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      • KCI등재

        아동용 창의성 프로그램 모형의 구안

        김춘일 한국교육과정학회 1997 교육과정연구 Vol.15 No.2

        미국의 경우, 1950년대에 창의성 연구가 본격화되었고, 1960년대에는 창의성 연구와 교육에 대한 정부의 선별적 지원이 있었으며, 1970년대에는 중·고등학교에 프로그램이 투입되었고, 1980년대 이후에는 각급학교와 기업체에 강한 창의성 교육의 붐이 일고 있다. 우리 나라는 최근에 비로소 창의성 교육에 대한 관심이 일기 시작하고 있다. 본 연구는 최근 2년ㄱ나 연구자가 연구·개발한 아동 창의성 프로그램을 하나의 모형으로 해서, 그 편성체제, 내용구성, 지도방법, 평가 등에 관하여 하나의 개략적 예시를 제공하는 데 목적을 두었다. 창의적 사고력(독창·유연·유연·정교성 등)교육을 핵심내용으로 한 본 프로그램은 초등학교 3학년부터 중학교 2학년까지(G3-8)를 대상으로 한 모형으로서, 학교에서 주당 2시간의 정규수업을 전제로 개발되었다. 이러한 학교현장에서 사용될 수 있는 창의성 프로그램은 다양한 종류가 많이 개발·보급되는 것이 바람직한데, 우선은 좀더 현실적이고 효과적인 모형의 연구·개발이 시급하다고 할 수 있다. The purpose of the study was to sugges an idea on the creative education program for school children. The researcher has developed <The creativity Program for School Children> in 1996∼7. The present article is a brief report compiled out of the program. the Program was developed for the purpose of stimulationg creativity education in elementary and secondary schools by developing and distirbuting a useful program for children, grade 3rd to 8th. The Creativity Program is composed of three parts; children's Manual for Creative thinking, Extending Creative Thinking, and Teacher's Manual for Creative Teaching. The Prgoram has designed to proceed through three levels; the 1st for grad 3rd to 4th, the 2nd for grad 5th to 6th, and the 3rd for grad 7th to 8th. The Children's Manual for each level has volum of 96 pages(A4 size), which is proper to learn 2 pages per week so that a child could use 96 pages in a year through 48 instructional sessions. The goals of the Program were established as follows; to cultivate creative thinking skills by enhancing originality, flexibility, fluency, and elaboration; and to build creative personality by encouraging children's creative sensitivity, openness, and enquiring attitude. The contents of the program were selected and constructed with about 48 topics suitable for children in expressing their creative thinking by verbal and visual response patterns. the program has attached gread importance to some methodologies for teachers in organizing small learning process, steering time schedule, preparing and use of learning-teaching materials, teaching the basic ideational skills, writing instructional plans. The teaching skills in the program were valued to proceed from the basic to the advaned; the basic strategy attributes the importance to the simple and repetitive idenational skills, while the advanced weight with the applicable attitudes needed in children's daily life and resolving their learning problens. the achievement of creativity in the program could be evaluated with the standardized tests, newly developed for the Programs, and with rating scales attached to the instructional plans for every topic. the Creativity Program for School Children might be considered one of the model helpful for teachers to develope creative education programs, much of which are badly needed in the presesn time of the Educational Reform in this country for her national project of the golbalization and future clearing.

      • KCI등재
      • 一部 美容業 從事者들의 織責別 腰痛 有病率과 關聯要因

        김춘일,박종,류소연,김석산,김기순,하상호,변주남 조선대학교 부설 의학연구소 1999 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.24 No.1

        To find the prevalence and related factors of low back pain experienced by some beauticians. a survey was made toward 252 beauticians in Kwangju City from March 1st to April 1st, 1998. The results were as follows; 1. The prevalence rate of low back pain among the respondents for the last week was 59.5%. 2. The aid group and staff group with low back Pain had significantly longer duration of work than those without low back pain. Managers who had bad posture with twisted or too much extended back showed a significantly higher prevalence of low back pain than those with good posture during work(P<05). 3. Aid group with low back pain showed significantly higher points at total stress score, depression score, general health score and vitality score than those without low back Pain. The staff group with low back pain showed significantly higher points for total stress score, sleep disorder and anxiety score, depression score, general well-being and vitality score than those without low back pain. Managers with low back Pain showed significantly higher points of stress at social performance and self confidence (P<05) than those without low back pain. The above results suggest that low back pain is related to different jobs and work environments for beauticians. So effective measures and further studies against risk factors must be made considering their jobs. To prevent or reduce low back pain, appropriate management of stress for beauticians is necessary.

      • KCI등재

        예술영재에 대한 인식의 문제와 개선

        김춘일 한국조형교육학회 2004 造形敎育 Vol.0 No.24

        The purpose of the study was to suggest a way of improving the awareness about the abled in arts The percetion about the abled in arts or the abled in general can be summarized as follows; the first is the common conception which is widelly known among the people who have not any specialized understanding in the arts; the second is the historical conception which is well known among the artists or scholars in arts who have ability in a special area of an art like the painting, dancing, playing piano, etc. in view of their life long experience in the arts; the third is the psychological conception which is highly valued among the psyco-metric researchers who respect the scientific evidence of ability in arts. But we can find some problems in the conceptions running down through each aspect of the conceptions. Some of the important phenomenal probloms are those like the early maturity in skills, ways of early discrimination, specifically standardised curriculum, and teaching systems, uniformed and unqualified environments for the abled. The worng conceptions we can find among the ordinary people, parents, researchers, and teachers must be corrected as soon as posible. In terms of life coarse viewpoint, we can find some other influential variables including motivation in the childhood, selfe-education in adolescent, and creative thinking skills in the early youth. In conclusion, we preferentially need to seek an open and manysided vision in research, understanding and education for the abled in arts.

      • 전문대학 미용관련학과의 발전방안

        김춘일,송선영 제주한라대학 1999 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        At first two esthetics departments of college founded in 1991, since then there have been 60 more departments established in 56 colleges and one department in the university in 2000. Even though this department in a college has expanded quantitatively, we have to try to find the solutions for enhancing its quality as following the main stream that each of college should make their own characteristics. Therefore, on this study I suggest you several solutions to develop it. Firstly, we should make the most of its characteristics trying to specialize or subdivide our major studies. At the same time, the professors in this department should focus on the education to utility by participating in the scientific research or industrial training courses actively. Secondly, we should develop textbooks or curriculum being proper for a real situation that can be applied to college education in order to cope with changes in a rapidly specialized society. Thirdly, we have to strengthen on on-job training or an educational industrial complex that will be useful for the graduates of college. We also should activate industrial training courses for professors and an engagement system to industrial personage so that there will be conformity between college education and on the-spot education. Fourthly, we need to provide students more educational opportunities concentrated on the advanced course of esthetics and increase an on-job training in order to cope with the rapidly changing situation. Through these efforts, the students can gain the knowledge and skills of esthetics in many fields. Fifthly, we should try to create a good educational atmosphere and prepare the course of study such as the liberal arts course and the intensive training for major studies so as to provide students various experiences and foster the creative mind and ability of them, aimed to train them to a profession promoting their abilities and talents. Sixthly, we should introduce more flexible or open system in appointing professors to obtain more useful and educative information from the real sites. Finally, I suggest we need to establish more esthetics departments on the universities where have a four-year-course in order to accomplish the specialized training ? such as designing, creative working or achieving highly ? advanced skills.

      • KCI등재

        질적 연구를 위한 현상학적 접근의 한 모형

        김춘일 한국교육인류학회 1999 교육인류학연구 Vol.2 No.2

        이 주제는 논문이 제시하는 특성은 방법적 성격에서만이 아니라. 그 강조하는 체험적인 산 경험, 일상경험의 인격형성적 성격, 변증법적인 온전한 앎의 방식, 특수와 보편의 만남, 의식의 지향성, 신체의 인식저거 성격, 상식과 통념의 허구성 등이다. 그러나 무엇보다도, '교사됨'의 근원적인 인식이다. 즉, 유 교수의 말대로 '교사일 수밖에 없는 교사'가 되는 것이야말로 '교육학'을 바로 깨우치는 정도가 아닐까 한다. 그 점이 이 논문이 나에게 주는 가장 큰 감동의 핵심이 아닌가 싶다. 우리에겐 현학적 교육학보다도, 인간됨의 교육학이 너무도 아쉬운 시대에 살고 있는 것이다. 교사가 된다는 것은 교사로 태어난다는 것이다. 교사라는 직업을 가졌다고 하여 교사가 되는 것이 아니라, 자신의 감각과 기질과 신명을 다해 교사다운 몸을 지니도록 다시 태어나야 하기 때문이다. 그리하여, 교사의 눈은 이미 교사다운 감각자체가 되고 그의 손길은 교육적인 손길이 되며, 그의 온 신체와 정신은 언제 어디서든 누구 앞에서든 그가 교사일 수밖에 없고, 또 교사외엔 아무 것도 아닌 존재라는 것을 알려주게 된다.(본문중에서)


        김춘일 제주한라대학 2002 論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to make a foundation for creating the new cutting techniques , acceptable to our esthetics reality by means of comparing and analyzing the understanding and characteristics of the cutting techniques and the trend of the works of the three distinguished hair designers, who made a great contribution . The respective characteristics of the practice of short layer cutting techniques of VIDAL SASSON, TONI&GUY, PIVOT POINT were compared and analyzed , the result were as follows. Concerning the tendency of works of three brands, while VIDAL SASSON created conservative image and style, emphasizing the brunt cut with a strong and straight line, the merit of which is the basic techniques because of the correct geometric cutting of the short scissors, while TONI&GUY emphasized the flowing beauty of the curved lines because of its rich sensitivity, which makes him the top leading creator of modern life style. PIVOT POINT made the cutting techniques scientific and formulated like a sculpture and played the role of the creator of world class hair style, emphasizing systematic and effective style. As you see beforehand, it is most necessary to understand the characteristics and difference of the respective styles on the basis of comparing and analyzing the works of VIDAL SASSON, TOM&GUY, PIVOT POINT and apply to the real condition. It is unreasonable to practice hair designs which do not admit to the difference of the physical structure, the form of the head, the quality of the hair and the kind of the hair which the Western people and the Orientals have. Therefore it is natural to feel the different design and sense of quality from the same cutting. Therefore we have to make an effort to apply the cutting techniques of VIDAL SASSON, TOM&GUY, PIVOT POINT to our esthetics reality by means of understanding their works.

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