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      • KCI등재

        환경친화적인 도로건설을 위한 생물서식처 보전가치 평가 및 지도화

        강호근(Ho Geun Kang),박미란(Mi Ran Park),박태권(Tae Kwen Park),김흥래(Heung Lae Kim),이상은(Sang Eun Lee) 大韓環境工學會 2009 대한환경공학회지 Vol.31 No.8

        도로건설은 생물서식지를 단절시키고 고립시키는 등 생태환경 훼손이 우려되고 있으며, 도로건설에 따른 환경영향을 최소화하고 생물서식환경을 보존하기 위한 종합적인 평가기법의 개발 및 적용에 관한 연구가 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 자연생태계의 자연성뿐만 아니라 동물이 서식하는 생태계의 기능을 고려한 보전가치평가기법을 적용하여 이를 도면화 할 수 있는 서식처평가지도를 개발하고자 하였다. 서식처보전가치평가에 적용한 평가 항목은 크게 자연성, 희귀성, 기능성 항목의 3가지 항목으로 선정하였으며 이에 따른 세부평가항목을 구성하였다. GIS를 이용하여 평가기준에 따라 중요도에 대한 수치지도를 작성하였다. 연구결과 나타난 수치지도는 단순히 동물과 식물의 종 조성이나 분포에만 한정된 것이 아니라 서식처 보전을 위한 종합적인 생태계 평가기법이 가능함을 보여주었고, 이를 통하여 생태계 파괴 및 생물 서식처 단절을 최소화 한 환경친화적인 도로건설에 이용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. Road construction has been worked on by focusing on cost effectiveness such as the reduction of construction costs without understanding the natural environment and ecosystems. In addition, since ecosystems have been destroyed and the habitats of animals and plants have been isolated, wild animals have sought other habitats or have moved into isolated habitats. Thus, issues such as roadkills or the extermination of species are increasingly occurring. Based on this background, the development and application of a general assessment method need to be researched in order to verify whether or not spaces or habitats where animals can be inhabited and their species can be maintained exist. The purpose of this study is to develop an ecosystem map where a conservation value evaluation method considering the functions of an ecosystem where animals live as well as the naturalness of ecosystems is used and can be made into a drawing. The items applied to evaluate the habitat conservation values were naturalness, rarity, and functionality, and sub-items for evaluation were created. GIS as well as the evaluation items were used to create a digital map about the level of importance based on the evaluation criteria. The created digital map showed that it was not limited to the adjustment or distribution of the fauna and flora but was applicable for a general ecosystem evaluation method for the conservation of habitats. It is expected that the isolation of habitats would be able to be minimized if the digital map is used for road construction projects. The digital map is deemed to be able to be used for the construction of environmentally friendly roads, which will minimize the destruction of ecosystems and the isolation of habitats for creatures.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 도로노선의 환경성 평가를 위한 기법 개발: 공종별 환경가중치를 중심으로

        강호근 ( Ho Geun Kang ),송민태 ( Min Tae Song ),김상태 ( Sang Tae Kim ),이상은 ( Sang Eun Lee ),김흥래 ( Heung Rae Kim ) 한국환경정책학회 2013 環境政策 Vol.21 No.2

        The aimof this research is to develop an expanded environmental assessment method to select the environmentally friendly road route by appling the environmentweighted value bywork types for both flat route and vertical road route. The previous researches on environmental impact assessment for the planning and construction of road routes consider the flat-route only. There has been no study for comparative evaluation in degree of environmental damage impact between flat route and vertical road route, and thus actual environmental evaluation was not possible. To overcome the limitation of the previous environment friendliness assessment techniques in flat road route, environment weighted value by work types was developed and was applied for the assessment of environmental factors for vertical road route. To calculate the environmentweights bywork type, representingwork types related to the road project were determined, and impact factors by work types and environmental assessment items, were analyzed, and then, the degree of importance by work types were suggested on based of the analysis result. To verify the suggested importance level and to induce the its weight, survey research on degree of the positive and negative impact on the environment bywork typeswere carried out and road expertswere participated in, Eight items for environmental impact assessment bywork types in road projectswas included in the questionnaire. With quantification process of the survey results by items and work types, and through calculating the average percentage of the assessment items, and environment impact scores of road routes by work type were estimated. With the estimated environment impact scores by work types, it was to assess the environment friendliness of the vertical road route. In order to prove the validity of the proposed expanded methods, three road construction projects were selected as test beds and the environment impact scores of 3 road routes were assessed with the proposed method. The proposed method consider three alternatives such as avoidance, mitigation, replacement, to improve environment friendliness and the results showed that the degree of environment friendliness was increased for the test bed routes with more road structural works, such as bridge and tunnel, etc. These results proves that, although construction of more road structures in the road in mountainous area may result in higher project cost, the degree of environment friendliness was improved greatly and thus it is more environmentally and economically favorable choice in overall.

      • KCI등재

        환경친화적인 도로노선 계획을 위한 GIS 기반 환경성 평가기법 연구

        강호근(Ho Geun Kang),박태권(Tae Kwen Park),김흥래(Heung Lae Kim),김상태(Sang Tae Kim),이상은(Sang Eun Lee) 大韓環境工學會 2009 대한환경공학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        환경친화적인 도로노선대 선정을 위하여 공간분석기능을 활용한 GIS 기반 환경성평가 기법을 개발하고 실제 사례노선을 통하여 검증해 보고자 하였다. 도로건설 사업으로 인해 환경훼손을 가져오는 요인에 관한 분석을 바탕으로 영향범주를 구체화 시킨 후, 이에 관한 다양한 등급화 사례 및 법적 규제에 관한 문헌조사를 수행하였다. 공간 분석을 위한 정량화 모델로는 AHP를 선택하였다. 환경성 평가항목으로는 지형지질, 동식물, 토양생태, 수질, 대기질, 소음진동, 토지이용, 위락경관의 8개 항목을 선정하고 그에 따른 세부지표를 구성하여 이를 3등급 체계로 구분하였다. 가중치 산정을 위해 쌍대비교에 의한 설문수행 결과 동식물 1등급의 가중치가 0.191로 가장 높게 산출되었다. 위 방법을 사례지역에 대하여 검증한 결과 가장 환경친화적인 도로노선대를 생성할 수 있었다. This study intends to develop a GIS-based environmental assesment technique for environmental friendly road route plan using a spatial analysis function. After embodying an impact range based on the analysis of factors which cause the environmental damage by the road construction, a literature survey on a diverse grading cases and legal regulations was conducted. As a quantitative model for the spatial analysis, AHP was selected. As the environmental assessment, 8 items such as topography & geology, animals & plants, soil ecology, water quality, air quality, noise, land use, and landscape were selected. and then finally classified into three-grades using a pairwise comparison of the alate collected by a questionnaire surveying, weighting values were applied to there 8 items. The highest weight value, the grade 1 among eight was 0.191 for animals & plants. As the result of verifying the above method for the case region, the most environment-friendly road route could be generated.

      • KCI등재

        토양생태 등급 정보가 친환경도로노선 선정에 미치는 영향에 관한 민감도 분석

        기동원,강호근,이상은,허준,박준홍,Ki, Dong-Won,Kang, Ho-Geun,Lee, Sang-Eun,Heo, Joon,Park, Joon-Hong 한국지하수토양환경학회 2008 지하수토양환경 Vol.13 No.3

        국토개발사업의 사전 계획 과정에서 개발할 것인지 보전할 것인지에 대한 의사결정은 인간 활동에 영향을 줄 수 있는 편리함과 이익을 고려해야 할 뿐만 아니라, 자연환경생태에 미칠 수 있는 영향을 종합적으로 예측하고 평가할 수 있는 자료기반 및 통합적 평가기법을 요구한다. 동식물생태와 지형경관요소들은 환경부의 생태자연도를 통해서 환경영향평가에 현재 활용되고 있지만, 자연생태의 주요 구성요소 중 하나인 토양생태는 정량적인 자료와 지형정보와 연계된 정보의 부재로 환경영향평가에서 고려되지 못하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 토양생태를 포함한 자연환경과 생활환경 요소들을 망라해서 총체적 환경성을 평가할 수 있는 수치지도를 작성하고 토양생태 등급의 가중치가 친환경도로 노선 선정에 미치는 영향에 대해서 민감도 분석을 수행하였다. 그 결과 자연환경 요소들 중 토양생태의 가중치가 14% 이상 만 되어도 최적 친환경노선 선정에 민감하게 영향을 미쳤다. 본 연구의 결과를 통해서 이제까지 환경영향 평가에서 무시되어 오던 토양생태 정보가 친환경 건설개발사업의 계획 및 기초설계 단계에서 중요하게 고려되어야 할 생태요소임을 입증할 수 있었다. Soil ecology has important roles in global ecosystems. However, soil ecological quality information is being ignored when assessing ecological impact of construction actions. And methods for classifying and assessing soil ecological quality have been very little established in comparison to those for animal and plant ecosystems. In this study, it was examined whether soil ecological quality information has influence on determining an eco-friendly route for a road construction project. For this, sensitivity analysis was systematically performed by varying the relative significance (weights) of soil ecological quality information among natural environmental and ecological factors. When the weight of soil ecological quality was greater than just 14%, the soil ecological quality information significantly influenced the determination of the eco-friendly routes for a specific road construction project. This demonstrates that soil ecological quality information has to be considered for more reliable environmental impact assessment, and also supports the validity of use of soil ecological quality information and its mapping technique in planning and siting of eco-friendly construction projects.

      • KCI등재

        Numerical Analysis of Confining Effect Due to Geosynthetics Wrapping Compacted Soil Specimen

        김은라(Kim Eun La),강호근(Kang Ho Geun) 한국지반공학회 2004 한국지반공학회논문집 Vol.20 No.2

        This paper presents the modeling of geosynthetic-reinforced soils and discusses the reinforcement effect arising from confining the dilatancy deformation of the soil by geosynthetics. A series of compressive shear tests for compacted sandy soil specimens wrapped by geosynthetics are carried out by quantitatively examining the geosynthetic-reinforcement effect, and it occurred from the confinement of the dilative deformation of compacted soils during shearing. In the test, the initial degree of compaction is changed for each series of sandy soil specimens so that each series has different degree of dilatancy characteristics. Herein, the axial forces working to the geosynthetics so as to prevent dilative deformation of compacted soils during shearing are measured. Furthermore, the elasto-plastic modeling of compacted soils and a rational determination procedure of input parameters needed in the elasto-plastic modeling are presented. In this paper, the subloading yielding surface(Hashiguchi( 1989)) is introduced to the elasto-plastic modeling which could describe the irreversible deformation characteristics of compacted soils during shearing. Finally, the elasto-plastic finite element simulation is carried out and the geosynthetic-reinforcement effect is discussed.

      • 축회전 다이아그리드구조 시스템의 민감도해석

        양재광(Yang, Jae-Kwang),강호근(Kang, Ho-Geun),박성수(Park, Sung-Soo) 대한건축학회 2016 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.36 No.2

        General regular shaped diagrid structures can express diverse shapes because braces are installed along the exterior faces of the structures and the structures have no columns. However, since irregular shaped structures have diverse variables, studies to assess behaviors resulting from various variables are continuously required to supplement the imperfections related to such variables. In the present study, materials elastic modulus and yield strength were selected as variables for strength that would be applied to diagrid structural systems in the form of Twisters among the irregular shaped buildings classified by Vollers and would affect the structural designs of such structural systems. The purpose of the this study is to conduct sensitivity analysis for axial rotation diagrid structural systems according to changes in brace angles in order to identify those design variables that have relatively larger effects and the tendencies of the sensitivity of the structures according to changes in brace angles and axial rotation angles.

      • KCI우수등재

        이중 아웃리거 구조 시스템의 한계 세장비에 대한 연구

        양재광(Yang, Jae-Kwang),강호근(Kang, Ho-Geun),박성수(Park, Sung-soo) 대한건축학회 2018 大韓建築學會論文集 : 構造系 Vol.34 No.3

        Due to the recent overpopulation of urban cities, land shortage and soaring land prices have caused an increase in the demand for high-rise buildings. To build buildings on a limited land, the size of the building is important. Displacement control by horizontal loads in a skyscraper is critical to securing stability and usability of structures. Several systems have been proposed for efficient horizontal displacement control, and so far the study continues. Among them, the Outrigger System is a representative of the typical horizontal load resistance system. Although studies have been conducted so far to locate the optimal position of the outrigger, studies of the slenderness ratio of the buildings are still insufficient. Based on the Outrigger-Optimized Position equation, this study induces the calculation of the displacement of the outrigger installation building according to the slenderness ratio.

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