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        개간지(開墾地) 대두재배(大豆栽培)에 있어서의 용성인비(熔成燐肥) 시용효과(施用效果)

        김문규,고춘산,Kim, Moon-Kyu,Ko, Chun-San 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1976 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.3 No.2

        신개간지토양(新開墾地土攘)의 합리적(合理的)인 지력증진(地力增進) 개선방안(改善方案)을 구명(究明)하기 위(爲)하여 7종(種)의 토양개량방법(土壤改良方法)을 처리(處理)하고 대두(大豆)을 재배(栽培)하였던바 그결과를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 신개간지(新開墾地) 토양(土攘)에서는 pH가 낮고 유기물(有機物)과 인산(燐酸)은 물론 석회(石灰) 마그네슘등(等)의 염기가 부족(不足)하였다. 석회(石灰)와 용성인비(熔成燐肥)는 토양산도(土壤酸度)의 교정효과(校訂效果)가 컷으며 유기물(有機物)의 증가(增加)에 대해서는 퇴비(堆肥)의 효과(效果)가 가장 큰 것과 퇴비(堆肥)와 용성인비(熔成燐肥)는 토양중(土壤中)의 칼슘함량(含量)을 증가(增加)시키는 효과(效果)가 컷으며 석회(石灰) 용성인비(熔成燐肥) 퇴비(堆肥) 및 심경(深耕)모드가 토양중(土壤中)의 고토함량(苦土含量)을 현저(顯著)히 증가(增加)시켰다. 그리고 퇴비(堆肥)는 토양중(土壤中)의 가리함량(加里含量)을 증가(增加) 시키는 효과(效果)가 현저(顯著)하다. 석회용성인비(石灰熔成燐肥) 및 퇴비(堆肥)는 식물체내의 마그네슘함량(含量)의 증가(增加)에 현저(顯著)한 효과(效果)를 나타내었으며 석회(石灰) 및 용성인비(熔成燐肥)는 각각(各各) 종실중(種實重)의 증효효과(增效效果)가 컸다. 3요소(要素) 퇴비(堆肥) 및 석회시용(石灰施用)과 동시(同時)에 심경(深耕)을 실시(實施)한 구(區)에서 최고(最高)의 종실수량(種實收量)을 보였다. 종실수량(種實收量)은 토양산도(土壤酸度), 토양중(土壤中)의 유기물(有機物) 고토함량(苦土含量) 그리고 식물체내의 고토함량(苦土含量)과 현저(顯著)한 정(正)의 상관관계(相關關係)를 나타내었다. To deter-mine the most reasonable method for improving of newly reclaimed soil, seven kinds of improving methods were tested and the soybean was cultivated as test crop. The results obtained are summarized as follow: The newly reclaimed soil where this experiment was carried out showed low acidity and was deficient in the humus, the phosphate, the calcium and the magnesium. Both the fused phosphate as well as the calcium was much effective to the correction of the soil acidity. The compost was the most effective source to increase the content of the humus in the soil, and also the calcium application showed a significant effect to increase the amount of humus. Not only compost but also fused phosphate were much effective to increase the content of calcium in the soil. Each factor as the calcium, the fused phosphate, the compost and the deep plowing has an effect to increase the amount of magnesium in soil significantly. The compost increased the potassium in soil. The amount of magnesium in soybean plant was significantly increased by the application of the calcium, the fused phosphate or the compost. And the calcium and the fused phosphate had an effect to increase the grain yield of soybean. The highest grain yield of soybean was taken at the treatment of N.P.K.+Compost+Calcium+Deep-plowing. The grain yield of soybean was significantly correlated with the soil acidity, the amount of the humus and the magnesium in soil and the amount of the magnesium in soybean plant.

      • KCI등재

        수도에 대한 완효성비료 METAP의 비효시험(1972)

        이은웅,안수봉,이문희,이주열,송남현,권순목,김칠용,최병초,정현식,조병옥,이일주,박창서,고춘산,박건호,정성채,정환수,이희덕,박성태,이한생,최승락 韓國作物學會 1973 한국작물학회지 Vol.- No.13

        완효성 비료로서 METAP이 수도의 생육 수량 및 그 구성요소에 미치는 영향을 검토하고 그 효과를 단비와 비교하고자 농촌진흥청산하 3개작물시험장과 7개 농촌진흥원에서 동일한 설계하에서 일련의 시험을 실시하였다. METAP의 효과는 토양의 물리, 화학적 성질, 시용시기, 기상조건, 품종 및 재배법에 따라서도 다른 것 같으며 각 시험장에서 얻은 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 사질토에서 METAP의 시용은 수수를 증가시켜 수량이 증가하였으며 분시가 전량기비시용보다 효과가 좋았다. 그러나 해성토, 배수불량한 토양 및 비옥한 토양에서는 단비시용과 차이가 없었다. 2. 등숙에 요하는 온도가 높고, 조식에서 다수성인 품종(통일)을 비식하고 출수전후에 일조가 부족하고 온도가 낮으면 METAP시용이 등숙률 향상이나 1,000 입중을 증가시키지 못한다. Experiments were carried out to study the effectiveness of METAP as a slow released fertilizer on the growth, grain yield and its components of paddy rice, and to compare its effects with those of single fertilizers in the fields of 3 Crop Experiment Stations and 7 provincial Offices of Rural Development. The effectiveness of METAP seems to be different according to the physical and chemical characteristics of soil, the time of application, climatic conditions, variety and cultural methods. Therefore, the experimental results obtained from the above experiment are summurized as follows: 1. When METAP was applied into sandy soil, grain yield was increased due to increase of the number of panicles, and split application of METAP was more effective than basal only. However, in the reclaimed soil, not heavily percolated soil and fertile soil, no differences were observed between MET AP and single fertilizer applied plot. 2. When a rice variety, 'TONGIL' which is sensitive to the low temperature and produce higher yield in the early transplanting, was not transplanted early and air temperature is relatively lower during the ripening stage, the percentage of ripened grains and 1,000 grains weight were not higher in the METAP applied plots than in the single fertilizer applied plots.

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