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      • KCI등재

        DMT가 뇌졸중 환자들의 정신사회적 요인 및 삶의 질에 미치는 영향

        나안숙(An Sook Na),김인숙(In Sook Kim) 한국사회체육학회 2010 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.40

        The purpose of this study is to examine closely that DMT in the 12weeks has influence on cognitive function, physical ability and psychological problem such as anxiety and depression with stroke patients. so we composed of DMT group and comparison group on the object of stroke patients. The DMT group was execution generally medical treatment in addition for the 45minute a day, twice a week, 12 weeks for DMT. The Paired t-test is execution Paired t-test of DMT effect in order to verification each another group. Also, The Two-way ANOVA with repeated measures was execution for two group of difference in order to verification. All care level of statistics disposal were p<.05 selected. The result have an effect on depression and State anxiety in the DMT(p<.05). Health have relevance to quality of life and Physical functioning, Vitality, Mental. health in the DMT. The effect of this study in the colligation of Patients with Stroke anxiety and depression for diminution, In the area of mental health-related quality of life, the results indicate the area was improved. Therefore, needs of stroke patients has concluded of Medical rehabilitation services in the treatment program to Application of DMT added.

      • KCI등재

        한국무용 처용무 낙화유수 동작 시 숙련자와 비숙련자의 지면반력 비교 분석

        나안숙(Na, An-Sook) 한국체육과학회 2014 한국체육과학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to compare ground reaction force of “Nakhwayusu” movement of Korean Dance “Cheoyoung-mu”. The experiment is conducted with 5 skilled dancers and 5 unskilled dancers. And, according to the experiment results. following conclusions are acquired. First, although no significant difference is found between the skilled and unskilled dancers on duration time for “Nakhwayusu” movement, in P1, P2, P4 and P5, the skilled dancers are found to be slower while being faster in P3. Second, the Fx of “Nakhwayusu” movement, the GRF show significant differences in E3 and E6 (p<.05): The power implemented at the left for the skilled dancers and at the right for the unskilled dancers in E3. And, E6, the skilled dancers powers at their left sides while little power found from the unskilled dancers’ actions. Third, the Fy of “Nakhwayusu” movement, the GRF show significant differences in E2 (p<.05) with strong propulsions on both of the skilled and the unskilled dancers. Fourth, the Fz of “Nakhwayusu” movement, the GRF show significant differences in E4 and E5 (p<.05) while the unskilled dancers show greater reactions in E4 and the skilled dancers show greater reactions in E5.

      • KCI등재

        한국무용 동작 시 호흡사용의 숙련도에 따른 운동역학적 분석

        나안숙(An-Suk Na) 한국콘텐츠학회 2014 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.14 No.9

        본 연구의 목적은 한국무용 동작 시 호흡사용의 숙련도에 따른 운동역학적 분석을 수행하는 것으로 한국무용 중 처용무 낙화유수동작을 실시하게 하였다. 대상자는 호흡사용의 숙련자 5명과 비숙련자 5명으로 선정하였으며 다음과 같은 결과를 도출하였다. 숙련자와 비숙련자의 소요시간은 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았으며, 신체중심 수직변위는 유의한 차이가 났다(p<.05). The purpose of this study was to kinetic analysis of using the skill of breathing korean dance movement will be to perform. To achieve the research objectives cheoyongmu Nakhwayousu the operation was performed. The selection of subjects like the following: Five people were skilled use of breathing and five unskilled person. The results are as follows. The skilled and the unskilled were no significant differences in the duration time. And the skilled and the unskilled z-axis position of the center of mass, there was a significant difference (p<.05).

      • KCI등재

        진로지도 프로그램이 무용전공 대학생 진로태도성숙도에 미치는 영향

        나안숙(Na, An-Suk) 한국사회체육학회 2014 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.58

        In this study, to determine the effect of career counseling programs on career attitude maturity of dance students, career counseling programs were provided to students as a career research process which enables them to establish their own identities and self-esteem, and helps them better understand personality, career fit, capability, talent, potential and interest. Through this, the study aims to identify the effect the counseling has on the career attitude maturity of their approach to career, which is the capability to effectively select a career with due consideration given to her capability and reality, as well as the effect on the factors that consist the career attitude maturity of approach to career, which are decisivenes,s goal orientation, confidence, preparation, and independence. By examining career counseling services offered at universities and their effect on the career attitude maturity of students towards careers through this study, we can se ethe need for continuous development of systematic and concrete career counseling programs, and the need for training career masters who can run these programs effectively. It also aims to contribute to progress in dance education to help students realize their dreams and establish a framework to envision a more stable future.

      • KCI등재

        무용전공 대학생의 여가태도가 자기관리 및여가자신감에 미치는 영향

        나안숙(An Sook Na) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2014 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.38 No.3

        The aim of study is to verify the effects of the leisure attitude on the self-management and the leisure competence in university dance majors. In order to reach the goals, there are 289 university students majoring in dance selected from December of 2013 to May of 2014 at Seoul, Gyeonggi-do and Jeollabuk-do. Collected data was analyzed by multiple regressions and the results are as follows. First, dance major student`s leisure attitude influences on the self-management. The behavioral subscale of the leisure attitude effects on the health care, the academic management, the living habits and the money management subscale of the self-management, the cognitive subscale of the leisure attitude effects on the health care, the academic management and the money management, and the affective subscale positively effects on the health care, the academic management and the money scale. Second, the behavioral, cognitive and affective subscale of the leisure attitude positively effects on the leisure competence. Lastly, all subscale of the self-management such as the health care, the living habits, the relationship, and the money management except the academic management positively effects on the leisure competence.

      • KCI등재

        자연과학분야 : 대학 무용 전공자의 궁중무용 동작에 대한 운동역학적 분석

        나안숙 ( An Sook Na ) 한국무용과학회 2014 한국무용과학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 대학 무용 전공자 6명을 대상으로 한국 전통무용과는 다른 양상을 보이고 있는 궁중무용 처용무 낙화유수 동작과 수양수무 동작의 운동학적 분석과 지면반력 분석을 통해 궁중무용 동작의 운동역학적 특성을 비교분석하는 것이다. 연구목적의 달성을 위해 소요시간, 신체중심 변위와 속도, 지면반력 성분(Fx, Fy, Fz)등의 운동역학적 변인을 비교 분석하였다. 이때 동작분석과 지면반력 분석을 위해 Kwon3d 프로그램을 사용하였다. 그리고 각 변인의 정량화를 위해 SPSS 21.0 프로그램을 사용하여 평균과 표준편차, 종속 t검정을 실시하였으며 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 대학 한국무용 전공자의 궁중무용 처용무 낙화유수 동작과 수양수무릎디피무 동작은 무릎의 굴신과 한쪽 발을 들어 내어딛는 공통된 보법을 보이고 있지만 상지의 움직임이 다르기 때문에 발의 디딤 시 신체중심 변위와 속도, 지면반력에 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 낙화유수 동작의 특성은 신체중심 변위와 속도가 역동적이며, 보법의 수행 시 지면반력 변화의 폭이 커 힘의 강약조절이 중요할 것으로 판단되며, 수양수무릎디피무 동작은 신체중심 변위와 속도가 큰 변화 없이 일정하게 이루어 졌으며, 보법의 수행 시 안정적이지만 힘차고 장중하게 내어 딛어야 할 것으로 사료된다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the kinematic and ground reaction force of the the movements of the royal court dance in the Korean dance, NakhwaYusu and Suyangsumurepdipipmu to conduct a comparative analysis of each movement. To that end, six students of korean dance were selected as subjects. The time they took, the change of CM(center of mass) position and CM velocity, and the components of the GRF(ground reaction force) were comparatively analyzed. The Kwon3d Program was used to analyze the movements and the GRF. In order to quantify each variable, SPSS 21.0 Program was used and the mean, standard deviation and Paired sample t-test were conducted. The findings are as follows. The movements of NakhwaYusu and Suyangsumurepdipipmu share a common trait that movement of the feet involves lifting one foot to step ahead while the knee on the other leg is bent. But because the movement of the upper leg is different, there is a difference in the change in CM position, CM velocity and GRF when the lifted foot is set on ground. The NakhwaYusu movement shows a dynamic change in the CM position and CM velocity and when the step is taken the change in the range of GRF is large, indicating that it is important to control the strength of the force. Meanwhile, the movement of the Suyangsumurepdipipmu showed more constant CM position and CM velocity, indicating that when the step is taken, a stable but powerful and solemn step must be taken.

      • KCI등재

        사회과학분야 : 초등학생 무용참여자의 집단따돌림 경험과 교우관계의 의사소통 및 지각된 소외감 간의 관계

        나안숙 ( An Sook Na ) 한국무용과학회 2014 한국무용과학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        이 연구는 초등학교 무용 참여자들이 경험하는 집단따돌림 현상을 피해 및 가해경험으로 구분하여, 교우관계에서 의사소통과 지각하는 소외감은 어떠한 인과적 관계를 규명하는가에 목적을 두었다. 이를 위해 선행연구에서 사용된 설문지를 본 연구목적에 적합하게 수정하여 예비검사를 거쳤고, 수렴타당성과 판별타당성을 확보하여 의미 있는 결과를 도출하였다. 첫째, 집단따돌림 경험은 학년이 높은 남학생 집단과 참여기간이 짧은 집단이 많은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 집단따돌림 피해와 가해경험 간의 상관은 매우 낮거나 의미가 없고, 피해경험에서 교우관계의 의사소통과 지각된 소외감 간의 관계가 유의한 부(-)의 상관을 보였다. 셋째, 연구모형의 적합도 지수는 수용 가능하였고, 변인 간 인과적 관계를 검증하였다. 따라서 집단따돌림 가해경험은 지각된 소외감 간의 직접 및 간접효과가 나타나지 않았지만, 피해경험은 교우관계에서 의사소통과 지각된 소외감에 영향 있는 변인으로 직접 및 간접효과를 검증하였다. This study aimed to investigate the cause and effect relationship among the group bullying experience, communication and a perceived sense of isolation in friendship. The group bullying phenomenon that elementary students who participated in dancing experienced was divided into the experience of bullying victimization and perpetration. The questionnaire used in a previous study was modified to suit the purpose of this study and gone through a preliminary test. Convergent validity and discriminant validity were obtained to draw significant results. First, the higher the grade of male students and the shorter the participation period, the more the experience of group bullying. Second, there was the very low or no significant correlation between the experience of group bullying perpetration and of victimization. There was a significant negative correlation between communication and a perceived sense of isolation in friendship from the experience of victimization. Last, the goodness of fit index of the study model was acceptable and the cause and effect relationship between variables was verified in this study. As a result, even though the experience of group bullying perpetration did not show any direct and indirect effect between communication and a perceived sense of isolation, the experience of victimization exercised direct and indirect effects on communication and a sense of isolation as an influential variable.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 안드라고지(Andragogy) 이론에 근거한 성인 몰입 무용교육

        나안숙 ( An Suk Na ) 대한무용학회 2014 대한무용학회논문집 Vol.72 No.3

        This study aimed to investigate and reveal the process of composition of dance education based on the 7 learning theories of Andragogy for adults suggested by Knowls. For the foregoing, this study secured validity of contents composition for each learning stage by combining analysis of related literature materials and interview with experts. As a result, the process of composition of dance education was categorized as 14 primary do-mains and 7 secondary ones.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        일 도 소방공무원의 직무 스트레스와 우울 및 삶의 질

        양찬모,나안숙,이혜진,이귀행,이상열 대한우울조울병학회 2014 우울조울병 Vol.12 No.2

        Objectives : This study was aimed to investigate the prevalence of Depression and to identify demographic variables and clinical characteristics influencing on Depression and quality of life among fire fighters in Junbuk province. Methods : The subjects were fire fighters in Junbuk province. 1675 data sheets were collected and among them 1217 were used in analyzing. The questionnaire covered demographic characteristics, Job characteristics, Korean Occupational Stress Scales-26 (KOSS-26), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), Social support, World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment Instrument Brief Form-Korean (WHOQOL-BREF). Independent t-test analysis, ANOVA, and multiple linear regression analysis were performed. Results : The prevalence of Depression among fire fighters in Junbuk province was 44.5%. Compared to the non-Depression, Depression group appeared significantly higer mean scores of KOSS-26 (p<.001) and lower of social support (p<.001) and WHOQOL-BREF (p<.001). Job stress and social support were significant explanation variables for Depression (30.2%). Adjusting for demographic factors, Depression, social support and Job stress were additionally significant explanation variables for quality of life (43.6%). Conclusion : Depression, social support, and Job stress were significant predictors for QOL. Findings from this study indicate the importance of proper management of depression and job stress among fire fighters for improvement of QOL.

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