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      • KCI등재

        독일의 의료분쟁과 대체적 분쟁해결방안(ADR) - 독일 의료중재원과 의료감정위원회를 중심으로-

        남준희 대한의료법학회 2009 의료법학 Vol.10 No.2

        ennzeichnend für die ärztlichen Tätigkeiten, wenn Konflikte in medikamentösen Behandlungen auftreten, passiert es oft, dass es wegen unnötigen Missverständnissen oder Mangel an Verständnis zwischen Arzt und Patient als extremes Phänomen zum impulsiven Strafprozess oder physischer Gewalt von Seite des Patienten kommt. In diesem Falle verteidigt sich der Arzt mit Schutzbehandlung und Behandlungsablehnung um die Folgen der ärztlichen Behandlung zu entweichen. Es ist dadurch auf beiden Seiten, Arzt und Patient, eine schwierige Sache. Denn der Versuch solche Fälle in Konflikten durch Zivilklage zu klären, ist die Beweisführung des Patienten und die dadurch in Länge gezogene Anklage meist durch die ärztliche Fachlichkeit und Behutsamkeit nicht wirklich möglich. Infolgedessen ist es nötig alternative Streitbeilegungsmethoden wie Schlichtung, Regelung oder Vermittelung einzuführen, anstatt von Gerichtsverfahren. Konflikte in einer ärztlichen Behandlung sind für den Patienten und auch für den Arzt eine Plage, denn physischer und geistiger Schaden wird dadurch verursacht. So ist eine schnelle Einführung vertrauenswürdiger Methoden in diesem Bereich notwendiger als in anderen. In diesem Aufsatz wird eine mögliche Einführung von einer passenden alternativen Beilegung von Rechtsstreitigkeiten in Südkorea und ein Plan zur Aktivierung von dieser vorgeführt. Derzeitig wird in Deutschland als Alternative für Anklagen in den jeweiligen Bundesländern die von den Ärztevereinen erstellten und beaufsichtigten Schlichtungsstellen und Gutachterkommission in Rat genommen. Schließlich sollten wir aufgrund der vorliegenden Fakten und die Vor-und Nachteile dieser Schlichtungsmethoden auffassen und als Vorbild unserer anwenden und versuchen diese in Aktion zu bringen.

      • KCI등재

        도로 하부지반에서 발생된 공동이 지반 안정성에 미치는 영향에 관한 수치해석

        남준희,김종철,이강일 한국지반신소재학회 2022 한국지반신소재학회 논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        본 연구에서는 공동이 발생된 도로 하부지반에서의 영향인자 분석과 지반의 안정성을 평가하기 위하여 다양한 영향인자(공동형상 및 규모, 포장층 두께, 교통하중의 크기)를 고려한 유한요소 수치해석을 수행하였다. 본 연구에서 적용된 수치해석 방법및 결과에 대한 신뢰성을 검증하기 위하여 기존 연구 및 현장계측 결과와 비교·분석하였다. 수치해석 결과로부터 얻은 연직변위분포, 지표침하분포 및 침하량, 응력비 분포, 안전율 분포를 통해 영향인자 간의 상관관계를 분석하였으며, 도로 하부지반의전반적인 역학적 거동 분석을 통해 지반의 안정성을 평가하였다. 그 결과, 공동규모 및 교통하중이 증가하고 포장층 두께가감소할수록 공동 상부의 연직변위 및 지표침하량이 크게 나타났으며 허용안전율 미만의 위험지반영역이 증가하여 지반의안정성 감소가 크게 나타난 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 공동의 형상이 사각형일 경우 원형의 공동일 때보다 지반의 안정성감소가 크게 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 통해 공동이 발생된 도로 하부지반의 전반적인 안정성에 대해 확인할 수 있었다.

      • 의료과오소송에서 요구되는 의사의 주의의무

        남준희 전북대학교 법학전문대학원 학술지 편집위원회 2010 JEONBUK LAW JOURNAL Vol.1 No.1

        의료행위는 고도의 전문적 지식을 필요로 하는 분야이고, 치료과정 또한 대개의 경우 환자 본인이 그 일부를 알 수 있는 이외에 의사만이 알 수 있을 뿐이며, 치료의 결과를 달성하기 위한 의료기법은 의사의 재량에 달려 있기 때문에 손해배상의 직접적인 원인이 의료상의 과실로 말미암은 것인지 여부는 전문가인 의사가 아닌 일반인으로서는 도저히 밝혀낼 수 없는 특수성을 가지고 있다. 따라서 의료과오소송에 있어서 과실 유무의 판단 기준이 되는 의사의 주의의무의 내용이 무엇이고, 또 그와 같은 주의의무와 발생한 손해 사이에 어떠한 인과관계가 있는지 여부에 관한 입증책임이 누구에게 있는지 여부가 의료과오소송의 승패를 좌우할 핵심적 요소라 할 것이다. 의료행위에 있어서 의사의 주의의무위반의 판단기준은 의사로서 전문적 지식과 기술을 갖춘 사람, 즉 평균적 전문가로서의 의사를 기준으로 한다. 또한 주의의무의 기준은 평균적 의사에게 있어서 진료 당시에 일반적으로 널리 알려져 있고 시인되고 있는 의학상식, 즉 의료행위를 할 당시의 의학이나 의료수준을 기준으로 하는 바, 이와 관련하여 의사가 의료 행위 당시 의료계의 관행에 따른 의료행위를 하였을 때 평균적 의사에게 요구된 주의의무를 다하였다고 볼 수 있는지 문제된다. 의료행위에는 본질적으로 항상 위험성이 내재되어 있고, 환자는 그 위험을 감수하면서 진료를 받을 수밖에 없는데, 만일 의료행위로 인하여 사망이나 불구와 같은 중대한 결과가 발생하였다고 하더라도 그 한 원인이 되는 의사의 과실은 사소한 경우가 적지 않다. 따라서 의사의 주의의무를 판단함에 있어서 의료행위의 본질적 성질인 치료수단과 치료방법의 재량성 및 의사가 처해 있는 지역적 환경과 의료행위 당시의 구체적 사정 등이 수정요소로서 고려되어 주의의무 위반여부를 신중하게 판단하여야 Eine ärztliche Behandlung erfordert ein hoch-qualifiziertes, professionelles Wissen und meistens kann nur der Arzt den Behandlungsprozess ahnen, außer geringfügige, die der Patient selbst erkennen kann. Da die Behandlungsmethode, die der verantwortliche Arzt für die Heilung anwendet, anhand von ihm abhängt, ist die Frage, ob der Schadenersatz aufgrund fehlerhafter Behandlung aufgekommen ist oder nicht, als normaler Bürger nicht deutbar. Insofern liegt der Schlüssel über Sieg oder Niederlage über den Arzthaftungsprozess, in dem, was die Sorgfaltspflicht des Arztes inhaltlich trägt, und was für ein Kausalzusammenhang zwischen solcher Sorgfaltspflicht und dem verursachten Schaden besteht. Darüber hinweg auch wem die Beweislast obliegt. Die Norm zur Bestimmung(Der Beurteilungsmaßstab) über das Sein oder nicht Sein einer ärztlichen Pflichtverletzung wird durch einen Arzt mit fachlichen Kenntnissen und Technik, d.h. von durchschnittlichen Fachärzten, bestimmt.. Ebenfalls, wird der Maßstab über die Bestimmung der Sorgfaltspflicht für die durchschnittlichen Ärzte bei der derzeitigen Behandlung, durch die allgemein verbreiteten und anerkannten Medizinkenntnisse bestimmt; d.h. die Heilkunde und das medizinische Niveau sind die Bestimmungsfaktoren. Bezüglich wird die Frage aufgeworfen, ob man die verlangte Sorgfaltspflicht des durchschnittlichen Arztes als erfüllt anerkennen kann, auch wenn er bei der ärztlichen Behandlung nach den medizinischen Regulierungen gehandelt hat. In einer ärztlichen Behandlung versteckt sich immer eine wesenhafte Gefährlichkeit und der Patient muss diese Gefährlichkeit in Kauf nehmen um behandelt zu werden. Doch wenn es durch eine fehlerhafte Behandlung zu ernsten Folgen, wie Todesfall oder körperlicher Behinderung kommt, ist die dazu beigetragene Schuld des Arztes in vielen Fällen nur gering. Folglich ist das lokale Umfeld in der sich der Arzt begibt oder die konkreten Umstände bei jener Behandlung, für die Entscheidung über die Schuld der ärztlichen Pflichtverletzung, ein Regelungspunkt, den man vorsichtig bedenken sollte. Doch auch wenn man die Pflichtverletzung des Arztes einsehen würde, sollte in Hinsicht auf einer gerechten Aufteilung, auch von Seite des Patienten eine angemessene Mitschuld bekannt werden.

      • KCI등재

        영산의 4차원 영성과 한국교회의 부흥

        남준희 ( Nahm Jun Hee ) 한세대학교 영산신학연구소 2010 영산신학저널 Vol.18 No.-

        The fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan has exerted a vast influence on the revival of the modern Korean church. This is a reemergence of early church’s spirituality indebted to biblical evangelism and the transcendental power of the Holy Spirit in the soil of the Korean history and culture. Thus it blew hope into the Korean society and helped the Korean church to regain vitality, imbuing it with confidence of “Can-Do Spirit” (Phil. 4:13). The burning up of the flames of revival in the Pentecostal church has caused a strong backlash of the established denominations of the Korean church. God loved the Korean church so much that He allowed it to have a great revival in spite of much pain in the Korean church, for the truth of Christ was still alive. With the passage of time the established denominations has much changed to reconsider the works of the Holy Spirit which had happened in the Pentecostal denomination. Today they show great enthusiasm, possessing a deep understanding of the works of the Holy Spirit. In this way the fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan blew fresh wind into the Korean church which had been in the stagnant and sluggish state and helped it to experience the sensational growth. How could the fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan influence the Korean church to have a revival? It helped the Korean church to accept God’s thoughts in heart and to have a concrete dream for the revival of the church and to have optimistic faith for the building of a church. When the church confesses a positive confession with lips, God gives a great revival. Youngsan’s fourth dimensional spirituality like this shares many characteristics with the church: universality, transcendental unity, holiness and spirituality. It has its foundation on the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross. It has proved that God is alive with divine healings through dynamic works of the Holy Spirit and through many signs and wonders. Therefore we can know this through the corroborative evidence that Yoido Full Gospel church has become the largest single church in the world. We can also know that the fourth dimensional spirituality becomes momentum for the revival of the church through the disciple churches of Youngsan in the big cities. Furthermore, it became a motive power for the development of the country in changing the corrupt and pessimistic Korean society, giving immense influence on the rapid growth of the Korean church. In this way the fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan has not only renovated the Korean church and the society, but also has influenced the Korean church immensely in the aspect of the revival. The fourth dimensional mechanism mentioned by Youngsan has been grafted on the specific situation of the Korea’s history through the orthodoxy of the Reformed church and works of the Holy Spirit of the Pentecostal church. As a principle of faith firmly based on the Bible it provides the church with vital power for ministry. Thus transcending the pessimistic and dependent Korean reality during the period of social confusion and political turbulence it made a big contribution to asserting the living God by imbuing the Korean people with hope and through divine healing and God’s empowering works. To sum up, the fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan helped Yoido Full Gospel church to become the single largest church in the world and enabled many of Youngsan’s disciples who had received the training of spirituality to build big churches in the big cities and it is agreed unanimously that each one of these churches which ministered with this spirituality has experienced a great revival. Hence, the fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan is rather practical than theoretical and rather pro-action than pro-thinking and as the theology of life(hope) it seems to have immeasurable value. Therefore, it should be recognized that the fourth dimensional spirituality becomes the momentum to be used continuously for the revival of the church and every pastor who wants to have a great revival of the church should build a new milestone of the church, by accommodating the four key components such as thinking, faith, dream and words. The Korean church should make the utmost effort to use the fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan both for the great revival of the church and for promoting the golden age of world mission. The fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan should be used in the following way: 1) the ministry should proceed with the words of God and in the fellowship with the Holy Spirit; 2) it should be used to expand in a way to command respect from the public; 3) it should be used for the empowering mission. In conclusion, the fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan should once again bring huge revival to the Korean church and accelerate evangelizing the world by supplying power to the work of evangelization to North Korea and the whole world.

      • KCI등재

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