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        선교사 인선

        신방(Bang Hyon Shin) 장로회신학대학교 세계선교연구원 2011 선교와 신학 Vol.28 No.-

        한국교회는 초기부터 선교하는 교회였다. 1907년 이기풍 선교사를 제주선교를 파송한 이래 일제의 어려움 속에서도 많은 선교사를 파송하였고, 이러한 선교 열정은 한국교회를 일으키고 한국의 경제 부흥을 이끌어낸 견인차의 역할을 하였다. 이로 인해 한국교회는 세계교회 속에서 선교 제2대국의 자리에 올라섰다. 그래서 2011년 1월 현재 한국 선교사는 169개국, 22,014명이 파송된 상황이다. 하지만 지난날의 선교가 한국교회의 선교 열정으로 이어왔다면, 이제는 선교 강대국으로서의 미래선교와 세계교회를 이끄는 선교의 과제 속에서 연구하고 보완하며 발전시켜야 할 의무가 한국교회에게 있다고 본다. 특별히 타문화권에서의 사역은 단순한 열정만으로 감당할 수 있는 것이 아니다. 선교사들이 들어가 사역할 곳은 실제로 갖가지 어려움으로 쌓여있다. 모슬렘 권, 미전도 종족 등은 타문화권 선교사가 들어가 사는 게 쉽지 않은 곳이고, 갈수록 거센 선교 저항세력이 늘어나는 곳들도 있다. 이런 상황에서 선교사들은 단지 생존하는 것만으로 끝나는 것이 아닌 현지인들에게 영적인 변화를 주어야 하기에 그들이 치를 희생은 말할 수 없이 크다. 그래서 선교사 인선과정에서부터 철저한 검증이 있어야 한다. 선교사후보생 훈련, 선교사 멤버케어 등 선교 영역의 모든 것이 중요하지만 그 중에서도 선교사 인선은 성공적인 선교를 위한 첫 관문인 것이다. 제대로 선별된 자원이 선교현장에서 귀한 역량을 극대화할 수 있기 때문이다. 본 소고에서 필자는 몇몇 교단과 선교단체의 인선과정을 자료로 하여 좀더 세심한 인선과정을 위한 몇 가지 제안을 하려고 한다. 첫째로 형식적인 부분으로 치우칠 확률이 높은 서류전형의 심사에서 선교사의 자질검증에 필요한 요소들을 강화해야 할 필요를 느낀다. 둘째로 선교사 후보생을 잘 알 수 있는 곳이 교회여서 교회 담임목회자의 추천서를 참고하지만 너무 형식적인 부분이 많다. 따라서 방법을 바꾸어 후보자에게 추천서를 받을 사람의 명단을 제출받아 본부가 인터뷰하는 방식 등으로 바꾸는 방안도 필요하다. 셋째로는 학력 위주의 선발방식에서 인격을 중시하는 인선방식으로 바뀌어야 함을 강조한다. 넷째로는 ‘선훈련 후인선’ 정책을 통해 공동체 훈련 속에서 심도 있는 후보생의 검증이 필요하다. 다섯째로는 선교현장의 필요를 먼저 파악하고 선교사 후보자를 물색함과 선교사 후보자의 달란트와 상황에 따라 맞춤형 배치가 이루어져야 한다. 마지막으로 MK를 통한 한국교회 선교를 꽃피워야 한다. 이들을 동력화할 많은 길을 모색하게 될 때 한국선교는 오늘보다 더 커다란 영광을 돌리게 될 것이다. 선교사가 선교현장에 가는 것은 군림하기 위해 가는 것이 아니라 섬기고 그들의 영혼을 위해 죽어야 하는 것이다. 그러기에 현장에 파송될 선교사를 선발하는 일에 심혈을 기울여야만 한다

      • 新都市開發의 促進方案

        申邦鉉 단국대학교 대학원 1983 學術論叢 Vol.7 No.-

        The construction of a new city--which is pleasantly inhabitable-has been a human dream with the birth of city on this earth. It has become a more ardent passion than ever, since the existing city-system starts exerting ill effects and presenting injurious influence upon the agreeable inhabitation. However, the desire for new-city development, in the modern connotation, is stemmed out of the rapid urbanization, which followed the Industrial Revolution. In the mid-20-th century, nations in the world attained economic growth successfully, in various degrees, through industrialization in their economy. This resulted in the enormous population movement into industrialized city, and this intensified population concentration raised some critical issues such as the deterioration of city environment, the developmental distances between regions, and so on. In order to meet these needs and to readjust these injurious effects, a great deal of nations have adopted the new-city development as a remedy. As a promoting scheme for new-city development, the present study discusses ⅰ) the goal of development strategy, ⅱ) the expansion of housing-land, ⅲ) the reformation of city-life environment, and ⅳ) the institutional support. The goal of development strategy should notice the industrial, the commercial, the business, and the daily-living facility as well on the additionally developed building-site, and these facilities should be able to function systematically with one another through effectual population flow. As to the expansion of housing-land, this study suggests the establishment of development-pole in the collected development capacity with concentrated development strategy-rather than eith diffused development strategy. In addition, the spill-over effect from the development-pole should be taken into consideration at the same time. For the reformation of city-life environment, the completion of educational facility, the installation of commercial-business facility, and their comfortableness and security need to be supplemented in the planning. Finally, the institutional support for new-city development includes the finance for construction fund, the balanced unit-development by civilian investment. the higher priority for housing construction fund, the timely establishment of self-determining institution fro developmental administration, and the assistance by tax-benefit in the promoting scheme for new-city development proposed by this study.

      • KCI등재
      • Leadership理論의 展開過程에 관한 小考

        申邦鉉 단국대학교 1981 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        Many scholars have focused their attention on leadership which is a very important variable to influence an organization regardless of type. It is, however, well-known that leadership has a considerable amount of influence upon the cinduct if business within an organization. But how it operates internally, and the scope of research on the subject is not widely known. The reason for this is that objective and proper researches on leadership cannot be pursued in only a few variables. Such researches take on a different aspect in accordance with the background of the times, internal and external situations, national background and size of prganization. Therefore, leadersuip may not be demonstrated in a universal situation, but in a sprcial one. This study examiness leadership on the basis of F. Fiedler's Contingency Model Theory in which leadership may be deemed to be universalized within any organization, through his treatsies on, and approach to it. F. Fiedler developed the contingency model theory with an emphasis on the interrelationships of leaders, followers, and conditions with the advace of social psychology. That is, in reference to the three elements: 1) the leader and his relationship with his followers, 2) the objective or task to be accomplished, and 3) the status of the authorities, he ecaluated the advantage or disadvantage of the situation and distinguished between the High-LPC leader by measuring LPC scores using the "Least Preferred Co-worker" questionnaire. Presupposing, as F. Fiedler said, that effective leadership is determined by conditions which made it eddective, we are enabled to develop a type of leadership which meets the requirements for our social-cultural climate. In this light, the study sets forth the following considerations to be somewhat helpful in the direction of further researches on leadership. First, to pursue researches in political leadership, to abolish the differences in the level of education, cultural and policy among all walks of life, and to place the country on a solid basis. Second, systematic conditions given in a step forming the elite who may lead the people benovently in a transient situation. Third, to pursue researches in administrative leadership to meet the changes made form time to time among the bureaucratic organizations of government. Fourth, to purpuse researches in effective leadership neccessary to reform the industrial climate on the basis of the logic that development of the enterprise means development of the nation.

      • KCI등재

        ‘순례명상’ 개념 정의를 위한 탐색적 연구

        염중섭,손강숙,신방,문진건,정소미 한국문화융합학회 2023 문화와 융합 Vol.45 No.9

        The purpose of this study is to identify the experience of pilgrimage meditation targeting pilgrims in Buddhist holy places in order to understand the experience of pilgrimage meditation, and to identify the elements that should be included in the definition of pilgrimage meditation in order to clarify the definition of pilgrimage meditation. The study was conducted in two phases. The results of this study are as follows. First, as a result of analyzing the meditation experience experienced through the pilgrimage, 14 categories were derived in 5 areas: ‘meditation experience on pilgrimage’, ‘meditation experience on myself’, ‘meditation experience on others’, ‘meditation experience on the world’, ‘meditation experience through walking’. Second, as a result of analyzing the elements to be included in the definition of pilgrimage meditation, 7 categories were derived from 5 areas: 'motivation and purpose related elements', 'content elements', 'method elements', and 'result elements', 'other elements to be considered'. Third, the final definition of pilgrimage meditation was derived through expert verification. The results of this study are meaningful in providing basic data for the sustainable development of pilgrimage sites by understanding the meditation experience of pilgrims visiting the pilgrimage route and defining pilgrimage meditation.

      • 現代産業社會의 人間欲求類型과 大學生 善導

        韓榮春,姜珉,申邦鉉 단국대학교 1987 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        Modern Industrial Society has experienced by large-scale development in its structure. At the same time, it has developed into the open society which allows the coexistence of individual freedom and national society. Consequently, more importance has placed on the functional group, which is the basic unit of social components, This means that the function of groups has become differentiated. The individual in modern society should find one's satisfaction only in a group life at the expense of oneself. Since human behavior should rest upon a basis of rational consciousness, human relations themselves from fragmentary but broad spheres. Therefore, although the individual seems to have the broad sphere of activity, in reality, it only maintains convenient relations without deep understanding about the substance of human relations. Change in social structure is related on change in human consciousness and life pattern. Thus, human types become varied and differentiated. The differentiation phenomena resuit in bringing about human desire frustration. The frustration is apt to be expressed in action. Social phenomena mobilized by action are attended with various difficulties in social disorder. As we have seen the characteristics of modern society, this study is trying to analyze human types, contents of desire frustration, student problems, and measures for proper guidance of students. Although there are various theories about human desire types, the study, in behavioristic aspects, examines several theories such as: the five steps of human needs by A.H. Maslow, the concept of human nature and its control tactics by E. Schein, human types of X.Y theory by D, Mcgregor, and so on. It is believed that these scholars express the consciousness of the moderns with relatively realistic and explicit views. In order to analyze what factors cause the desire frustration of the moderns, first the study looks at gereral social factors. Next, it takes the process of analyzing the desire frustration factors of dollege students. Because of the varieties of desire frustration factors depending on human experiences and growth process, the study deals with the factors to which college students are easy to face in college life. In the case of facing desire frustration, it can be shown four patterns of actions as follows: (1) aggressive action, (2) dilinquent action, (3) abstinate action, and (4) subordinate action. It seems that the behaviorial types of modern college students would belong to one of these four patterns. Of course, we must no ignore the fact that many parts of preseat college students run their lives based on historical and societal value. However, there is no way of finding an absolutely excellent formula for frustrated students who need to be guided good, we can only suggest abstract measures following on general login. At this point, consentrating on the characteristics of open societal system, the study emphasizes the maintenance of human interdependent relations with their ecognition of human dignity. The suggestion would provide mere the way of keeping the strictsy stem of reward and punishment under the condition that we allow our latitude in those students to the last minute. In other words, this means that, when students do their best on their responsibilities and their given rights are guaranteed, our suggestion can be verified in logic.

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