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      • KCI등재

        2022개정 교육과정에서의 일본어 악센트 지도에 대해 -교재 및 교수법을 중심으로-

        최현필 한국일본언어문화학회 2024 일본언어문화 Vol.66 No.-

        本稿では、2022改訂教育課程における日本語アクセント指導について、「教材開発」と「教授法」の2つに焦点を当てて論じた。2015改訂教育課程にも、2022改訂教育過程にも高校課程の「日本語」にアクセントに関する指導は皆無である。そこで、本稿では教材分析を通し、「フラッシュカード・VT法の活用」、「それぞれの現場でのアクセント教授法の開発」、「教材へのアクセントの明記とフラッシュカード・音声ファイルの提供」、「真正性の高い会話文の確保」、「アクセントと拍・清濁などの並行指導」を提言した。 The purpose of this paper is to propose useful teaching method and tips for Japanese accent instruction in high school of South Korea. We propose four tips for Japanese accent instruction. One is developing teaching method for Japanese accent by each teacher, excepting two teaching methods, using flash cards and VT(Verbo-Tonal) method are proposed by us. Another is marking pitch accent in textbooks and providing flash cards and mp3 files. The others are providing conversation having high authenticity, and instructing accent with mora and voiced sounds.

      • KCI등재

        停滞している日本語教育実践に変化をもたらすため には何が必要か - 韓国における実践者間の「ピア·サポート」の事例から -

        최현필 한국일어일문학회 2016 日語日文學硏究 Vol.98 No.1

        This paper focuses on the stagnation of Japanese language practice. Japanese language practice is repeated as a routine work, has chronic stagnation. Thus, this paper makes clear what need to overcome stagnation of Japanese language practice, through ‘peer support’. ‘Peer support’ is a program to develop education practice. We carried out ‘peer support’ in university of South Korea over 7 months, clarified two evidences. One is ‘the importance of verbalizing, analyzing, restructuring of practice’, the other is ‘empowerment of a teacher’. This paper clarified Japanese language teachers can analyze their practice through verbalizing with ‘peer’. And we can make clear ‘analyzing of practice’ makes Japanese language teachers be able to restructure next practice. Importantly, Japanese language teachers could be empowered in this process. Therefore, we concluded that it is require to overcome stagnation of practice, ‘verbalizing, analyzing, restructuring of practice with peer’, and ‘empowerment of a teacher’. 본고의 목적은 정체되어 있는 일본어교육실천에 변화를 주기 위해서는 무엇이 필요한 지를 규명하는 것이다. 일본어교육실천을 비롯한 언어교육실천은 반복되는 특성을 가지고 있어 패턴화하기 쉽고 매너리즘에도 빠지기 쉽다. 따라서일본어교육실천의 정체성의 극복을 위해서는 무엇이 필요한지 규명하는 것이일본어교육연구는 물론 외국어교육연구에 있어서 절실히 필요하다고 할 수 있다. 이 점에서 본고에서는 일본어교육과 일본 국내외의 교육학에 있어서 교육실천의 개선을 도모한 사례들의 검토를 통해 ‘협동’, ‘객관적 데이터’, ‘대화’, 그리고 ‘깊은 성찰(deep reflection)’이 교육실천의 개선을 위해 필요하다는 점을 분명히 했다. 그리고 상기 세 가지를 통합한 언어교육실천의 개선을 위한 프로그램으로써 ‘피어서포트(peer support)’를 고안하여 한국의 대학과 고등학교의 일본어교육현장에서 7개월에 걸쳐 수행하였다. 본고에서는 특히 수행 초기 정체가두드러졌던 대학의 사례에 초점을 맞춘다. 7개월간의 ‘피어서포트’의 수행결과, 대학의 조사협력자의 실천에는 ‘수업자의 설명과 판서중심의 수업’에서 ‘다양한 보조교재의 사용’, ‘페어워크의 도입’, ‘정답이 없는 활동의 실시’ 등의 변화를 보이는 점을 밝혀내었다. 상기의 결과를 통해 본고에서는 정체되어 있는 일본어교육실천에 변화를 주기 위해서는 ‘수업의 언어화·분석·재구축(verbalizinganalyzing- restructuring of practice)의 가능화’와 ‘수업 개선을 위한 의욕의 고취(empowerment)’가 필요하다는 것을 밝혀냈다. 또한 상기의 두 가지를 실현하게하는 프로그램으로써 본고에서 수행한 ‘피어서포트’가 실증적인 좋은 일례가된다는 점을 제시한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        日本語教育実践の改善に繋がる/繋がらない対話のパターンに関する実証研究 - IF分析(initiative-function analysis)を通して-

        崔鉉弼 한국일본언어문화학회 2016 일본언어문화 Vol.35 No.-

        This paper is an empirical research, attempts to clarify the patterns of dialogue for improving Japanese language education through IF analysis(initiative‐function analysis). This study clarified the patterns of dialogue for improving education practice have a three types. One is ‘verbalizing type’, another is ‘analyzing type’ and the other is ‘restructuring type’. Thus it is be clear for improving Japanese language practice, one is to make a chance for collaboration with teachers have different fields or believes, another is to develop the capability of a facilitator and the other is prompt to ‘emergence’ through dialogue with teachers.

      • KCI등재

        한일 통신언어의 「경제성」위배에 대한 고찰 - 음운현상을 중심으로 -

        최현필 한국일어일문학회 2022 日語日文學硏究 Vol.120 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the occurrence rate of contravention of Principle of Economy and types of phonological changes and intentions of expression in Internet-based Korean and Japanese language. Thus we aggregated the data to target Twitter realtime trend in Korea and Japan and big Internet bulletin boards called Casphy and DC-inside gallery in Korea and Japan. As a result, we can clarify that the occurrence rate of contravention of Principle of Economy is remarkably higher than Principle of Economy. And we can clarify that the main types of phonological changes are ‘alternation’ and ‘marks addition’ in the Korean language, ‘marks addition’, ‘mixed types’ and ‘use of half-width characters’ in the Japanese language. We also clarify that the main intentions of using phonological changes are ‘uniqueness’ in the Korean language, and ‘prosody’, ‘expression of feelings’ in the Japanese language. In conclusion, we propose 5 features in Internet-based Korean and Japanese language, ‘Principle of Economy’, ‘prosodic features’, ‘standard features’, ‘wordplay’, ‘individuality’, ‘expression for bond’ 本稿は、日韓の打ちことばにおける経済性に反する現象を音韻現象と関連づけて 考察したものである。打ちことばとは、携帯電話やインターネット経由のことばを 指しており、韓国では「通信言語」と呼ばれる。打ちことばにおいては、ボタンや キーボードを押す手間を省くための「経済性」が重要な原理として働くとされる。 一方、「経済性」に反し、打つ回数が増える場合もある。しかし、日韓の打ちこと ばにおける「経済性」に反する現象の生起率とその使用意図の比較は行われていないのが現状である。そこで、本稿では、日本の学生コミュニティ「キャスフィー」 とYahoo!リアルタイム検索と韓国のDCインサイドギャラリーとツイッタ─(Twitter) のリアルトレンドを分析対象とし、日韓の打ちことばにおける「経済性」に反する 現象について考察した。その結果、日本語の場合は全体用例の約9割以上、韓国語 のほうは約6割以上が「経済性」に反するもので、日韓の打ちことばともに「経済 性」に反する現象のほうが「経済性」よりも遥かに多いことが明らかになった。ま た、音韻現象は、日本語の場合「符合挿入>複合類型(2つ以上の音韻現象が同時に 起きている類型)>半角文字使用>交替>文字挿入>添加>ローマ字使用・韓国語 使用>縮約」の順で生起率が多かった。韓国語の場合は、「交替>符合挿入>添 加>日本語使用>複合類型>分離表記>連音>文字挿入>異化>ローマ字使用」の 順で多かった。音韻現象の使用意図は、日本語の場合は「韻律>複合意図(2つ以上 の意図が同時に使用されたもの)>感情>個性>親近感」の順であり、韓国語の場 合は「個性>韻律>親近感>感情>複合意図」の順であることが明らかになった。 この結果によって、日本の打ちことばは符合・半角文字使用によって韻律と感情を 表現する傾向が強く、韓国の打ちことばのほうは音素の交替・符合挿入によって個 性や韻律を表す傾向が強いことが明らかになった。

      • KCI등재

        打ちことばにおける特殊拍の非規範的使用とその機能に関する考察 -キャスフィの小中高生掲示板の分析を通して-

        최현필 한국일본언어문화학회 2019 일본언어문화 Vol.49 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the irregular usage of moraic phonemes(/R/, /Q/, /N/) in Japanese internet-based language. In Japanese internet-based language, irregular usage of moraic phonemes has been spreading in this years. In this point, we focus on the usage of irregular moraic phonemes on a youth bulletin site is called Casphy.com. As a result of investigation, we clarified that the irregular usage of moraic phonemes have seven types, and four functions. Eight types of irregular usage of moraic phonemes have a relation on ‘economy principle’, and four functions are characterized by ‘an expression of feelings and personalities’, ‘a substitution of prosody’. In conclusion, it is necessary to clarify the relation between ‘an equivocal usage of marks in the meaning of /R/’ and ‘prosody(intonation)’. .

      • KCI등재

        ベテラン高校日本語教師のライフヒストリーから見る教育観の変容と実践への影響-「ライフイベント」と「ルーティン」としての授業中の 事件 」に焦点を当てて-

        최현필 한국일어일문학회 2011 日語日文學硏究 Vol.76 No.1

        South Korea has the most number of Japanese learners in the world except Japan. But we cannot say that the present situation of Japanese language education in South Korea is optimistic because Japanese language education has been devalued in South Korea, especially in high schools. This problem has been a serious suffering of Korean Japanese‐language teachers. But the study of Japanese language education in South Korea has not yet focused on Korean Japanese‐language teachers and their philosophy of education which supports their Japanese language education practices. This study has two purposes: (1)What made the philosophy of education of a professional Korean Japanese‐ language teacher(abbreviated as Mr.J in this paper) change, (2)How the changes of Mr.J’s philosophy of education have influenced his Japanese language education practice. This study used two qualitative methods of research: first, ‘Life History interview’, second, ‘class observation’. We came to know the ‘Life Events’ which consist of private events and teaching experiential events has led to the changes in philosophy of education of Mr.J by analyzing his Life History. His philosophy of education has been changed from ‘Treat Students with love, even sometimes using the physical punishment’ to ‘Practice attractive teaching’, and again ‘Treat students with love remembering the belief I had in the first year of my career’. We also have known that Mr.J is now dealing with ‘Happenings in his Practice’ basing on his present philosophy of education ‘Treat students with love remembering the belief I had in the first year of my career’. Especially we should take notice of the change of Mr.J’s philosophy of education from ‘Practice attractive teaching’ to ‘Treat students with love remembering the belief I had in the first year of my career’. Analyzing from a point of view of Japanese language education this change tells us the importance of relation between the philosophy of education and the course design. It is very important that Mr.J has made his philosophy of education clear through narrating with the researcher. But this process of making his philosophy of education clear is not shared with other Korean Japanese‐language teachers who are in the same sociocultural context. Through sharing the process of change in their philosophy of education and Japanese language education practice, it is expected that many Korean Japanese‐language teachers will make their philosophy of education and practices clear. And it is also expected that the sharing the process of change in their philosophy of education and practices will lead to collaboration of teachers, making Japanese language education practice in South Korea a new one.

      • KCI등재

        打ちことばにおける長音符による イントネーション表現に関する考察 -キャスフィにおける小中高生掲示板の分析から-

        최현필 한국일본언어문화학회 2020 일본언어문화 Vol.51 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the types of expression and functions of intonation using long note ‘-’, ‘∼’, ‘…’ in Japanese internet-based language. Internet-based language has a shortcoming which cannot transfer informations of prosody messages. But many internet-based language users in Japan are using and making the methods of expression of prosody messages, expecially intonation. Thus, we focus on the types of expression and function of intonation using long note ‘-’, ‘∼’, ‘…’ in Japanese internet-based language on a youth bulletin site is called Casphy.com. As a result of investigation, we clarified that the intonation in Japanese internet-based language has five types of expression, ‘short rise(↑)’, ‘long rise(↗)’, ‘rise-fall(⇅)’, ‘flat(→)’, ‘long fall(↘)’. And we clarified the intonation in Japanese in internet-based language has nineteen functions. Expecially three functions ‘affinity’, ‘lingering’, ‘rising of feelings’ are unique functions in Japanese internet- based language. .

      • KCI등재

        韓国人学習者のための日本語音声教育 教材について -質問紙調査と教材分析を中心に-

        최현필 한국일본언어문화학회 2023 일본언어문화 Vol.63 No.-

        This paper describes what is need to develop Japanese pronunciation material for Korean Japanese language learners. It is rarely been Japanese pronunciation material in South Korea in the last 10 years, and many Japanese teachers have had difficulty in instructing Japanese pronunciation. Thus we carried out two researches. One is a demand survey for Japanese pronunciation education targeting at Korean university students who major Japanese language. The other is material analysis targeting at Japanese pronunciation materials published in last 10 years in South Korea and Japan. As a result, we clarified eight important points which is need to develop Japanese pronunciation material: ‘to bethink low learning motivation of Korean learners’, ‘to mind using phonetic and phonological terms’, ‘to stop boring repeat practice’, ‘to make situation which Korean learners have difficulty is caused by their pronunciation’, ‘to use dialogue but words’, ‘to be required to instruct the class by teacher but self-study’, ‘to propose feedback method’, ‘to compose simply and clearly’.

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