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      • 오순절적인 하나님의 나라의 신학을 향하여

        김한경(Kim, Han-Kyung) 한국오순절신학회 2013 오순절신학논단 Vol.- No.11

        본 논문은 오순절 신학의 관점에서 하나님의 나라에 대한 신학적 성찰을 전개하는 것이 어떠한 의미인지, 그리고 오순절 신학이 이러한 성찰을 통해서 신학 일반에 공헌할 수 있는 것이 어떤 것인지의 문제를 다룬다. 오순절적 신앙과 신학은 하나님의 나라에 대한 두 가지 상반된 해석들, 즉 내면적, 윤리적 해석과 종말론적 해석을 아우르는 포괄적인 이해를 제시할 수 있다. 오순절 신앙과 신학의 핵심 내용인 사중복음 및 오중복음이 “성결케 하시는 주 예수”(Jesus the Sanctifier)에 대한 윤리적 고백과 “다시 오실 왕 예수”(Jesus the Coming King)에 대한 종말론적인 고백을 동시에 강조하고 있는 점에서 이러한 포괄적 이해의 단초가 발견된다. 대체로 신학의 역사는 예수가 전한 하나님 나라 개념의 다면적이고 풍부한 모습을 충분히 반영하지 못해 왔다. 오순절 신학 역시 하나님의 나라가 단 하나의 개념이 아니라 하나님이 왕이시라는 믿음에 깊이 뿌리박은 광범위한 생각들의 모음이라는 통찰을 진지하게 받아들이고 풍부하고 다면적인 하나님 나라의 본질을 보다 충실히 반영하는 신학을 전개해야 하는 과제를 안고 있다. 오순절 신학이 이러한 부분에서 공헌하고 있는 한 예가 신유와 하나님의 나라의 연관성에 대한 강조이다. 본 논문은 오순절주의의 신유 신학은 하나님 나라와 신유의 연관성을 경시하는 비오순절주의 신학 일각에 대해 도전을 제기함으로써 하나님 나라의 신학에 기여해왔음을 강조하고 있다. 그러나 다른 한편으로는 오순절주의 역시, 보다 하나님 나라의 본질을 반영하는, 보다 깊이 있는 신유신학의 정립을 필요로 하고 있음도 지적한다. 더 나아가 본 논문은 바람직한 오순절 신유 신학의 정립을 가로막는 요소로 일부 오순절주의자들 사이에 퍼져 있는 승리주의적인 신유 이해를 비판하는 한편, 지연과 인내와 성장, 불가지론과 아픔 등 지상에서의 하나님 나라 체험의 요소들을 수용하는 보다 성숙한 오순절적 신유 신학 및 하나님 나라의 신학을 제안하고 있다. This essay addresses the question of what it means to reflect on the kingdom of God from a characteristically Pentecostal theological perspective as well as the question of how Pentecostal theology may contribute to understanding the kingdom of God. Pentecostal faith and theology have a potential for providing an integrative understanding of the kingdom of God that embraces two opposite interpretations of the kingdom of God: the internal and ethical interpretation on the one hand, and the eschatological interpretation on the other. Such a potential is found in the Pentecostal confessions of “Jesus as the Sanctifier” and “Jesus as the Coming King,” the two confessions from the fourfold and fivefold gospels that emphasize both ethical and eschatological aspects of Jesus’ ministry. The Christian theological tradition has not sufficiently explored the multifaceted and rich connotations of the kingdom of God that Jesus preached. Pentecostal theology also has the task of developing a theology that is more faithful to the richness of the reality of the kingdom of God. Such a development can be better facilitated by the insight that the kingdom of God is not a single concept but a group of wide ranging reflections deeply rooted in the belief that God is king. An example of the Pentecostal contribution to broadening the concept of the kingdom of God is found in its emphasis on the connection between divine healing and the kingdom of God. This essay stresses that the Pentecostal theology of divine healing has provided a fresh reflection on the kingdom of God by posing a challenge against the non-Pentecostal theologies with a tendency of downplaying the significance of divine healing in relation to the kingdom of God. This essay also points out that the Pentecostal theology, on the other hand, needs to present a more profound and robust theology of divine healing in order to be true to the nature of the kingdom of God. One major obstacle to an adequate theology of divine healing has been the wide-spread triumphalism in the Pentecostal approach to the healing ministry. A mature Pentecostal theology of divine healing and of the kingdom of God should do more justice to the complex experiences of the kingdom of God on earth that include delay, patience, growth, agnosticism, and suffering.

      • 초기 오순절주의의 ‘종말론적 삶’의 모티브와 십자가 영성

        전용우(Jeon, Yong Woo) 한국오순절신학회 2012 오순절신학논단 Vol.- No.10

        The purpose of this article is to study the cross spirituality expressed in the theological motif of ‘eschatological life’ of the Spirit-baptized believer in early Pentecostalism. The early Pentecostalists thought eschatologically about the believer’s life after receiving Spirit baptism. They defined it not only as the life following the Spirit but also following the cross. This aspect of the cross spirituality of early Pentecostalism has been lost in contemporary pentecostalism. For the more balanced pentecostal theology, the integrative nature of early Pentecostalism is worthy of note through this study.

      • 오순절주의의 정체성 : 성령침레에 결합된 방언과 그 의미

        이창승(Lee Chang Seung) 한국오순절신학회 2010 오순절신학논단 Vol.8 No.-

        Modern Pentecostalism has been understood as a “tongues-movement” by both advocators and opponents, because it was born when speaking in tongues was combined with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. But the concept that speaking in tongues tied with the baptism of the Spirit is the core of Pentecostal movement and theology has been resisted even in the movement. Attempts have been existed to push out speaking in tongues from the core of Pentecostalism and to lay “urgent pre-millennial eschatology”, “the baptism of the Holy Spirit” and “the experience of the Spirit” etc. on the place. Now Pentecostal movement and theology must protect the core and establish its identity to plan its future rightly. For the mission, firstly, this thesis examines opinions diluting the identity of Pentecostalism, and points out their unreasonableness. Secondly, it clarifies through historical investigation that the identity or the core is on the strong inseparableness between the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. Thirdly, it searches more widely, deeply, and clearly the meanings of the words, “evidence” and “sign” which have been used for expressing the close connection between the baptism of the Spirit and speaking in tongues. Fourthly, it elucidates speaking in tongues through applying the meaning of the baptism of the Holy Spirit on speaking in tongues. The core is protected and the identity is established by such efforts.

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