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      • KCI등재


        ??(Kwon, Hak Jun) 동아시아일본학회 2015 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.53

        This paper explains how the sport of Sumo became Japan"s national sport during wartime. This paper also elaborates on the political aspects of Sumo and its involvement in the war. Through analyzing the institutional change in the Sumo realm and looking at the Sumo wrestlers" public service projects, this paper argues that, as Sumo became a national sport, the sense of Japanese nationalism also emerged with it. At the time, it was rare for a non-military organization to put an effort into visiting the imperial army. The author believes that this motivation came from a sense of responsibility and the belief in Sumo as a national sport that will not to lose to other sports and arts.

      • KCI등재

        帝国日本の国家戦略に関する一考察 - 1920年代における身体をめぐる政治と民衆 -

        ??(Kwon, HakJun) 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2022 日本 硏究 Vol.- No.56

        This paper aimed to clarify the implications of the imperial encouragement of sports and its historical development, as well as its role and function, focusing on the sports and physical education physical management policies of imperial Japan in the 1920s. In Japan, this was manifested in the 1920s as a public management policy mediated by sports and physical education. The reasons for trying to manage Japanese citizens through sports and physical education included the unstable state of the country, the sense of crisis caused by the advent of the imperialist era as well as the colonial expansion of the Western powers, Japan’s isolation from the rest of the world owing to World War I, and the development of liberal social movements. The state’s interest in sports and physical education and full-fledged physical management was manifested in the active encouragement of sports by the Imperial Family, as seen in the creation of the Meiji Shrine Games and the presentation of the Emperor’s Cup and various other Imperial Cups at sports events. These policies were part of the strategy of opening up the imperial family and attempting to create a new relationship between them and the people. These activities are thought to have functioned strategically as a device to strengthen public consent to the national order and to promote a sense of unity with the state. From the 1920s, sports and physical education became a national policy with the strong support of the imperial family, while functioning as one of the vital devices to shape the nation.

      • KCI등재


        ??(권학준) 동아시아일본학회 2013 일본문화연구 Vol.48 No.-

        본 논문의 목적은 전시하 일본에서 후생성과 일본후생협회가 일본국민들의 신체를 어떻게 관리했는지, 그 역사적 의미는 무엇인지 그리고 어떠한 기능을 수행했는지 밝히는 데에 있다. 중일전쟁에 의한 총력전체제로의 전환은 그 일환으로써 군사력, 생산력과 밀접한 청소년들의 국민체력문제를 제기시켰고, 그 영향으로 1938년 체력국을 포함한 후생성과 일본후생협회가 새롭게 발족되었다. 전시하 일본은 전쟁에 승리하기 위해, 후생성과 일본후생협회를 통해 여러 가지 정책을 실시했는데, 이 정책을 통해 동원된 국민들의 신체는 자연적인 신체가 아니라, 국가에 의해 강력하게 연성된 신체였다. 국가권력은 국민, 특히 징병대상인 청소년들의 신체에 깊은 관심을 가지고, 보다 강건한 신체를 만들기 위해 일상생활 그 자체를 통제하고 개입했다. 전시하 후생성은 국민체력법과 체력검정을 통해 신체능력육성과 규율화를 행하는데 있어서 핵심적인 역할을 했다. 또한, 일본후생협회에 의한 후생대회, 후생운동을 통한 활동 또한 집단체조와 집단행진을 중심으로 한 여가활동에 의해 보다 많은 국민의 심신을 전시하 체제에 적합한 형태로 통제하고 심신단련, 인적자원배양강화에 기여하 는 것을 목적으로 전개되었다. 전시하 일본국민에게는 전쟁에 이길 수 있는 강력한 체력과 정신력이 강하게 요구 되었고, 개선될 여지가 없는 환자와 장애자는 사회로부터 철저하게 배제되었다. 전시하 일본은 인간의 모든 가치가 체력과 신체에 의해 평가되는 시대였던 것이다.

      • 华语电影节庆档的偏向及其文化解读

        ??(Jun Lei Yang) 중국영화포럼 2016 영화중국 Vol.3 No.1

        There are three partialities for Chinese films in festival schedule 2016. With the reflection about The Mermaid, From Vegas to Maocao3 and The Monkey King2, it is necessary to criticize the cultural phenomenon by focalizing on the homogeneity in the schedule, the anti-intellectual technique and the money worship.

      • KCI등재

        ヘリテージ・ツーリズムと地域住民の関わり方 ――宇治観光ボランティアガイドクラブを事例として――

        智穂 동북아관광학회 2008 동북아관광연구 Vol.4 No.1

        This paper considers the relation between “heritage” and residents from the viewpoint of tourism. Recently, the Japanese government has hung up the “country promoting tourism as a major industry” banner, and the local creation by tourism promotion is being tried in various places. “Autonomous tourism" that acts on the contributing regions is created in one of the difficulties of a regional creation by the tourism promotion. In this paper, “heritage tourism” is taken up among various tourism phenomena, and presentation of meaning and the subject that “heritage tourism” is considered in the region is tested. “Uji Sightseeing Volunteer Guide Club” active in Kyoto Prefecture Uji-shi is used in this case.

      • KCI등재

        夏目漱石と?洲 -『?韓ところどころ』 に描かれた?洲像と漱石の植民地?-

        한국일본어문학회 2017 日本語文學 Vol.74 No.-

        나쓰메 소세키는 일본의 식민지정책이 진행되고 있던 시기에 남만주철도주식회사 총재인 나카무라의 재정적 지원을 받아 만주를 여행하였고, 그 여행기를 아사히신문에 연재하였다. 소세키의 서술은 표면적으로 보면 만주의 아름다운 자연, 일본인의 주거환경, 도시 정경, 오락ㆍ문화시설 등을 객관적 사실에 기초하여 소개하는 것처럼 보이지만, 그 이면에서는 상징적ㆍ이중적 의미를 내포하는 표현을 통해 만주를 이상향으로 그려내고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이와 같은 서술태도는 기행문이라는 장르의 속성상 이념이나 사상을 드러내는 표현은 독자들의 저항감을 불러일으킬 소지가 있다는 판단에서 비롯된 것으로 보인다.소세키의 만주여행은 일본의 식민지정책이 활발하게 진행되고 있는 현장을 직접 확인함으로써, 조국이 서구열강에 못지않은 강대국으로 성장해가고 있다는 확신과 일본인으로서의 자부심을 심어주는 계기가 되었다는 점에서 의의를 찾을 수 있다. During the period of Japanese colonialism, Natsume Soseki traveled to Manchuria and his travel notes were published serially in Asahi Newspaper. Natsume's description seemed to introduce the beautiful nature of Manchuria, the residential environment of Japanese people, the view of cities, and the cultural and entertainment facilities based on the objective facts, but he portrayed Manchuria as utopia through symbolic and equivocal expressions. Natsume's description style appears to come from the assumption that the expressions revealing ideas and values might cause readers' resistance, considering the genre of travel notes.Natsume's travel to Manchuria has its meaning in that it assured him that his nation was growing toward a world power almost equivalent to the western powers and instilled in him pride as a Japanese by witnessing the site of active Japanese colonialism.

      • KCI등재


        ??(KWON, Hak Jun),張惠英(JANG, HeaYoung) 동아시아일본학회 2018 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.68

        본 연구는 일본의 배외주의가 언제부터 어떠한 사상적 배경과 역사를 기반으로 본격화 되었는지, 배외주의운동을 전개하는 단체는 어떠한 주장을 전개하며 일본사회에 침투되었는지, 이러한 배외주의가 사회적으로 허용되는 일본사회 특유의 배경과 사회적 특질을 종합적으로 분석한 논문이다. 재특회로 대표되는 배외주의의 원천에는, 1990년대부터 일본사회에서 대두한 위안부문제와 전쟁책임을 인정한 일본정부의 담화에 대한 반발로부터 시작되었으며, 이 시기부터 한국과 대한 적대의식과 역사수정주의가 본격적으로 등장했다. 일본배외주의의 토대인 혐한, 재일특권, 역사수정주의라는 차별의식은 『전쟁론』과 『만화혐한류』라는 만화 등 서브컬쳐 부터 시작되어, 잡지, 서적, 인터넷 블로그 등 다양한 정보공간을 통해 확산되었으며, 「네트우익」이라는 말에서 대표되듯, 일본의 배외주의의 큰 특징중 하나는 인터넷공간을 거점으로 활동을 전개, 그 주장이 확산되고 있다는 점을 본 논문은 분석하고 있다. This thesis aims to develop an insight into anti-Korean and anti-foreigner hate speech demonstrations in Japan, and to explore the ideological backgrounds of preceding studies on them. Hate speech demonstrations are organized by xenophobic groups in Japan, one of which is “The Citizens Group That Will Not Forgive Special Privileges for Koreans in Japan,” also known as Zaitokukai in Japanese. Since those who participate in these demonstrations are thought to garner information mainly from the Internet, which is a relatively new media, some scholars and journalists have concluded that the surge of poverty rate in the younger generation caused them to become right-wing nationalists, and that such young right wingers led to the increase in the number of the hate speech demonstrations in Japan. To deepen an understanding of the ideological backgrounds of such hate-speech-demostration participants, this thesis focuses on the relationship between xenophobia and historical revisionism. In doing so, this thesis demonstrates the impact of historical revisionism on the rise of xenophobic groups from the 1980s to the 1990s in Japan.

      • KCI등재


        智穂 ( Minetoshi Chiho ) 동북아관광학회 2006 동북아관광연구 Vol.2 No.2

        Recently, discussions that involve the term “authenticity” have developed in not only tourism research but also a lot of other academic fields. However, the concept is still unclear. In tourism research, we can understand that the concept of “authenticity” appears in "commoditization of the culture" and "acculturation" that are assumed to be a problem in the background of mass tourism. In this perspective I would like to consider “authenticity” in tourism research, and that there is a way that tourism can be accomplished through the culture, though it is vague. I would like to take The World Cultural Heritage as a concrete case, and present the directionality of tourism in the future through the consideration of the role of “authenticity” in World Heritage tourism.

      • KCI등재

        地域創造におけるヘリテージ保全と観光の関わり方に関する研究 ―京都府·美山町を事例として-

        智穂 ( Minetoshi Chiho ) 동북아관광학회 2009 동북아관광연구 Vol.5 No.2

        本稿では、地域創造(地域づくり)においてヘリテージ(heritage)保全と観光がどのように関わっているかについての考察を目的とする。近年、日本各地では地域資源を活かした「観光まちづくり」の試みがみられる。その際、地域の文化遺産·文化財·文化的資産といったヘリテージが資源とされる場合が多い。また、文化財保護制度に拠る重要伝統的建造物群保存地区選定を活かし、観光地として展開した地域もある。そのため、地域創造の過程を整理することで、地域におけるヘリテージ保全と観光の関わりを考察することができると考えられる。本稿では事例として京都府美山町を取り上げ、とりわけ北集落の重伝建地区の選定前後年における町の動きに焦点をあてる。 This paper considers the relation between heritage conservation and tourism in local creation. Recently, various places in Japan’s “tourism-based community development” which utilize local resources are being promoted. In this case, cultural heritage and cultural property in the region are often made into resources. Moreover, “important preservation districts for groups of historic buildings” selection under the law for the Protection of Cultural Properties is utilized, and there is also an area developed as a tourist resort. Therefore, it is thought that the relation of heritage conservation and tourism in the region can be considered by arranging the process of local creation. Miyama-Cho is taken up as a case in this paper, and the focus is appropriated to the movement of local creation especially in the year before and after the important preservation districts for groups of historic buildings selection of Kita Village.

      • KCI우수등재

        论 “一国两制”的理论创新与时代价值

        司??(스마준롄),徐?柱(스위통주),?恩(장언) 한국공법학회 2017 公法硏究 Vol.46 No.2

        ‘중화인민공화국 홍콩특별행정구 기본법’ 및 그 부속문건은 ‘일국양제’이론의 법제화, 법률화의 표현이다. 이와 같은 법률의 보장이 있었기에 홍콩은 사회의 안정과 경제의 번영을 유지할 수 있었다. 일국양제 이론은 중국특색의 이론적 혁신이다. 첫째, 일국양제는 국가의 성격과 속성에 대해 새로운 인식을 하게 하였고 둘째, 국가의 기능을 새롭게 확장하였으며 셋째, 한 나라의 역사적 문제를 해결하는 새로운 생각을 보여주었고 넷째, 평화적 공존원칙의 새로운 운용이고 다섯째, ‘중국적 특색의 사회주의’의 내용을 새롭게 확장하였다.

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