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      • 개간을 위한 干潟地 土壤의 硏究

        朴奉奎,張楠基,朴仁根,林暎得 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1969 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        1. 本硏究는 干潟地를 개간하기 위한 基礎調査로서 內陸土壤의 肥沃度와 潟土의 그것과 比較 하고 발아에 미치는 厭覩의 영향을 硏究 하였다. 2. 仁川, 서산, 群山, 목포, 한산도 等의 潟土와 을능도 제주도 의정보 광능 羊 등의 內陸土의 土城을 比較한 結果 그 土粒의 組成은 砂土 壤質砂土 砂壤土 砂質埴壤土 壤土 埴壤土 等으로 內陸土와 大差없는 범주에 속한다. 3. 干潟地土壤의 置換性鹽基 置換性水素 鹽基置換能은 內陸土壤의 그것보다 높았으며 그 差異는 有意性이 存在하였다. 4. 母岩이 花崗巖인 議政府 楊口 光陵의 土壤과 玄武岩土인 제주도 울능도 土壤의 置換性鹽基 置換性水素 鹽基置換能은 약간 차이는 있으나 그것은 有意性을 나타내지 않았다. 5. 玄武岩土는 有機物 總窒素의 含量은 花崗巖토의 그것보다 높으나 Ca 와 K는 오히려 낮으며 土壤 pH 함수량 有效憐酸 Mg 는 差異가 없었다. 6. 干潟地 의 pH, P, Ca, Mg의 含量은 內陸土壤의 그것보다 높으며 有機物의 含量은 낮고 總窒素 K는 差異를 인정할 수 있었다. 7. 內陸土壤의 鹽度는 0.03±0.014%이며 干潟地는 2.67±0.89%이 있었다. 8. 따라서 干潟地의 肥沃度는 內陸土壤의 그것과 比較할때 植物의 生育에 充分하나 鹽度만이 높다. 9. 作物의 種子는 鹽度의 增加에 따라 發芽率이 현저히 低下하며 1.0%의 鹽度에서 벼 배추 무 호박의 발아율은 50%以上으나 깨 팥 조 밀 쌀보리 보리의 발아율은 15%미만이 었다. Present sutdies, as Preliminary survey for the redamation of ridal flot, were dealt with the fertility of inland and tidal-land soils, and the effect of salinity to the seed germination. 1. Soil samples were taken on Inchon, Seosan, Kunsan, Mokpo, Hansando and Sanchok as the tidal-land, in Ullungdo, Chejudo, Eujeongpu, Kwangnung, and Yangku as the inland, in naked soils near Eujeongpu, and in the field and the rice field of the area near Seoul City. 2. The soil texture of tidal land was similar to that of inland, field and fice field soils. 3. The level of exchangeable base, exchangeable hydrogen and bas-exchange capacity of the tidal-land were not higher than that of inland soil. 4. The Soils derived from granite on Ejeongpu, Yangku and Kwangnung, different in exchangeable base, exchangeable hydrogen and base exchange capacity from that of Chejudo and Ullungdo, derived from basalt, But the difference not significant statistical. 5. The soil derived from basalt had higher value of total nitrogen than that of soil from graniti origin, while it had lower value of available potassium and exchangeable calcium. The value of soil pH, available phosphorus and exchangeable magnesium of the basalt soil were similar to that of from granite. 6. Soil from tidal-land had a higher value in pH, available phosphorus, exchangeable calcium and magnesium than that of inland soil, while it had lower content of organic matter. And the soil from tid at-land showed similas level of total nitrogen and available potassium. 7. The salinity of inland soil was 0.03±0.014%. but that of the tidal-land 2.67±0.89% 8. Therefore soil of tidal-land has a enough fertility for plant growth porvides the salinity is reducer. 9. The level of 1% Nacl solution had about 50% seed germination in Oriza sativa, Raphanus satibus, Brasica pekinensis and Cunurbita moschata, but that of 15% or lower in Sesamim indicum, Phaeolus angularis, Setaria italica, Iriticum sativum, Hordeum sativum var. vulgare, and Hordeum sativum.

      • 光陸 및 五臺山의 主要森林 植物의 Energy 및 양분순환에 對하여

        朴奉奎,金遵敏,張楠基 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1970 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.4 No.-

        1. 森林植物의 地上部의 養分量은 葉枝, 幹中, 葉量과 그 含有比에 따라 決定된다. 2. N, P, K, Ca, Mg의 器管別 含有率은 잎이 가장 높고 가지가 中間이며 줄기가 제일 낮다. 3. 林木에 있어서는 落葉針葉樹가 N, P, K의 含有比가 가장 높았고 상록침엽수보다는 활엽낙엽수가 그含有比가 높았다. 4. 전나무, 잣나무, 참나무林에서는 養分現存量이 가장 높았고 소나무림이 가장 적었으며 서나무, 아카시나무, 낙엽송림은 中間程度였다. 5. 林牀에서 energy와 CO_2의 放出率의 大小는 서나무, 아카시나무, 참나무, 낙엽송, 잣나무, 전나무, 소나무落葉의 순서였다. 6. Energy와 有權炭素의 林牀堆積量의 多少는 放出量과 正反對 순위며 分解量은 同一한 순서였다. 7. 낙엽에 축척되어 있는 Energy가 半減하는데 要하는 時間은 서나무, 아카시나무, 참나무, 낙엽송, 잣나무, 소나무에 있어서 各各 1.8年, 2.0年, 2.6年, 2.7年, 36年, 4.5年, 5.3年이였다. 8. 토양으로 되돌아 가는 N, P, K, Ca의 無機養料의 量은 상록침엽수보다 낙엽활엽수림에서 더욱 많다. 9. 토양으로 되돌아 가는 Mg의 量은 樹種에 따라 다르며 소나무와 참나무林이 가장 많았고 서나무와 낙엽송림이 가장 적었다. 10. 森林에 있어서 降水에 依한 養分의 樹冠洗脫量은 K가 가장 많았고 Ca와 Mg은 中間이며 N과 P는 比較的 적었다. An inv estigation was performed to elwidate the energy flow and the nutruent cycle trees in Mt. Otae and Kwang-nung plantation stands. As the trees become larger, they contain greater amounts of natrients, and there were close relationships between the dry weights and the nutrient contents for each element habitat regionless of tree species and habitat conditions. A great portion of the nutrients in a tree is accumulated in the leaves. There was a tendency for the N,P,K and Ca concentration to be higher in deciduous forest tress, than in the evergreen coniferous forest trees. The decomposition rate of deciduous litters was than that of coniferous litters. The time required for the decomposition of half of the accumulated organic matter of deciduous litter and coniferous litter in the forest stands are 1.8∼2.6 years and 2.7∼5.7 years reapectively. The amounts of N,P,K and Ca returned annually to the soil is higher in the decidu ous forests than in the evergreen coniferous stands. Very large amounts of K, significant amounts of Ca and Mg, but only small amounts of N and P were leached from the canopy by rain. The amounts of nutrients in the litter fall and in the rain wash, together with anestimate of the amounts in the twig and timber fall, have been added together to give the rate of the nutrient cycle under these forests.

      • 털비름과 명아주의 發芽에 미친 溫度와 Nitrate의 效果

        朴奉奎,金鍾熙 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1985 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.35 No.-

        The germination of seeds of Amaranthus retroflexus and Chenopodium album were carried out in two series of experiments. In the first series, the effects of different temperature (35℃, 23±2℃, 15/6℃) were studied and in the second, the effects of the same temperature combined with three different concentrations of potassium nitrate (0M, 0.002M, 0.02M). The seeds of Amaranthus were incubated in continuous darkness, while the seeds of Chenopodium were in light. Germination was recognized when radicle appeared. During each examination all garminated seeds were counted and removed from the petri-dishes. The highest germination rate for Amaranthus (95%) occurred at temperature of 35℃ and for Chenopodium (88%) occurred at 23±2℃. Which might be set as optimum temperature regime for germination. Chenopodium had generally wider temperature regime for germination than Amaranthus. In Chenopodium germination rate increased as nitrate concentration increased at 35℃ and 23±2℃. The greatest effects of nitrate were especially noticeable in the germintion of Chenopodium seeds at 23±2℃ temperature regime. It appeared that germination with 0.02M nitrate solutions increased 2.0 times more than in the control. These results demonstrate that the action of potassium nitrate was beneficial for the germination of light-favored seeds.

      • 지리산 森林生態系의 生體量과 그 保護에 관한 연구

        朴奉奎,李仁淑 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1987 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.39 No.-

        1986年 4月부터 1987年 3月까지 지리산 自然保護區域의 森林生態系의 生體量과 그 保護에 관한 硏究에서 ① 主要 植物群系의 占有面積, ② 主要 植物群落의 識別, ③ 地區別 高度別의 植物現存量 推定, ④ 群系別의 植物現存量 推定, ⑤ 主要 樹種의 生産性, ⑥ 植生自然度 槪念圖를 作成하여 地域環境管理計劃의 基本資料를 提供하였다. This investigation was carried out to study the standing crop, productivity, and the main Formation of forest ecosystem in nature conservation area of Mt. Chiri from April 1986 to March 1987. From the mesh analysis the area of occupation was calculated for each forest Formation as follows; Pinus densiflora forest Formation; 50Km^2(27.47%), Quercus mongolica forest For-mation; 35.5Km^2(19.50%), Deciduous broad-leaved forest Formation; 62.5Km^2(34.34%), Natural coniferous forest Formation; 15.5Km^2(8.52%), Alpine dwarf tree forest Formation; 6.5Km^2(3.57%), Sasa grassland; 5Km^2(2.75%), Native grassland; 7Km^2(3.85%). The dominated plant communities were distinguished 19 according to the elevation and 8∼12 according to the districts. The gross standing crop of plant and standing crop per unit area per year were as follows; Pinus densiflora forest Formation; 141.350t/yr(32.96%), 2827t/Km^2/yr Quercus mongolica forest Formation; 81.300t/yr(18.96%), 2290.141t/Km^2/yr Deciduous broad-leaved forest Formation; 144.800t/yr(33.77%), 2316.8t/Km^2/yr Natural coniferous forest Formation; 33.000t/yr(7.7%). 2129.032t/Km^2/yr Alpine dwarf tree forest Formation; 7,850t/yr(1.83%), 1207.692t/Km^2/yr Sasa grassland; 10.150t/yr(2/37%) 2.030t/Km^2/yr Native grassland; 10.350t/yr(2.41%), 1478.571t/Km^2/yr Estimates of production from Conic surface (SC) and Parabolic volume(VP) represented hat values of SC and VP of Pinus densiflora and Quercus mon-golica were higher than those of other tree species; Pinus densiflora; 21.54%(SC), 34.28%(VP), Quercus mongolica; 11.96%(SC), 11.89%(VP) It appeared that production was the highest at 600m∼1300m. The values of SC according o the elevation were as follows; 400m∼600m; 16.09%, 600m∼800m; 28.5%, 800∼1000m; 18.67%, 1000m∼1200m; 14.63%, 1200m∼1400m; 9.844%, 1400m∼1600m; 9.09%, 1600m∼1800m; 2.57%. A concept map of the nature-degree of vegetation was drawn at a scale of 1:50000 based on the concept map of forest Formation. The nature-degree of vegetation is a measure of naturalness of vegetation and it is graded accor-ding to the degree of human interference which the vegetation suffers. The classification of vegetation units of the V∼IV was occupied 82.13% of the forest ecosystem at Mt. Chiri.

      • 野草地植生의 季節的 變動의 生態學的 硏究

        朴奉奎,李蓮河 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1966 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.8 No.-

        Using the Ωuadrat-method, an investigation was made of succession of native grassland vegetation during five periods (April, May to June, July to August, September to October, November to December) from April to December of 1964. The results are as follows. 1. The average internal and external height of the grasslands, which was about 10cm, in April, suddenly increased from May to June and reached a peak from July to August and then gradually decreased. 2. Since the pattern curves of the species, the species density, and the number of average plants were similar, so there was a similarity in pattern curves for ∑SDR_2, ∑SDR_3, and ∑H in the different periods. 3. The number of the species, the species density, the number of average plants, and the height of the grassland changed remarkably over the different periods. 4. The ratio of dispersion per plant and the height of grassland is 96.3cm, and 161.2cm for each period. We can see that the changes in height of the grasslands among the plants are |A-C|, |A-D|, |C-E|, |D-E| and |A-B|, |A-C|, |A-D|, |A-E|, |B-C|, |C-E|, |D-E|. 5. ∑SDR_2, ∑SDR_3, ∑H were gradually increased in each period and reached a peak from July to August thereafter, there was a rapid decrease from September to October. 6. The average height of the grassland and the average number of plants reached a peak from April (10cm, 25) to July and August (66cm, 41) in each period and rapidly decreased from September-October. 7. In succession series on native grassland vegetation in Korea, we have found grassland to be an important element in the community system (from Bong Kyu park's investigations in 1959, 1963, 1964). We could bring the same results in the changes of the grassland vegetation at each period. 8. Among the important species of grasslands (8 Species) from the view point of SDR_2 antagonistic relationships where found between the M. sinensis and the Z. Japonica, the Z. japonica and the P. aquilinum. 9. With the relation of SDR_2 to the height of the grasslands in each period, we could find the process of succession of 3 types for A,B,E, C.D.

      • KCI등재

        건조중선박에 대한 양도담보권의 성립과 관련한 법적 쟁점

        박봉규,배성진 대한변호사협회 2021 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.499

        When a Korean shipbuilder enters into a shipbuilding contract with an overseas company, a local financial institution issues a refund guarantee for the shipbuilder and secures collateral by acquiring transfer-security interests (Yangdo Dambo, a type of non-statutory security under Korean law). In case the shipbuilder fails to fulfill its obligations under a shipbuilding contract, the financial institution must recover its bonds as a security right holder. This article analyzes a case regarding the objection to the rehabilitation trial initiated by the financial institution. First, the shipbuilder presented an argument to deny the financial institution’s status as a security right holder in a rehabilitation trial. The said argument was accepted in the rehabilitation trial and the financial institution moved to file an objection. Thereafter, during the case regarding the objection to the rehabilitation trial, the court reversed the previous decision in the rehabilitation trial and fully recognized that the security of the financial institution were established. In light of the above, this paper analyzes legal issues related to the establishment of transfer security interests on a vessels under construction are reviewed, such as the reason why transfer security interests are mainly established in practice, the feature of refund guarantee, and governing law on the establishment of property rights. In addition, the logic of the court’s recognition of the establishment of security in the subject judgment will be scrutinized. In conclusion, the paper will emphasize that the subject judgment is reasonable in light of the common practice and legal principles, and that the domestic shipbuilding industry should peruse the said judgment in order to establish a sound practice in relation to the formation of the shipbuilding contract. 국내 조선회사가 해외 발주사와 선박건조계약을 체결할 때 국내 금융기관은 조선회사를 위하여 선수금환급보증서를 발급해주고, 건조중선박을 목적물로 한 양도담보권을 취득하는 방식으로 담보를 확보하고 있다. 조선회사가 선박건조계약상 의무를 이행하지 못하는 등의 사정으로 금융기관이 발주사에 대하여 선수금환급보증금을 지급하고 나면, 금융기관은 양도담보권자로서 채권을 회수하여야 하는데, 조선회사가 회생채권조사확정재판에서 금융기관의 양도담보권자로서의 지위를 부정한 사례가 있었다. 회생채권조사확정재판에서 조선회사의 주장이 받아들여져 금융기관의 양도담보권 성립이 부정된 이후, 금융기관은 회생채권조사확정재판에 대한 이의의 소를 제기하였고 법원은 심리 끝에 금융기관의 양도담보권 및 회생담보권 성립이 인정된다는 결론을 내렸다. 이 논문에서는 상법상 건조중선박에 대한 저당권설정이 가능함에도 실무에서 양도담보권이 주로 설정되고 있는 이유, 선수금환급보증의 성격, 외국에 소재한 동산의 물권 성립과 관련한 준거법 등 관련한 법적 쟁점들을 검토한다. 그리고 대상판결에서 법원이 양도담보권 및 회생담보권의 성립을 인정한 논리를 살펴본다. 대상판결의 결론은 거래계의 실무와 법리에 비추어볼 때 타당하며, 국내 조선업의 발전을 위해서라도 이러한 분쟁 사례에 대한 연구가 필요하다고 생각된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        중재제도유용성과 부산지역기업들의 인식도에 관한 실증적 연구

        박봉규,신군재 韓國仲裁學會 2005 중재연구 Vol.15 No.3

        In the era of globalization firms must operate all useable resources into marketing activities to survive on the unlimited competition. However, firms face many kinds of disputes with counterparts because of aggressive marketing activities. There are two ways of solving these disputes : litigation and arbitration. As compared to litigation, arbitration is more popular because of such merits as the enforcement of arbitral award in foreign countries, the single trial system, the settlement by specialists, and the confidential proceedings. This paper examines trade firms' perception on the arbitration system and the effects of the advantages of arbitration and quality of arbitrators on the outcome of arbitration. The results show that the advantages of arbitration and quality of arbitrators influenced positively on the outcome of arbitration, but influenced nagatively on the colsed-door of arbitration procedures and a fair procedure of arbitrator. Though this paper has several limitations, this paper may contribute to figure out the relationship between arbitration merits and quality of arbitrator and outcomes as a first empirical paper and to suggest future research method and direction.

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