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      • KCI등재

        韓國老人 健康保護 體制의 問題點과 對策

        Ja soon Koo(具滋順) 한국노년학회 1986 한국노년학 Vol.6 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is examine existing health care systems of the aged in Korea. The term health care system is used in this paper in a very broad sense to integrate also non-professional subsystems like the family. Two questions will be focused: What are the main problems in the health care systems of the aged in Korea? Secondly, what measures should be undertaken to reduce or prevent these problems? The specific topics what will be discussed are: 1) demographic trends of aging in Korea; 2) general health status of elderly; 3) medical policy; 4) community health care system, and 5) family care. This discussion therefore identifies the problems and solutions. In order to describe the health care systems of the Korean elderly, we rely on data on the aged from various sources, such as ethnolographic materials, government statistical data, surveys done by Korean gerontologists, newspaper reports and so on. The existing data on the health care systems of the aged in Korea indicate a number of problems. The significant problems concerning health care systems of Korean elderly and recommended solutions are: First, there are many more older people who wlll suffer chronic disease since the population aged 75 and over has been increased continuously and will be a much larger group in the future. More health services will be needed but resources are lacking. More burdens will fall on the family unless institutions are created to help. The role of the family in health care and illness of the elderly should be defined. The need for home health care serivices or the need for institutional places will rise. Also, the shifting of the burden of health care of the aged from the family to the public is an issue. Second, Korea needs to develop health care programs which can reach the majority of the aged. The elderly tend to use less of health services than other age groups. Only 3.6% of the Korean elderly were treated under the medical insurance in 1983. Moreover, health care systems of the aged are varying in according to sex, geographic location (rural/urban) and socio-economic status. The distribution of medical and health care services has favored males, urban areas, and higher socio-economic class. It is not only a problem of health but also one of social justice for the majority. Third, the negative reinforcement of portraying physical and mental illness as the normal course of aging is deeply embeded into Korean culture. Also, Korean elderly do not have correct knowledge of nutrition. Old people tend to accept their illness and to have a low expectation of services. Preventive geriatrics should be practiced. More geriatic care personnel, information and training should be used with old people. This needs great involvement of community. Fourth, no establishment has been made for the concept of medical assistance for the aged. Current medical policy does not meet the needs of the eldery's health care. This has not been designed for the elderly population. To plan health development for the aged, a national committee on aging should be established. The committee should study, examine, and guide the elderly with reference to their needs and desires for their health care. Fifth, Kroea is lacking in reliable demographic, economic, health, and other data on the aged population which are necessary for effective planning and implementation process for helth care of the aged. Without reliable information, most decisions on policy or programs for the elderly seem to be based on hunches or political expediences. Under such conditions, effective health care is impossible. There must be a national effort to promote and support accelerated research on the health care of the elderly. Sixth, aging is not national priority. Unless the political and social leaders recognize the value of the health care for the aged, it may never be a priority. Health care for the aged has been constrained by various problems, political, cultural, e

      • KCI등재

        한국 노년학의 위치

        구자순(Koo Ja Soon) 한국노년학회 1985 한국노년학 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to delve into the history of Korean gerontology to explore its emergence, growth and development. The gerontological activity in Korea has assumed a wide varity of expressions. Our immediate focus has been delimited to a consideration of the history of gerontological researches, dealing with master and doctoral theses, articles, and books written in Korean during the period 1960-1984. The information comprising this paper has been collected from various sources. The collected materials were divided into five major classifications; biological aspects, clinical medicine, psychological aspects, behavioral aspects, and social aspects. Each major classification is then subdivided into numerous more specific minor classifications. In order to generate the information appropriate to this study it was necessary to examine each reference listed in the five major classifications and code the reference by year and by specific minor. Under the five classifications of immediate interest were listed a total of 433 references from 1960 to 1984. Of this total, 29.6% (128) were master theses, 1.6%(6) were doctoral theses, 65.5%(284) were articles, and 3.4%(15) were books. We note that over time 64.8% of the total number appeared between 1980-1984. 24.8%were during the 1975-1979 period, 6.5% were during 1970-1974, and only 3.5% were during 1965-1969, and a mere 0.5% appeared during 1960-1964. Strikingly, it is evident that a full 90% of all references appeared during the period 1975-1984. By major classification of master and doctoral theses, the thrust of activity was on the social aspects of aging. Of the 134 theses, 105 addressed the social aspects, three addressed the biological aspects, 14 did the clinical medicine, three did the psychological aspect, and nine addressed the behavioral aspects. Clinical medicine and social welfare and policy were the topics getting the most attention. Nutrition, clothing, death, education for the elderly, and management of schools for the age were new topics in 1980s. Of the 284 articles published in Korean between 1960-1984, 2.5%(7) addressed the nutrition of ageing, 20.1%(57) focused on the clinical medicine, 1.7% (5) dealt with the psychological aspects, 3.9%(11) dealt with the behavioral aspects, and 71.8% (204) focused on the social aspects. The articles significantly increase between 1975-1984. There is no evidence of a decline during 1960-1984. The vast majority appeared was social work, social policy, health, and family. In the case of books, a total of 15 books were published only between 1975-1984. All the books addressed the social aspects of aging and centered on the social welfare and policy. In concluding this paper, it is felt that the information gathered for this study provides the most specific arxi definitive portrait of research activity in gerontology available in Korea. The historical trend expressed the anticipated tremendous increase between 1975-1984. We have noticed that the earliest expression of interest in gerontology focused on the clinical medicine. The areas receiving the most attention were social welfare and social policy and the tremendous increase of volume occurred during the period 1980-1984. All that we have before us is but a description of a single dimension of the history of gerontology conveniently abstracted from the concrete social, political, economic, and ideological flex in which it evolved. We can well conclude that we now hove a clear picture of history we seek to understand Korean gerontology.

      • KCI등재

        사이버공간에 대한 한국 사회학의 연구 동향

        구자순(Ja Soon Koo) 사이버커뮤니케이션학회 2008 사이버 커뮤니케이션 학보 Vol.25 No.1

        이 논문은 1997-2007년 기간에 국내 사회학 관련 학회지에 게재된 사이버공간에 대한 연구논문들을 연도별 연구주제, 이론 및 방법으로 분류하여 내용분석하고 이를 통해 사이버공간사회학에 연구동향을 밝혀보았다. 학술성과로 추출 분류된 사회학자들의 논문을 검토한 결과 2000년 이후 논문 수에 두드러진 증가를 보이면서 연구주제도 사이버페미니즘, 정보 불평등, 사이버범죄 및 일탈, 사이버공동체 개념, 정보산업 및 경제, 사이버민주주의, 사이버공간에서의 사회자본, 자아표현과 인상관리 등으로 확장 및 심화하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 연구에 적용한 이론과 주제를 보면 헤러웨이의 사이버페미니즘, 카스텔의 네트워크사회론, 쉴러의 정보 불평등이론, 부르디외의 문화자본론, 하버마스의 의사소통이론과 공론장과 숙의민주주의, 린의 사회자본 및 합리적 선택, 고프만의 자아표현 및 인상관리론, 그리고 신경제론이 주를 이루고 있었다. 연구방법은 주로 경험적 연구이었으며, 60%가 양적연구였고, 온라인 설문지조사가 두드러져 다차원 척도를 이용한 것들이었다. 질적 방법도 온라인에 직접 참여하여 관찰하는 민속지적방법인 넷스노그래피(nethonography)를 사용하였다. 특징으로는 정량분석, 담론분석, 참여관찰 등 다각적 방법을 사용하여 사이버공론장과 사이버공간에서 사회관계망을 분석한다는 점이다. 동향으로는 2000년대 초반까지는 정부기관 및 지역자치단체 지원으로 정보격차 및 지역정보화정책연구가 활발하였고, 이후부터는 사이버공동체에서의 상호작용과 사회관계 변형에 지속적 연구가 행해지고 있었으며, 최근에는 일인미디를 이용한 사회네트워킹 연구에 관심이 높아지고 있었다. 향후과제로는 모바일 커뮤니케이션 및 사회 네트워크 서비스에 대한 사회학적 연구와 한국의 토착적 사이버 공간사회학 이론개발을 위한 연구의 필요성을 제안하였다. The purpose of this paper is to explore recent research trends in the Korean sociology of cyberspace over the period of 1997-2007. Research articles published in related academic journals were examined for content analysis under three major content classifications: research subject; theory; and research method. The research has made a noticeable increase in the number of published articles. Research has been extended to such various subjects as cyberfeminism digital divide, information policy, concept of cybercommunity, impression management, information economy and industry, cyberdemocracy, social capital, and cybercrime. Seven sociological theories were mostly used to analyze the research: Haraway's cyberfeminism; Sheller's critical theory for information inequality; Bourdieu's cultural capital; Harbermas's communicative theory for public spare and deliberate democracy; Goffman's theory for impression management in cyberspace; Lin's theories for social capital and rational choice; New economy paradigm; and Castle's network society theory. Quantitative methods using multivariate statistical analysis such as regression, factor analysis, and path analysis were used. Participant observation and nethnography on cyberspace were used for qualitative research in cybercommunity. Triangulation method was used to study public spare and social network in cyberspace. Of note, during early 2000, research into digital divide and information policy of local area received support from either national or local government and, during the last 4 years, development and application of information technology. Consistently, cyberspace research has been of the pattern of social interaction and social relationship in cybercommunity. Researchers of cyberspace sociology need to make efforts to theorize the Korean cyberspace situation and develop universal explanatory theories contributable to the global cyberspace. Furthermore, under changing ICT environments, they need to research such subjects as mobile communication and social networking service within a Korean cultural context.

      • KCI등재

        HIV / AIDS 예방을 위한 인터넷 사용에 관련된 연구동향

        구자순(Ja-Soon Koo) 사이버커뮤니케이션학회 2007 사이버 커뮤니케이션 학보 Vol.21 No.1

        최근 인터넷 사용이 HIV / AIDS 감염을 확산시키고 있다는 연구결과들이 밝혀지면서 인터넷 사용이 HIV / AIDS 감염 및 예방에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구가 관심을 받고 있다. 그러나 국내에서는 이 주제에 대한 연구가 아직은 미약한 실정이다. 이 논문에서는 앞으로 이러한 연구를 수행하기 위한 기틀 마련의 일차적 단계로 연구가 활발한 국외의 연구동향을 알아보았다. 탐색적 연구수준에서 1996년부터 2006년까지 국외 학술지에 발표된 HIV / AIDS 예방을 위한 인터넷 사용과 관련된 연구논문들을 수집하여 적용된 이론 및 방법과 특수주제를 내용분석 하였다. 그 결과 연구에 가장 많이 적용된 헬스 커뮤니케이션 이론은 네트워크사회이론, 사회인지이론, 건강신념모델 (health belief model), 개인 환경 이론이었다. 연구 방법론에 대한 논쟁은 HIV / AIDS 감염인들이 처한 특수한 상황을 고려하여 인터넷을 도구로 사용하는 질적연구 방법에 대한 논의가 주를 이루었다. 구체적으로 연구대상자 선정, 면접법, 면접 배경, 낮은 참여도, 인터넷 고유의 언어사용을 논의하고 있었다. 특수주제로는 HIV / AIDS 관련웹사이트 분석 및 평가와 감염인들이 당면하고 있는 정보격차였다. 이 연구들의 결과들을 종합해보면 연구대상이 주로 10대-30대의 젊은 남성 동성애자이었고, 연구쟁점은 감염위험을 증가시키는지 혹은 감소시키는지에 대한 것 이었으며, 연구주제는 HIV / AIDS 예방조치가 주를 이루어 사회적으로 어떤 특단의 조치가 필요함을 연구자들이 인식하고 있었다. The purpose of this study is to explore the emergence and the growth of Internet health communication research as it applies to HIV / AIDS infection and prevention. For this study, articles focusing on HIV / AIDS prevention and written in English during the period 1996-2006 were collected from the service of Academic Search Premier's Finding Articles tool using "HIV / AIDS and Internet" as key words. From a total of 203 articles, 95 articles were selected for content analysis under four major content classifications: theory; research method; Web site analysis and evaluation; and closing the digital divide in HIV / AIDS care. Four health communication theories were mostly used to back up the belief that the Internet might be able to prevent HIV / AIDS: network theory; social cognitive theory; health belief model; and person-environment theory. Most of the research is based on a study among young gay men that used both qualitative and quantitative methods to explore the association between seeking sex through the Internet and HIV / AIDS transmission risk. There were some practical concerns raised in this study, such as low participation rate, using acronyms and expedient textual abbreviation, ways to recruit participants, interview methods, and various interview settings. Another special focus was the quality of online health information on HIV / AIDS prevention websites in terms of their usability and design. The increasing availability of Internet connections and its information, as well as motivation and behavioral skills-based intervention could close the digital divide in health information for people living with HIV / AIDS. The most important issue was still the use of Internet for reducing or increasing HIV / AIDS risk.

      • KCI등재

        가정복지활동과 노인참여

        구자순(Ja Soon Koo) 한국노년학회 1994 한국노년학 Vol.14 No.1

        현재 세계적으로 노년층 인구가 급증하면서 노인들은 단순히 부양부담집단으로 보지말고 사회의 자원으로서 그들이 속한 지역사회에 무엇인가 공헌할 수 있도록 격려하고 기회를 마련해 주어야 한다고 노년학자들은 강조하고 있다. 이 논문은 가정복지활동을 지원하기 위하여 노인들이 참여할 수 있는 구체적인 영역 및 방법들을 다루고 있다. 그 내용으로는 첫째, 우리나라 노인의 사회적 특성을 고찰해 봄으로써 가정복지활동참여계획에 참가할 의향이 있음을 밝히고 있었다. 둘째, 우리나라 가족의 사회구조적 특성을 살펴보았다. 지난 30년인 이루어진 도시화ㆍ산업화과정속에서 도시 저소득층 노동자 가족문제, 사회가치현상으로 나타난 아동 및 노인보호문제, 가족에 세대간의 갈등이 주요 가족 문제로 현존하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 노인들이 속한 지역사회 주민들의 가정복지를 증진시키기 위한 구체적인 서비스 활동의 참여내용 및 형태를 살펴보았다. 그 중에서도 가장 시급히 해결 하여야 할 아동보육지원을 방과후 어린이 보호를 위한 노인자원활동 프로그램을 집중적으로 제의하였다. Many gerontologists contend that we should view the older persons not as a dependent group in terms of its needs, but in terms of the active contribution that they can make to their community increase of working mothers with children has heen raised as a new social problems because they continue to carry primary childcare and child rearing role. Since 1990, he dual-worker family has been the focus of attention by a number of studies in Korea. A day care program for the children of dual-worker families after school has been strongly recommended. The purpose of this paper is to seek out the possibility of utilization of older persons in family welfare services as volunteers. Among various family welfare services, a child-care service role secure particulary suited to the talents and interest of older persons, aged between 60 and 69.

      • KCI등재

        한국 농촌 젊은층 인구전출과 노인

        구자순(Ja soon Koo) 한국노년학회 1991 한국노년학 Vol.11 No.2

        This paper deals with effects of outmigration of young people on the lives of the elderly in rural Korea. Data were collected by life stories method and participant observation in 1988-1989, from a village in Kimjae, Chunbuk, Korea. Old people, over 60, living alone were interviewed. As the Korean society becomes industrialized and urbanized rapidly, young people migrate to work in the urban areas, while older people stay in rural areas to vcontinue traditional work. The older parents have separated their children from farming and have subsidized the urban young migrants. This is the result of the family labor diversification strategy. In this way they can escape the negative self-image they have about rural life. The most important effect has been a change in the ideas concerning rights and responsibilities between children and old parents : the generational cycle is fading away in rural Korea. Many old people have sold their land and have become farm laborers since their children are not dependant on the land. Old parents still expect that their children will take carare of them in time of need. This threatens their traditional sources of old age security since alternative arrangements for their care not available. The Korea society should concern with the aging's contribution in its rural development by focusing on the their needs and potential to integrate in the society.

      • KCI등재

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