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      • KCI등재

        오염원에 따른 토양 입경 별 비소의 오염특성 및 생물학적 접근성 평가

        권예슬,김은정,Kwon, Ye-Seul,Kim, Eun Jung 한국지하수토양환경학회 2017 지하수토양환경 Vol.22 No.5

        In this study, we evaluated effect of particle size on arsenic solid-state speciation and bioaccessibility in soils highly contaminated with arsenic from smelting and mining. Soils were partitioned into six particle size fractions ($2000-500{\mu}m$, $500-250{\mu}m$, $250-150{\mu}m$, $150-75{\mu}m$, $75-38{\mu}m$, <$38{\mu}m$), and arsenic solid-state speciation and bioaccessibility were characterized in each particle size fraction. Arsenic solid-state speciation was characterized via sequential extraction and XRD analysis, and arsenic bioaccessibility was evaluated by SBRC (Solubility Bioaccessibility Research Consortium) method. In smelter site soil, arsenic was mainly present as arsenic bound to amorphous iron oxides. Fine particle size fractions showed higher arsenic concentration, but lower arsenic bioaccessibility. On the other hand, arsenic in mine site soil showed highest concentration in largest particle size fraction ($2000-500{\mu}m$), while higher bioaccessibility was observed in smaller particle size fractions. Arsenic in mine site soil was mainly present as arsenolite ($As_2O_3$) phase, which seemed to affect the distribution of arsenic and arsenic bioaccessibility in different particle size fractions of the mine soil.

      • 감 착즙액 첨가량과 가수량에 따른 감막걸리의 특성

        권예슬,서예진,강주연,최현진,최한석,Ye Seul Kwon,Yejin Seo,Juyeon Kang,Hyun Jin Choi,Han-Seok Choi 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2024 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.25 No.4

        With the steady growth in the scale of the domestic traditional liquor industry, the interest in makgeolli has also been increasing. As the demand for makgeolli increases, interest in manufacturing differentiated makgeolli by adding additional raw materials such as fruits is increasing. In this study, makgeolli with low storage persimmon juice was manufactured, and the sweet taste of persimmon was imparted without adding sweeteners. Unsweetened, high-quality persimmon makgeolli with an alcohol content of 15% or more was manufactured and its quality characteristics were analyzed. Yeast was selected after producing fermented yeast by treating domestic isolated yeast and commercial yeast. Upon producing fermented yeast, persimmon makgeolli was manufactured by varying the amount of persimmon juice added to the fermented yeast. As a result of analyzing the quality characteristics of persimmon makgeolli, the pH was 4.02-4.25, the total acid (citric acid, %) was 0.30-0.43, the amino acidity (glycine, %) range was 0.05-0.15, and the alcohol content (%) was 15.64-18.48.(p<0.05). Reducing sugar (%) was 1.82-12.68 and total sugar (%) was 1.41-10.42, exhibiting a tendency to increase as the amount of reducing sugar and total sugar and the amount of juice added increased (p<0.05). Considering the sensory characteristics, a sample with 50% persimmon juice added showed a significantly higher residual sugar content, and the residual sugar content had a positive effect on the sensory characteristics. Therefore, 50% persimmon juice was added when making persimmon makgeolli. It is suitable for high-quality, non-sweetened persimmon makgeolli that preserves the taste of persimmon, which suits the consumers'taste.

      • KCI등재

        약주의 향미 평가항목 개발 연구

        권예슬 ( Ye Seul Kwon ),전진아 ( Jin Ah Jeon ),정석태 ( Seok Tae Jeong ),최한석 ( Han Seok Choi ),강지은 ( Ji Eun Kang ) 한국산업식품공학회 2021 산업 식품공학 Vol.25 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 약주의 향, 맛, 목넘김의 특성을 과학적으로 반영하여 이를 객관적으로 표현할 수 있는 향미 평가항목을 도출하고자 하였다. 총 20명의 훈련된 전통주 전문가를 대상으로 3단계의 델파이 기법을 적용하고, 켄달의 W검증을 통해 의견의 타당도와 신뢰도를 분석한 결과, 크게 향, 냄새, 입안감촉 3개의 대영역으로 분류되었다. 각 영역의 하위개념으로 과일, 식물, 곡물, 꽃, 유제품, 한약재, 견과류, 향신료, 발효, 단향의 10개의 상위항목이, 냄새 영역에는 이취가, 입안감촉 영역에는 맛과 입안감촉 2개의 항목이 분류되었다. 각 상위항목을 표현하는 세부항목은 모두 89종이 도출되었다. 첫 번째 향 영역 중 과일은 13종(참외, 메론, 바나나, 파인애플, 딸기, 청사과, 붉은사과, 살구, 자두, 복숭아, 배, 매실, 감귤)의 세부항목이 도출되었고, 식물은 3종(풀, 무, 버섯), 곡물은 8종(옥수수향, 생쌀, 갓 지은 밥, 밀, 조청, 엿기름, 구수한 향(누룽지), 기타 부원료), 꽃은 5종(장미, 국화, 연꽃, 매화, 아카시아), 유제품은 4종(우유, 치즈, 버터, 요거트), 한약재는 12종(인삼류, 뿌리류(도라지, 더덕), 구기자, 오미자, 대나무잎, 연잎, 솔잎, 송순, 생강, 대추, 감초, 쑥), 견과류는 5종(밤, 아몬드, 고구마, 잣, 땅콩), 향신료는 5종(계피, 정향, 바닐라, 후추, 박하(민트)), 발효는 4종(간장, 메주, 숙성향(노주향), 누룩향), 단향은 3종(꿀, 카라멜, 달콤한 향)으로 총 62종이 도출되었다. 두 번째 냄새 영역의 이취 세부항목에는 초산(식초), 아세트알데히드, 곰팡이, 부티르산, 산취(쉰냄새), 디메틸설파이드, 종이, 먼지, 흙, 고무, 누룩취, 유황, 열화취, 유취(산패)로 총 14종이 도출되었다. 세 번째 입안감촉 영역은 맛과 입안감촉으로 구분되었는데, 맛의 세부항목으로는 단맛, 짠맛, 신맛, 쓴맛, 감칠맛의 5종이, 입안감촉의 세부항목으로는 떫은맛(수렴성), 자극적인, 부드러운, 톡쏘는 맛(탄산), 무게감, 균형감, 여운(지속성), 목넘김의 8종의 세부항목이 도출되었다. 이렇듯 약주의 향미를 과학적으로 분석한 평가항목을 활용하여 약주를 생산하는 산업체, 건강 혹은 새로움을 맛보기 위해 전통주를 찾는 소비자, 그리고 한국의 전통문화를 알고자 하는 외국인에게 우리술의 맛과 향을 과학적으로 알기 쉽게 표현하여 전통주가 세계로 발돋움 할 수 있는 초석이 되었으면 한다. The objective of this study was to draw the evaluation items in which everyone could easily express the aroma and taste of yakju. In the results of applying the 3-step Delphi technique to a total of 20 trained experts in traditional liquors and analyzing the validity and reliability of opinions through Kendall’s W-Test, components were classified into three general areas such as aroma, odor, and palate. Aroma was categorized into ten upper items such as fruit, plant, grain, flower, dairy product, medicinal herbs, nuts, spice, fermentation, and sweetness. Odor was grouped into a single upper item like off-odor, while the palate area was sorted into two upper items such as taste and mouthfeel. A total of 89 kinds of detailed items expressing each upper item were drawn. This study could be a foundation for moving the subject to the world stage by objectively and efficiently expressing the taste and aroma of Korean yakju to the foreigners, consumers, and industry that produces traditional liquors, using the items for evaluating the taste and aroma of traditional liquors drawn in this study.

      • KCI등재

        LG 그룹 지주회사 전환과정과 소유구조 변화 사례연구

        이호영 ( Ho Young Lee ),강지혜 ( Ji Hye Kang ),권예슬 ( Ye Seul Kwon ) 한국회계학회 2015 회계저널 Vol.24 No.4

        지주회사는 1997년 IMF 외환위기 이후 기업집단의 지배구조를 투명하게 하려는 취지로 허용된 이래 2014년 현재까지 꾸준히 그 수가 늘어 왔다. 비록 지주회사가 정부와 공정거래위원회에 의해 지지를 받고 있고 시장에 의해서도 긍정적인 평가를 받고 있기는 하지만, 지주회사를 둘러싼 찬반양론은 여전히 계속되고 있다. 지주회사는 국내 재벌 집단 내의 순환출자 해소·신속한 구조조정·외부의 경영 감시 용이성 제고·계열사의 책임 경영 강화 등의 목적을 달성하기 위해 도입되었고, 그 부작용으로 예상되는 경제력 집중을 미연에 방지하기 위해 지주회사에는 부채비율 제한·자회사최소지분율 요건 등 비지주회사에는 적용되지 않는 여러 규제가 적용되고 있다. LG그룹 사례는 우리나라 재벌 그룹들 중 최초로 지주회사 체제를 성공적으로 확립하였으며, 이후 많은 재벌들이 지주회사 체제로 전환하는 데 결정적인 영향을 미쳤다는 점에서 귀중한 연구 가치를 가지는 사례이다. LG그룹은 2001년부터 ㈜LGCI와 ㈜LGEI를 중심으로 지배구조를 재편한 후 2003년에는 통합 지주회사 ㈜LG를 출범시켰다. 여기에 포함되지 않은 12개 계열회사는 LS그룹으로 분리되었고, 2004년에는 지주회사 ㈜LG가 ㈜LG 와 GS홀딩스로 인적분할되었다. 본 사례에서는 지주회사 전환이 LG그룹의 소유구조 개선을 실제로 가져왔는지 여부를 소유-지배 괴리도라는 개념을 통해 살펴보았다. 지주회사 전환이 일어나기 바로 직전인 2000년도, 지주회사 출범 직후인 2003년도, 가장 최근인 2013년의 LG그룹의 소유-지배괴리도를 계산한 결과 그 수치는 2000년에는 30.61%, 2003년에는 39.39%, 2013년에는 43.08%로 시간이 지남에 따라 오히려 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 이 결과는 지주회사 전환이 기업의 소유지배구조 개선을 가져올 것이라는 공정거래위원회의 주장과는 달리, 지주회사 체제를 선택한 대기업집단에서 재벌 총수의 영향력이 오히려 강화될 수도 있음을 시사한다. The number of holding companies has been increasing since the beginning of the IMF bailout period in 1997. The Korean government decided to allow the holding company structure as an effort to improve the transparency of corporate governance of Chaebols. However, there have been heated debates on the benefits and the costs of allowing the holding company ownership structure. In particular, the holding company system was introduced in order to mitigate the negative effect of circular ownership structure, expediate corporate restructuring, and improve monitoring by stakeholders among Chaebols. In order to prevent the possible side effects of holding company structure, several regulations have been applied to holding companies. The regulations require holding companies to maintain the debt ratio below a certain level and have a certain ownership percentage for their subsidiary companies. These regulations were introduced in order to prevent economic concentration among a few large business conglomerates in Korea. This study analyze the transformation process of LG Group to a holding company structure in order to learn how the transformation affected ownership structure. Holding company system was introduced in an attempt to improve the effectiveness of corporate governance after the foreign currency crisis in the late 1990s in Korea. There are conflicting views on holding company system. Holding company system may improve transparency of management and ensure democratic and reasonable decision making among chaebols. Primary shareholders of chaebols in Korea have been criticized because of their dominant influence over management decisions. In addition, some of chaebols have experienced financial crises during recessionary periods primarily because of their primary shareholders`` pragmatical and arbitrary management decisions. Korean government encouraged chaebols to improve the transparency of ownership structure, which will eventually solve the problems arisen from complex ownership structure within chaebls. On the other hand, holding company system may simly a means to enhance controlling power of primary shareholders. This study provides insights to regulators, financial analysts, investors, creditors, and firms that may consider tranforming their structure to a holding company. According to the Fair Trade Act of Korea, the definition of holding company is a firm whose primary purpose is to control other companies via stock ownership. Their asset size must be 100 billion Korean won. The transformation of the LG group to a holding company structure was the first successful case in Korea. After observing the successful transformation, many Chaebols decided to transform their ownership structures into holding company systems. Understanding the process of transforming to a holding company within the LG group provides regulators, managers and investors with useful insights in making their decisions. The LG group started to reform their ownership structure in 2001. First, it focused the process on LGCI and LGEI and formed a combined holding company, LG. The rest of the 12 affiliated firms that were not included in the LG system was separated as another Chaebol, LS group. In 2004, the holding company, LG, was divided into two holding companies, LG Holdings and GS Holdings. This case also examines how the transformation of the LG group to a holding company structure affected the difference between control and cash flow rights known as the wedge ratio. We find that the wedge ratios have increased overtime, which were not originally intended by regulators. While the wedge ratio in 2000 was 30.61 percent, the ratio was 39.39 percent in 2003 and 43.08 percent in 2013. This result suggests that primary owners`` influence over Chaebols can in fact increase after the transformation to the holding company structure.

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