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      • 환승체계 효율화를 위한 환승거리 산정방식의 개선에 관한 연구

        노시은 한국교통대학교 일반대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        This study is a study on the improvement of the transfer distance calculation method that is considered when setting up the Layout plan for the railway platform, which is the main means of transportation of the transfer center, bus and taxi stops, transfer facilities connected with it, and the transfer parking lot. Major transportation facilities in cities, such as railway stations and terminals in Korea, are constructed and operated separately for each management entity of the facility, and are distributed rather than concentrated in one place. In order to improve these problems, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport established 「Transfer Centers and Multiple Transfer Centers Design and Layout Criteria, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 2015」 and prepared detailed standards to be followed when establishing a transfer facility plan within the Transit Center and Multiple Transfer Centers. In order to minimize the transfer distance between the main means of transportation, railroad and the transfer facilities for connecting transportation such as buses, taxis, and passenger cars, Install a walking mobility facility that supports mechanical assistance such as Escalators(E/S), Moving Walks(M/W), Elevators(E/V), etc. In this study, by examining the operating speed of escalators installed in subway stations in major overseas cities for the most commonly installed and operating escalators among mechanical walking mobility facilities, the limitations and problems of the current domestic standards of escalator operating speed are considered and improvements are made. It is intended to improve the efficiency of the transfer facility layout plan by seeking a plan. As a result of reviewing the escalator operating speed cases in major overseas cities, the escalator operating speed which is 0.83m/s in Moscow, Russia, and 0.75m/s in London, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japan is fast than 0.50 to 0.75m/s which is the rated operating speed of domestic escalators Most of the escalators supporting internal and external transfers in domestic subway stations operate at a low speed of 0.50m/s, There are major problems such as decrease in the transport capacity of pedestrian traffic, an increase in out-of-vehicle travel time due to waiting for use, and an increase in maintenance costs due to frequent breakdowns due to walking and running If the operating speed of the domestic escalator is increased from 0.50m/s to 0.75m/s, it is possible to adjust the walk distance conversion factor(a) 0.33 lower than the current standard(0.50) with a operating speed increase about 50%. It is possible to secure the flexibility of the location area when establishing the transfer facility plan rather than when the transfer facility is arranged according to the existing calculation method. In addition, the reduction of the queue at the entrance due to the increase in speed of the escalator increases the transport capacity, the reduction of out-of-vehicle travel time due to the reduction of waiting times, the reduction of maintenance costs, and the benefit of reducing out-of-vehicle travel time when analyzing the economic feasibility of Transfer Centers and Multiple Transfer Centers. Therefore, it is possible to secure additional economic feasibility. In the future, the number of railways such as the Great Train Express(GTX) will continue to increase in Korea, it is necessary to minimize the transfer resistance by establishing a rapid connection transfer system between the above-ground approach transportation means and the subway platform. It is a very important issue that will keep you going In this study, only the contents of escalator increase were included in the scope of the study, but introduction of a method for calculating the the walk conversion distance of an elevator that has not been reflected at present, a differential application of the walk distance conversion factor for ascending and descending of the escalator and the stair distance(short/mid-long distance), it is necessary to establish an efficient public transportation transfer system by conducting additional research 본 연구는 환승센터의 주 교통수단인 철도 승강장과 연계 환승시설인 버스 및 택시 정류장, 환승주차장 등의 배치 계획 수립 시 고려하는 환승거리 산정방식의 개선에 관한 연구이다. 국내의 철도역, 터미널 등 도시 내 주요 거점 교통시설은 해당 시설의 관리 주체별로 제각기 건설·운영되어 한 곳에 집중되어 있지 않고 분산 배치되어 있어 다양한 교통수단 간 환승연계 체계가 불합리한 실정이다. 이러한 문제를 개선하기 위해 국토교통부는 「환승센터 및 복합환승센터 설계·배치 기준, 국토교통부, 2015」을 제정하여 환승센터 및 복합환승센터 내 환승시설 계획 수립 시 준수해야 할 세부적인 기준을 마련하였다. 해당 기준에 의거하여 주 교통수단인 철도와 버스, 택시, 승용차 등 연계교통수단을 위한 환승시설과의 환승거리 최소화를 위해 에스컬레이터(E/S), 무빙워크(M/W), 엘리베이터(E/V) 등과 같은 기계적 도움을 지원하는 보행이동시설을 설치한다. 본 연구에서는 기계적 보행 이동시설 중 가장 보편적으로 설치 운영 중인 에스컬레이터를 대상으로 해외 주요 도시의 지하철 역사에 설치된 에스컬레이터 운행속도를 사례 검토하여 현행 국내 기준의 에스컬레이터 운행속도의 한계점 및 문제점을 고찰하고 이에 대한 개선방안을 모색하여 환승시설 배치계획의 효율성을 도모하고자 한다. 해외 주요 도시의 에스컬레이터 운행 속도 사례 검토 결과, 러시아 모스크바는 0.83m/s, 영국 런던, 홍콩, 싱가폴, 일본은 0.75m/s로 국내 에스컬레이터의 정격 운행속도 기준인 0.50~0.75m/s에 비해 모두 빠르다. 국내 지하철 역사 내외부 환승을 지원하는 에스컬레이터는 대부분 0.50m/s의 낮은 속도로 운영하여 보행 교통류의 수송능력 저하, 이용 대기로 인한 차외 통행시간 증가, 도보 및 구보에 따른 잦은 고장으로 유지관리비용의 증가와 같은 주요 문제점이 발생하고 있다. 국내 에스컬레이터의 운행속도를 0.50m/s에서 0.75m/s로 증속하면 약 50%의 속도 상승으로 평면 환산계수(a)를 현 기준(0.50)보다 낮게 조정(0.33)이 가능하여 기존 평면 환산거리 산정방식에 의한 환승시설 배치 시 보다 환승시설 계획수립 시 입지영역의 유연성 확보가 가능하다. 아울러 에스컬레이터 증속에 따른 입구부의 대기행렬 감소로 수송능력 증대, 이용 대기 감소로 인한 차외 통행시간 감소, 유지관리비용의 감소와 더불어 환승센터 및 복합환승센터의 경제적 타당성 분석 시 차외 통행시간 절감편익이 발생하여 경제적 타당성의 추가 확보도 가능하다. 향후 우리나라는 수도권 광역급행철도(GTX)와 같은 대심도 철도가 계속 늘어날 전망으로 지상부의 접근 교통수단과 지하철 승강장 간의 신속한 연계 환승체계를 구축하여 환승 저항을 최소화하는 것이 새로 건설하는 철도교통수단의 경쟁력 자체를 유지시켜 줄 매우 중요한 사안이다. 본 연구에서는 에스컬레이터 증속에 대한 내용만 연구 범위에 포함시켜 다루었지만 현재는 미 반영된 엘리베이터의 평면 환산거리 산정방안 도입, 에스컬레이터 승강 및 하강 시의 평면 환산계수의 차등 적용 방안, 계단 거리(단·중장거리)에 따른 평면 환산계수의 차등 적용 방안 검토 등 추가 연구 수행으로 효율적인 대중교통 환승체계 구축이 필요하다.

      • 자기조립 방법을 이용한 할로이사이트 나노튜브의 표면개질

        노시은 한양대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        Surface modification of halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) were carried out using self-assembled monolayer (SAMs) and layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition techniques. Inner and outer surfaces of HNT can be modified by the adsorption of organic molecules with phosphoric acid and silane functional groups. Octadecyltrimethoxysilane (ODTMS), octadecylphosporic acid (ODPA) and (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane SAMs-modified HNTs were investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, Transmission electron microscopy, and Brunauer Emmett Teller surface area analysis. The FTIR spectra of CH2 vibration at 2918 cm-1 and 2850 cm-1 shows HNTs modified with ODPA and ODTMS from their long alkyl chain. LbL self-assembly is one of the powerful methods for fabricating multilayer thin films on inorganic substrates. In this study, dopamine-modified hyaluronic acid (HA_Dopa) and polyethylenimine (PEI) multilayer was built on the surface of silicon-based substrates such as Si wafer, quartz and HNT outer surface. LbL method is based on the successive adsorption of polyanions and polycations via electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonding. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a natural polyanions that plays essential role in initiating of the biological reactions. Dopamine contains the catechol functional group, which forms strong interaction with a variety of substrates via covalent or noncovalent bonds. With this advantage, it is possible to produce biocompatible multilayer films using LbL technique. Multilayer films consisting of PEI and HA_Dopa were utilized as bio-inspired heavy metal sensitive films. The formation of multilayer films of conjugate HA_Dopa and PEI can produce surfaces with distinct properties, when compared with the conventional HA and PEI. The surface morphology and formation of HA_Dopa and PEI multilayer films by the LbL technique were investigated by means of atomic force microscopy and UV/Visible spectroscopy. It was demonstrated that the palladium ions are effectively captured in these multilayer films, and it was confirmed by the UV/Visible spectroscopy. The captured palladium ions on HNT are reduced by reducing agent, resulting in the formation of metallic palladium nanoparticles. Result from x-ray diffraction analysis, a weak peak is observed at 40.1°, corresponding to (111) diffraction of palladium. Those results indicate that palladium salts (Pd(II)) have been reduced to metallic Pd(0), which is embedded HNT as nanoparticles.

      • 凝視를 통한 인간의 內的探究에 대한 조각작품 제작연구

        盧時銀 전북대학교 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247583

        This dissertation is to address the general prospect of the intrinsic foundation, creation process, and formalistic meaning of a piece of art, absed upon my research "gazing at within " studied between 2000 and 2001. "The Gaze" means searching not just for outside of human beings but for the spirit inside or the dynamics of mind in them. This search is focused to find the true potential or limitation in life. For that purpose, from a psychological view I delved into such concepts as awareness of ego, subconsciousness from which it originates, and self that is differentiated from a small segment called Ego. It is to objectify the meanings of my works molded from personal esperiences such as observation of the wound after a feeling that something is damaged, awareness of constant conversation with my inner self, perception of the domain beyond my consciousness, and recognition of "suprises" in our daily lives. Through my research on the importance of "The Gaze", I realized that a piece of art is to understand specific qualifies of things by way of the artist's psyche. Furthermore, realizing that sympathy and catharsis come when our subconsciousness is awaken, I came to recognize again the necessity of communication with others and open-mindedness

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