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      • 자가조절과 세포주기 조절에 있어서 사람 리보솜 단백질 S3의 부가적 기능들

        김학동 고려대학교 대학원 2005 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Rps3는 다양한 기능을 가진 단백질로 알려져 있다. 이들은 주로 ribosomal small subunit의 구성요소로 단백질 생합성에 참여하며, UV endonuclease Ⅲ 로써 UV 조사에 의해 생긴 DNA 결손을 복구하는 기능도 한다. DNA 결손인자에 대응하는 세포의 반응으로 세포는 cell cycle을 멈추거나 복구 되지 않는 DNA 결손에 대해 세포사멸에 이르게 된다. MAP kinase의 일종인 Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk)는 세포 성장, 분화 그리고 세포사멸을 조절하는데 있어 중요한 기능을 담당한다. 본 연구는 rpS3 단백질이 다른 기능들을 가지고 있다는 세가지 다른 결과들을 보이고 있다. 첫 번째는 free rpS3가 feedback mechanism을 통해 자기자신의 단백질 번역을 조절한다는 것이다. 외부에서 과량 발현시킨 rpS3 단백질과 같이 떨어지는 RNA와 RT-PCR을 통하여, rpS3 단백질이 내부의 rpS3과 GAPDH와 같은 다양한 mRNA및 18S rRNA와 결합하고 있다는 사실을 보였다. RpS3 단백질의 mRNA binding domain은 KH domain과는 별개로 S3-C domain이 주된 결합부위인 것을 밝혔다. 이러한 결합은 ribosomal fraction이 아니라 cytoplsmic fraction에 존재하는 것과 in vitro translation에 의해서 자기자신의 mRNA 번역을 방해하는데 참여한다는 사실을 보였다. 더군다나 Frag으로 tagging된 rpS3를 293T 세포에 이입시켰을 때, 내부의 rpS3 단백질의 양이 전사와는 무관하게 점차 감소한다. 두 번째는 rpS3가 Erk MAP kinase의 새로운 기질이다라는 사실이다. 사실 rpS3 단백질의 대부분은 ribosome에 존재하고, 극히 일부만이 free한 상태로 세포질에 존재한다. 본 연구에서는 rpS3 단백질의 아미노산 서열분석을 통하여 Erk 결합 부위로 알려진 하나의 FXFP motif가 이 단백질 내에 존재한다는 사실을 밝혔다. 이 motif는 co-immunprecipitation을 통해 실제 Erk 결합부위임을 증명하였다. 이에 추가로 다양한 rpS3 단백질의 돌연변이를 이용하여 Erk가 rpS3 단백질의 42번 theonine을 특이적으로 인산화 시킴을 in vivo와 in vitro에서 확인하였다. 결론적으로 증식중인 세포에서 Erk에 의한 rpS3 단백질의 인산화가 이루어지며, 결과적으로 두 단백질의 결합은 감소할 것으로 생각된다. 그리고 세 번째는 rpS3 단백질을 통해 DNA repair와 cell cycle가 서로 관련되어 있다는 것인데, rpS3 단백질의 증가는 DNA 결손인자에 의한 cell cycle arrest를 조절할 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 본 연구에서 나는 vector와 rpS3가 과발현된 293T 세포에서 DNA 결손인자에 반응하는 rpS3 단백질의 역할을 살펴보았다. rpS3를 이입시킨 293T 세포에 UV 조사하였을 때 cell cycle 양상은 이입이 안된 세포에 비해 상당한 변화가 있었다. 이러한 사실을 종합하여 볼 때 본 연구는 rpS3 단백질이 자기자신의 단백질 양, 세포 증식과 cell cycle의 조절에 관련된 extra-ribosomal functions 가지고 있음을 나타내고 있다. RpS3 (ribosomal protein S3) has been known as a multi-functional protein. It is mainly involved in protein biosynthesis as a member of ribosome small subunit, and also plays a role in the repair of DNA damage by UV irradiation as a UV endonuclease Ⅲ. In the cellular response to DNA damaging agents, cells undergo cell cycle arrest or apoptosis against irrepairable DNA damage. Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk), a MAP kinase, is known to play important roles in the regulation of cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. These reports show three independent results that the rpS3 protein has other fuctions. First, free rpS3 regulates its own translational level via a feedback mechanism. Through RNA preparation coimmunoprecipitated with ectopically expressed rpS3 and RT-PCR, rpS3 protein was found to interact with various mRNA – endogenous rpS3, GAPDH – and 18S rRNA. Searching for the mRNA binding domain of rpS3 demonstrated that S3-C domain is the major binding domain independent of KH domain. This interaction was shown to exist not in ribosomal fractions but in cytoplasmic fractions, and then is involved in its own mRNA translational inhibition by in vitro translation. Furthermore, when flag-tagged rpS3 was transfected in 293T cells transiently, the level of endogenous rpS3 gradually decreases irrespective of transcription. Second, rpS3 is a new substrate of Erk MAP kinase. In fact, the majority of rpS3 pool exists in the ribosome, and the minority also exists as free forms in the cytoplasm. In this study, the sequence analysis of rpS3 protein revealed that this protein might have a FXFP motif which is believed to be an Erk binding site. Indeed, the motif was demonstrated as an Erk binding site by co-immunoprecipitation. In addition to this, it was revealed that Erk specifically phosphorylated Thr 42 residue of rpS3 in vitro and in vivo using the various mutants of rpS3. In conclusion, the rpS3 appears to be phosphorylated by activated Erk in proliferating cells, resulting in the decreased interaction between two proteins. Third, DNA repair and cell cycle arrest are inter-related to each other through rpS3, and the increased expression of rpS3 seems to regulate the cell cycle arrest by DNA damaging agents. In this study, I used normal and rpS3-overexpressed 293T cells to examine the role of rpS3 in response to DNA damaging agents. When 293T cells transfected with rpS3 were irradiated with UV, the pattern of cell cycle was dramatically changed in comparison with vector-transfected 293T cells. Taken together, this study revealed that the rpS3 protein have extra-ribosomal functions in the regulations of its protein level, cell proliferation and cell cycle.

      • 급냉응고된 6.5% Si-Fe 합금의 조직 및 자기적성질

        김학동 忠南大學校 1989 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        High silicon-iron alloy containing 6.5%silicon is well known as an excellent soft magnetic material because of its high saturation magnetization , zero magnetostriction and low iron loss. However, the alloy is known to be too hard and brittle to be rolled into useful thin sheets by conventional methods. Recently it has been reported that the alloy can be fabricated into a thin ribbon with considerable ductility by rapid quenching method. In this study, the alloy was prepared by melting electroytic iron(99.9%) and metallic silicon(98%) in a high frequency induction furnace, and then poured into a quartz tube in order to make ingot. Subsequently, the ingot was remelted in a small furnace in a quartz tube, and the melt was injected was cooled by rapidly rotating Cu roll, whose diameter is 15 cm. And the rate of rotation was in the range of 2000-4000rpm. Ejection pressure was about 0.7kg/㎠, and the temperature of the melt was about 1550℃. The ribbons obtained showed a silver white luster, and their dimentions were about 2-4mm in width, 20-40㎛ in thickness, and 2-3m in length. The structure and magnetic properties of the rapidly solidified 6.5%Si-Fe alloy were investigated systematically. The results are as follows: (1) The effect of the surface velocity of disk on thickness is expressed as an equation of D ∝ S-(0.5~0.6) (2) The structure df the rapidly solidified 6.5%Si-Fe alloy is BCC. (3) Finer columnar structure is obtained with increasing cooling rate. (4) Corcive force increases from 80A/m to 120A/m increasing surface velocity from 15m/s to 32m/s (5) Core loss increases with increasing surface velocity and induction (6) Core loss increases with frequency and the increasing rate increases at highter induction.

      • 프로젝트 계획단계에서의 리스크 관리 모델 설계

        김학동 서강대학교 정보통신대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        소프트웨어 개발 프로젝트에서 리스크 관리는 매우 중요한 프로젝트 관리 항목 중 하나이다. 리스크 관리란 프로젝트의 위기사항을 피하기 위하여 시간을 가지고 리스크원을 찾아내어 적절한 대응책을 강구하여 프로젝트의 최종목표를 성공적으로 수행하는데 있다. 즉 프로젝트 3대요소인 일정, 비용, 품질을 만족하기 위한 프로세스이다. 소프트웨어 프로젝트에서 가장 중요한 부분은 역시 계획이다. 프로젝트의 계획단계가 프로젝트 성공의 절반을 차지한다고 한다. 계획의 허술함은 프로젝트 실패의 가장 큰 원인으로 지적되고 있다. 리스크관리 에서도 계획단계에서의 리스크 관리가 가장 중요하다. 계획되지 않은 리스크가 실제로 문제시 되었을 경우 그에 대한 대응책은 적당하지 않은 방향으로 흘러갈 가능성이 크고, 프로젝트 목표에 상당한 지장을 초래할 수 있기 때문이다. 그러나, 대부분의 국내 소프트웨어 개발에 있어서는 프로젝트 관리에 대한 체계적인 프로세스가 미흡하여 프로젝트 관리자의 경험이나 감에 의해서 프로젝트가 계획되고 진행된다. 리스크 관리 계획 역시 체계적인 프로세스에 의해서 진행되지 못하고 있다. 또한 리스크에 대한 인식부족으로 리스크 관리를 소홀히 하는 경향이 있다. 본 논문에서는 프로젝트 계획단계에서 리스크관리 계획에 대한 체계적인 리스크 관리 프로세스와 리스크 관리 모델을 설계하여 제시하였다. 그리고 제시한 리스크 관리 모델의 표준화 및 모델화의 타당성을 실제 사례인 K사 프로젝트를 통해 검증하였다. 마지막 결론에서는 연구를 정리하고 앞으로의 연구 방향등에 대해서 논하였다. In software development project, Risk Management is one of important elements to be managed very carefully. The main purpose of Risk Management is to reach the project goal with achievement to find risky factors to damage a successful project, and to develop appropriate solutions to manage them. It is the process that is to meet the three main factors of a project, schedule, cost, and quality. Before starting up the software development project, planning stage should be considered carefully. Planning stage is the first stage of any projects, as Well begun is half done , and the well designed planning can bring us to the fine result. A loose planning is known as the major factor to fail a project. Risk management at the planning stage of the project is much more important than other stages. When unexpected risk comes out and results in serious problems, the planned solutions of expected risk cannot bring us to the right way. Finally, it can effect serious obstacle to the project. Usually, most software development projects are planned and progressed with project managers experience and sense because systematic and well-organized process is inadequate to manage a project successfully. Risk management is also progressed without systematic process, and is not considered critically because of lack of understanding of risk management. This paper provides well-organized risk management process and model at the planning stage of a project. And the standardization and validity of this risk management is verified by the company K s project. At the conclusion, this study is adjusted and next study plan is treated.

      • Ulysses 연구 : 극단을 통한 조화의 추구

        김학동 建國大學校 1992 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Joyce is one of the most famous literary modernists who seek 'transvaluation of all values and creation of order out of disorder. 'In Ulysses, Joyce's masterpiece, he tries to represent the panorama of modern society and the multiple consciousness of modern man through various symbols, images, and techniques. Almost over one hundred charaters appear in Ulysses. On the one hand, Joyce depicts a kind of chaotic situation of the modern world through them. On the other hand. Joyce intends to establish order and give meaning to it on the basis of the mythic background. Joyce tries to present in Ulygsses a vision beyond this chaotic world by tolerating life. There also lies the negative side of the modern world in Ulysses, as in Duebliners, in which Joyce depicts the spiritual paralysis of modern man. But in Ulysses Joyce reflects visions of an affirmative future in life through the creation of many symbols, as represented by the fertility theme, the spiritual father-son theme, and Molly's numerous 'YES's. Thus Ulysses is a kind of comedy--'Human Comedy'--as William York Tindall points out. Ulysses is a story of three protagonists, Stephen Dedalus, Molly Bloom, and Leopold Bloom. They represent three kinds of world: the world of the spirit by Stephen, the world of the flesh by Molly, and the world of everyman by Bloom. Each appears to be poles apart. Stephen who appears in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, reappears in Ulysses and plays the role of bridge connecting the former and the latter. In Ulysses, he seeks after the world of ideas and artistic idealism, but he is frustrated by his return to Dublin, a paralysed and still paralysing city as we have seen in Dubliners. He becomes an isolationist as well as a solipsist to preserve his self-identity. And he suffers from 'Igenbite of Inwit' since he refused his mother's wish to pray for her at her deathbed, a sign of his revolt against Catholicism. Molly goes to extremes in the sensual world. She commits adultery with Blazes Boylan, her manager, and causes serious agonies to her husband. Bloom lives in Dublin with agony and frustration as a cuckold, a sonless father, and a Jew. He can't make any sexual union with Molly owing to the trauma that his son Rudy's death has caused. And this causes his wife's adultery with Boylan. But with all his sufferings he does not lose his humanity. In "Circe," the world of fantasy, he experiences various psychic hallucinations, such as the change of sex, masochism, a transfiguration into a mother and a king, the birth of babies, etc. This is the course of his psychic purgation. Then he becomes a more rounded man and is restored to psychic equanimity. After this fantasy he returns to his home with Stephen, now his spiritual son, and forgives Molly. This establishes harmony through extremes. Bloom is almost everybody. He adheres to the attitude of moderation and unites the extremes by his humanity. By understanding gradually his humanity and affection for them, both extremes change their mind and attitudes, and with Bloom make a harmony. Thus Ulysses is a novel which focuses hamony though extremes. The harmony of the world of the flesh and the world of the spirit is what Ulysses celebrates. This is achieved by Bloom whe, in spite of many sufferings from the real world and that of fantasy, dose not lose his equilibrium and tolerates life. Stephen and Bloom achieve a spiritual, symbolic father-son relationship. Stephen, who is distressed from spiritual agonies and 'Agenbite of Inwit' by his dead mother's ghost, returns with Bloom to Holly who is now symbolically metamorphosed into Gea-Tellus. Thus three heroes bear an archetypal family through the mythic background of Ulysses. Stephen, now free from self-indulgence and ego-centricity, opens his eyes to nature and prepares the way to be a true artist. Molly is the woman who stands for nature. And Bloom always acts according to the process of nature. Thus through three reciprocal images of nature, they finally unite and accomplish a kind of spiritual 'Trinity.' Ulysses ends with Molly's final word 'Yes' which hints the affirmative future, and Joyce puts a fullstop to it.

      • 『太白山脈』硏究 : 金史良·金達壽·趙廷來を中心として

        김학동 忠南大學校 大學院 2005 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        1980년대 말부터 현재에 이르기까지의 한국사회는, 조정래라는 한 사람의 작가에 의해 정치·사상·문화 등의 정신적인 면에 있어서 매우 큰 영향을 받아왔다. 그것은 남북으로 분단된 후 지속되어온 이데올로기의 대립을 근본적으로 문제 삼아, 미·소 냉전체제가 남긴 최후의 미아로서의 자화상을 자각시키는 동기로서 다가왔다. 자기개혁 없이 남북이데올로기의 속박으로부터 탈피할 수는 없다. 그리고 북한의 독특한 정권을 받아들일 수 있는 폭넓은 이데올로기를 만들어가지 않으면 안 된다. 그것은 당연히 민족주의를 기본으로 하는 확고한 통일이념의 확립을 의미한다. 대하소설 『태백산맥』의 작가 조정래가 의도하는 바는, 남북분단의 근본원인을 밝혀냄으로써, 한국국민의 경직된 남북이데올로기를 완화시켜, 기득권층의 권력유지수단으로서의 목적이외에는 아무런 의미를 갖지 못하는 지금까지의 냉전체제에 종지부를 찍고, 늦은 감은 있으나 한반도의 통일과 민족의 융합을 목표로 최선을 다하려는 점일 것이다. 그런데, 다행히도 사상적 혁명의 성공을 거둔 조정래의 『태백산맥』과는 달리, 어둠 속에서 투하다가 쓸쓸한 생애를 마친 다른 두 사람의 작가에 의한 소설 『태백산맥』의 존재를 우리는 기억해야 한다. 식민지시대 말기의 암담한 심경으로, 총독부의 기관지와 같았던 「국민문학」에 『태백산맥』을 연재하고, 6·25전쟁이 한창일 때 인민군의 종군작가로서 전사한 〈김사량〉이 그 한사람이고, 1964년부터 1968년에 걸쳐 일본의 문예잡지 「문화평론」에 『태백산맥』을 연재한 뒤, 1997년에 타계한 〈김달수〉가 나머지 그 한 사람이다. 20년의 시간을 두고 차례로 출판된, 김사량·김달수·조정래 세 사람의 작가에 의한 같은 제목을 가진 소설 『태백산맥』은, 〈민족의 회복〉이라는 대명제 앞에서 각각 깊은 상관관계를 가지고 있음을 발견하게 된다. 필자는 작품론과 작가론 등을 통해서 이러한 상관관계를 밝혀보고자 했다. 이 세 사람의 작가의 공통점은, 정치 및 사회적 이데올로기를 위한 민족의 존재를 부정하고, 민족을 위한 이데올로기의 존재를 일관되게 주장하고 있다는 점이다. 이러한 관점에 서있는 작가에 있어, 해방전후의 좌우 이데올로기의 대립은 민중의 해방과 민족의 회복이라는 역사적 과제를 방해하는 족쇄와 같은 것으로 인식하였음에 틀림없다. 그래서 이들은 좌우익 이데올로기의 맹신자들로부터 탄압을 받게 되는 것이다. 한국사회에 휘몰아친 작가 조정래의 열풍은, 새로운 민족적 이데올로기의 형성에 크게 공헌하고, 작가 자신이 공산주의자 취급을 받아온 탄압으로부터의 복권을 의미하는 것이기도 하다. 그러나 조정래와 같은 심정으로 투쟁을 해왔지만, 한국정부로부터 배척당해 번역출판 등을 금지당해 온 김사량, 김달수를 비롯한 많은 재일한국인 작가들의 복권도 적극적으로 검토하지 않으면 안 된다고 생각한다. 그리고 남북 양측의 민중들이 함께 할 수 있는 새로운 민족주의 이데올로기의 완성에 힘을 기울여 가지 않으면 안 될 것이다. 그렇지만 현재의 한국사회는 작가 조정래의 덕택으로 전체로서의 상황이 좋아졌다고 해도, 민족통일 문제에 있어서는 아직도 혼돈의 소용돌이에 휩싸여 있다. 필자가 오로지 민족의 일에만 일생을 바친 이 세 사람의 작가를 연구 대상으로 삼은 목적은, 한국사회를 안정시킬 수 있는 사상적 기반의 정립에 작은 힘이나마 보탬이 될 수 있기를 바라는 일념에 의한 것이다. 또한 필자는, 조정래의 『태백산맥』이 일본어판으로 번역출판된 것에 대해 커다란 의미를 부여하고 있다. 이 곤란하기 짝이 없는 어려운 작업을 완성시킨 것은, 오로지 한민족과 일본민족의 평화적 공존을 염원하는 양심적인 일부 일본인들의 사명감에 바탕을 둔 노고의 덕분이라고 생각한다. 그러나 그 출판의 의의가 크면 클수록, 번역본에는 반드시 따라다니기 마련인 문제점들을, 그것이 사소한 것이라 할지라도, 필자 나름의 의견을 덧붙여 정리해보았다.

      • 민족문학으로서의 재일조선인 문학 : 김사량·김달수·김석범 문학을 중심으로

        김학동 忠南大學校 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        本論文の硏究目的は在日朝鮮人作家、金史良·金達壽·金石範の文學が「民族文學」であるということを立증することにあるので、第1部では「民族文學」の槪念を考察すると同時に、「民族文學」は「民族主義」を文學的に支えているという立場から「民族主義」の人類史的?値を?討した。その結果安定した近代?家形成の?、民族の統合を推進している??がこれを?果的に推進する爲の「民族主義」は、その必要性が認められることを確認した。このような理論的土台を背景に韓半島の現?を振り返ってみると、「民族主義」を背景とする祖?と民族の統一を?るべき段階にあり、これを文?的に支える爲の「民族文學」の役割が少なくないことが判った。また、これを三人の作家の日本語著作を通じた朝鮮的なものに?する具現努力を考察し、これを實증することができる作品の一部を確認してみた。そして日本語で書いた「在日朝鮮人文學」も韓國文學となり得るという立場から、屬文主義に批判的な?究者たちの見解を檢討した。 第2、3、4部ではそれぞれ金史良·金達壽·金石範の文學を集中的に考察したが、その槪略を整理すれば次のようなものである。 金史良作品の中には植民地下で呻吟する朝鮮民衆の堪えがたい生を描?したものが多いが、朝鮮民族の不安な??に?する憂慮の中、民衆の中に息づく朝鮮的情?と風情の美しさを哀愁に溢れた視線で描く特?を持っている。そして自身の日本語著作に?しても「??のための手段」という確かな目標意識を持って創作に臨んでいる。ところが、?鮮一?に同調する?容を含んでいるものと判?される「光冥」や「?愁」といった作品が金史良の「自?的創作?念期」に執筆されたことを理由に、民族主義的作家としての位相に傷をつけているとの評?を受けていることも事?である。しかし本論文では、このような作品もやはり朝鮮民衆を視野においた民族的良心に從って忠實に執筆されたことを立증する爲の努力を傾けた。 金史良の『太白山脈』は日帝植民地末期に朝鮮總督府機關誌の役割をしていた文芸雜誌『國民文學』に連載された。『國民文學』の創刊目的が朝鮮民衆の皇?臣民化と侵略戰爭に動員するための宣傳にあっただけに、續いて載せられた作品はすべて日帝の政策に迎合、協力したものと看做されていたことは事?である。しかし『太白山脈』はこのような先入?を?拭する程民族主義的色彩に滿ちている。本論文では主人公?尹天一を通じて遠回しに表出される作家の民族?立に對する念願を考察した。 解放以後にこのような金史良の日本語創作による文學的成果を繼承、發展させたのは「在日朝鮮人文學」の第一世代と呼ばれる金達壽と金石範であると言える。解放直後から1960年代初盤までの二人は親日派勢力を容認した政府に對する反發として朝鮮總連に關係した仕事や創作をするが、敎조主義的?裁?制の風土に堪えられず共に組織から離?することになる。 この時期の際立った文?的成果は1964年から1968年の間に執筆された金達?の『太白山脈』であると言えるのであるが、これは解放直後の混괄した狀況の中で韓民族の本黨のあるべき未來像に對する作家の진摯な苦惱が窺い知れる作品である。このような性向を持った作品が初めて發表されたのは1949年の「反亂軍」だと言えるが、この作品では〈麗水?順天事件〉に合流して鬪爭を展開して行くという內容を描き出すことで、米國と李承晩政府に對し本格的に對抗しようという意志が?められており、作家自身の過去の親日的步みに對する煩惱と共にこれを正當化しようとする努力も垣間見られ、以後の作品群に使用される重要な素材を大部分?包していると言うことができる。 金石範は1957年に?表した「鴉の死」等で〈濟州4·3事件〉を背景にした作品を執筆し始め、1997年には4百字詰め原稿用紙1万1千枚に達する『火山島』全7卷を完成した。〈濟州4·3事件〉の文學的復元を通じて解放直後の混?した時代を生きた朝鮮の民衆、その中でも正當ではない權力の犧牲にされ歷史から姿を消していた濟州民衆の鬪爭に對する正當性を回復させることで、分斷された祖國と民族の傷痕を癒すと同時に未來指向的な民族の和合を國ろうという執念の所産が『火山島』に集約されたと言える。 本論文で考察してきた以上三人の作家による作品群は、韓國(朝鮮)人としてのアイデンティティに惱む必要のない國內の作家よりも更に强力な「民族文學」としての特?を持っている。これは祖國を失った悲嘆に暮れたり、南北朝鮮のイデオロギ-政權から捨てられた挫折から湧き上がる、民族に對する愛着がそれだけ切?だからである。 こうした「民族文學」としての「在日朝鮮人文學」は1990年代に入ってから漸く韓國社學で自由に紹介され硏究できるようになった。しかし韓國社會の「在日朝鮮人文學」に對する關心は增大されたと言っても、それは一部若手作家の興味を本位とする作品に限定されるのみであり、分斷された祖國の現を打開する上で立派な指針となり得る第1、第2世代の文學作品はまともに紹介されていないのが?情である。 このような現實を打開できないでいる理由は大きく二つに考えられる。まず「民族主義」と「民族文學」に對する理解不足が?げられる。韓(朝鮮)半島の現實を忘却したまま西の個人主義的思考が染み付いた一部の知識人たちは「民族主義」をまるで獨裁政治の爲のイデオロギ?位と考え、これにより韓?人たちが自由を喪失したかのような誇張された表現で社會の混亂を惹起した。こうした雰??の中で「民族主義」の望ましい實踐方向を提示し、人に活動參加を訴える手段としての「民族文學」さえも罵倒の恰好の對象となり、民族文?としての「在日朝鮮人文學」を遠ざける原因として作用することになった。 二つ目の理由としては韓國の民族文學探究者たちの偏狹で消極的な態度と關連がある。「韓國文學」のカテゴリ一は韓國語で書いた文學であるという固定關念から皮することができないだけでなく、「民族文學」という槪念さえも當然「韓國文學」の中で民族の統一と和合を積極的に主張している文學だという程度の漠然とした認識をしている間は、いくら優れた「民族文學」を「在日朝鮮人文學」から生産すると言っても、それを活かす場を持てなくなるのである. 我は今、朝鮮語と文字を侵奪された過去の暗鬱な時代の辛い記憶を忘れてはならないが、これ以上これに縛られて消極的な態度を?けてはならないのである。「韓國文學」が世界に雄飛する爲には、日本語のような外國語で書かれた我「民族文學」からまず受容するのだという積極的な姿勢を見せなければならない。これらの文學を韓國語に飜護すれば、大槪が國內の著名な民族文?作品に決して劣らないであろう。 The purpose of this thesis is to give proof that the literature of Korean-Japanese writer such as Kim sah-ryang, Kim dal-soo and Kim suk-b대m are the products of nationalism. Therefore in chapter one, I contemplate the notion of National Literature while considering the value of the history of man from the point of view which National Literature supports Nationalism in a literal way. Aa a result, I confirm that Nationalism is necessary because it is an inevitable fact in promoting the foundation of a modern nation and the integration of the Korean people. For the following reasons, Koreans are in the stage which is based on nationalism and we should strive for the unification of our nation and so the role of National Literature is really important. Besides, I study the realization of 'Koreanism' from these three writers' works written in Japanese and verify the parts of their work which can prove those facts. From the point of view that literature written in Japanese can be Korean literature, I also examine the opinion of the researchers who criticize the 'vulgar literature'. In the chapter two, three and four, I concentrate on studying of the writings of Kim sah-ryang, Kim dal-soo and Kim suk-beom. Kim sah-ryang‘s works describe the tough and heartbreaking life of the Korean people under Japan's domination . However it tells us of the spirit of 'Cho-sun', the breathing of the common people and the picturesque scenery from the anxiety about the uneasy prospects of the Cho-seon people. In addition, he wrote his work in Japanese with the certain purpose that it was a mere tool for fighting against Japan. For all that, it is also true that his works such as The Light(Kyang myeong) and Nostalgia(Hyang-su) are estimated as pro-Japanese writing, so they injured his reputation as a 'Nationalist writer'. Nevertheless, I try to prove that these kinds of works are also written with his national conscience. Kim sah-ryang‘s Taebag mountain range (Taebag Sanmac) was published serially in the literal magazine National Literature which took a role as the voice of the Japanese Governor-General of Korea. The object of the publication of National Literature was to be an advertisement for calling up the people to be soldiers, so the work in that paper is considered pro-Japanese naturally. However Taebag mountain range (Taebag Sanmac) has nationalist features firmly against that kind of prejudice. In this thesis, I study the writer's hope for independence through the hero Yoon cheon-ill. After liberation, Kim dal-soo and Kim suk-beom so the called first generation of the Korean Residents in Japan Literature took over from Kim sah-ryang. Right after the liberation until the early 1960's they wrote about the 'Jochongyeon', the pro-North Korean residents league in Japan, because they could not accept the Lee seung-man administration which admitted the pro-Japanese party. However they left the 'Jochongyeon' as they could not bear the dogmatic autocracy of it. The visible and literal outcome of that period was Kim dal-su‘s Taebag mountain range (Taebag Sanmac)which was witten from 1964 to 1968 and it handled the future of Korea deeply. He wrote this kind of work A Rebel Army first in 1949. In this novel we can see the will which is against the Americans and the Lee seung-man administration through the struggle <Yasu, Sunchon Event>. Besides it contained the anxiety of his Pro-Japanese past and the effort to justify himself, so hereafter his work dealt with that kind of subject matter. Kim suk-bum wrote his novel The death of the crow in 1957 which described the <Cheuju 4.3 Event> and completed The Volcano Island(火山島) series as seven books in 1997. He tried to heal the separated nation and the scars of the people while contriving a combination of a nation. All about those thought is in The Volcano Island(火山島) through literal restoration of <Cheuju 4.3 Event> and the recovering of the Cho-seon people who were sacrificed by the non-proper power and dimmed in history. These three writers of literature had stronger national features than those from interior of the country who did not have the anxiety of Korean identity, since they were in the deep sorrow of a lost nation or had more affection for people who were abandoned by South-North Korean ideology political power. This Korean Residents in Japan Literature as National Literaturewas introduced and researched freely in Korean society from 1990's. Still it arose Korean society's interest, it is limited to some young writer's interesting novels and does not take care of the first or the second generation's work which could be a nice tool for the unification of the Korea. I can think of two reasons why we cannot break the deadlock. First, Korean society has a lack of understanding about 「Nationalism and National Literature. Some intellectuals who forget the actualities of the Korean Peninsula and indulge themselves in western individualism think Nationalism is just an ideology for the autocracy, and because of that Koreans are deprived of their freedom, and for that, they cause chaos in society. In this atmosphere, it is easy to look down not only 「Nationalism and National Literature which could be the advisable tool for unification, but also Korean residents in Japan literature as National literature. The second reason is the narrow passive attitudes of researchers of Korean National literature. They just consider that 「Korean Literature is literature written only in Korean and that the literature's main subject should be the unification and harmony of the nation. Therefore, no matter how Korean residents in Japan literature is wonderful, it cannot have place in the National Literature. We should not forget the painful period when Korean language and letters were stolen, and we should not have a passive attitude because of it. For soaring up Korean Literature to the world, we should have an active attitude which can accept our literature although it is written in a foreign language like Japanese. That literature could be prominent domestic national literature if it were translate into Korean literature.

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