a centralized algorithm for finding the optimal position of the relay node as well as optimal node scheduling by using the optimization theoretic approach. In the second scenario, we consider a network that consists of mobile nodes, which are aligned on a straight line. Some of nodes have controllable mobility, while the others have uncontrollable mobility. This system model corresponds to the linear vehicular networks. In this scenario, we study the problem for the mobility control of nodes with controllable mobility with adapting to the positions of their neighbor nodes. We first solve the problem by using the optimization theoretic approach and develop a centralized algorithm for mobility control. However, since it is hard to implement a centralized algorithm in this system model, we also develop a distributed algorithm by using the game theoretic approach. In the last scenario, we consider a network that consists of mobile nodes in a two-dimensional area, which are performing their mission while communicating with their neighbor nodes. In this scenario, we study the problem for the mobility control of all nodes with considering their satisfaction on both the accomplishment of their mission and the qualities of communications with their neighbor nodes. Similar to the second scenario, since it is hard to implement a centralized algorithm in this system model, we develop a distributed algorithm by using the game theoretic approach. In all the above scenarios, we formulate the optimization problem for mobility control in the network utility maximization (NUM) framework. Then, we solve the problem by using the optimization theoretic approach and/or the game theoretic approach to develop the algorithms for mobility control, which are suitable to be implemented in each scenario. The numerical results show that we can significantly improve the network performance by appropriately utilizing the controllable mobility of nodes in wireless mobile networks.

      • 한국의 지방자치제도에 관한 연구

        노희태 단국대학교 행정대학원 1988 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        우리 나라는 1949年 地方自治法이 改도 公布된 이래 수차의 改正을 거쳐오는 동안 經驗의 未熟과 制度의 미비로 地方自治는 成功을 거두지 못하였고 5. 16 革命을 契機로 실질적인 地方自治 行政의 機能이 정지되어 法律로 유보되었었다. 政府는 1989年부터 地方自治制를 實施하겠다고 공표하고 있어 불원간 그 실시가 기대되고 있는바 韓國의 地方自治制度에 대하여 硏究하게 됨은 큰 意義를 가진다하겠다. 따라서 本 論文에서는 第1章에서는 序論, 第2章에서는 地方自治의 理論的 背景, 第3章에서는 地方自治의 代表國이라 찰 수 있는 英國과 프랑스, 그리고 韓國과 가장 가까운 위치에 있는 日本의 地方自治의 沿革과 各國의 地方財政에 대해서 살펴보고, 第4章에서는 韓國의 地方自治에 대한 歷史的 考察과 함께 地方財政에 대한 問題點과 그 改善方案을 提示하였고, 第5章에서는 結論을 맺고 있다. 우리는 約 9年間 地方自治를 經驗하였지만 아직도 國民이나 官僚 다같이 中央集權體制에 익숙되어 있다. 따라서 效果的인 地方自治를 실시하기 위해서는 韓國 實情에 맞는 地方自治制度를 가지고 積極的인 住民參與意識과 함께 地方自治團體의 財政的인 自立度를 조속히 達成시키고자 하는 政府와 國民의 강력한 開拓意志가 必要하다고 생각된다. The Local autonomy Law promulgated, for the first time in our country In 1949, had failed to set local self-government in the right direction, though revised several times, due to Lack of experience and institutional inertia. With the military revolution of June 16, 1961, as a momentum, the function of local self-governing administration was virtually suspended and held over by law. The newly formed government of the Sixth Republic has already declared that the local self-governing system will be enforced from 1989 and therefore its enforcement is expected to be materialized in the near future. From this point of view, the present study may be considered meaningful. Chapter 1 is devouted to the introduction of the study and Chapter 2 deals with the theoretical background of local self-government. Chapter 3 discusses the development of local self-government of England, France and the neighboring country, Japan, as well as local finance of each of these countries. Chapter 4 inquires into the historical development of our local self-government and the problems involved in our local finance with some corrective measures for their solution presented. Chapter 5 concludes this study by summarizing the results obtained. Even though the local self-governing system was operated for about 9 years in our country, the people and bureaucrat alike still are familiar with centralism. Therefore, in order to operate effectively local self-government, it is felt absolutely necessary to introduced a local self-governing system that is most suitable to our realities. This requires, of course, the positive participating consciousness of the inhabitants and the strong will of obth the government and the people to attain as early as possible the financial independence of local self-governing body.

      • 트레이닝 형태의 차이가 3차원 회전 운동 시 혈중 Nitric Oxide 생성, 근 손상지표 및 피로물질 변화에 미치는 영향

        노희태 연세대학교 대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구의 목적은 3차원 회전 운동 시 운동 형태(웨이트, 런닝, 오보트론 트레이닝) 차이에 따른 9주간의 트레이닝이 혈중 NO 생성, 근 손상지표 및 피로물질 변화에 미치는 영향을 규명하는데 있었다.$$a$$a연구의 대상은 의학적으로 특별한 질환이 없으며 규칙적인 운동프로그램(주 3회 체육 수업)에 참여하고 있는 공군사관학교 4학년 생도 15명으로 하였으며 기본검사 측정 후, 웨이트 트레이닝 그룹(WT), 런닝 트레이닝 그룹(RT), 오보트론 트레이닝 그룹(OT)에 각각 5명씩 무선 배정하였다.$$a$$a9주간의 트레이닝 시 웨이트 트레이닝 그룹(WT)은 1-RM의 80% 무게로(8~10회/set, 3sets/일, 3일/주) 11종목을(상체:4, 하체:5, 기타:2) circuit weight training 방법으로 하였다. 런닝 트레이닝 그룹(RT)은 80%THR(±5회/분)의 운동 강도로 하루에 30분(3일/주) 실시하였다. 오보트론 트레이닝 그룹(OT)은 분 당 35회전 내외의 속도로 3분×5sets(4~5분 휴식)로 총 운동 시간은 15분 내외로 하였다. 트레이닝 처치 전․후에 체력검사와 오보트론을 이용하여 3차원 회전 운동 검사(3-dimensional exercise test protocol)를 실시하였다. Test protocol은 분당 30회전의 속도로 통제하였으며, 3분×5sets(2~3분 휴식)로 총 운동 시간은 15분으로 하였다. 각각의 실험에서 4번의 채혈(안정 시, 운동종료 시, 회복 30분, 회복 24시간)을 통하여 plasma NO, serum CK, LDH 및 plasma NH3, lactate 농도 변화를 측정하였다.$$a$$a본 연구의 실험에서 얻은 자료는 윈도우용 SPSS/PC+ Ver. 12.0 K 통계 패키지를 이용하여 각 집단별로 평균과 표준편차를 구하였다. 그리고 연구 가설을 검증하기 위하여 three-way repeated measured ANOVA를 이용하여 통계처리를 하였으며, 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.$$a$$a첫째, 1500m 달리기 기록은 트레이닝 후 OT에서 가장 큰 감소(1.96%)를 보였으나, 모든 집단에서 트레이닝 전․후 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았으며, 트레이닝 전․후 모두 집단 간 유의한 차이도 나타나지 않았다. 윗몸일으키기(sit-up) 기록은 트레이닝 후 WT에서 가장 큰 증가(6.48%)를 보였으나 측정시기별 집단 간, 집단별 트레이닝 전․후에 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 반면, 트레이닝 후 팔굽혀펴기(push-up) 기록은 WT에서 가장 큰 증가(21.96%)를 보였으며, WT에서만 트레이닝 후 유의하게 증가된 것으로 나타났다(p<.05).$$a$$a둘째, plasma NO 생성 변화는 3집단 모두 트레이닝 후 모든 시점(안정 시, 운동종료 시, 회복 30분)에서 증가된 것으로 나타났다. WT와 RT는 모든 시점에서 증가된 것으로 나타났으며(p<.05), OT도 모든 시점에서 증가된 것으로 나타났으나 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 모든 실험조건에서 집단 간 통계적인 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다.$$a$$a셋째, serum creatine kinase(CK) 농도 변화는 3집단 모두 트레이닝 전과 비교하여 모든 시점에서 트레이닝 후에 감소된 경향을 보였으며, WT가 다른 두 집단(RT, OT)에 비해 가장 낮은 감소를 보였으나, 모든 집단(WT, RT, OT)에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다.$$a$$a넷째, serum lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) 농도 변화는 3집단 모두 트레이닝 전과 비교하여 모든 시점에서 트레이닝 후에 감소된 경향을 보였다. WT의 경우 모든 시점에서, RT의 경우 회복 30분을 제외한 3시점에서, 그리고 OT의 경우에는 운동종료 시에서 유의하게 감소하였다(p<.05). 그러나 모든 실험조건에서 집단 간 통계적인 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다.$$a$$a다섯째, plasma NH3 농도 변화는 3집단 모두 안정 시를 제외한 3시점(운동종료 시, 회복 30분, 회복 24시간)에서 트레이닝 후 감소된 것으로 나타났다. WT의 경우 회복 30분에서, RT와 OT의 경우 운동종료 시점에서 트레이닝 후 통계적으로 유의하게 감소하였다(p<.05, p<.001). 그러나 모든 실험조건에서 집단 간 통계적인 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다.$$a$$a여섯째, plasma lactate 농도 변화는 3집단 모두 트레이닝 후 운동종료 시와 회복 30분에서 감소된 것으로 나타났다. WT에서는 트레이닝 전과 비교하여 트레이닝 후에 운동종료 시, 회복 30분에서 낮은 plasma lactate 농도를 보였다(p<.05). 반면, RT의 경우 안정 시에서는 트레이닝 전이, 운동종료 시에서는 트레이닝 후가 낮은 plasma lactate 농도를 보였다(p<.05). OT에서는 모든 채혈시점에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 그리고 모든 실험조건에서 집단 간 통계적인 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다.$$a$$a이상의 연구 결과, 본 연구에서 실시한 3가지 운동 형태에 따른 트레이닝은 모두 체력(심폐지구력, 근지구력)을 향상시켰으며, 3차원 회전 운동 시 근 손상지표(CK, LDH)와 피로물질(NH3, lactate) 농도를 감소시켰다. 또한, NO 생성을 증가시킴으로써 심혈관계 스트레스 저하에 도움을 주었다고 유추해 볼 수 있으며, 3차원 회전 운동 시 plasma NO 생성에 대하여 기존의 유․무산소성 운동과 3차원 회전 운동 간에 트레이닝의 효과 차이는 통계적으로 유의하게 나타나지 않았지만, 유산소성 운동이 가장 효과가 큰 반면 3차원 회전 운동이 가장 효과가 적게 나타났다. 무산소성 운동은 효과가 중간으로 나타났다.$$a$$a추후 연구에서는 더 많은 피험자 수와 체력 수준, 트레이닝 기간, 트레이닝 양 등을 함께 고려하여 검증할 필요가 있다고 사료된다. 그리고 NO 생성만을 가지고 심혈관계의 혈 역학적 요인을 분석하기에는 많은 제한이 따르므로 여러 가지 생체지표들에 대한 추가적인 분석이 이루어져야 할 것이며, 혈압의 측정과 flow-mediated dilation(FMD) 측정 기술을 이용한다면 NO 생성에 의한 혈관 확장을 보다 신뢰성 있게 예측할 수 있으리라 본다.$$a$$a The purpose of this study was to examine how the 9 weeks training affects the production of NO, indices of muscle damage and fatigue elements in blood, when the training operates various types of 3-dimension rotational exercise.$$a$$aThe subjects of this study are fifteen, 4th-year students from Air Force Academy who do not have any medical concerns, and who have attend the regular exercise program(3 PE classes per week). They were tested basic medical examination and randomly divided into three training groups(weight training group; WT, running training group; RT, obotron training group; OT) with five people each.$$a$$aDuring the 9 weeks training program, weight training group(WT) operated 11 kinds of circuit weight training with 80% exercise intensity of 1-RM. Running training group(RT) exercised 30 minutes per day with the 80%THR exercise intensity. Obotron training group(OT) did five sets of three minutes rotary movements whose speeds were about 35 degrees per minute. Obotron training group(OT) operated that exercise for about 15minutes total. 3-dimensional exercise test protocol was operated using their physical examinations of before and after their exercise programs. Test protocol was restricted to no more than 30 rotary movements per minute, and the total time was 15 minutes with five sets of three minutes exercise. For every examination, their blood was extracted and the levels of plasma NO, serum CK, serum LDH, plasma NH3, and plasma lactate were examined.$$a$$aThe test results from the study were used to give each groups averages and standard deviations using SPSS/PC+Ver. 12.0 K. In order to test the hypothesis, the results were statistically organized using three-way repeated measured ANOVA, and conclusions are following.$$a$$aFirst, OT showed the most decrease(1.96%) at 1500m race after the training. There was no similar difference to other groups. WT showed the most increase at sit-ups. There was also no similar difference to other groups and not between before and after exercise results. However, WT was the only group which showed the big increase at push-ups(p<.05).$$a$$aSecond, all three groups showed increases levels of plasma NO for all the times after the training. Since all WT(p<.05), RT(p<.05), and OT showed the increase at all the points, there was no visible statistical difference.$$a$$aThird, all three groups showed decrease in serum CK level after the training. WT showed the most decrease among three groups, but there was also no statistically similar difference.$$a$$aFourth, serum LDH levels of all three groups seemed to decrease after the training program. Serum LDH level of WT seemed decreased for all the times after the training, and that of RT showed decreased at point 3 except 30 minutes of recovery. Serum LDH of OT decreased mostly at the end of the exercise(p<.05). However, there was no similar difference among groups in all experimental conditions.$$a$$aFifth, the level of plasma NH3 all three groups seemed to decrease at point 3 except their equilibrium states. WT decreased after 30 minutes of recovery, and RT and OT showed their decreases at the end of the exercise after their training(p<.05, p<.001). Again, in all the experimental conditions, there was not any similar difference.$$a$$aSixth, after the training, the levels of plasma lactate were decreased at the end of their training and 30 minutes of recovery for all three groups. WT showed low level of plasma lactate at the end of the exercise and 30 minutes of recovery compare to the level of before training. Before the training(p<.05), however, the level of lactate of RT showed decreased at the equilibrium and decreased at the end of the exercise after the training(p<.05). OT showed no significant changes at all the times. Also, there was no similar difference among groups in all experimental conditions.$$a$$aAs discussed above, three types of exercises of this study increased the physical strength(cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle endurance) and decreased the level of indices of muscle damage(CK, LDH) and fatigue elements(NH3, Lactate) with 3-dimension rotational exercise. Also, as increasing the production of NO, it is analyzed that the training helps decrease the pressure of heart''s blood. Even though there was no significant statistical changes among aerobic/ anaerobic exercise and 3-dimension rotational exercise in terms of the production of NO, aerobic exercise showed the most significant effect and 3-dimension rotational exercise were the least. Anaerobic exercise showed the moderate effect.$$a$$aIt is considered that more subjects, their physical statuses, training period, and amount of the training need to be improved. Also, there are some restrictions to analyze dynamics of heart''s blood only with the production of NO; thus, there should be additional analysis of living surface. Finally, the expansion of the blood vessels by the production of NO can be estimated more precisely if blood pressure and flow-mediated dilation(FMD) are used.$$a$$a

      • 어업형태별 어가부채 결정요인에 관한 연구

        노희태 부경대학교 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Unlike Ordinary Households, Fishery Household is an economic entity that produces and consumes simultaneously and is highly dependent on policy funds due to the nature of fishing industry which is unstable, seasonal, and taxable. This led the government to initiate the measures to reduce the debt, but a number of preceding studies found that the policy was ineffective. Moreover, the consumption and export of fishery products in Korea is gradually increasing over the year. Therefore, this study analyzes the changes in fisheries debt by fishing types using the <Fishery Household Economy Survey> data of KOSIS for five years from 2013 to 2017, and also analyzes the determinants and elasticities of fishery household debt by fishing types through using the Pooled OLS and Tobit Model to find the factors that have the most impact on debt and present the basis for effective policy household debt reduction. The analysis showed that the financial condition of the fishery household has improved significantly compared to the past, but the debt problem is expected to continue over the long term as the loan was used for unproductive purposes and the debt ratio was higher in the relative younger age group. Overall, the debt problem seems to be improving, but the debt of aquaculture household and fishing with vessel household has increased significantly. Determinants and elasticity analysis show that there is a close relationship between productivity and household debt as consumption expenditures and non-consumption expenditures are related to debt for fishery and fishery management expenditures are related to debt for household. Particularly, this feature was found to be highly distinctive for type of aquaculture. Based on these results, it is necessary to increase the income of fishery household so that they can have the ability to repay debts and it can be achieved by expanding support measures for younger fishermen, and providing financial consulting with management support services by establishing an organization for debt adjusting.

      • 신앙공동체의 양육태도가 청소년 신앙정체성에 미치는 영향

        노희태 장로회신학대학교 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문의 연구 목적은 ‘청소년의 건강한 신앙 정체성 형성’에 영향을 줄 것으로 예상이 되는 중요한 타자들은 누구이며 그들의 역할은 무엇인지 알아보기 위해 쓰여졌다. 이를 위해 Ⅰ장은 문제제기를 통해 저출산, 교회의 세속화, 가정의 신앙 전수의 단절로 말미암은 우리 나라 기독교의 위기상황을 반성해보았다. Ⅱ장은 청소년기의 개념과 범위, 발달의 특징과 함께 청소년 시기에 가장 중요한 발달 과업인 정체성 형성을 이론적으로 살펴봄과 동시에 정체성 형성에 영향을 주는 중요한 타자들에 대해 찾아보았다. Ⅲ장은 엘리스 넬슨과 웨스터호프Ⅲ의 신앙 사회화 이론과 신앙 공동체의 정의를 소개하고 청소년 신앙정체성 형성을 위해 요구되는 신앙 공동체의 역할을 정리하였다. Ⅳ장은 신앙 공동체의 양육태도와 청소년의 신앙정체성 형성과의 연관관계를 알아보기 위해 온누리교회 청소년을 대상으로 진행된 설문의 연구방법을 소개하였다. Ⅴ장은 온누리교회 청소년들을 대상으로 진행 된 설문을 근거로 청소년들의 주관적 구원 확신에 영향을 줄 것으로 예상이 되는 가정 공동체와 교회 공동체의 영향력을 다중회기분석과 상관분석 통해 살펴보고 분석하였다. 본 논문에서 주장하는 청소년의 정체성은 그들이 속한 사회, 곧 가정과 공동체에 의해 사회화 혹은 문화화를 통해 형성이 되는 것이다. 이것은 신앙의 정체성에 있어서도 마찬가지임을 주장하며 신앙공동체 또는 회중의 문화가 성인 및 또래집단에 의해 전달이 되는 과정임을 설문을 통해 확인하게 되었다. 온누리교회에 청소년들을 설문 조사한 결과를 요약하자면 청소년들의 신앙 정체성은 신앙 공동체의 양육태도와 매우 긴밀하게 연관되어 있으며 특별히 신앙 공동체의 기독교에 대한 부정적인 언어표현은 청소년의 기독교에 대한 부정적인 인식을 형성할 수 있고 이것은 구원의 확신에 유의미한 영향을 줄 수 있다는 것이다. 본 연구결과에 따른 제안으로 신앙 공동체는 건강한 기독교 전통을 계승, 발전시켜 청소년들로 하여금 경험하게 하며 기독교에 대해 비판적인 언어보다 긍정적인 언어 사용을 통해 청소년들이 건강한 신앙 정체성을 가질 수 있도록 해야 한다.

      • 인성관련 동화책에 관한 이야기나누기-협동적 그룹게임 연결프로그램이 유아인성과 자기조절력에 미치는 영향

        노희태 대구가톨릭대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study aims at figuring out the influences of sharing storytelling about children's storybook related to personality-cooperative group game activities on toddler's personality and self-regulation on children who are 5 years old and suggesting how to improve toddler's personality and self-regulation. The research question for the goal of the study are set as follows: Research Question 1. How does the sharing storytelling about children's storybook related to personality-cooperative group game activity connecting program affect toddler's personality? Research Question 2. How does the sharing storytelling about children's storybook related to personality-cooperative group game activity connecting program affect toddler's self control? In order to conduct the study, the experiment was made in M nursery school located in M City in Gyeongshangbuk-do. The research subjects were 28 five-year-old toddlers(experiment group: 14; control group: 14). The experiment was conducted by dividing into the experiment group to be conducted with sharing storytelling about children's storybook related to personality-cooperative group activity game connecting program and the control group to be conducted with activities to read and share children's storybook related to personality and Nuri curriculum activities. The study consists of the analysis on the related literature and previous studies, selecting children's storybook related to personality and sharing storytelling after selecting the final book according to the selection criteria, composing the contents of cooperative group game connecting program, selecting test instruments, training teachers, preliminary test, pre-test, experiment and measurement, post-test, and data analysis in order. In order to measure toddler's personality, The Personality measuring index for toddlers between 3 and 5 years old developed by Na, Eun-sook and Kim, Kyung-hee(2014) was used. Sub-elements of toddler's personality test consist of interpersonal value, individual value, and social value. In order to measure toddler's self-regulation, the measuring instrument developed by Kendall and Wilcox(1979), translated by Yu, Hye-jeong(1998), and modified and supplemented by Lee, Ji-hyun(2001) was used. Sub-elements of toddler's self-control consist of self-control, reduction of impulse, and attention concentration. Pre- and post-measurement of each test instrument were made by evaluation of teachers in charge and the collected data was used for calculating averages and standard deviations. Using statistical data processed by SPSS 12.0, averages and standard deviations of pre-test and post-test were calculated to measure toddler's personality and self-regulation. With pre-test as co-variable, ANCOVA analysis was made for the measured values of post-test. The experiment procedures were made in total 18 sessions for 10 weeks from May 5th to July 14th, 2017. For the toddlers in the experiment group, sharing storytelling about children's storybook related to personality-cooperative group game activities were conducted while for the toddlers in the control group, sharing storytelling about children's storybook related to personality and Nuri curriculum activities were conducted. After the total 18 sessions' experiment procedures' in order to figure out the influences of sharing storytelling about children's storybook related to personality-cooperative group game connecting program on toddler's personality and self-regulation, post-test was conducted. The post test was made between July 29th and July 30th, 2017, and measuring toddler's personality and self-regulation was done with method identical to pre-test. In order to figure out differences between the experiment and control groups, the test results were analyzed with ANCOVA by using SPSS 12.0. For the summary of the results of the study, first, sharing storytelling about children's storybook related to personality-cooperative group game connecting program seems to have positive influences on toddler's personality. After conducting sharing storytelling about children's storybook related to personality-cooperative group game connecting program, post-test results show that it has positive influences on all three sub-elements of toddler's personality, interpersonal value, individual value, and social value. Second, sharing storytelling about children's storybook related to personality-cooperative group game connecting program seems to have positive influences on toddler's self-regulation. After conducting sharing storytelling about children's storybook related to personality-cooperative group game connecting program, post-test results show that it has positivie influences on all three sub-elements of toddler's self-regulation, self-control, reduction of impulse, and attention concentration.

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