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      • KCI등재

        한국인의 기원에 관한 중·고등학생들의 의식과『국사』교과서의 관계

        金相勳 한국고대사탐구학회 2010 한국고대사탐구 Vol.5 No.-

        본고는 서강대 대학원에서 “한국·한국인의 기원”이라는 주제로 진행된 수업에서 출발하였다. 이 과정에서 현재 한국의 고등학생들은 한국인의 조상은 누구이고, 한국에 가장 많은 영향을 준 고대 국가는 무엇이었는지를 조사해보기로 했다. 이를 위해 2009년 3월 고등학교 1학년과 2학년 학생들을 대상으로 설문을 실시하였다. 설문 결과 학생들 중 78%가 한국인의 조상은 단군이라고 답했다. 그리고 한국에 가장 큰 영향을 준 고대 국가는 고구려라고 생각하고 있음도 알 수 있었다. 본고에서는 왜 학생들이 이와 같은 생각을 가지게 되었는지를 초·중·고등학교 ??국사?? 교과서의 내용을 검토해봄으로써 밝혀보고자 하였다. 검토 결과, 초·중·고등학교 교과서 모두에서 우리 민족 최초의 국가는 고조선이며 단군신화를 우리 민족의 건국신화로 소개하고 있었다. 또한 중·고등학교 ??국사?? 교과서에서 고구려-발해-고려로 이어지는 역사 서술도 찾아볼 수 있었다. 이를 통해 학생들이 단군을 시조로 생각하고, 한국에 가장 큰 영향을 준 고대 국가는 고구려라고 답한 이유 중 하나는 ??국사?? 교과서에 있음을 짐작할 수 있다. 하지만 학생들의 생각과는 달리 현재 한국에는 단군을 시조로 한 성씨는 존재하지 않으며, 고구려인을 시조로 하는 성씨도 극히 드물다. 반면 넓게 보아 신라계통으로 분류할 수 있는 성씨가 전체 인구의 57.8% 정도이다. 결국 한국인의 기원에 관한 학생들의 의식은 그들 자신의 성씨 기원과는 달리 초·중·고등학교에서 역사 교과서 학습을 통해 형성되었다고 볼 수 있다. 무엇보다 설문 결과를 통해 국정교과서 ??국사??를 통해 만들어진 학생들의 한국인에 대한 의식은 쉽게 바뀌지 않을 것임을 짐작할 수 있다. This study started from a class in Sogang University graduate school and its topic is about “the origin of Korea/Korean”. In this class I came up with an idea of what the Korean high school students think of who is the ancestor of the Korean and which ancient kingdom has the most important influence on the present Korea. To survey this, I gave them some questionnaire which is targeting the first and second graders in high school during March 2009. After survey, I found out that 78% of the students consider the ancestor of the Korean as DanGun and also regard Goguryeo as the most influential ancient kingdom. Through this survey and the results, I tried to get the reasons why high school students think like that by reviewing the government-published textbooks ??National history: GugSa(國史)?? used in the elementary, middle and high schools. Having reviewing them, I finally found out that all those textbooks have it that the progenitor of the Korean is DanGun, the first nation in the Korean history is Gojoseon, and the myth of DanGun is the birth myth of a nation of the Korean. Also the textbooks describe that Gojoseon is succeeded by Goguryeo, Balhae and Goryeo. Therethrough, it is strongly assumed that the main reason the students answered like that is the textbook ??National history: GugSa(國史)??. In contrary to the students’ consciousness about the origin of the Korean, however, it is well known that there isn’t any surname originating from DanGun or starting from Goguryeo while 57.8% of the surnames of Koreans is from those originating from Silla dynasty. In result, it is assumed that the students’ consciousness about the origin of the Korean is not related to their own surname’s origin but has been formed by the textbooks they have been studying. Above all, through this survey, it can be pointed that the consciousness of the students formed by the textbook ??National history: GugSa(國史)?? will not be changed easily even in the future.

      • KCI등재

        Treadmill Running Improves Spatial Learning Memory Through Inactivation of Nuclear Factor Kappa B/Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Signaling Pathway in Amyloid-β-Induced Alzheimer Disease Rats

        김상훈,고영준,김지연,심영제 대한배뇨장애요실금학회 2021 International Neurourology Journal Vol.25 No.S1

        Purpose: Exercise is known to reduce proinflammatory cytokines production and apoptosis. We investigated the effect of treadmill running on spatial learning memory in terms of activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway in Alzheimer disease (AD) rats. We also evaluated the effect of treadmill running on proinflammatory cytokine production and apoptosis. Methods: Using the stereotaxic frame, amyloid-β (Aβ) was injected into the lateral ventricle of the brain. The rats belong to treadmill running groups were forced to run on a motorized treadmill for 30 minutes per a day during 4 weeks, starting 3 days after Aβ injection. Morris water maze task was done for the determination of spatial learning memory. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay, immunohistochemistry for cleaved caspase-3, and western blot for NF-κB, inhibitory protein of NF-κB (IκB), MAPK signaling pathway, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-1β were done. Results: Induction of AD increased proinflammatory cytokine secretion by activating the NF-κB/MAPK signaling pathway. These changes induced apoptosis in the hippocampus and reduced spatial learning memory. In contrast, treadmill running inactivated the NF-κB/MAPK signaling pathway and suppressed proinflammatory cytokine production. These changes inhibited apoptosis and improved spatial learning memory. Conclusions: Current results showed that treadmill running promoted spatial learning memory through suppressing proinflammatory cytokine production and apoptosis via inactivation of NF-κB/MAPK signaling pathway. Treadmill exercise can be considered an effective intervention for symptom relieve of AD.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        독일의 개혁송달법

        김상훈 한국민사소송법학회 2006 민사소송 Vol.10 No.2

        Das Zustellungsreformsgesetz vom 25.6.2001 in Deutschland ist zum 1. Juli 2002 in Kraft getreten. Im Wesentlichen änderte nicht sich das gesamte Zustellungsrecht seit dem In-Kraft-Treten der ZPO(1877). Durch die Reform wird aber es -für alle Rechtsweg mit wenigen Ausnamen - neu strukturiert, modernisiert und vereinfacht. Wahrend im neuen Zustellungsgesetz nun die Zustellung von Amts wegen als gesetzlicher Regelfall in den Mittelpunkt gestellt ist, gerät die Zustellung auf Betreiben der Parteien in subsidiäre Stelle. Inhaltlich wurden vor allem neue technische Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten verfügbar gemacht(zum Beispiel Zustellung über Telefax und via E-mail), zugleich ist die für formale Fehler äußerst anfällige Ersatzzustellung vereinfacht. Der Sache nach komplettiert die ZPO-Reform das Zustellungsgesetz. Die folgende Beitrag schildert zunächst die Reformshintergrund und-begründung sowie die Reformsziel und sodann Inhalt der Neurgelungen im Einzelnen.

      • KCI등재

        압류금지물로서의 도메인이름에 관한 연구

        김상훈 한국민사소송법학회 2008 민사소송 Vol.12 No.2

        Die Entwicklungen der Kommunikationstechinik brauchte ein überraschendes Zunehmen von elektronischem Geschäfts- und Rechtsverkehr. Die Internetauftritt ist inzwischen zu einem Muss für jedes virtuelle Unternehmen und also die Internet-Domain dafür ist notwendig geworden. Dann ist ihre Pfändung grundsätzlich möglich. Sie ist dabei als anders Vermögensrecht im Sinne von §251 Zwangsvollstreckungsgesetz von Korea anzusehen. Doch ist eine Frage zu beantworten, ob sie unpfändbar sein kann, die als Arbeitsmittel im Sinne von §195 Nr.10 Zwangsvollstreckungsgesetz von Korea zur Fortsetzung der Erwerbstätigkeit des Schuldners unentbehrlich ist. Sie könnte dann analog §195 Nr.10 Zwangsvollstreckungsgesetz unpfändbar sein, wenn die Erwerbtätigkeit des Schuldners auf Domaininhaberschaft beruht und der zwangsweise Entzug der Internet-Domain die Erwerbslosigkeit einleiten würde. Eine solche Abhängigkeit lässt sich besonders gut bei virtuellen Unternehmen vorstellen, deren Geschäftstätigkeit sich ausschließlich auf das Internet beschränk, wie etwa bei dem Interentauktionator oder dem Versandhaus. Ferner ist an die Betrieber von Suchmaschinen oder E-Mail-Diensten zu denken, die von den Internetnutzern ohne ihre etablierte Internetadresse kaum noch gefunden würden. Die Entwicklungen der Kommunikationstechinik brauchte ein überraschendes Zunehmen von elektronischem Geschäfts- und Rechtsverkehr. Die Internetauftritt ist inzwischen zu einem Muss für jedes virtuelle Unternehmen und also die Internet-Domain dafür ist notwendig geworden. Dann ist ihre Pfändung grundsätzlich möglich. Sie ist dabei als anders Vermögensrecht im Sinne von §251 Zwangsvollstreckungsgesetz von Korea anzusehen. Doch ist eine Frage zu beantworten, ob sie unpfändbar sein kann, die als Arbeitsmittel im Sinne von §195 Nr.10 Zwangsvollstreckungsgesetz von Korea zur Fortsetzung der Erwerbstätigkeit des Schuldners unentbehrlich ist. Sie könnte dann analog §195 Nr.10 Zwangsvollstreckungsgesetz unpfändbar sein, wenn die Erwerbtätigkeit des Schuldners auf Domaininhaberschaft beruht und der zwangsweise Entzug der Internet-Domain die Erwerbslosigkeit einleiten würde. Eine solche Abhängigkeit lässt sich besonders gut bei virtuellen Unternehmen vorstellen, deren Geschäftstätigkeit sich ausschließlich auf das Internet beschränk, wie etwa bei dem Interentauktionator oder dem Versandhaus. Ferner ist an die Betrieber von Suchmaschinen oder E-Mail-Diensten zu denken, die von den Internetnutzern ohne ihre etablierte Internetadresse kaum noch gefunden würden.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        Position does not affect the optic nerve sheath diameter during laparoscopy

        김상훈,김형진,정기태 대한마취통증의학회 2015 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.68 No.4

        Background: Increase in intracranial pressure (ICP) is one of the physiologic changes during laparoscopic surgery, which is known to be associated with positional changes. Changes of ICP can be measured directly by invasive method, but ultrasonographic measurement of optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) is known to be a rapidly applicable technique for evaluating ICP. The aim of this study is to investigate the change of ONSD according to the positional change during laparoscopic surgery. Methods: Female patients scheduled to undergo laparoscopic surgery were enrolled. Fifty-seven patients were assigned according to the position during surgery (Group T: gynecological surgery, Trendelenburg position, n = 27 vs. Group RT: laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Reverse trendelenburg position, n = 30). After induction of anesthesia, ONSD, PaCO2, end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2), and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were measured. Parameters were measured at 6 time points during surgery. Results: There were no significant differences in the demographic data of patients, procedure time, and anesthesia. After pneumoperitoneum and positional change, ONSD, ETCO2, and MAP increased in both groups until 15 min and returned to the baseline. However, no significant differences in changes of ONSD, PaCO2, ETCO2, and MAP were observed between two groups. Conclusions: ONSD during laparoscopic surgery with pneumoperitoneum increased slightly until 15 minutes, but there were no significant differences according to the position. Increases in ICP during laparoscopic surgery with short period of pneumoperitoneum would be small in disregard of position in patients without intracranial pathology.

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