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      • KCI등재

        탕현조(湯顯祖) 「모단정(牡丹亭)」공연(公演)의 변천(變遷)을 통해 본 명청시기(明淸時期) 문인연극(文人演居) 공연체제(公演體制)의 변화(變化)

        리정재 한국중국학회 2012 중국학보 Vol.66 No.-

        本文探討湯顯祖名作『牡丹亭』的演出和其變遷特色. 本文把記錄『牡丹亭』演出的材料按照時期、階段進行整理, 試圖對『牡丹亭』演出所具有的特征, 以及變遷的過程進行探討分析. 首先, 本文把『牡丹亭』的演出體爲幾個階段, 對其變化進行探討. 第壹大階段是家班演員們進行演出的階段, 然後可將其再分爲三個小階段. 第二大階段是職業戱團占據主導地位, 演出以折子戱爲中心的乾隆年間以後的階段, 這壹階段可再分爲兩個小階段. 通過詳細分析, 本文指出, 明代中葉『牡丹亭』的創作完成後, 形成了以士大夫家班爲中心的演出, 到了淸朝初期, 專門戱班開始表演『牡丹亭』. 淸朝中葉以後, 受花部戱的影響雖有所萎縮, 但『牡丹亭』的的演出不斷進行, 演員們的專業水平也越來越高, 社會地位也在壹定程度上有所上升. 雖受到了急速成長的花部戱的打擊, 但從戱居界的整體來看, 可以說與新形成的盛行期的社會潮流是壹致的. 但淸朝, 宮廷內也進行『牡丹亭』演出. 宮廷外昆曲逐漸萎縮的時代, 特別是同治、光緖年間, 宮廷內經常上演『牡丹亭』, 同壹時期, 在開始形成近代都市面貌的上海也經常上演『牡丹亭』折子戱. 關于這方面的探討將留作今後的課題, 繼續進行硏究.

      • 耕作地의 重金? 汚染度 調査


        This investigation was carried out in order to know the heavy metal (Zn,Pb,Cu,Cd) contents in soil, stream water and plant grown in the area near a closed zinc mine at Sucksan Dong, Goro Myun, Gunwui Gun, Kyungpook Province. The results obtained were as follows: The heavy metal pollution was caused to the waste ore which had been accumulated around the closed zinc mine and the stream water which has sprung out through the waste ore deposit. Total contents of heavy metals in soils, plants and stream water under the influence of waste ore were in the order of Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd. The nearer from the waste ore deposit and stream, the more the contents of heavy metals in soil. The heavy metal contents is higher in paddy field than in dry land, in top soils than in subsoils, and in inlet water than in outlet. The heavy metal contents of the plant was higher in upper part than in underground part. And it was clear that the more contents of heavy metals was determined from the plants grown in soils high in heavy metal contents. The heavy metal contents of the rice plant was highest among the rice, tobacco, and sesame plants in this experiment. The nearer the distance from the waste ore deposit, the higher the contents of heavy metal in stream water.

      • KCI등재

        明代 目連救母 說話의 전승과 변화 ―鄭之珍의 《新編目連救母勸善戱文》을 중심으로

        李廷宰 ( Lee Jeong-jae ) 한국중국어문학회 2022 中國文學 Vol.111 No.-

        본고는 명대 目連救母 說話의 변화를 살피기 위해 鄭之珍의 《新編目連救母勸善戱文》(이하 《戱文》)을 내용, 인물, 사상 중심으로 검토하였다. 검토를 통해 첫째, 鄭之珍은 유가적 계몽의식을 바탕으로 민간에 성행한 目連救母 연극을 집대성하여 104척 길이의 장편희곡 《戱文》을 완성하였고, 특히 이승 세계에서의 사건들의 비중이 이전 텍스트들에 비해 크게 증강되었음을 확인하였다. 둘째, 《戱文》은 이전 텍스트들의 이승과 저승 세계 구성 방식과 주요 등장인물들을 계승하면서도 이승과 저승의 다양한 장소들에 다수 인물들이 추가되어 사건의 다양성과 구체성, 그리고 체계성이 크게 강화되었음을 확인하였다. 셋째, 이승과 저승에서 펼쳐지는 여러 사건들을 통해 경제 문제와 여성 문제에 대한 이중적 시선이 드러나 있음과 佛法의 추구와 儒家 윤리의 실천, 그리고 도교적 가치관이 함께 강조되고 있음을 확인하였다. 《戱文》은 이후 각 지방 目連救母 연극의 典範으로 자리잡았고, 따라서 《戱文》은 目連救母 설화의 중대한 분수령이 되었다고 평가할 수 있다. I examined the characteristics and change of the story of Mulian Rescues His Mother(MRM) through an analysis on the major text in Ming dynasty China: Newly Compiled Drama for Goodness of Mulian Rescues His Mother(新編目連救母勸善戱文, hereafter the Drama) compiled by Zheng Zhizhen(鄭之珍). Firstly, I pointed that Zheng completed 104 act long script through compiling many popluar Mulian dramas on the perspective of Confucian consciousness, and that the importance of the events in ‘this world’(이승) than ‘underworld’(저승) was much strengthened than previous texts. Secondly, I saw that the Drama basically succeeded to previous texts on the idea of the ‘world’ structure and main characters, but strengthened diversity, concreteness and system of events through adding many places and characters. Lastly, I learned that through these events in the two ‘worlds’, there are contradictory views on the economic and gender issues, also checked out that the values of Three Teachings(Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism) was emphasized together. The Drama became the main classic of Mulian dramas after its birth, thus you can say the Drama is major turning point of the story of Mulian rescues His mother.

      • KCI등재

        목련구모(目連救母) 설화(說話)의 초기 형성 과정에 대한 소고(小考) ― 초기 불교 문헌들과 ≪불설우란분경(佛說盂蘭盆經)≫의 비교를 중심으로

        李廷宰 ( Lee Jeongjae ) 중국어문연구회 2019 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.95

        I, in this study, examined the life of Mulian(Maudgalyayana, Moggallana) in the early Buddhist texts, and through the examination I understood the early perception on his character of the native, living, power, and death in these texts. Then I compared that with what is described in the Ullambana Sutra to understand the early formation of the story of Mulian rescuing his mother. The early Buddhist texts I examined were the Pali texts like Jataka, Dammapada- Atthaka, and translated Buddhist Sutras in Chinese like Ekottara Agama, Mulasarvastivada Vinaya ksudrakavastu, and found that in these texts Mulian had psychic powers like spiritual moving, diverse miracles before his death in his last existence. He was from a novel family, had a devoted, filial living, but killed or tried to kill his parents or mother under his wife’s bad influence or mother’s misdeed in the previous existence. The main story of Ullambana Sutra is that Mulian, who has spiritual powers, rescues his mother who has fallen into the hell of starvation because of her sinful misdeed, and the description of the devoting and filial living of Mulian in the early Buddhist texts is succeeded in this sutra. There are stories about Mulian rescuing hungry ghosts, and Sariputta and Uttara rescuing his mother in Avadana-sataka, these three stories were combined into one story, and Mulian’s spiritual powers and filial mind in the early Buddhist texts were also joined into this new story, but that of killing his parents is eliminating the story of killing his parents or mother in order to strengthen the consistency of the story. The story of Mulian in Ullambana Sutra can be compared with the late texts like Pure land Ullambana Sutra, Maytrisimit, and Mulasarvastivada Vinaya Bhaisajyavastu in the following studies.

      • KCI등재

        당대(唐代) 문헌(文獻)에 나타난 목련구모(目連救母) 설화(說話)의 변화 ―《미륵회견기(彌勒會見記)》와 〈불설정토우란분경(佛說淨土盂蘭盆經)〉을 중심으로

        李廷宰 ( Lee Jeong-jae ),11) 한국중국어문학회 2020 中國文學 Vol.102 No.-

        본고는 시기적으로 〈佛說盂蘭盆經〉과 唐代 講唱의 사이에 등장한 문헌들인 《彌勒會見記》와 〈佛說淨土盂蘭盆經〉의 目連救母 說話의 특징과 역사적 의미를 검토했다. 먼저 唐代 講唱에서는 佛道와 孝의 병립이라는 〈佛說盂蘭盆經〉의 취지가 계승되어 있으면서도 대중들이 佛法을 어기고 惡業을 쌓았을 때 겪게 되는 지옥에서의 고통을 상세하고도 다양하게 형상화하면서 敍事化, 通俗化, 長篇化의 경향이 나타남을 확인했다. 이어 唐代 講唱보다 약 200년 앞선 《彌勒會見記》에 기록된 目連救母 일화를 통해 7세기 무렵부터 目連救母 설화가 西域 지방에서도 전승되었음을 확인했다. 그리고 《彌勒會見記》와 거의 동시대의 문헌인 〈佛說淨土盂蘭盆經〉은 당시 보편적인 민중 신앙으로 자리 잡은 淨土思想의 영향 위에서 형성되었고, 성대하고 화려하게 만든 盂蘭盆을 공양하는 광경을 구체적이고 생동감 있게 묘사하고 다른 불교 문헌들에 기록된 救母 說話들을 차용하여 목련 모친의 惡業의 내용을 대폭 추가했음을 확인했다. 이러한 일련의 변화는 약 200년 뒤에 나타나는 唐代 講唱과 그 이후 강화되는 敍事化, 通俗化, 長篇化의 시작을 의미한다. I examined the characteristics and historical meaning of the story of Mulian Rescues his Mother(MRM) through two major texts named the Maytrisimit(彌勒會見記) and the Ullambana Sutra of the Pure Land(淨土盂蘭盆經) of around 600 A.D. Firstly, in Tang Prosimetirc texts, while the thought of Buddhist belief and Filial piety was preserved, various Purgatory scenes in detail in which the people who did not follow the Buddhist teachings suffers great pains are unseen in the previous Ullambana Sutra(盂蘭盆經). This main change of the story content is some evidence of becoming more narrative, more popular and longer. Secondly, through the examination of brief MRM story in the Maytrisimit, I saw the MRM story was transmitted in Xinjiang area from 7th century. Lastly, through the examination of the Ullambana Sutra of the Pure Land of 7th century, I pointed out that this sutra was written under the influence of Pure Land Buddhism which was very popular during that era, described the splendid and grand offerings of Yulanpen, and added the evil deeds of Mulian’s mother which were borrowed mother-rescueing stories from other Buddhist texts. These changes mean the beginning of the tendency of becoming more narrative, more popular and longer of the history of MRM stories.

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