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      • KCI등재

        항만하역근로자와 터미널운영자 사이의 책임관계에 관한 연구

        김훈경(Kim, Hoon-Kyung),지상규(Ji, Sang-Gyu) 한국법학회 2020 법학연구 Vol.78 No.-

        항만운영자(이하 ‘터미널운영자’)는 운송인 또는 하주와 화물의 적 · 양하, 보관 및 반출을 위해 항만하역이용계약을 체결하고, 의뢰받은 용역을 수행하고 그 대가를 받아 영업이익을 창출한다. 이를 위해 터미널운영자는 직접 고용한 사용근로자를 사용하거나 또는 항운노조로부터 지원받은 항만하역근로자를 업무에 사용하게 된다. 그러나 항운노조로부터 지원받은 항만하역근로자는 터미널운영자와 직접적인 근로계약을 체결한 것이 아니라 항운노조와 근로계약관계를 체결한 것이기 때문에 터미널운영자는 별도로 항운노조원, 즉 항운노조로부터 지원받은 항만하역근로자들을 직접적으로 규율하거나 제재를 가할 방법이 없다. 따라서 터미널운영자가 항만하역이용계약에 따라 화물을 보관 및 관리하던 중 항만하역근로자의 과실에 의해 화물이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우, 발생한 손해를 항운노조나 해당 항만하역근로자에게 손해배상을 청구할 수 있는가 하는 문제 제기가 가능하다. 이에 본 논문에서는 항만하역근로자와 터미널운영자의 법률적 정의 및 법적지위를 살펴보고, 이를 바탕으로 항만하역근로자의 과실로 화물이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우 이들 상호간의 손해배상 책임문제를 법리적으로 검토하고자 한다. The port operator(hereinafter referred to as terminal operator) enters into a terminal operating service contract with a cargo owner for loading and unloading, custody, keep and delivery of the contracted cargo. For this contract service, terminal operator use directly hired workers or port workers supported by a port union for carrying contracted work. However, since port workers supported by a port union did not sign a labor contract with the terminal operator, but a labor contract with a port union. Therefore the terminal operator has no way of directly regulating or imposing sanctions on port workers supported by a port union separately. In case of that if the cargo is lost or damaged due to the negligence of port workers while storing, loading, discharging and managing the cargoes under the terminal operating service contract, the question arises whether it can claim damages to the port worker directly. Therefore, in relation to the use of port workers, this paper will measures on legal problems for who is liable for damages in the event of the loss or damage of cargo due to workers’ negligence is raised. In this paper, I would like to examine the legal definition and legal status of port workers and terminal operators, and based on this, review the issue of mutual liability for damages between the port workers and the terminal operators.

      • KCI등재

        운송주선인의 개입권 행사에 따른 운송인과 이행보조자의 책임에 관한 검토

        김훈경(Kim, Hoon-Kyung),지상규(Ji, Sang-Gyu) 한국법학회 2018 법학연구 Vol.71 No.-

        오늘날 운송주선인의 업무가 다양화 되고 있고, 운송계약상 운송주선인이 운송주선을 한 것인지 운송 자체를 이행한 것인지 여부가 쟁점이 되는 사례가 늘고 있다.상법상 운송주선인이 해당 운송계약에서 개입권을 행사한 경우 운송주선인은 운송인과 동일한 권리의무가 있는데, 우리 대법원은 이러한 개입권 행사에 따른 운송주선인에 대한 운송인성 인정 여부를 판단할 때 당사자의 의사를 기준으로, 하우스 선하증권 발행 명의, 운임의 지급형태 등을 종합적으로 고려하고 있다.또한 운송인은 운송업무의 완성을 위해 자신의 업무를 직접 또는 간접적으로 보조하는 이행보조자를 사용하게 되는데, 상법상 이러한 이행보조자의 과실은 운송인의 과실로 의제된다.그리고 이처럼 이행보조자의 과실이 있는 경우, 운송인과 이행보조자는 하주에 대하여 부진정연대책임을 지게 된다. 대상판결은 이 사건 운송주선인이 하우스 선하증권을 발행한 것을 근거로 운송주선인의 운송인 지위를 인정하였고, 이 사건 화물 고박업체를 운송인의 이행보조자로 판단하였다. 그리고 위 고박업체의 과실이 있었음을 이유로, 위 운송주선인의 과실도 전부 인정하였다. 운송주선인의 개입권 행사에 관한 기존 대법원의 견해와 이행보조자성에 관한 법리 등을 토대로 할 때, 결론적으로는 대상판결의 판단이 타당해 보이기는 한다.그러나 대상판결은 운송주선인의 개입권 행사 여부를 판단하는 과정에서 그 설명이 부족하며, 이행보조자성의 판단 근거도 충분하지는 않은 것으로 보인다.또한 이행보조자의 책임 인정과 관련해서도, 대상판결이 독립계약자인 이행보조자의 책임제한 및 면책 가능성에 대해 아무런 판단을 하지 않은 것은 비판받을 부분으로 보인다. Nowadays, as the business scope of a forwarding agent (forwarder) becomes complicated, the cases with the issue as to whether a forwarder performs carriage business or forwarding business are increasing. According to the Commercial Act, if a forwarding agent undertakes carriage business by means of exercising the right of intervention, the forwarding agent shall have the same rights and obligations as a carrier. In this regard, the Supreme court has been considering some material facts such as the intention of the parties, the issuer’s name of a house B/L and the structure of freight payment, when the forwarder’s relevance on the carriage is determined. Moreover, as per the Commercial Act, if there are any direct or indirect performance assistant being used by a carrier, the intention or negligence of the performance assistant shall be deemed as that of the carrier. In that situation, if the intention or negligence of the performance assistant is admitted, the carrier and the performance assistant may have a semi-joint and several debts. The Supreme court recognized in this judgment that the forwarding agent is considered as a carrier and the container securing enterprise is regarded as the performance assistant. Furthermore, as the reason that the negligence of the container securing enterprise is admitted, the court also acknowledged the following negligence of the forwarding agent. Considering the Supreme court’s former opinion and related legal principles, it seems that this judgment is reached a proper conclusion. However, there are still insufficiency on the explanation of the reason of judgment regarding determining of exercising the right of intervention and admitting of the relevance of the performance assistant. In relation to the responsibility of the performance assistant, besides, this judgement seems incomplete in that there are not any explanation to the possibility of the limitation on the performance assistant’s liability.

      • 노인의 생활만족도 결정요인

        김훈경,이용환,유병철 고신대학교의과대학 2007 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.22 No.1

        Background : Recently the issue of the elderly has been taken up as a social problem. The cause is due to the rising number of the elderly, the trend of nuclear families and all results of industrial development. These conditions have become a main concern in society and an important problem for the government to solve. So, we should know life satisfaction factors of the elderly to solve this problem with efficiency. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors influencing life satisfaction of the elderly and provide as basic data for solving the problem of the elderly. Methods : The subjects were 314 elderly person populations who were over 60 years old, living in Busan, Korea, including 200 elderly persons who participate in National Health Insurance Corporation's elderly person exercise program and 114 elderly persons who were randomly selected at local elderly person centers, welfare centers and health centers. The survey was implemented from July 2005 to June 2006 and slightly modified the Life Satisfaction Index (LSI) of Havighurst to measure their life satisfaction. Data analysis was performed with frequency, t-test, onw-way ANOVA test and multiple regression analysis using SPSS program(ver 12.0). Results : Those who participated in exercise programs were more satisfied with life than others who did not(p=0.000). Men were more satisfied than women(p=0.012), those who had jobs and lived in their own houses were more satisfied(p=0.016, 0.037). And those with higher education were more satisfied(p=0.001). Bur life satisfaction was not statistically significantly correlated to the presence of spouse, age, source of allowance, and coresidence with family. In conclusion life satisfaction of the elderly was highly influenced by exercising, family support, occupation, relationship with in-laws and education. Conclusion : The above findings indicate that exercising and family support greatly influence life satisfaction of the elderly. Various factors influence life satisfaction of the elderly but many of them can choose to engage in exercising which is very influential. But other social and personal background factors which influence life satisfaction of the elderly can not easily change. Therefore, it is important for the society to develop various exercise programs for life satisfaction of the elderly.

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