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        해방 후 재일조선인과 암시장 - 주요 취급물자를 중심으로 -

        박미아 한일민족문제학회 2016 한일민족문제연구 Vol.31 No.-

        Defeated in World War II, the war-oriented Japanese industries collapsed and led to a mass unemployment. The Koreans in Japan who mainly worked in those industries confronted an overall unemployment and they desperately looked for a means of living. Under that circumstances, the black markets sprout up and the Koreans had no choice but to engaged in. The majority of Koreans, who didn't have particular skills and educations, with small amount of capital, could manage to get into the black markets. They mainly worked as individual delivery services and street vendors. The Koreans who couldn't get into the regular job market, so no way to survive except attached to the lowest part of the black markets. This study is focused on the commodities which explains the present characteristics of the Zainichi society largely originated from the black markets after Liberation. For instance, Korean traditional starch syrup candy, rice wine(Makgeolli), edible intestines were largely accepted by the Japanese who hadn't had that sort of convention. Meanwhile, people who had experienced as factory technicians or with reasonable assets could have opportunities to start up their own business. Among those people, some could make a great capital from the business and get a chance to move to other profitable business. The experience of the black markets had provided the development of Zainichi business in particular area. For instance, some specific manufacturing such as rubber, textile, metal and machinery, and plastic business which sprouted during those period strongly related with the black markets and the relationship has been continued up to the present. And YAKINIKU(Korean style barbecue) and PACHINKO(Japanese style slot machine) which have become the typical industry of the Koreans in Japan were derived from the black markets. After all, the history of the Koreans in the black markets is not only reflection of economic activities, but also profound relevance with the overall post-war circumstances. The black markets were also the stage of fierce survival for both of the Japanese and the Korean. Regarding the issue of the black markets and serious post-war economy brought one of the controversial political arguments. 本論文は国内研究で大きく注目されなかった在日朝鮮人の解放直後の生活を闇市である空間を通じて考察しようとした。その中でも解放を前後して変わった在日朝鮮人の生活世界を反映している闇市の主要取引物資を中心に調べた。 日本の戦争が拡がると朝鮮人は総動員体制によって強制動員、徴用された人々は日本の戦時関連産業に主に投入された。しかし日本の降伏宣言によって戦時産業は全面解体され、大半の在日朝鮮人は失業状態に処するようになった。日本政府が戦時期に実施した統制経済は占領軍によって持続した。闇市はこのような統制経済で自然に発生した。闇取引は戦時期で隠然と行われ、敗戦以後には瓦解された流通機構の代わりをする闇市で本格的な存在感を現わした。 在日朝鮮人は每日の生計のために戦後日本の闇市で経済活動を始めるようになった。教育と技術、資本が十分ではなかった大多数の在日朝鮮人は闇市場で担ぎ屋及び行商と露天商などの販売業に携わりながら闇市経済の一角を担当した。 闇市で取り引きされた物資は解放以前とは違う形で在日朝鮮人の特質を反映した。例えばマッコリ(濁酒)を含め、飴と内臓類などは解放以前には在日朝鮮人の内部を中心に消費した物資であった。しかし食糧不足状況で闇市を通じてこの種類の食材料が日本社会に伝わった。一方、日本の軍需産業解体によって朝鮮人技術者と一部資産家は工場引受の機会を獲得することができた。この人々は至急な民需物資を生産し、闇市を主要流通網にして本格的な商工業進出の機会にした。 このような闇市経験は在日朝鮮人が以後の産業活動を展開するにおいて主な転機になった。占領が終わって主権を回復した日本は国籍を条件に掲げて就業制限を置いた。差別的就業状況で職業選択の自由を喪失した在日朝鮮人は闇市期に始まった商工業活動を中心に職業生活をするようになった。闇市を通じて成長した焼肉業とパチンコ業が今日在日朝鮮人の代表的職業の中で一つになったこともこのような状況とも深い関連があるのである。 闇市は経済活動の章でもあったが解放以後熾烈であった政治活動の裏面を見せてくれる空間でもあった。闇市は日本の敗戦によって日本人が形成した非正常的経済システムで、存在そのものが不法的な空間であった。不法と脱法が横行して、弱肉強食が日常的な道徳律で見なされたから各種社会問題の震源地で指目を受けたりした。敗戦による社会現象にもかかわらず、日本の政治家たちは闇市の問題を旧植民地人に擦りつける言舌を流布しながら敗戦責任を回避しようとした。 既存の在日朝鮮人関連研究ではこの時期の多様な政治活動、帰国という大規模人口変動を扱ったから相対的に在日朝鮮人の経済活動と日常事に対する関心が少なかった側面があった。本論文はそうした点を補強して解放直後在日朝鮮人の諸般の生活をより立体的に著しく表わすのにその意義を置こうとした。

      • KCI등재

        초등학생의 과체중 관련요인에 관한 연구

        박미아,문현경,이규한 대한영양사협회 1998 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.4 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the related factors to child overweight through investigation of children aged 6-12. Data on physical examinations, family history and dietary habits were obtained. Children were classified into normal(98 persons) and overweight(118 persons) group using the combination of height for age, weight for age and weight for height standard by the World Health Organization. Children's height, weight and BMI exhibited a significant difference between groups except children aged 8 for height. Unbalanced diet was a risk factors for overweight (Odd ratio : 1.765, 95% CI : 1.022∼3.048). Number of brothers showed negative significance especially in two brothers compared to that of one (Odd ratio : 0.456, 95% CI : 0.209∼0.995). But Birth weight, feeding practice, overeating, taking nutrition pills, sleeping time, mother's education level and employmental status didn't have any difference. We found out there were different risk factors between obese and overweight group. They should be divided into different groups in studying risk factors. And we should pay much attention to overweight children in order to prevent improving to obesity.

      • KCI등재

        중고등학생들의 과학 관련 경험도에 있어서의 성 차에 관한 연구

        박미아,신영준,장남기 韓國生物敎育學會 2001 생물교육 Vol.29 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine secondary and high school students' experiences related to science. The study involved 3599 students from 87 schools in 16 cities and counties who completed a survey designed to elicit students' experiences. Science-related experiences include these three categories; curricular activities (common activities, using instruments, feeling, club activities, lab activities), extracurricular activities(common activities, hobbies), concern of parents and the others(concern of parents, computer, field trip). Our study showed that there were gender differences in all science experiences categories especially in extracurricular activities. Boys reported more experiences with electric tools, making stuffs using scientific principle, and reading articles about science whereas more girls indicated they have experiences with raising pets, plants, etc., and making some goods using simple and easy methods. This study support the historical supposition that boys tend to have more experiences in the physical sciences than girls do.

      • KCI등재

        손귀달 밀항 서사를 통해 보는 원폭 피해자 문제‒공개 외교문서 속 1960년대 한국 정부의 대처를 중심으로‒

        박미아 한국일본근대학회 2022 일본근대학연구 Vol.- No.78

        In October 1968, the atomic bomb survivor, Son Gwidal, was arrested for smuggling into Japan. After being exposed to radiation in Hiroshima, she was troubled with various illness and she tried to get proper treatment at the atomic bomb hospital in Japan. However, the Korean government, concerned about the approach of the Japanese left-leaning forces, controlled her activities. quickly forcibly repatriated her. Even after the repatriation, there were Japanese who wanted to help her, but this opportunity was deprived due to her criminal record of being an illegal immigrant. At that time, the government did not establish fundamental measures against the atomic bomb victim problem, and the problem was not mentioned in the Korea-Japan agreement. Rather than listening to Son Gwi-dal’s appeal, the Korean diplomacy was focused on preventing contact with Japanese leftists based on anti-communism prevailing in the Korean government. Later, her brother, Son Jin-doo, also attempted to stow away and won the rights as a victim of the atomic bomb through a trial, which was an important opportunity to give Korean victims a chance. However, she ended up living her life without getting the same opportunity as her brother when she was involved in various criminal cases. 1968년 10월, 원폭 피해자 손귀달은 일본에 밀항해 체포되었다. 히로시마에서 피폭된 후 20여년이 넘도록 병마에 시달렸던 그녀는 일본 원폭병원에서 치료를 받으려는 희망을 가지고 있었다. 하지만 일본 ‘좌경세력’의 접근을 우려한 한국 정부는 그녀의 활동을 통제하였다. 원폭 후유증으로 일생을 고통받았던 그녀는 일본 병원에서 원폭 증세가 경미하다는 석연치 않은 판정을 받았고, 이를 핑계로 한국 정부는 그녀를 신속하게 강제송환했다. 송환 이후에도 그녀를 돕겠다는 일본인들이 있었으나 불법 입국자라는 전과로 인해 이런 기회조차도 박탈되었다. 당시 정부는 원폭 피해자 문제에 대해 근본적 대책을 수립하지 않았고, 한일협정에서도 피해자 문제는 언급되지 않았다. 손귀달의 호소에 귀 기울이기보다는 한국 정부에 팽배한 반공주의에 의거해 일본 좌파들과의 접촉을 막는 데만 급급한 것이 당시 한국 외교의 현주소였다. 이후에 그녀의 오빠인 손진두도 밀항을 시도하였고, 재판을 통해 원폭 피해자로서의 권리를 쟁취하였고, 이는 한국 피해자들에게 기회를 주는 중요한 계기가 되었다. 하지만 그녀는 손진두와 같은 기회를 얻지 못한채 여러 범죄 사건에 연루되면서 일생을 살아가게 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        재일조선인 여성과 암시장 - 해방 직후의 경제활동을 중심으로 -

        박미아 한국여성사학회 2019 여성과 역사 Vol.0 No.30

        After World WarⅡ, Koreans in Japan(Zainichi Koreans) were forced to delay or gave up repatriation to Korea or various reasons including delays in the planned repatriation, the issue of property transfer, and political and economic instability on the Korean Peninsula. Those who involuntarily settled in Japan had to find their livelihood in Japan's black market. The black market provided opportunities for women who had previously been peripheral to economic activities. At the same time, Zainichi women were also responsible for the household economy through the black market. However, women who had never received opportunities such as for technical training or regular schooling tended to stay in poverty. Zainichi women who worked in the black market after the war were rarely noticed and left behind by history because they could not speak out about their own existence and role. These women were financially self-reliant but emotionally dependent, reflecting the limitations of their era and the complicated reality of Koreans in Japan. 재일조선인은 해방이 된 후에도 계획수송의 지연, 재산반출 문제, 한반도의 정치경제적 불안정 등 여러 상황으로 인해 귀국을 연기하거나 포기하게 되었다. 비자발적으로 일본에 정주하게 된 이들은 생계를 위해 패전국 일본의 암시장에서 일자리를 찾았다. 암시장이라는 공간은 경제활동에서 주변적, 보조적 존재였던 여성들도 주체로 참여할 수 있는 기회를 마련해 주었고, 재일여성들도 가계경제의 일익을 담당하게 되었다. 하지만 경제적으로 가장 역할을 하면서도 일본 사회와 가정에서는 중층적 차별구조에 둘러싸여 있었다. 본 연구에서는 기존 연구에서 조망하지 않았던 해방 공간 재일조선인 여성의 암시장 활동, 그 중에서도 기술습득과 정규교육에서 배제된 비식자(非識者) 계층, 빈핍 계층의 여성들을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 전후 암시장이라는 특수 공간은 재일 역사 속에서 조명 받지 못했던 이 여성들의 존재를 가장 뚜렷하게 부각시킬 수 있는 장소이기도 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        재일코리안과 야키니쿠(焼肉) 산업- 일본 패전 이후 암시장과의 관련성을 중심으로 -

        박미아 동국대학교 일본학연구소 2020 일본학 Vol.50 No.-

        ‘Yakiniku’ restaurants account for a significant portion of Japan’s dining industry. Yakiniku is a representative menu of ethnic foods that have settled in Japan, as it is recognized as Japanese food outside of Japan. However, in the process of forming and developing the current ‘Yakiniku’ industry in Japan, the Korean residents in Japan(Zainichi Korean, Zainichi) have played the main role. At the black markets across Japan that appeared on the ruins shortly after the World War Ⅱ, Zainichi sold intestines dishes(Horumon) as food materials, which became the basis for the ‘Yakiniku’ industry today. Horumon reflects the traditional diet of the Korean. Koreans enjoyed beef and meat from cattle and pigs, and so did the Korean residents in Japan, whose way of living in their hometowns. At black market right after the defeat, Zainichi began selling internal dishes excluded from the control items, while Japanese who faced absolute food shortages. In the early days, it started with internal meat, or ‘Horumon’. Since the 1950s, when meat control was lifted, the dish of ‘Horumon’ was developed into ‘Yakiniku. Yakiniku restaurants began to be expanded throughout all over Japan. The Yakiniku industry, which was born and grew up in a Zainichi society, has grown into a major dining industry that also participates in today’s mainstream Japanese society. Which means that Zainichi had played the role of pioneer and trendsetter of the combination of Yakiniku industry between Korea and Japan. 오늘날 일본 외식산업에서 적지 않은 비중을 차지하고 있는 ‘야키니쿠’ 식당은 해방 후 일본 곳곳에서 시작된 암시장에 그 뿌리를 두고 있다. 조선인들은 전통적으로 소, 돼지의 내장육과 정육을 즐겨 먹었고, 고향에서의 생활방식이 그대로 답습한 재일조선인 역시 그러하였다. 패전 직후의 암시장에서 재일조선인들은 통제품목에서 제외된 내장요리를 팔기 시작했고, 절대적인 식량 부족 상태에 직면했던 일본인들은 영양과 맛을 충족시키는 새로운 요리를 접하게 된다. 초기에는 내장육, 즉 ‘호루몬’으로 시작했지만 정육 통제가 해제되는 1950년대 이후 호루몬 요리는 야키니쿠로 발전하게 된다. 재일코리안 사회에서 야키니쿠 식당은 관동의 명월관, 관서의 식도원이 그 효시가 된 것으로 알려져 있다. 두 식당은 창업주의 출신배경, 운영 방식에서 차이를 보였고 이는 재일코리안 역사를 반영하는 한 축도가 되기도 한다. 1950년대 이후 야키니쿠 식당은 재일코리안 사회를 중심으로 확장되기 시작했다. 1940년대 말부터 1950년대 중반까지 간행되었던 解放新聞은 그러한 추세를 반영하는 하나의 참고자료라고 할 수 있다. 재일코리안 사회에서 탄생하고 성장한 야키니쿠 산업은 오늘날 일본 주류 사회에서도 참여하는 주요 외식산업으로 성장하였고, 이는 한일 양국의 식문화 결합에 재일코리안의 역할이 중심적이었음을 보여주는 한 지표라고 해도 과언이 아닐 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        재일한인 여성의 경제활동과 교육문제에 관한 소고 -『'민중시보'와 '여맹시보' 기사에 투영된 현실 -

        박미아 한일관계사학회 2022 한일관계사연구 Vol.78 No.-

        During Japanese colonial period, Korean women in Japan were under the condition of poor education and hardly achieved economic independence. After the World WarⅡ, Koreans were liberated and liberation provided more improved economic activities and education for women. Korean women tried to make a living by peddling the black market and food stalls, which were the basis of the Korean barbecue (Yakiniku) business. With the establishment of an ethnic school, equal educational opportunities were provided for women. The illiteracy rate of first-generation women was absolutely high in both Chosun and Japan, and the environment of women who could not even read and write their own names was also a factor directly related to poverty. Since the history of Koreans in Japan is mainly focused on ‘successful male’, it is easy to overlook the role of women who have ‘nothing’. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to consider the existence and meaning of women who have not been highlighted in the front of history.

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