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      • KCI우수등재

        嶽麓秦簡을 통해 본 秦漢시기 “奔命警備”관련 법률

        楊振紅(Yang, Zhenhong),金鍾希(역) 동양사학회 2018 東洋史學硏究 Vol.142 No.-

        In the Qin Bamboo Slips collected in Yuelu Academy Vol. IV, articles including “the official document requesting benming” (benshu奔書) in “Statutes on Benming and Guard” (Benjing lü奔警律) and “Statutes on the Commandant of the Troops” (Weizu lü尉卒律) are relevant laws about “benming and guard”. In the Qin and Han Dynasty, when there were military emergencies in the frontier and soliders were needed for guard and rescue, the official in charge would write “the official document requesting benming” (benmingshu奔命書) and sent it to the central government by mounted couriers. Benshu, short for “the official document requesting benming”, was sealed in the chibainang (赤白囊), a red and white official document bag. After receiving the benshu, the emperor would mobilize the forces and make military deployment. To conscript soliders for guard is called fabenming (發奔命). Benming means going to the front under military order. People for benming are mainly elite and brave soliders selected from official soliders with military register. In the Qin and Han Dynasty, laws relevant to benming and guard were included in “Statutes on Stable” (Jiu lü廄律) and “Statutes on Mobilization” (Xing lü興律). During the Three Kingdom period, when amending its law, the State of Wei selected from relevant laws and made “Statutes on Guard” (Jingshi lü警事律).

      • KCI등재

        북대장서한간(北大藏西漢簡) 『창힐편(蒼?篇)』 「전욱(?頊)」의 문의(文義)와 사상배경(思想背景)

        진홍 ( Yang Zhenhong ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2017 大東文化硏究 Vol.99 No.-

        본문은 北京大學藏西漢竹書 『蒼?篇』 「?頊」章을 예로 들어 그 文義와 思想背景을 연구하고 『蒼?篇』의 체재를 함께 거론하였다. ?頊과 祝融은 戰國時代와 秦漢時代에 성행한 陰陽五行思想과 五德終始說 가운데 중요한 두 인물이다. ?頊은 北方水德의 帝이고, 祝融은 南方火德의 神이다. 「?頊」章은 정밀하게 구성한 첫 부분의 ?頊과 祝融 이야기로 시작하여 점차 당시 사람들의 水德과 火德에 대한 관념에 대해 표현하였고, 아울러 내용의 구성·押韻·글자의 사용 등의 부문에 많은 노력을 기울여 字書의 특징에 부합한다. 당시 陰陽五行思想의 계통이 『呂氏春秋』 「十二紀」, 『淮南子』 「時則」, 『禮記』 「月令」 가운데에 반영되었기 때문에 세 책을 참조하여 「?頊」章의 내용을 이해할 수 있다. 『蒼?篇』은 단순한 字書가 아니라 명확한 意識形態와 敎化機能의 교과서적인 색채를 띠고 있으나, 그 체례가 『說文解字』와는 다르고 『三字經』·『千字文』과 서로 비슷하다. On the basis of "Zhuanxu(「?頊」)", one chapter of the bamboo manuscripts Cangjie Chapter(『蒼?篇』) of the Western Han Dynasty collected in Peking University, this article will analyze its meaning, background and also the genre of Cangjie Chapter. Zhuan Xu and Zhu Rong(祝融) were two important figures in the theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements and theory of the cyclical revolution of the Five Virtues, which were popular in the Warring Sates Period, and Qin-Han Dynasties. Zhuan Xu was the god of north, standing for the Virtue of Water, and Zhu Rong was the god of south, standing for the Virtue of Fire. Starting from Zhuan Xu and Zhu Rong, "Zhuanxu" progressively elaborates concepts of the virtue of water and the virtue of fire at that time, and manages to conform to the feature of dictionary in content arrangement, rhyme and wording. Since the theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements at that time were systematically reflected in "Spring and Autumn Analects of Lu: Twelve Records(『呂氏春秋』 「十二紀」)" "Collected Works by the Prince of Huainan: Timing Principle(『淮南子』 「時則」)" and "Book of Rites: The Lunar Order(『禮記』 「月令」)", it is reasonable to interpret "Zhuanxu" with reference to these books. Cangjie Chapter is not a common dictionary, but a textbook with definite ideology and education function. Unlike Origin of Chinese Characters(『說文解字』), its style is similar to that of Three-Character Classic(『三字經』) and Thousand Character Text(『千字文』).

      • KCI등재


        楊振紅(Yang Zhenhong) 경북대학교 인문학술원 2021 동서인문 Vol.- No.16

        秦漢시대에는 “上計”제도가 있었다. ≪續漢書·百官志五·州郡≫ “上計”의 劉昭注에서는 胡廣을 인용하여 “秋冬歲盡, 各計縣户口墾田, 錢穀入出, 盗賊多少, 上其集簿. 丞尉以下, 歲詣郡, 課校其功”이라고 하였다. “上計”의 기초는 “計”인데, 즉 지방 郡國縣邑은 매년 관할 구역 내의 戶口, 耕地, 錢穀物資收支, 범죄 등의 정황에 대한 기록 진행, 核算, 감독을 진행하여 관할 구역의 治理와 재정 상황을 전면적으로 장악할 수 있도록 하였다. “計”는 計簿, 計吏 등을 가리킬 뿐 아니라 동사로도 사용되어 “計”의 행위를 가리킨다. 예를 들어 睡虎地秦簡 ≪倉律≫ 35간 “計稻後年”, 里耶秦簡 8-151 “遷陵已計” 등이 그것이다. 본고는 秦漢 券書簡 에 반영된 計制의 “名計”문제에 관한 것이다. 지금까지 “名計”라는 말은 모두 里耶秦簡 9-1에서 9-12簡 및 파손이 심한 9-1846簡에 출현하였다. 9-1에서 9-12簡은 모두 陽陵卒 “錢校券”에 관한 문서로 학계의 인식에 매우 큰 차이가 있다. ≪文物≫ 2019년 제12기에 발표된 陳偉, 熊北生의 논문 ≪睡虎地漢簡中的券與相關文書≫에서는 睡虎地77號漢墓의 부분 券書簡 석문을 발표하였는데, 필자는 이를 통해 9-1에서 9-12간의 의문을 해결할 수 있다고 보았다. 陽陵司空은 毋死가 소속된 遷陵縣에게 毋死 본인에 대해 貲餘錢의 추심을 요구하였지만, 반드시 돈을 우편으로 陽陵司空에게 보낼 필요는 없었고 借貸賬의 형식으로 記賬하면 되었다. 즉 陽陵司空은 借出賬에 이 돈을 遷陵縣에 지출한 것으로 기록하고 遷陵縣은 貸入賬에 陽陵司空에게 이 돈을 수입한 것으로 기록하면 平賬이 이루어진다. 그 수속은 遷陵縣이 한 통의 責校券을 제작해 陽陵司空 貲餘錢 8,034의 증빙으로 하고 동시에 한 통의 공문서를 쓰고 문서 중 구체적으로 遷陵縣 어느 부문에서 計賬하고 어떤 科目으로 어떤 연도 장부 상에 기록한 것인지를 注明하였다. 그 연후에 공문과 責校券을 함께 陽陵司空에게 발급하면 陽陵司空이 計賬시에 상응하는 장부 항목에 기입할 수 있었다. The newly published voucher bamboo slips from Western Han tomb M77 at Shuihudi(睡虎地) sheds light on the “Mingji(名計)” system in Qin and Han, which can help us to understand the money checking vouchers(錢校券) in Liye Qin Bamboo Slips Nos. 9-1 to 9-12. The 7th, 8th, 19th, 20th, 9th and 10th Shuihudi Han Bamboo Slips, the ‘Animal Yield Receive Vouchers and Pay in the Sixth Year’(≪六年畜息子入券及出≫), all are concerned with two official documents(“書”). The first document was from the bailiff(嗇夫) of Yangwu(陽武鄉) to Anlu(安陸縣), and includes the report and handing in of middle vouchers about “Pay(出) or Receive Voucher(入券)”, the explanation that the right voucher was already handed in to the county storehouse, and the details about the accounting institution, subject, and year. The second document was sent by the district bailiffs to the county storehouse to explain the transfer of the right voucher about ‘Pay or Receive Voucher’. In this group of bamboo slips, “receive(入)” referred to the income in new-born animals. Since the handling district unit was not an independent accounting unit while the county was, changes in district’s assets had to be reported to the county at all times. The county would record and count the details of income and expenditure, and the county storehouse was concretely responsible for accounting. The Liye Qin Bamboo Slips 9-1 to 9-12 are official documents concerned with the request of the Sikong(司空) of Yangling(陽陵縣), as he asked Qianling(遷陵縣) in Dongting(洞庭郡) to be redeemed the remaining money(貲餘錢) that was owed by the soldiers who had been punished for serving there. He sent the remaining owed money as a lending to Qianling while Qianling took it as a borrowing, so that they could achieve a financial balance. In this process, Qianling produced a debt checking voucher(責校券) as an evidence for receiving the remaining money from Yangling and wrote together an official letter to specify the department, subject and year. This letter with the debt checking voucher would be sent to the Sikong of Yangling, who would record it based on these documents. “受責(債)” means ‘accepting debts’. The debt checking vouchers(責校券), also called “debt vouchers(責券)” in short, are checking vouchers(校券) from loaners to debtors. “名計” refers to the record of these accounts. In that situation, the usage of “名” is the same as “名” in “名田宅”‧“付” in “問何縣官計、付” means “付責校券”, i.e, ‘giving the debt checking vouchers’. In “署計年、名爲報”, “署” means ‘recording’ while “報” means ‘replying’; that is, Qianling was asked to reply the Sikong of Yangling about the year and subjects of the accounts.

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