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      • ‘아리랑고개’의 실지(實地) 규명

        김연갑(Kim, Yeon-gab) 아시아강원민속학회 2019 江原民俗學 Vol.32 No.-

        문화재청 아리랑 해설문에는 아리랑을 “아리, 아라리, 아리랑을 계속 또 는 이따금 쓰는 후렴을 규칙적으로 또는 간헐적으로 부르는 한 무리의 노래”라고 했다. 이를 극단적으로 해석하면 아리랑의 정체성은 음악적 구조나 주제 형질이 아니라 후렴의 여부에 있다고 한 것이다. 아리랑의 후렴은 ‘아리’, ‘아라리’, ‘아리랑’, ‘아리랑고개’가 주요 구성요소이다. 이중 이를 포괄하는 핵심어가 ‘아리랑고개’이다. 이 아리랑고개는 언제, 어떤 배경에서 형성되었나? 이는 50년전 1세대 아리랑 연구가 임동권의 “민요 아리랑은 반듯이 ‘아리랑고개’를 노래 부르나 ‘아리랑’과 ‘고개’의 복합으로 되어 있음으로 그 해석은 ‘아리랑’의 어원과 ‘고개’의 소재를 밝힘으로서 비로서 가능하다.”를 무겁게 수용하여 접근하게 한다. 본 논문은 ‘아리랑고개’를 ‘아리’와 ‘아라리’의 변음에 ‘음’의 첨가, 그리고 대표사설의 ‘문경새재’의 대체어(代替語) ‘고개’와의 합성명사로 규정했다. 그리고 이를 경복궁 중건 공사 7년이라는 ‘인간시장’ 형성 계기와 이의 문화전파 결과로 보았다. 그 결과 ‘아리랑’은 음감(音感)에서 ‘아리랑고개’는 정서상에서 ‘시대의 노래’로 ‘민족의 노래’로 보편화 하게 하였음을 밝혔다. 결론으로 ‘문경새재소리 또는 문경새재아라리가 공사장에 전파되어 전국의 부역군과 장악원 악원들과, 서울의 선소리산타령패와, 전국에서 동원된 유랑연에집단의 합작으로 유흥적인 형태의 새로운 아리랑(H.B. 헐버트 채보)이 형성되었음을 밝혔다. 이 과정에서 ‘아리랑’과 ‘고개’의 합성, 그리고 잡가적 성격이 강화되어 ‘ㅇ’음의 첨가로 후렴이 고정화 된 것이다. 이러함에서 ‘아리랑고개’는 경북의 문경새재에서 연유한 것이다. The program note of Arirang Cultural Heritage Administration said that ‘Arirang is a group of songs that sings the chorus on a regular, intermittent basis using Ari, Arari, Arirang continuously or sometimes. Extremely interpreted, Arirang’s identity is based on whether there is chorus, not musical structure or thematic traits. The main components of the refrain are ‘Ari’, ‘Arari’, ‘Arirang’, and ‘Ariranghill’. Among them, the key words are ‘Ariranghill’. This article has defined ‘Ariranghill’ as the addition of ‘o’ sound to the inflection of ‘Arari’ and a compound word with ‘a hill’, a substitute for ‘Mungyeongsaejae’. And this was found as the result of chance of 7-year Gyeongbok Palace Re-building construction and its cultural diffusion. As a consequence, it was clarified that ‘Arirang’ in the pitch and ‘Ariranghill’ in emotion became popular as ‘the song of the age’, ‘the song of the people’. As a result, it was revealed that ‘Arirang’ is the pitch (Arirang’s song) from the emotions to ‘Song of the Age’ and ‘Song of the People’. In conclusion, it was clarified that the actual place of, ‘Ariranghill’ accepted at Arirang retain is Gyeongbuk Mungyeongsaejae.

      • 1912년 총독부 아리랑 자료의 주요사설 검토

        김연갑(Kim, yeon-gab) 아시아강원민속학회 2020 아시아강원민속 Vol.34 No.-

        1911~1912년 총독부가 조사 정리한〈이요(俚謠) · 이언(俚諺) 급(及) 통속적(通俗的) 독물(讀物) 등(等) 조사(調査)〉는 근대식 전국 대상 민속조사의 첫 사례이다. 이 조사에는 56편의 아리랑 사설이 확인된다. 이를 본 논문에서는 ‘1912년 총독부 아리랑 자료’로 호명했다. 이 글에서는 ‘1912년 총독부 아리랑 자료’ 가운데 10여 편을 대상으로 살펴보았다. 살핀 주요 주제는 자탄적 사설, 지명 출현의 의미, ‘아리랑고개’의 합성 배경, 아리랑 향유 동기, 영화〈아리랑〉주제가 대표사설과의 상관성, 한시형 사설의 가치, 진도아리랑 후렴 ‘응~응~응의 연원, 아라리와 아리랑의 선후 관계, 의병사(義兵史)와의 관계이다. 이를 통해 논쟁적인 몇몇 문제에 대한 유용한 단서를 찾아 제시했다. 이는 문헌 소재 아리랑의 성격을 규명하고, 동시에 그 각각의 각편에 접근하는 방식에 대한 시론이기도 하다. 〈Survey of popular reading materials, etc. for the Iyo(village songs) and Ian(village lyrics) level〉 investigated and compiled by the Governor-General from 1911 to 1912, was the first example of a modern national folk survey. The survey confirms 56 Arirang folklores. In this paper, it was referred to as “Arirang Data of the Governor-General of Korea in 1912”. In this article, about 10 pieces of the “Arirang Data of the Governor-General in 1912” were reviewed. The main themes include self-moaning folklores, the meaning of the appearance of place names, the synthetic background of “Arirang Pass”, the motive of possessing Arirang, correlation between the theme of the movie 〈Arirang〉 and the representative folklore, the origin of Jindo Arirang’s refrain eum~eum~eum, the ordering of Arari and Arirang and the relationship with voluntary troops history. This led to useful clues on some controversial issues. It is also a contemporary opinion on the way to identify the characteristics of Arirang in literary materials, and approach to each piece at the same time.

      • <아리랑>의 성격 변화와 정체성 확립과정 고찰

        김연갑 ( Kim Yeon-gab ) 세명대학교 지역문화연구소 2012 지역문화연구 Vol.11 No.-

        아리랑은 이미 우리 정서를 대표하는 상징으로서 정체성과 어느 정도의 세계성도 확보하고 있다. 아리랑이 우리 근대사의 수난사와 함께 함으로써 나름의 고유성과 매력을 확보한 결과이다. 특히 1930년대 영화<아리랑>과 그 주제가의 대중화로 확보된 세 층위가 있다. 아는 민중적 비애와 한(恨)에 의한 비극적 정조(情調)의 수렴체로, 권력에 대한 개인과 집단의 저항적 민중의지의 발현체로, 고통과 모순을 극복한 미래의식의 추동체로, 상상되고 가치화 되어 불렸기 때문이다. 이의 실상이 아리랑 백년간의 전승과 변이상의 축적으로 다음의 상황이다. ①경복궁 중수공사 ②일한병탄 조약 ③나운규의 영화<아리랑>과 그 주제가 ④1930년 총독부의 조사 ⑤1945년 해방 ⑥한국전쟁 ⑦아시안 게임과 올림픽 경기 ⑧남북단일팀 단가<아리랑> ⑨6.15 남북 정상회담 ⑩월드컵 경기와 <아리랑축전> ①과 ②는 구아리랑의 기능이고, 나머지 ③으로부터 ⑩까지는 본조아리랑의 상황이다. 이 아리랑의 역사적 사건에의 의탁은 동시대 마다 그 메세이지를 담아 불려 매체적 기능과 함께 ‘시대의 노래’로서의 기능을 다한 것이다. 이런 아리랑 상황은 1950대에 이르러 저항·대동·상생정신을 담은 ‘민족의 노래’로 그 위상을 확보했고, 이 3대 정신은 가치있는 보편정신이기도 하다. 이 보편정신은 우리 근대사의 압축적 표현이고 상징이다. Arirang retainthat not only identity by symbol to represent our emotions but also worldwide. It is the result of hard-work that suffering of modern history by ensuring a characteristic and charm. Especially, movie of Arirang in 1930’s and theme song’s popularization reflect the three floors To hug people's grief and deep sorrow, to against with power of individuals and groups, to get over pain and contradiction, those are precious cultural assets. These realities reflect next situations to Arirang hundred years of tradition and accumulation of changes. ① Repairing construction of Gyeongbokgung ② Korea and Japan absorption treaty ③ Arirang movie and theme song by Na ungyu ④ investigation of the Japan ⑤ Liberation from Japan on August 15, 1945 ⑥ The Korean War ⑦ Asian game and the Olympic games ⑧ A single inter -Korean team’s folksong < Arirang > ⑨ The June 15 inter-Korea summit talks ⑩ The World Cup and < Arirang festival > ① and ② is function of the old type’s Arirang and the number from ③ to ⑩ is situation of the present’s Arirang. The Arirang’s entrust called to put that message every contemporary media features and functions as ““era of the song””fulfill a function. This situation of Arirang secured the status by ““ethnic’s song”” put resistance spirit, a unite spirit for a common purpose and win-win spirit in 1950’s. Also these three universal spirits are valuable spirit. The universal spirit is symbol of our modern history and is compressed expression.

      • 소집단 학습자 구성 방법에 따른 체육 학습 효과

        하영준(Ha Young-Jun),김연갑(Kim Yeon-Kab) 인하대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2000 스포츠과학논문집 Vol.12 No.-

        Today, the learning with small groups is a popular style of 'pedagogy in the field of so called "open education" which is being concerned in the elementary and middle school. Despite many researches on the effects on learning' with small groups had been implemented, there has not been any consensus of decision yet, which is the most important factor in the pedagogy with small groups. Therefore the main purpose of this study is to find the way to organize the small' groups which is the most essential part in learning with small groups, comparing the effects on physical learning of the elementary school student by' the way of forming small groups(homogeneous and heterogeneous groups}, in the field of physical teaching-learning, which is one of the learning styles in small groups, coming from "Spectrum of teaching style" developed by Mosston. For the experimentation, 95 students(50 boys and 45 girls} in their forth grade are selected from 2 classes in "C" elementary school located in In-Cheon and are divided into 2 groups, that is to say, homogeneous (small group by each levels} and heterogeneous(small group by mixed levels} group. Then these two sample groups are instructed to dribble and pass the ball in the simple basketball and soccer game respectively, three times a week, through the regular physical class for 12 weeks. Meanwhile a pre-test is implemented in the first second week and final test in the eleventh twelfth week. The following results can be achieved from this research; First, there was no big difference between the homogeneous and heterogeneous group, once the same contents and circumstances had been provided to the small group, (P>0.05) Second, organizing homogeneous and heterogeneous group from the whole group made no big different effects in learning (P>0.05), however, as a result of comparing the learning effects on the boy group and girl group by levels (high, intermediate, low), significant difference was observed in the high level soccer group of boy(P>0.05) and dribbling and passing group of girl(P>0.05}, and no significant difference was caught from the remaining learning effects by the event, gender and small groups(high, intermediate, low) Therefore, the average comparison showed that homogeneous group in the high level students, heterogeneous in the intermediate and low are tend to get better learning effects. Consequently, the above-mentioned research makes a meaningful way to the efficient management on the learning with small group of the "open education" which is most. concerned recently. Especially, it shows that the learning ability of the student, the characteristics of the learning subject and the external conditions for the class are the main factor in the way of forming groups and gives a hint of necessity of the flexible grouping to the things given. It will also be helpful to form small groups in the course by level, which is the basis of seventh education course.

      • 소집단 학습자 구성 방법에 따른 체육 학습 효과

        하영준,김연갑 인하대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2000 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        Today, the learning with small groups is a popular style of pedagogy in the field of so called "open education" which is being concerned in the elementary and middle school. Despite many researches on the effects on learning with small groups had been implemented, there has not been any consensus of decision yet, which is the most important factor in .the pedagogy with small groups, Therefore the main purpose of this study is to find the way to organize the small groups which is the most essential part in learning with small groups, comparing the effects on physical learning of the elementary school student by the way of forming small groups(homogeneous and heterogeneous groups), in the field of physical teaching-learning, which is one of the learning styles in small groups, coming from "Spectrum of teaching style" developed by Mosston. For the experimentation, 95 students(50 bys and 45 girls) in their forth grade are selected from 2 classes in "C" elementary school located in In-Cheon and are divided into 2 groups, that is to say, homogeneous(small group by each levels) and heterogeneous(small group by mixed levels) group. Then these two sample groups are instructed to dribble and pass the ball in the simple basketball and soccer game respectively, three times a week, through the regular physical class for 12 weeks. Meanwhile a pre-test is implemented in the first second week and final test in the eleventh twelfth week. The following results can be achieved from this research; First, there was no big difference between the homogeneous and heterogeneous group, once the same contents and circumstances had been provided to the small group.(P>0.05) Second, organizing homogeneous and heterogeneous group from the whole group made no big different effects in learning(P>0.05), however, as a result of comparing the learning effects on the boy group and girl group by levels(high, intermediate, low), significant difference was observed in the high level soccer group of boy(P>0.05) and dribbling and passing group of girl(P>0.05), and no significant difference was caught from the remaining learning effects by the event, gender and small groups(high, intermediate, low) Therefore, the average comparison showed that homogeneous group in the high level students, heterogeneous in the intermediate and low are tend to get better learning effects. Consequently, the above-mentioned research makes a meaningful way to the efficient management on the learning with small group of the "open education" which is most concerned recently. Especially, it shows that the learning ability of the student, the characteristics of the learning subject and the external conditions for the class are the main factor in the way of forming groups and gives a hint of necessity of the flexible grouping to the things given. It will also be helpful to form small groups in the course by level, which is the basis of seventh education course.

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