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      • 人九增加率 低下를 위한 制度的 裝置

        金憲雨 부산외국어대학 1983 논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        Korea's population growth rate had decreased more than any other developing countries up until the middle of 1970's .However we are now in the gloomy situations, because of the present unsuccessful population growth rate decresing trend. Moreover a lot of surveys illustrated that the women's ideal numbers of children are so high and the son preference trend has so an powerful influence on the Korean society that the population may well be increased sturdily. Generally, the high population growth rate are pointed out as an undesirable factor in the developing countries that are over populated. Especially in case of Korea, the high population growth rate will represent a major hindrance in carrying out social development plans of the 5th 5Years Economic Development Plane. In the past, the family panning programs centered on introducing the contraceptive measures were the only method that is worth while to be called population growth rate curbing methods. Now, for the more rapid economic development, curbing population growth rate is an imperative in our country. In addition to the introduction of the contraceptive measures, we have to rectify the deep rooted and age-old bias that daughter is of almost no use and that more children they have the better life they can enjoy. And to enforce these polices, there should be a series of institutional arrangement to that end. Also we will have to expand and enforce those institutional arrangements to all the people and in every field of economic and social activities. Because, no population growth rate curbing policy will be successful without the basic transformation of the way of thinking on the part of Korean people.

      • 新保護主義의 實體

        金憲雨 釜山外國語大學校貿易經營硏究所 1986 貿易經營論集 Vol.1 No.-

        The new protectionism that emereged in the early 1970s to protect the declining industries of DMEs(Developed Market Economies)differs from the old protectionism that was used by LDCs(Les Developed Countries)conventionally for promoting their infant industries since the mercantilism. Under the old protectionism, the nation can increase the welfare and decrease the protect cost because the infant industries will grow unavoidably when LDCs promote their less developed industries. But the new protectionism that aims to protect the declining industries in the DMEs will increase inefficiency, protect cost, and also erode welfare levels because of disadvantagecous ones. However, DMEs are solidifying trade barriers to hamper importing low technology manufactures from the NICs(Newly Industrialized Countries). We can summarize those reasons as following. Firstly since the world war II the comparative advantageous of some labour intensive industries such as footweares,textiles and clothes, and T.V. sets shifted from DMEs to LDCs. Thus labour unions that became disadvantageous due to the free trade demand import embargo through political measures like elections. Secondly, the structual unemployments were increased in the DMEs through shifted comparative advantage. Thirdly the cyclical unemployments of DMEs were increased in the 1970s by the oil shock. And U.S.A.has accumulated the foreign trade deficit in the 1970s and early 1980s. However GATT phohibits principally the traiffs and quantitative restrictions. Therefore, DMEs fall into difficult situations in which they have to promote free trade on the hand and also protect disadvantageous industries to attain the blance of payments and to appease the electorates on the other hand. And it is unavoidable that the import restrit methods became complecated under the new protectionism because DMEs have to chose the non tarriff barriers on the basis of negotiations and laws. After all new protectionism is a phenmenon that economic problems of DMEs are meterialized into political means such as election: and political means trrned out to beforeign trade policy.

      • 알루미늄제 폰툰형 레저보트 개발

        김헌우,심상목,백영수,조제형,신일식 한국항해항만학회 2007 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2 No.추계

        폰툰형 레저보트는 쌍동식 또는 삼동선식의 안전성이 확보된 선체와, 다양한 기능을 만족할 수 있는 상부구조로 구성, 건조비 뿐만 아니라 레저 접근성이 용이한 보트로서, 해양레저 선진국에서는 내수면뿐만 아니라 해수면에서도 함께 즐길 수 있는 가족형 레저보트로 인식되어 최근 보급이 확대되고 있는 추세이다. 그러나 폰툰형 레저보트는 최적의 공간활용을 위해 사각모양의 갑판형태로 인해 유체의 저항에 취약한 단점이 있다. 이러 인해 선저형상, 추진시스템 및 조향운전장치 뿐만아니라 선수선저부의 슬래밍 충격에 대비한 구조강도 등 체계적인 연구를 통한 개발이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 2가구 4인 가족단위로 함께 즐길 수 있는 안전성이 놓고, 낚시, 스쿠버 등을 위한 편의시설이 확보된 선형 최적형상 연구 및 구조강조 해석을 통한 9인승 규모의 폰툰형 레저보트를 개발하고자 한다.

      • 소련의 經濟運營 및 貿易의 特成

        金憲雨 釜山外國語大學校貿易經營硏究所 2000 貿易經營論集 Vol.4 No.-

        The economic policy goal of capitalist market economies is mainly growth, price stabilization and distribution under the hypothesis that the market function distributes resources to each sector of the economy. The main purpose of Soviet economy policy is to catch up to the advanced western economics. The reason is to insure that the military powers are sufficient to protect soviet socialism from foreign invasion. Therefore, the Soviet economy concentrates its resources into buildiny up heavy industries by means of a planned command economy. It must therefore have a bureacratic hierachy as it is goverment, rather than the market, that must distribut the resoures according to this plan. Also, the planned economy can not permit price and market mechanism to operate as in market economies since the government has to control the flow of goods and services into heavy industries. Foreign trade is also managed exclusively by government monopoly in order to arrange completly the balance between forign trade and internal economic policy. Therefor, Soviet foreign trade policy can not permit convertibility of Soviet currency and commodities into foreign exchange, and so the exchange rate does not have any meanning in the sense that the fluctuation of the exchang rate can not influence the trade flow. In pursuing this policy of catching up to the advanced western economies, the soviet have been consistentley managing every aspect of their economy since the Bolshvik revolution, from without considering the use of price or market mechanism.

      • 技術導入의 經濟的意義와 政治的 課題에 관한 小考

        金憲雨 부산외국어대학 1984 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        A developing country needs essentially technical progress for accelerating its economic growth and for enhancing its international competitive advantage. However it is very difficult for developing countries to develop its overall technology, although it is, by no means, impossible. If we introduce the advanced foreign technology into our industry, we can reduce the time span and the risk of trial and error rising from developing the new technology. Also we can lay the technical foundation more effectively in the process of analyzing the introduced technology. But technology transferred into the developing countries accompanies many obstacles due to the monopolistic character of the international technology market. Therefore the government has to promote the technology transfer by giving the economic incentive to the firm.

      • 供給側經濟學의 主要觀点 小考

        金憲雨 부산외국어대학 1984 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        Supply-side economics emerged in the midst of 1970's in the United States, and it argues that the reinforcement of the supply-side in the economy is the key to the problems of inflation and low productivity generally caused by the insufficient supply. This theory insists that the main means strenthening the supply-side in the economy be to reduce the tax rate. This article's main purpose is to analyze how the tax-cut affects the economy. Generally, the owners of the product factors will consider the after tax net income that they can get when they try to supply their product factors to the market place. If the government reduce the tax rate, it will induce the wage earners to offer their more labor into the market than before the tax cutted and the same phenomena will be occur also in the saving and investment market because they can get more earnings than before the tax cutted. Therefore the tax-cut will generate increasing aggregate supply, enhancing productivity and decreasing inflation. Supply-side economics is based on the idea that the tax-cut can promote the efficiency of product factors. Therefore supply-side economics is growth and efficiency oriented.

      • 특집 - 건축에 있어서의 전산이용 : 공사관리 전산화에 대하여 ( Computerization in Construction Management )

        김헌우 대한건축학회 1990 建築 Vol.34 No.4

        우리 건설업계는 크게 두가지 분야 -- 기술(engineering)분야와 관리(management)분야 -- 에 상당한 취약점을 가지고 있는 실정이다. 물론 기술분야에 대해서도 언급되어야 할 것이 상당 부분 있겠지만, 본고에서는 관리 분야, 즉 공사 관리 분야에 대해 좀 더 깊이 언급해 보기로 하겠다. 이를 위해 우선 우리나라 건설업의 현황을 고찰해보고, 건설업 발전을 위한 중요한 과제로서의 공사관리란 무엇인가를 언급할 후에, 이의 구체적 실현 단계에서의 공사 관리 전산화와 이의 구체적인 적용등에 대해 논하고자 한다. 결론적으로 본고를 통해 공사 관리의 필요성을 역설하고, 나아가서 공사 관리 전산화의 당위성을 이해시키고, 이의 효율적 추진을 위한 방안을 제시하고자 하는 것이 본고의 주목적이라 하겠다.

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