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      • KCI등재

        습답도작기술향상에 관한 연구 3 : 배수조건별 시비량 대 재식밀도가 수도실용제형성에 미치는 영향

        盧承杓 韓國作物學會 1978 Korean journal of crop science Vol.23 No.2

        (1) 배수조건별 시비량과 재식밀도를 증가함에 따라 수수, 일수입수가 증가하는 경향이었고 암거배수가 무배수보다 수수는 적었으나 일수입수는 많았다. (2) 등숙비율, 등숙도, LWR도 암 영배수에서 좋았고 시비량과 재식밀도를 높일수록 단위면적당 높은 경향이었다. (3) α -Na산화력은 암 배수가 각처리 모두 높았고 일정면적당 근활력은 다비밀식일수록 증가 경향이었으며 무배수구는 N 30kg에 80주처리에서 높았다. (4) 1일 32mm의 수직배수로 인한 양분용설로 암거 배수구가 무배수구에 비하여 초기생육은 부진했으나 후기 생육상에 호전을 보여 동화물질의 축적, 엽면적등에 높은 수치을 보였고 시비량을 증가할수록 높았으며 재식밀도를 높여줌에 따라선 주당묘수간에는 낮았으나 m2 당간에는 높았다. (5) 이상의 결과 10a당 수량은 암거배수가 무배수보다 8% 증수하였고 시비량 및 재식밀도를 증가함에 따라 증수하였다. Drainage furnished air to provide favorable soil environment forfice growth at the late stage. A heavier fertilizer application and a denser plant density increase. Yield and yield component element by root activities and various substence productive element under sub-drainage.

      • 水稻 遠緑交雜種의 生育時期別 溫度가 諸 形質에 미치는 影響

        盧承杓 圓光大學校大學院 1983 學位論叢 Vol.11 No.-

        Development and release of Tongil-type varieties has been playing an important role in increasing rice production in Korea. The Tongil varieties, developed from crosses between Indica and Japonica types, usually have good characteristics of high resistance to diseases and resistance to lodging under high levels of nitrogen application because of their short culms. Meanwhile, they also have several demerits. One of the most serious demerits may be the susceptibility to coolness. Cold injury in the northern and high mountainous areas gave heavy yield reduction occationally. In these circumstances, investigations had been concentrated to determine the temperature responses of Tongil varieties at different growth stages. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Effects of storage temperature on the germination of rice seeds. Varietal differences of degree and duration of dormancy were determined with storage temperature levels of 0℃, 10℃, and 30℃, using 29 varieties. Germination ability was tested every month during eight months of storage period. a. In general, mpst Tongil varieties had relatively strong dormancy at harvesting stage as compaired to Japonica varieties. b. Heat treatment of dormant seeds at 50℃ for five days at harvesting stage could break dormancy in all the varieties with an exception of Dular. c. Storing the dormant seeds at temperature levels of over 20℃ could break dormancy within one or two months. d. But dormancy was not broken until eight months of storage period, when the seeds were stored at temperature levels of below 10℃. 2. Effects of temperature on the growth of agronomic characters in different types of rice. Temperature responses of agronomic characters were determined with Arborio J₁ and Dodorokiwase (Japonica), N-22 (Indica), and Milyang 21 (Tongil). Temperature treatment was made in the growth cabinets at the temperature levels of 15-36℃ with 3℃ intervals. a. Top growth of rice plants was linearly accelerated by raising temperature to approximately 33℃. Above this range, the growth notably decreased. Arborio J₁ and Dodorokiwase grew better in plant height at low temperature ranges and their maximum growth was noted at 30℃ as compaired to at 33℃ in N-22 and Milyang 21. b. At tillering stage, the optimum temperature for tiller defferentiation was 30℃ for Milyang 21 and 27℃ for others. The optimum temperature decreased to approximately 24℃ with increasing developmental age. No. of tillers became larger at lSoC in Arborio J₁ and Dodorokiwase, and at 24℃ in N-22 and Milyang 21 than other temperature levels. c. Elongation of leaf blade and sheath was maximum at 27℃ in Arborio J₁ and Dodorokiwase, and at 30℃ in N-22 and Milyang 21. Inhibition of leaf blade and leaf sheath elongation was greatest in N-22 at the low temperature levels. d. At low temperature levels, leaf area growth was greater in Dodorokiwase than in any other varieties. At optimum temperature ranges, the order of relative growth rate in leaf area (RLGR) was N-22> Dodorokiwase> Milyang 21> Arborio J₁ at early tillering stage, Arborio J₁> N-22> Milyang 21> Dodorokiwase at late tillering stage, N-22> Milyang 21> Arborio J₁> Dodorokiwase at early young ear formation stage, and Dodorokiwase> N-22> Milyang 21> Arborio J₁ at late young ear formation stage. e. The order of relative growth rate in dry matter(RGR) was Dodorokiwase> Arborio J₁ > Milyang 21> N-22 at tillering stage, but it was changed to Arborio J₁> N-22> Dodorokiwase> Milyang 21 at late periods. At low temperature levels, N-22 and Milyang 21 produced smaller amount of dry matter and their optimum temperature for dry matter production was higher than those of Arborio J₁ and Dodorokiwase. f. The optimum temperature for culm elongation was 24℃ in Dodorokiwase, 27℃ in Arborio J₁, and 30℃ in N-22 and Milyang 21. At lower or higher than optimum temperature ranges, inhibition of culm length growth was greater in N-22 and Milyang 21, but inhibition of panicle length growth was greater in Arborio J₁ and Dodorokiwase. 3. Effects of meteorological conditions on growth and yield of rice with elevation in 1980. a. Total accumulated temperature during growth period was 1598.2±132.2℃ (100%), 1739.0±147.5℃ (l09.7%), 1700.0±152.5℃ (l06.4%), and 1904.2±186.7 (119.2%), in plain, low hilly, mountainous, and high mountainous areas, respectively. The results indicate that accumulated temperature needed more and standard deviation among varieties was larger with increasing elevation. b. Average temperature from transplanting to heading was 22.7-23.1, 21.4-22.0, 20.3-20.6, and 19.5-19.8℃, in plain, low hilly, mountainous; and high mountainous areas, respectively. c. Days from transplanting to heading were required for 62-75, 66-87, 70-94, 80-111 in plain, low hilly, mountainous, and high mountainous areas, respectively. d. Days of delayed heading due to cold injury were more in early-maturing varieties than those in medium or lete-maturing varieties with rising elevation. e. In 1980, there was not under favorable temperature conditions for ripening and maturing in mountainous and high mountainous areas, although all the varieties headed and flowered from early August to early September under favorable temperature conditions. The limited date for safe heading in cold year was estimated as August 12, July 27, July 25, and July 21 in plain, low hilly, mountainous, and high mountainous areas, respectively. f. Number of panicles per unit area were increased with increasing elevation. It was due to increase of weak tillers differentiated late by low temperature. g. Number of spikelets per panicle were decreased with increasing elevation. h. Percentage of sterility increased with rising elevation. In general, medium or late-maturing varieties showed higher percentage of sterility than early-maturing varieties, and Tongil varieties showed higher percentage of sterility than Japonica ones. i. Medium or late-maturing varieties showed higher percentage of ripended grains in plain areas but lower in the areas with high elevation than early-maturing varieties. j. Accumulated temperature for 40days from heading date was 770.3-87.3℃, 730.2-853.5℃, 716.0-843.4℃, and 605.7-786-5℃, in plain, low hilly, mountainous, and high mountainous areas, respectively. Only early-maturing varieties were ripened and matured within critical accumulated temperature range for safe heading practically.

      • KCI등재

        재배시기이동이 밀양 23의 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향

        羅鐘城,盧承杓,金達壽 韓國作物學會 1978 Korean journal of crop science Vol.23 No.1

        벼의 신품종 밀양 2003에 관하여 지대별 안전재배 체계를 확립하고저 파종기와 묘대일수를 각각 달리해서 평야지대인 이리와 산간지대에 속하는 진안 시험지에서 실험한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 파종기와 묘대일수를 달리한 묘의 소질에 있어서는 파종기와 묘대일수가 연장될수록 초장과 엽수는 증가되었다. 묘소질의 양부를 결정하는 지상부건물중/초장은 4월 10일파종의 40일∼50일묘가 높아서 조파 조식의 효과가 인정되었으며 그 정도는 산간지대에서 더욱 현저하였다. 2. 재배시기이동으로 본 기본영양생장성은 커서 영양생장기간이 4월 10일간기파종한 40일묘에 있어서는 53일간이었고 4월 20일 적기파종의 40일묘는 8일간이 단축되였으며 만파재배 4월 20일의 40일묘는 무려 13일간이나 영양생장기간이 단축되였고 그정도는 묘대일수가 연장될수록 단축되였다. 3. 출수기의 반응은 파종기와 묘대일수에 따른 차리가 있으나 그정도는 파종기에 의한 출수지연보다도 묘대일수의 연장에 따른 출수지연이 보다 현저하므로 이 품종에 관한 지대별 적정재배한계기는 평야지대인 이리의 경우이앙기는 6월 10일까지이며 4월 10일 파종일때에는 40일∼60일묘이고 4월 20일파종에 있어서는 40일-50일묘이다. 진안과같이 산간지대에서는 적정 이앙한계기가 5월 30일 이내이며 40묘가 가장 적합하였다. 4. 묘대일수와 이앙기는 지연될수록 주당수수는 감소하는 반면에 주당영화수는 증가되는 경향이다. 등숙비율은 낮아지며 특히 산간지대에서 더욱 저조한 편이다. 5. 광합성능력에 의한 경엽내의 동화물질의 축적과 탄수화물 관계는 이앙기와 묘대일수가 연장될수록 낮고 탄수물질의 축적이 많을수록 탄수화물의 분배양이 많었다. 6. 수양성은 평야지대인 이리에서 보통 4월 20일파종 50일묘의 수량(585kg/10a)에 비해서 우위에 있는 재위에 있는 재배시기는 4월 10일 파종의 40일묘>4월 10일파종 50일묘=4월 20일파종 40일묘>4월 10일 파종 60일묘 등이고 진안과 같은 산간지대 일수록 수양성은 낮으나 그폭은 매우 좁아서 조파조식의 효과가 현저하였다. An experiment was carried out to find out effective heading date and period of limited ripening in different regions of climatic conditions by sowing date and length of nursery stage of a new variety Milyang 23. Since varieties of Tongil line have a character of premature heading, these do not show the symptom of senescent even though length of nursey stage was delayed. And the delay of heading date is due to late transplanting date, on the other hand, length of nursery stage delayed.

      • KCI등재

        벼멸구 被害解析에 關한 研究

        金在德,金虎中,盧承杓,裵聖浩 한국응용곤충학회 1984 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        포장조건하에서 수잉기와 출수기에 벼멸구를 인위적으로 가해시킨 후 출수후 고사시기별로 수량수율을 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 출수후 23일경에 고사된 벼는 무접종구에 비하여 등숙율은 현미천립중은 감소되었다. 2. 고사시기가 같아도 수잉기부터 가해구는 출수기부터 가해구보다 등숙율 현미천립중, 현미수량이 낮았다. 3. 고사된 벼의 감수율은 무접종에 비하여 고사시기에 따라 였으며 출수후 고사일수(X)와 수량(Y)간에는 다음과 같은 관계가 있었다. o 수잉기이후가해 : o 출수기이후가해 : . The present work was designed to study the yield loss on rice at different appearance days of hopperburn caused by the brown planthopper(BPH), Nilaparvata lugens Stal, when rice plants were infested with BPH on booting and heading stages. Dead plants were colleted from 23 days after heading stage with intervals of 5 days. Yield losses by the initation of BPH infestation was greater at tooting than at heading stage. Compared to the uninfested plot, there was a reduction in 1,000 grain weight and filled grain percentage at both stages. Positive relationship was observed between rice yield(Y) and the number of days from heading to the appearance of the hopper-burn. Regression equations calculated were, for BPH feeding from booting , and for BPH feeding from heading .

      • KCI등재

        남부지역 콩 파종기에 따른 품종간 건물생산 및 생태적 특성

        朴錦龍,吳聖根,丁秉春,盧承杓,洪殷憙 韓國作物學會 1987 한국작물학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        본시험은 남부지역에 있어서 파종기 이동이 콩의 건물생산능력 및 생리, 생태적특성에 미치는 영향을 파악하여 적정 파종 한계기를 제시하고자 '82년∼'84년도 3개년에 걸쳐 시험을 실시하였던바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 만파할수록 개화일수, 성숙기 개화기간 등은 크게 단축되었고 품종가 차이도 인정되었으며 엽후는 만파에 의하여 두꺼워지는 반면, 엽면적은 감소하였고, CGR은 활엽기를 전후하여 뚜렷한 차이를 보였는데 7월 9일 파종기는 타 파종기의 50% 내외의 작물생자율을 나타내었다. 2 건물중은 만파할수록 현저히 감소되었으나 100 입중을 제외한 다른 수량구성요소는 5월 10일과 5월 30일간에 비슷한 경향을 나타냈다. 3. 10a당 수량은 5월 10일 파종구 225kg, 5월 30일 239kg, 6월 19일 188kg, 7월 9일은 101kg으로 5월 30일 파종구의 수량이 가장 높았으며 품종간에는 단엽콩이 파종기 이동에 의한 수량변이폭이 가장 작았다. The object of this study was to investigate the differences in dry matter production, physiological characteristic and grain yield of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) as affected by planting dates in southern region of Korea. This experiment was conducted using four planting dates and four varieties over 3 years (1982-1984). The different responses of soybean varieties to different temperature and daylength, days from planting to flowering were ranged from 43 to 55 days when planted on May 10 long daylength and low temperature condition. Flowering duration was ranged from 12 to 27 days and 9 to 13 days for the plantings made on May 10 and July 9, respectively. Therefore, it was the shortest under the short daylength and high tempera-ture condition. It also appeared that the later planting caused the lower dry matter weight and leaf area index which resulted in lower grain yield. But grain yield was not directly correlated with the unbalance of Xink/Source Ratio and the lodging from excessive vegatative growth. The grain yield was the highest in May 30 and the lowest in July 9 planting: it was ranged from 2.26 to 2.55 t/ha in the former and 0.85 to 1.20 t/ha in the latter, respectively. The increase in yield was depended on the increase in the number of pods per plant, the number of seeds per pod and the seed weight. The distribution ratio of dry matter to leaves was the hightest at the sixth trifoliolate leaf stage and gradually declined thereafter in all planting dates, and it also appeared that the later planting, the lower the ratio of dry matter to leaves.

      • KCI등재

        유채박의 사료화를 위한 유해성분(Glucosinolate) 개량육종에 관한 연구 4 : 5-vinyl-2-oxazolidinethione 함량의 유전

        李正日,方鎭淇,閔庚洙,盧承杓,張永錫 韓國作物學會 1987 Korean journal of crop science Vol.32 No.2

        유채박의 사료화를 위한 성분개량을 목표한 육종의 기초자료를 얻고자 유채박의 OZT함량이 낮은 영산유채와 그 함량이 고함유인 품종들을 정역교배하여 얻은 F2 세대의 종실을 대상으로 OZT함량에 관여하는 유전자수와 세포질의 영향에 관하여 조사분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. F2 세대에서 OZT함양을 영산유채에 기준한 낮은 개체의 출현율은 OZT함량이 저함유인 품종을 모본으로 교배한 조합에서 높게 나타났다. 2. OZT함량의 분리비는 63 : 1에 가장 적중도가 높아 3쌍의 열성유전자가 OZT생성에 관여하고 있는 것으로 추정되었다. 3. OZT함량의 유전에 세포질의 영향이 인정되었다.

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